
20.I was lucky enough to have a chance to study in the United States as an international student from Ukraine when I was fourteen years old.I went to a wonderful school,West Catholic High School,for my freshman year.
I remember my first day at that school as if it were yesterday.I was very nervous,and I could feel my heartbeat on the tips of my toes.My main fear was that I would not be able to express myself due to the language barrier.I was trying to have as little communication as I possibly could.And I almost succeeded,until we had to introduce ourselves in front of the class.
And the moment the word"international"flew out of my mouth,I was surrounded by thirty people who were asking questions one after another.I remember some of the questions were"Where is Ukraine?Is it a kingdom?""Do you have McDonald's?Does it taste the same?"and"Say something in your language".It turned out to be the opposite of less communication,but it was so much fun.
During the first three months,I certainly experienced a bit of cultural shock.I think Americans are the nicest people I have ever met in my entire life.They always smile and say,"Hi,how are you?"
One day,I noticed the students looking at me suspiciously.Finally,my classmate came up to my locker and whispered,"Is that true that you are a princess and that you came to study here so that nobody would recognize you?"At one point,I even had an image of myself wearing a gown (长袍) and waving at the crowd.What?People do have a wild imagination!
During my study abroad experience,I saw a totally new world,experienced great culture,met a lot of incredible people and improved my language.This trip inspired me to learn foreign languages.That is one of the reasons why I speak five different languages today.

25.Why was the author afraid on the first day of school?D
A.Because she was eager to talk with others.
B.Because she couldn't learn a new language without a teacher's help.
C.Because she was not good at the subjects in this school.
D.Because she could not communicate with others well.
26.What happened when the word"international"flew out of the author's mouth?A
A.Her classmates showed interest in her country.
B.Her classmates played a joke on her.
C.Her classmates were eager to make friends with her.
D.Her classmates tried to know less about the author's hometown.
27.What can we learn from the text?C
A.The author was a princess from Ukraine.
B.The author couldn't adapt to the school environment later.
C.The author got lots of benefits through studying abroad.
D.The author always told her classmates about her cultural background.

分析 短文主要介绍了作者作为一个国际交换生在美国学习的那段经历,从中作者获得了很多.

解答 25.D,细节理解题,根据句子My main fear was that I would not be able to express myself due to the language barrier可知作者害怕是由于语言障碍无法表达自己,故答案为D.
26.A,推理判断题,根据句子I was surrounded by thirty people who were asking questions one after another可知当作者说出international,她的同学问了很多关于她家乡的问题,因此她的同学对作者的国家感兴趣,故答案为A.
27.C,主旨大意题,根据最后一段I saw a totally new world,experienced great culture,met a lot of incredible people and improved my language可知作者国外学习获得了很多好处,故答案为C.

点评 解答任务型阅读理解题,首先对原文材料迅速浏览,掌握全文的主旨大意.因为阅读理解题一般没有标题,所以,速读全文,抓住中心主旨很有必要,在速读的过程中,应尽可能多地捕获信息材料.其次,细读题材,各个击破.掌握全文的大意之后,细细阅读每篇材料后的问题,弄清每题要求后,带着问题,再回到原文中去寻找、捕获有关信息.最后,要善于抓住每段的主题句,阅读时,要有较强的针对性.对于捕获到的信息,要做认真分析,仔细推敲,理解透彻,只有这样,针对题目要求,才能做到稳、准.

5.Information Overload
In modern society,if we're trying to make a decision,we often have so much information that we get confused,and we don't know what to do.This state is known as information overload.(36)C It can cause stress,frustration and reduced productivity.But what can we do in the face of information overload?
•Plan for only one time each day to check e-mail,social messaging sites,chat rooms,etc.Don't allow yourself to check multiple times,unless you truly are waiting for an important e-mail.(37)F And that eats up your valuable time before getting away.
•If you are suffering from too many electronic interruptions during the weekday,ask people to call or text you during work hours only if it's really an emergency.(38)G
•Remind yourself that it's okay to not know everything.In fact,it's impossible to keep up with the pace of the information superhighway.The sooner you accept that,the happier you'll be.(39)BIt is good to fall behind on the information that really isn't worthyour attention.
•(40)DSet aside a regular time each week where you and other family members do not use any kind of electronic media technologies,including television.It could be something you do every weekend,or perhaps an hour or two every evening.

A.Just catch up with the happiest moment.
B.Know what's worth knowing and what isn't.
C.Almost everyone suffers from it to some degree.
D.Spend time with your family free from electronic products.
E.We need to find some effective ways to process the information.
F.Each time you go online,you run the risk of being addicted to it.
G.Otherwise they and you end up stealing time from your employer.
5.How to Be a Pleasant Person
Each of us would love to be appreciated for the positive emotions that are exhibited around our surroundings.(31)CThe following steps will help you to be a pleasant person.
Be modest.Understand that we all are humans.You might be rich or poor,black or white,short or tall etc.But above all we are all humans,which means we are all emotional beings.So treat others the way you would like to be treated.
(32)B By offering a seat to an elderly person or throwing the football back to the young child,the inner self-satisfaction you get is priceless.Once you do so,you will feel good about yourself.
Don't regret.We all are reasonable beings and it is very human to do unreasonable things at times.However,it does not mean that we should regret what we did in the past.Every experience is a lesson which teaches you what to do and what not to do in future.(33)D
Forgive and forget.Always living in the past will only make one painful on the inside,which will reflect on the outside.(34)E By doing so,your heart becomes light.
Be grateful.Thank God and the Universe for yourself,your parents,your friends,your clothes,jobs,food,home etc.And every small thing makes a difference.(35)F It will make you appreciate life.

A.Be inspired.
B.Be helpful.
C.Little do we know that it is not a hard task at all.
D.So be proud that you have learnt a lesson on your own.
E.To have a pleasant emotion around you,it is better to let go.
F.If possible,express your gratefulness for something every day.
G.Throw flowers at others if you wish flowers to be thrown at you.

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