5£®How to Be a Pleasant Person
Each of us would love to be appreciated for the positive emotions that are exhibited around our surroundings£®£¨31£©CThe following steps will help you to be a pleasant person£®
Be modest£®Understand that we all are humans£®You might be rich or poor£¬black or white£¬short or tall etc£®But above all we are all humans£¬which means we are all emotional beings£®So treat others the way you would like to be treated£®
£¨32£©B By offering a seat to an elderly person or throwing the football back to the young child£¬the inner self-satisfaction you get is priceless£®Once you do so£¬you will feel good about yourself£®
Don't regret£®We all are reasonable beings and it is very human to do unreasonable things at times£®However£¬it does not mean that we should regret what we did in the past£®Every experience is a lesson which teaches you what to do and what not to do in future£®£¨33£©D
Forgive and forget£®Always living in the past will only make one painful on the inside£¬which will reflect on the outside£®£¨34£©E By doing so£¬your heart becomes light£®
Be grateful£®Thank God and the Universe for yourself£¬your parents£¬your friends£¬your clothes£¬jobs£¬food£¬home etc£®And every small thing makes a difference£®£¨35£©F It will make you appreciate life£®

A£®Be inspired£®
B£®Be helpful£®
C£®Little do we know that it is not a hard task at all£®
D£®So be proud that you have learnt a lesson on your own£®
E£®To have a pleasant emotion around you£¬it is better to let go£®
F£®If possible£¬express your gratefulness for something every day£®
G£®Throw flowers at others if you wish flowers to be thrown at you£®

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31£®C ϸ½ÚÍÆÀíÌ⣮¸ù¾Ý¿Õ¸ñºóÒ»¾ä"The following steps will help you to be a pleasant person£®"¿ÉÖª£¬ÏÂÎĽ²µÄÊÇÔõÑù³ÉΪÁîÈËÓä¿ìµÄÈË£»ÓÉ´Ë¿ÉÖª£¬EÏî"ÆäʵÎÒÃÇûÓÐÒâʶµ½Ëü²»ÊÇÒ»¼þÄÑÊÂ"Òý³öÏÂÎÄ»°Ì⣬·ûºÏÓï¾³£®¹Ê´ð°¸Ñ¡C£®
32£®B Ö÷Ö¼´óÒâÌ⣮¸ù¾Ý¿Õ¸ñºóµÄ"offering a seat"ºÍ"throwing the football back"¿ÉÖª£¬±¾¶ÎÖ÷Òª½éÉܵÄÊÇÒªÉì³öÔ®ÖúÖ®ÊÖ£¬ÕâÑùÄãµÄ×ÔÎҸоõ»áºÜºÃ£»ÓÉ´Ë¿ÉÖª£¬BÏî"΢Ц×ÅÉì³öÔ®ÖúÖ®ÊÖ"·ûºÏÓï¾³£¬¹Ê´ð°¸Ñ¡B£®
33£®D ϸ½ÚÌ⣮¸ù¾Ý¸Ã¶ÎÖ÷Ìâ¾ä²¢½áºÏ¿Õ¸ñÇ°Ò»¾ä"Every experience is a learning which teaches you what to do and what not to do in future£®"¿ÉÖª£¬ÎÒÃDz»Ó¦¸Ã¶Ô×ö¹ýµÄÊÂÓÐÒź¶£¬ÒòΪÿ´Î¾­Àú¶¼»á½Ì»áÎÒÃÇʲô¸Ã×ö£¬Ê²Ã´²»¸Ã×ö£»ÓÉ´Ë¿ÉÖª£¬DÏî"ΪÄã×Ô¼º¶À×Ôѧµ½µÄ¾­Ñé½Ìѵ¶ø¸Ðµ½×ÔºÀ"³Ð½ÓÉÏÎÄ»°Ì⣬·ûºÏÓï¾³£®¹Ê´ð°¸Ñ¡D£®
34£®E ϸ½ÚÌ⣮¸ù¾Ý¸Ã¶ÎÖ÷Ìâ¾ä²¢½áºÏÉÏÎÄÄÚÈÝ¿ÉÖª£¬ÎÒÃÇÓ¦¸Ãѧ»áÍü¼Ç¹ýÈ¥£»¸ù¾Ý¿Õ¸ñºóµÄ"By doing so"¿ÉÖª£¬´Ë´¦Ó¦±íʾһÖÖÐж¯£®FÏî"ΪÁËʹÖÜΧÄÜÓÐÒ»¸öÓä¿ìµÄ·ÕΧ£¬×îºÃ·Å¿ª¹ýÈ¥"³ÐÉÏÆôÏ£¬·ûºÏÓï¾³£®¹Ê´ð°¸Ñ¡E£®
35£®F ϸ½ÚÌ⣮¸ù¾Ý¿Õ¸ñÇ°Ò»¾ä¿ÉÖª£¬ÎÒÃÇÿÌ춼Ӧ¸ÃÏò×Ô¼ºÉí±ßµÄÒ»Çбí´ï¸Ð¼¤Ö®Ç飮FÏî"Èç¹û¿ÉÄܵĻ°£¬Ã¿Ì춼±í´ïÄãµÄ¸Ð¼¤Ö®Çé"³Ð½ÓÉÏÎÄ»°Ì⣮ÇÒÓë¸Ã¶ÎÖ÷Ìâ¾ä"Be grateful£®"ÒÔ¼°ÏÂÎÄ"Õâ»áÈÃÄã¸Ð¼¤Éú»î"ÕÕÓ¦£®¹Ê´ð°¸Ñ¡F£®

