
A Canine Reading Buddy

Dogs and people have developed a special bond over time. Recently, however, some dogs have taken a different role in people’s lives—therapy dogs.

1. Some therapy dogs visit patients in hospitals or nursing homes, while others visit children in schools and libraries. They are there to help children become better readers.

Reading programs that use therapy dogs have been in existence for more than ten years. All therapy dogs of this program are registered with an organization that tests the dogs to make sure they have the right personality for the job.

2. Both the dogs and the handlers are volunteers with the reading program.

At the start of a reading therapy session, a child and a dog are introduced. The pair is allowed to settle down in a quiet corner together. 3. An adult handler stays nearby but generally lets the dog perform its job without interfering(干涉). Sometimes, a handler may ask a question that encourages the child to work with the dog to help the child feel more comfortable.

Not every child will be able to be part of a reading therapy program that uses dogs. A few children might be allergic to dogs or afraid of them; some children might have cultural traditions that prevent them from touching a dog. 4.

Reading therapy programs inspire learning and change. 5. They spend time with human friends. For dogs that love human companionshiop and a quiet place to rest, being part of a reading therapy program can be a great way to spend a few hours each day. The readers benefit too, gaining confidence and learning that reading aloud can be a relaxing experience.

A. How do the therapy dogs benefit from it?

B. But therapy animals also serve in many other areas.

C. As the child reads, the dog usually lies quietly and listens.

D. When reading to an animal, some children may become relaxed.

E. In these circumstances, other animals are available, such as cats and parrots.

F. A therapy dog is more of a companion and is trained to help people in different ways.

G. A dog’s handler also takes a class and must pass a test to work in the therapy program.


In 1929, a peasant in Sichuan Province uncovered jade (玉器) and stone artifacts(手工艺品) while repairing a ditch(沟渠) located about 24 miles from Chengdu. But their significance wasn’t understood until 1986, when archaeologists unearthed two pits(大坑) of Bronze Age treasures. The discovery suggests an impressive technicality(手工技艺), said Peter Keller, a geologist and president of the Bowers Museum in California, which is currently hosting an exhibit of some of these treasures.

The treasures came from a lost civilization, now known as the Sanxingdui, a city on the banks of the Minjiang River.

“It’s a big mystery,” said Keller, who is not involved in the current study.

“Archaeologists now believe that the culture disappeared sometime between 3,000 and 2,800 years ago,” Niannian fan, a river science researcher at Tsinghua University in Chengdu, China, said.

“The current explanations for why it disappeared are war and flood, but both are not very convincing,” Fan told Live Science.

But about 14 years ago, archaeologists found the remains of another ancient city called Jinsha near Chengdu. The Jinsha site, though it contained none of the bronzes of Sanxingdui, did have a gold crown covered with fish, arrows and birds similar to golden objects found at Sanxingdui. That has led some scholars to believe that the people from Sanxingdui may have relocated to Jinsha.

Fan wondered whether an earthquake may have caused landslides that dammed the river high up in the mountains and rerouted it to Jinsha. That catastrophe may have reduced Sanxingdui’s water supply, spurring its people to move.

And some historical records support their assumptions. In 1099 B.C., ancient writers recorded an earthquake in the capital of the Zhou Dynasty, in Shanxi Province, Fan said. Though that spot is roughly 250 miles from the historic site of Sanxingdui, the latter culture didn’t have writing at the time. So it’s possible the earthquake epicenter(震中) was actually close to Sanxingdui-but it just wasn’t recorded there.

Around the same time, geological sediment(沉积物) suggest massive flooding occurred, and the later-han Dynasty document The Chronicles of the Kings of Shu records ancient floods pouring from a mountain in a spot that suggests the flow being rerouted, Fan said.

Together, the findings hint that major earthquake triggered a landslide that dammed the river, rerouting its flow and reducing water flow to Sanxingdui, Fan said.

1.In the first paragraph, the author wants to _____.

A. introduce the topic of a lost civilization

B. tel us how beautiful the jade and stone artifacts look

C. remind us to pay attention to the earthquake

D. inform us we can easily find treasures in a ditch

2.According to the passage, the following statements are true EXCEPT that ______.

