However urban life strikes you£¬cities worldwide have been growing even more rapidly£®Some of this growth has occurred in the developed world£¬but the most dramatic increase has been in the Third World£®Almost all the world¡¯s population growth over the next 30 years will take place in the cities of developing countries

By the year 2030£¬for the first time in history£¬60 percent of the world¡¯s people will be living in cities£®

This is actually good news in some ways£®¡°Cities are the fundamental building blocks of prosperity,¡± says Marc Weiss£¬chairman of the Prague Institute for Global Urban Development£¬¡° both for the nation and for families£®¡± Industrial and commercial activities in urban areas account for between 50 and 80 percent of the gross domestic product £¨GDP£© in most countries of the world¡° there¡¯s the crazy notion that the way to deal with a city¡¯s problems is to keep people out of them,¡± Weiss continued£®¡°But the problems of the rural life are even more serious than those of the city£®¡± For better or worse£¬urban-watchers are clear on one point: The quality of life for most people in the future will be determined by the quality of cities£®Those cities will be bigger than ever£®And yet£¬population numbers by themselves don¡¯t determine a city¡¯s prospects£» after all£¬Addis Ababa£¬Ethiopia£¬and Hamburg£¬Germany£¬have the same population£®Nor is explosive growth necessarily the determining factor£®¡°City problems,¡± one authority points out£¬¡°mostly have to do with weak£¬ineffective£¬and usually unrepresentative city governments£®¡±

1.The passage mainly discusses ______________£®

A£®Big cities£®B£®City life£®

C£®Population£®D£®Gross Domestic Product£®

2.According to the passage£¬in the year of 2030 _______£®

A£®there will be 21 cities having a population of more than 10 million£®

B£®rural area will be extinct£®

C£®most people will live in cities£®

D£®the third world will keep abreast with the developed world£®

3.In the author¡¯s opinion£¬_________£®

A£®better city£¬better life

B£®both urban and rural areas have a larger population

C£®the larger population£¬the faster a city develops

D£®both urban and rural areas have larger gross domestic products

4.Which statement is NOT true according to the passage?

A£®The developing countries develop faster than the developed countries£®

B£®Cities contribute more to the GDP than the villagers£®

C£®Some problems are more easily solved in cities than in country£®

D£®It¡¯s impossible to solve urban problems by getting people out of cities£®

5.The last paragraph implies that ____________£®

A£®public services are ineffective£®

B£®cities are increasing too fast£®

C£®population is not linked with development£®

D£®government should be responsible for the problems in the cities£®





















Dear Eric,

I¡¯m glad to accept your e-mail . After the college entrance 1._______________

examination , I will have long summer vacation . I would like 2.________________

to plan my vacation as follow . 3._______________

First of all , I¡¯d like to take a driving course because of 4._______________

driving is considered to be a must in modern society . Beside, 5._______________

I would like to become a volunteer teacher in a rural area so 6._______________

that I can put that I have learned to good use by helping kids. 7._______________

To tell the truth , I eager to make a long journey to some 8._______________

remote places and explore new cultures , and I don¡¯t want to 9._______________

travel at my parents expenses. 10.________________

Wish you all the best .


Li Lei


A lady and her husband stepped off the train in Boston£®They walked without an appointment£¨Ô¤Ô¼£©into the outer office of Harvard¡¯s president£®But they were by his secretary and kept waiting£®For hours£¬the secretary took no notice of them£¬ that the couple would finally become and go away£®But they didn¡¯t£®The secretary finally decided to disturb the president£¬though unwillingly£®

A few minutes later£¬the president walked towards the couple with a face£®The lady told him£¬¡°We had a son that Harvard for one year£®He loved Harvard£®He was happy here£®But about a year ago£¬he was accidentally killed£®My husband and I would like to a memorial£¨¼ÍÄîÎto him£¬somewhere on campus£®¡±

The president wasn¡¯t moved £®Instead£¬he was shocked£®¡°Madam,¡± he said£¬¡°we can¡¯t put up a statue for every person who studied at Harvard and £®If we did£¬this place would look like a cemetory,¡± ¡°Oh£¬no,¡± the lady explained quickly ¡°We don¡¯t want to put up a statue£®We would like to give a building to Harvard£®¡±The president rolled his eyes and at the couple and then exclaimed£¬¡°A building! Do you have any idea how much a building costs? We have spent over $7 500 000 on the campus building at Harvard£®¡± For a moment the lady was silent£®The president was £¬because he could get rid of them now£®Then the lady turned to her husband and said quietly£¬¡°Is that all it costs to start a university? Why don¡¯t we just start our own?¡± Her husband nodded£®Since their offer was turned down£¬Mr£®and Mrs£®Stanford traveled to California where they founded the University that bears their £¬a memorial to a son that Harvard no longer cared about£®

1.A£®watched B£®interviewed C£®followed D£®stopped

2.A£®finding B£®hoping C£®realizing D£®imagining

3.A£®disappointed B£®surprised C£®worried D£®troubled

4.A£®cold B£®funny C£®pleasant D£®sad

5.A£®visited B£®attended C£®studied D£®served

6.A£®set about B£®take over C£®take down D£®set up

7.A£®died B£®encouraged C£®killed D£®fought

8.A£®laughed B£®shouted C£®called D£®glanced

9.A£®bored B£®pleased C£®interested D£®astonished

10.A£®picture B£®character C£®name D£®sign


Î¥·¨ºÍ²»Á¼ÐÅÏ¢¾Ù±¨µç»°£º027-86699610 ¾Ù±¨ÓÊÏ䣺58377363@163.com