µãÆÀ Ê×ÏÈ¿ìËÙä¯ÀÀ±¸Ñ¡´ð°¸£¬È·¶¨¸÷¸öÑ¡ÏîÊʺϷÅÔÚÎÄÕµÄʲôλÖã®Æä´Î·ÖÎöƪÕ½ṹ£¬ÕÒ³ö¸÷¶ÎµÄÖ÷Ìâ¾ä»òÖ÷Ö¼´óÒ⣮ÆäÈý£¬×¢Òâ¸÷Ñ¡ÏîÖгöÏֵľä×ÓÏνÓÊֶΣ¬Ñ°ÕÒ¾äÖÐÏνӱêÖ¾´Ê£®×îºó£¬ÓôúÈë·¨£¬¼ì²é´ð°¸ÊÇ·ñºÏÀí£¬½«ËùÓÐÑ¡Ôñ´ð°¸·Å»Ø¿Õ°×´¦£¬Í¨¶ÁÈ«ÎÄ£¬¼ì²éÓïƪ½á¹¹ÊÇ·ñͨ˳Á¬¹á¡¢ºÏºõÂß¼­£¬´Ó¶øÅжÏÑ¡ÔñµÄ´ð°¸ÊÇ·ñÕýÈ·£®

One day£¬a beggar found a leather purse that someone£¨61£©had dropped£¨drop£© in the marketplace£®Opening it£¬he discovered it contained 100 pieces of gold£®Then came a shout from a merchant£¬"A reward!A reward to£¨62£©whoeverhas put his hands on my leather purse!"
Being an  honest man£¬the beggar came forward and handed the purse£¨63£©tothe merchant saying"Here is your purse£®May I have the reward now£¿""Reward£¿"The merchant mocked £¨·í´Ì£©£¬£¨64£©greedily£¨greedy£© counting his gold£®"Why£¬originally I had 200 pieces of gold in my purse£®But now there are only 100pieces£¨65£©remaining£¨remain£©here£®Beyond doubt£¬you have taken possession of the missing ones!Go away£¨66£©orI'll tell the police£®"
The truthful beggar insisted that he£¨67£©was£¨be£© innocent and that he should take this matter to the court£®"
In court£¬after listening to both sides of the story patiently£¬the judge said£¬"I believe you both and it is time that I did£¨68£©justice£¨just£© to this case!Merchant£¬you stated that the purse you lost contained 200 pieces of gold£¬which is a considerable sum£®"However£¬he added£¬"the one  £¨69£©found£¨find£©by this beggar had only 100 pieces of gold£®Therefore£¬it couldn't be yours£®"
And£¨70£©with/afterthat£¬the judge gave the purse and all the gold to the beggar£®On hearing the judgement£¬the merchant collapsed to the ground£®
3£®Experts have been advising for years that sharing your goals with other people increases your commitment to them£®When you do£¬you feel accountable£®You feel as if you're on your way to success£®But it turns out we got it all wrong£®
Some psychologists have found that by telling someone your goal£¬you are actually less likely to achieve them£®By giving voice to your goal£¬you feel like you've taken a huge step forward£®Unfortunately£¬this feeling-called"social reality"-is just a feeling£®You haven't actually achieved anything yet£®
Saying your goal out loud widens the gap between what you intend to do and what you actually do£®It keeps your goals away from your actions£®However£¬by keeping your goals secret£¬you maintain the drive to keep moving forward£®You feel like there's still a lot of work to do£®
Telling others your goals is an unhealthy way to seek approval£¬according to Dr£®Robert Anthony£®"By announcing your goals£¬you will lose lots of valuable energy needed to achieve them£¬as well as get negative opinions from those who wish to control you£®They dislike seeing anyone laving more or doing better than they do£¬"he explains£®
Saying your goals usually shows that you are fantasizing success£®Another study found that merely fantasizing about a positive future might reduce your ability to find problems and make good plans£®Don't get fantasizing about  success and expecting success mixed up£®When you fantasize£¬there's not always a basis in reality£®When you expecting success£¬you are confident in the result based on the actions and skills you've developed so far£®
Thus£¬you know what to do the next time you feel like opening your mouth about your exciting new ideas or goals£®Meanwhile£¬Michael Hyatt£¬a psychologist£¬points out that£¬while this probably works well for a single person£¬it may not be the best advice for organizations£®If a leader's role is to inspire the organization to work towards some aims£¬secrecy doesn't seem to be productive£®

