
假定你是李华,你校外籍教师Miss Rose常常在课余时间辅导你英语口语,使你在上周学校举行的英语演讲比赛中荣获第一名。为此,你决定写一封感谢信,对Miss Rose的帮助表示真诚的感谢。




Dear Miss Rose,

I am writing to you








I’m looking forward to hearing from you.

Yours sincerely,

Li Hua


When it comes to the Internet, people talk about the password most. Actually, it’s been under fire for a long time. Research has shown that passwords are not a very good way to protect sensitive information.

People would use some random characters, numbers and symbols. Furthermore, a unique password would be used for every site or application the user uses. Unfortunately, the longer and more complex passwords become, the more people are likely to forger them. Therefore, they use the same password for every service or application. These are all big no-noes and essentially defeat the purpose of a password.

Google is trying to kill off passwords on Android devices by introducing the Trust API, which does what simple passwords cannot and gives developers a framework for securing their application using a number of security systems and metrics(衡量标准)on the device. A Trust Score will be generated based on a number of metrics including your device location, face scanning, fingerprints, and the things like your typing speed or the way you speak. Taken one at a time, these metrics are not secure. But taken together, these metrics will help recognize the real “you”.

The good news is that Google has already been testing this on real world data. Google has proven the Trust API works. Next Google will run tests will some banks to see if the Trust API meets their needs before rolling out the system on Android phones later. It may take another year for apps and popular sites to start using the Trust API.

This is a pretty exciting change. Passwords have been around for a lone time. Although the security of systems has been improved, the usability of systems hasn’t been proved much. Google appears to have the best of them. Maybe that never-ending conflict between security and convenience will be able to take a break once the Trust system comes out.

1.What is implied in the underlined sentence in Para. 2?

A. Users make mistakes in using passwords.

B. Users should know the purpose of passwords.

C. Users have learnt to say no to their passwords.

D. Users misunderstand the meaning of passwords.

2.How is the key part of the Trust API generated?

A. By taking one metric at a time.

B. By combining various metrics.

C. By developing security systems.

D. By analyzing complex passwords.

3.What can we know about the Trust system from the text?

A. It needs to be improved in the future.

B. It hasn’t been proven to be effective.

C. It will be used on Android devices first.

D. It is secure and convenient for the users.

4.What would be the best title for the text?

A. How does Google develop the Trust API?

B. Will the Trust API meet the users’ needs?

C. Will passwords soon be a thing of the past?

D. How do passwords protect personal information?

From: Wendy and Jack Brown

Date: September 22, 2014

To: 8th and 9th graders at R.L.S. Junior School

Subject: Bonjour!

Bonjour! (That means hello in French.)

We hope you all had a great summer. Ours was a lot of fun. We have seen so many new things and met so many wonderful people. The French gave us a warm welcome and helped us get used to living here soon. We have so many things to share with all of you. We are going to send you more emails, but here are the best parts of our holiday in France so far.

We had a fantastic time seeing the Tour de France this summer. It is the most famous bicycle race in the world. The riders travel more than two thousand miles in about a month! We got a quick look at the riders as they sped past! After the race, our family rented bikes, and rode along part of the route that the cyclists used.

A few of you asked whether the French really eat snails(蜗牛). The answer is yes. We went out to dinner the other day, and our parents ordered some. We each tried one and it didn’t taste too bad. The snails, called escargots, are served with lots of butter. They feel a little rubbery when you bite into them, but they don’t really have much taste. Mum’s favourite food here is the French pastries. Dad loves the red wine. Our favourite is the fresh bread from the shop down the street.

We went to visit the Eiffel Tower a few weeks ago. We went all the way to the top. It was a sunny day, so we could see for miles and miles into the distance. Dad doesn’t like heights, so he stayed at the bottom of the tower and took pictures from the ground.

We miss all of you a lot. Write back to us and let us know what is new at home.

Au revoir! (Can you guess what that means in French?)

Wendy and Jack Brown

1.What do the Browns think of French people?

A. Friendly. B. Funny.

C. Welcome. D. Popular.

2.Jack’s favourite food in France is .

A. tasty snails B. French pastries

C. fresh bread D. red wine

3.Which of the following is NOT true according to the email?

A. Wendy and Jack got used to the life in France soon.

B. Tour de France is the best-known bicycle race in the world.

C. The Browns have seen many wonderful things in France.

D. The Browns went to the top of the Eiffel Tower together.

4.Wendy and Jack wrote this email to .

A. tell a story about riding bicycles in France

B. tell a story about their experiences in France

C. advise the readers to try escargots in France

D. advise the readers to visit France in summer

A Canine Reading Buddy

Dogs and people have developed a special bond over time. Recently, however, some dogs have taken a different role in people’s lives—therapy dogs.

1. Some therapy dogs visit patients in hospitals or nursing homes, while others visit children in schools and libraries. They are there to help children become better readers.