A. Bowers Museum is exhibiting some of Bronze Age treasures

B. Peter Keller is the lead researcher on the study of Sanxingdui

C. some scholars think that the people from Sanxingdui may have moved to Jinsha

D. some findings support the idea that an earthquake caused a landslide, which dammed the river, rerouting its flow and reducing water flow to Sanxingdui

3.Which of the following is the most probable explanation of mystery of the disappearance of Sanxingdui’s civilization?

A. War. B. Flood.

C. Earthquake. D. Hurricane.

4.Which of the following is closest in meaning to the underlined word “spurring” in the seventh paragraph?

A. Forcing. B. Allowing.

C. Supporting. D. Favoring.

5.What type of writing is this passage?

A. Science fiction. B. An official document.

C. A newspaper report. D. A research report.

Aerial performer Jennifer Bricker was born without legs, but she never let it stop her.

Wrapped in a loop of red silk hung from the ceiling Jennifer Bricker climbs and twists to the music. Her head hangs down and her strong arms let go as she balances on her back, high above the ground a move that’s all the more daring because she has no legs.

Jennifer was a few months old when she was adopted by Sharon and Gerald Bricker. She had big brown eyes, a bright smile, and huge amounts of energy. When a doctor advised her adoptive parents to carry her around in a kind of bucket, they refused.

Jennifer soon learned to walk — and run — on her hands and bottom, and grew up fearlessly climbing trees and bouncing on the trampoline(蹦床) with her three older brothers. “My parents didn’t treat me differently so I didn’t grasp the concept that I was different. I knew I didn’t have legs but that wasn’t stopping me from doing the things I wanted to do.”

At the age of three she was fitted with artificial legs, but she never really took to them — she moved more freely without.

In 1996 the Olympic Games took place in Atlanta. Jennifer loved to watch the women’s gymnastics team, and especially adored the 14-year-old Dominique Moceanu who competed for the US. When Moceanu and the women’s team won gold, Jennifer decided she was going to be a gymnast, too. She took up power tumbling, which involves performing floor exercises down a runway. But Jennifer did not want any allowances to be made for her disability.

At the age of 10 she took part in the Junior Olympics and by age 11 she was tumbling champion for the state of Illinois.

Jennifer now travels the world as an inspirational speaker and acts as an aerial performer.

1.Why did Jennifer determine to be a gymnast?

A. She knew that she was different from others.

B. She wanted to make allowances for her disability.

C. She was eager to participate in the Junior Olympics.

D. She was greatly influenced by Dominique Moceanu.

2.What do we know about Jennifer Bricker?

A. She felt embarrassed without legs.

B. She was carried in a bucket as a baby.

C. She was brought up as a normal child.

D. She lost her legs when she was adopted.

3.Which of the following can best describe Jennifer Bricker?

A. Self-respected. B. Cautious.

C. Sensitive. D. Clever.

Eyesight plays a very important role in our daily life. Every waking moment, the eyes are working to see the world around us. Over forty percent of Americans worry about losing eyesight, but it’s easy to include steps into our daily life to ensure healthy eyes. Here are five suggestions for a lifetime of healthy eyesight:

﹡Schedule yearly exams. 1. Experts advise parents to bring babies 6 to 12 months of age to the doctor for a careful check. The good news is that millions of children now can have yearly eye exams and following treatment, including eyeglasses.

﹡Protect against UV rays (紫外线). Long-term stay in the sun creates risk to your eyes. No matter what the season is, it’s extremely important to wear sunglasses. 2.

﹡Give your eyes a break. Two-thirds of Americans spend up to seven hours a day using computers or other digital products.  3.  Experts recommend that people practice the 20/20/20 rule: every 20 minutes, take a 20-second break and look at something 20 feet away.

4.  As part of a healthy diet, eat more fruits and vegetables each day. Vitamins C and E help protect eyesight and promote eye health.

﹡Practice safe wear and care of contact lenses (隐形眼镜). Many Americans use contact lenses to improve their eyesight. While some follow the medical guidance for wearing contact lenses, many are breaking the rules and putting their eyesight at risk.  5. Otherwise, you may have problems such as red eyes, pain in the eyes, or a more serious condition.

A. Eat your greens.

B. Eye care should begin early in life.

C. They can properly protect your eyes.

D. Stay in good shape by taking more vitamins.

E. Parents usually don’t care about their own eyesight.

F. Always follow the doctor’s advice for appropriate wear.

G. This frequent eye activity increases the risk for eye tiredness.

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