28£®What do we know about"social reality"£¿C
A£®It is a real situation existing in life£®
B£®It refers to some facts happening in society£®
C£®It doesn't help you reach your goals£®
D£®It means you have done something successfully£®
29£®Why is telling others your goals not a good way to seek approval£¿B
A£®Because it wasters your energy and time£®
B£®Because not all people wish you to become successful£®
C£®Because you are likely to change your goals easily£®
D£®Because nobody will pay attention to your goals£®
30£®The difference between fantasizing success and expecting success lies inA£®
A£®whether there is a basis in reality or not
B£®whether you are confident or not
C£®whether the goal is shared or not
D£®whether there are good plans or not
31£®What is Michael Hyatt's suggestion for a team leader£¿D
A£®Keeping the team's goal a secret£®
B£®Making the team's goal known to the public£®
C£®Preventing the team members from fantasizing success£®
D£®Sharing the team's goal among the team members£®
20£®I was lucky enough to have a chance to study in the United States as an international student from Ukraine when I was fourteen years old£®I went to a wonderful school£¬West Catholic High School£¬for my freshman year£®
I remember my first day at that school as if it were yesterday£®I was very nervous£¬and I could feel my heartbeat on the tips of my toes£®My main fear was that I would not be able to express myself due to the language barrier£®I was trying to have as little communication as I possibly could£®And I almost succeeded£¬until we had to introduce ourselves in front of the class£®
And the moment the word"international"flew out of my mouth£¬I was surrounded by thirty people who were asking questions one after another£®I remember some of the questions were"Where is Ukraine£¿Is it a kingdom£¿""Do you have McDonald's£¿Does it taste the same£¿"and"Say something in your language"£®It turned out to be the opposite of less communication£¬but it was so much fun£®
During the first three months£¬I certainly experienced a bit of cultural shock£®I think Americans are the nicest people I have ever met in my entire life£®They always smile and say£¬"Hi£¬how are you£¿"
One day£¬I noticed the students looking at me suspiciously£®Finally£¬my classmate came up to my locker and whispered£¬"Is that true that you are a princess and that you came to study here so that nobody would recognize you£¿"At one point£¬I even had an image of myself wearing a gown £¨³¤ÅÛ£© and waving at the crowd£®What£¿People do have a wild imagination!
During my study abroad experience£¬I saw a totally new world£¬experienced great culture£¬met a lot of incredible people and improved my language£®This trip inspired me to learn foreign languages£®That is one of the reasons why I speak five different languages today£®

