
【题目】It was in the past two years that Aaron Segura was always sinking at West Mesa High School in Albuquerque, New Mexico. The16-year-old student was 【1】 in golf, but his 【2】 was another matter. Aaron was just walking through the chapters hard in courses like chemistry, his grades were low, and he was 【3】 to dropping out. It was not that Aaron didn't have 【4】 it simply didn't exist in his large, impersonal public high school.

Then his mother heard about Albuquerque's Charter Vocational High School(特立职业高中),a place where students 【5】 plenty of one-on-one attention. Something else 【6】 Aaron even more. His one strong goal was to go into 【7】 ,and Charter Vocational had just the thing for him an architectural CAD ( computer-aided drafting ) program.

Aaron 【8】 school at the beginning of his junior year. For the first time, he 【9】 himself excited about learning. By the following summer, he had got a( n) 【10】 as a draftsman for an architectural firm. His plan was to 【11】 drafting professionally after he graduated this spring.

If Aaron has anyone to thank for his 【12】 of the fortune, it was Danny Moon, a long-time industrial arts teacher. Moon 【13】 a vocational apprenticeship (学徒)program in the mid-1990s 【14】 the Albuquerque school district couldn't pay for any longer.

But two years later, in 2000,Moon's phone rang. The state had recently 【15】 a charter school law, and a district wondered if Moon might be 【16】 in opening a vocational charter school. An easy 【17】 . With this sort of instruction, Moon knew he could 【18】 students like Aaron, who might have a 【19】 time in traditional high schools. He'd also be filling an increasing 【20】 across New Mexico for skilled labor.

A. average B. excellent C. curious D. different

A. ability B. ideal C. study D. mission

A. certain B. close C. cautious D. eager

A. ambition B. energy C. courage D. experience

A. pay B. gain C. draw D. bring

A. appealed B. attracted C. employed D. comforted

A. firm B. golf C. chemistry D. architecture

A. applied B. attended C. qualified D. admitted

A. recognized B. enjoyed C. found D. devoted

A. job B. condition C, situation D. occasion

A. pick up B. make up C. take up D. set up

A. change B. progress C. effort D. achievement

A. realized B. ran C. discovered D. offered

A. since B. until C. though D. after

A. passed B. made C. proved D. appeared

A. crazy B. fond C. interested D. aware

A. direction B. answer C. promise D. success

A. create B. worry C. regret D. target

A. royal B. tough C. free D. short

A. demand B. form C. order D. satisfaction

【答案】【1】 B

【2】 C

【3】 B

【4】 A

【5】 B

【6】 B

【7】 D

【8】 B

【9】 C

【10】 A

【11】 C

【12】 A

【13】 B

【14】 B

【15】 A

【16】 C

【17】 B

【18】 D

【19】 B

【20】 A

【解析】【1】根据后面but和another matter, 后面还说Aaron学习一塌糊涂,因此推知在高尔夫球方面应该很优秀,前后形成对比。

【2】根据后文中in courses like chemistry可知他的学习是另一回事。

【3】根据前文信息his grades were low, 可知他的一些功课成绩很低,他几乎要放弃。be close to接近,靠近。


【5】根据第一段和第二段的对比,尤其是第一段中large, impersonal public high school 和第二段中 one-on-one attention.

【6】根据后文信息His one strong goal可知,除了个性化关注还有另外的事情吸引着他。A选项中缺乏介词to。

【7】根据本段后文信息an architectural CAD program和第三段an architectural firm以及全文内容可知。

【8】 attend school上学。A选项后面缺乏介词for。


【10】 根据 as a draftsman for an architectural firm 可知。

【11】 根据本段最后 professionally after he graduated this spring可知,他的目标是毕业后专职从事这个行业。take up从事。

【12】根据第一段和第三段形成鲜明的对比,Aaron认为是Danny Moon改变了他的命运。

【13】 run控制,主持(团体、组织)。例如:run a school办一所学校。

【14】 until引导的状语从句,主句谓语是持续性动词时,肯定式表示该动作的终止。此处until相当于before。

【15】 pass a law 通过一部法律。前一段 the Albuquerque school district couldn't pay for any longer 可知政府不支持职业教育,此段讲从立法上开始支持。后文and a district official wondered if…使答案更加明确。

【16】 根据介词in可知此处为be interested ill。A、B、D三项后面的介词为about或of。

【17】 根据前文信息 a district official wondered if Moon might. . . 一位政府官员询问Moon是否感兴趣。因此Danny Moon —下子就答应了。


【19】根据students like Aaron和第一段内容确定,因为Aaron在公立高中步履维艰。tough困难的,费力的。

【20】句意:他也正好满足整个新墨西哥州对熟练劳动力急剧上升的需求。由此暗示Danny Moon所设立的这个职业的重要性。


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