Reading programs that use therapy dogs have been in existence for more than ten years. All therapy dogs of this program are registered with an organization that tests the dogs to make sure they have the right personality for the job.

2. Both the dogs and the handlers are volunteers with the reading program.

At the start of a reading therapy session, a child and a dog are introduced. The pair is allowed to settle down in a quiet corner together. 3. An adult handler stays nearby but generally lets the dog perform its job without interfering(干涉). Sometimes, a handler may ask a question that encourages the child to work with the dog to help the child feel more comfortable.

Not every child will be able to be part of a reading therapy program that uses dogs. A few children might be allergic to dogs or afraid of them; some children might have cultural traditions that prevent them from touching a dog. 4.

Reading therapy programs inspire learning and change. 5. They spend time with human friends. For dogs that love human companionshiop and a quiet place to rest, being part of a reading therapy program can be a great way to spend a few hours each day. The readers benefit too, gaining confidence and learning that reading aloud can be a relaxing experience.

A. How do the therapy dogs benefit from it?

B. But therapy animals also serve in many other areas.

C. As the child reads, the dog usually lies quietly and listens.

D. When reading to an animal, some children may become relaxed.

E. In these circumstances, other animals are available, such as cats and parrots.

F. A therapy dog is more of a companion and is trained to help people in different ways.

G. A dog’s handler also takes a class and must pass a test to work in the therapy program.

Scientists often see the first ten years of a child's life as the "window of opportunity,"1.And studies show that the following activities can benefit their brain greatly.


Free playtime has always been an important part of "being a kid",but it is also important to a child's development."Free play" not only helps kids develop different skills,it also helps them develop into happy healthy adults in the future.

Read with kids.

Reading has long been known to improve children's intelligence.3.For parents who don't have much time, just surrounding your kids with books goes a long way too.

Put kids to bed early.

4.Preschool children should get at least eleven hours of sleep and kids up to age 12 should try to get at least ten hours of sleep.

Learn a second language.

Early studies in this field have shown that bilingual(双语的)kids can perform better under pressure.Young children can learn new languages with nearly perfect fluency(流利)and pronunciation.

Praise good effort not intelligence.

Your kids may be smart but you should mainly praise the effort they put into tasks.Kids,who are praised on intelligence,often feel it is a fixed quality,and mistakes or failures badly hurt their self-confidence.Kids who are praised on effort often focus more on learning.5.

A.Play some helpful games.

B.Give them enough playtime.

C.And they are not afraid to fail and try again.

D.Kids still need time away from the TV to do homework.

E.Kids who read often develop earlier writing and number skills as well.

F.Everything at this time is very important to the development of a person's brain.

G.Studies show that kids with regular bedtimes are better at languages,math and reading.

The documentary “Under the Dome” went viral (走红)online just before Chinese lawmakers opened their yearly meeting. The film examines the health effects of China’s massive air pollution, or smog problem. It also presents the difficulties environmental officials face in enforcing laws.

A former reporter for China’s state-run television, Chai Jing, produced the documentary. It argues that state-run businesses, especially energy companies, are part of China’s pollution problem.

At the end of National People’s Congress meeting, a reporter asked Prime Minister Li Keqiang whether he thought the film was correct. Are big oil companies barriers to environmental law enforcement? Mr. Li said under this year's Environmental Protection Law officials are committed to taking legal action against those who add to the pollution problem. He said anyone involved in acts of illegal production and emissions will be brought to justice. He said the government must make businesses that illegally emit(排放) and dump(丢弃) pay a price too heavy to accept.

Others also commented on the film before it was banned, including former basketball star Yao Ming. Mr. Yao served as a representative at the legislative meetings. He said he had watched the film and was thankful for the information film producer Chai Jing made public. He said the film expressed the feelings in many people’s hearts.

A respiratory(呼吸的) expert and representative at the legislative(立法的) meetings also spoke to VOA about “Under the Dome.” Zhong Nanshan said Chai Jing’s film takes a good look at where smog comes from, how harmful it is and the efforts being taken to deal with it. Previously, Mr. Zhong said that China’s smog is an even scarier problem than the serious illness SARS.

1.The documentary “Under the Dome” suggests that ______.

A. water pollution in China has very bad effect on people’s health.

B. energy companies take all the blame for China’s pollution.

C. all the state-run companies know nothing about environment protection.

D. China’s environmental departments face troubles when dealing with pollution.

2.From Para.3, we can infer that ______

A. The Chinese government will take more measures to deal with air pollution.

B. Companies must pay a lot of money before they cause some pollution.

C. Prime Minister Li praised environmental officials.

D. Prime Minister Li doesn’t think highly of the film.

3.What does the underlined phrases “be brought to justice” probably mean?

A. Be questioned B. Be removed

C. Be grounded D. Be punished

4.What is Yao Ming’s attitude to the film “Under the Dome”?

A. Indifferent B. Supportive

C. Doubtful D. Negative

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