25£®Why was the author afraid on the first day of school£¿D
A£®Because she was eager to talk with others£®
B£®Because she couldn't learn a new language without a teacher's help£®
C£®Because she was not good at the subjects in this school£®
D£®Because she could not communicate with others well£®
26£®What happened when the word"international"flew out of the author's mouth£¿A
A£®Her classmates showed interest in her country£®
B£®Her classmates played a joke on her£®
C£®Her classmates were eager to make friends with her£®
D£®Her classmates tried to know less about the author's hometown£®
27£®What can we learn from the text£¿C
A£®The author was a princess from Ukraine£®
B£®The author couldn't adapt to the school environment later£®
C£®The author got lots of benefits through studying abroad£®
D£®The author always told her classmates about her cultural background£®
7£®The scar ran down her leg from the knee to the ankle£®She brushed her fingertips over its surface£¬remembering£®
Jerry was only seven when he started surfing£»by the age of eleven£¬he was positively incredible£¬moving over the face of big waves like there wasn't even a slightest bit of efforts involved in£®
On that day in Bah£¬though£¬the ocean had seemed strange£®The waves broke like water in a washing machine£¬and the breaks had been heavy too£®making it tough to tell whether it was better to try to catch one or to get out of its way£®That was how he'd misjudged£®
Ella had seen her brother lose control£¬his board was thrown out of the water riderless high into the air£¬but she hadn't seen him surface£®She'd waited for the space of a breath£®Nothing£®Something£¬clearly£¬was wrong£®
She dashed into the water£¬swimming faster even than the competitions at school£®Lung burning£®Heart Piping-Focused£®
She'd found him floating just beyond the reef £¨°µ½¸£©£¬face up but knocked out cold£®Just as she was paddling the water hard£¬her leg was hurt by the reef£¬a short£¬sharp instant of pain£®
No matter£®She had kept Jerry's head above water£¬swimming all the way back to shore£®That day had been the worst£¬scariest moment in Jerry's surfing career£¬which has seen him rise from a no-name kid who loved the ocean to a young star£¬winning competitions around the world£®
For Ella£¬her life had changed as well£®She had learned something about who she was£¬about what she could achieve£®She ran her fingers again over the scar£¬the physical map of the person she had become£®

24£®Why did Ella think something was wrong£¿A
A£®She didn't see Jerry come out of water£®
B£®She had not seen Jerry lose control before£®
C£®She saw Jerry's board high into the air£®
D£®She noticed Jerry held his breath longer£®
25£®What does the underlined part"positively incredible"probably mean£¿B
A£®Terribly excited£®B£®Extremely good£®
C£®Relatively young£®D£®Hardly talented£®
26£®For Ella£¬the scar representsB£®
A£®her skill at saving lives 
B£®her discovery of self-value
C£®her envy of her brother 
D£®her love for swimming career
27£®What can be inferred from the text£¿C
A£®Ella was as outstanding an athlete as Jerry£®
B£®Jerry learned how to surf all by himself£®
C£®Ella was grateful for this terrible experience£®
D£®Jerry had his leg injured in the surfing accident£®
14£®One afternoon£¬after finishing shopping in a supermarket£¬my family and I went to the checkout£®I suddenly thought we didn't need any of the junk£¬and we abandoned all of those£¬saving $300£®
That got me thinking about all our pointless expenses in life£®With a promise that we'd stop if it was killing us£¬I convinced the family to take the leap into frugality£¨½Ú¼ó£©£®The rules were that we would buy nothing for 30 days except absolutely essentials£®
Our adventure began with a great start£®By 9 a£®m£®£¬my wife£¬Ruth£¬had already made cakes from old strawberries and picked flowers I didn't even know we had in the garden£®I cleared the car by hand for the first time for years£®I read and returned the neighbor's newspaper before he woke up£®Total spending on the first day£º$0£®
As days turned into weeks£¬we became so proficient£¨ÊìÁ·µÄ£©at living frugally£®We started riding our bikes to save gas£®My child's finger painting was recycled as gift wrap for the homemade presents£®We started to use an Internet application like Skype for free phone calls and ask neighbors with gardens for extra vegetables and herbs£®
 In the end£¬we saved more than $2000 by not spending for a month£®When we began£¬I imagined we would rush out the moment we were done and buy a lot of things in the supermarket£¬then maybe hit the mall or go to the movies£®

21£®We can infer from the passage that before that very afternoon£¬the familyC£®
A£®had had higher income
B£®had had a good habit of saving money
C£®had often spent money without thinking much
D£®hadn't realized they would have met financial problems
22£®How many things were mentioned about the things the family did to save on the first day of the"30 days"£¿B
23£®The end of the story tells the readers that the familyD
A£®stopped halfway                                                                     
B£®couldn't stand the life of frugality
C£®would make up for missing the junk after the"30 days"
D£®succeeded in saving in the end
24£®This passage is mainly aboutB£®
A£®how a family managed their daily life
B£®a family's no-buying try
C£®a family's way of solving life problems
D£®how a new idea came up£®

Î¥·¨ºÍ²»Á¼ÐÅÏ¢¾Ù±¨µç»°£º027-86699610 ¾Ù±¨ÓÊÏ䣺58377363@163.com
