
9.An English lady was finally decided that she really should        (66)去掉was
learn to drive,And after many attempts,she past her             (67 )past-passed
driving test and told her husband that,to release,he             (68 )he-she
was going to drive him over to France for a holiday,But          (69)√
then a week after the trip,she suddenly announced that          (70)after-before
they wouldn't take the holiday."How did you change your      (71)How-Why
mind?"he asked her by surprise."Well,it is all because        (72)by-in/with
of the business of driving on right."She said,"I have            (73)∧the right
been practicing for three weeks now,but I still couldn't           (74)couldn't-can't
get used to it-in fact,I've nearly killed three peoples."(75)peoples-people.

分析 文章大意:一位英国女士决定学习驾驶,经过很多次尝试,她通过了考试,并且决定开车带她丈夫去法国度假,可是在度假的前一周她有突然宣布不去了,因为她不习惯靠右开车,在练习靠右开车的过程中差点害死三个人.

解答 An English lady was finally decided that she really should 
learn to drive,And after many attempts,she past her     
driving test and told her husband that,to release,he       
was going to drive him over to France for a holiday,But    
then a week after the trip,she suddenly announced that        
they wouldn't take the holiday."How did you change your     
mind?"he asked her by surprise."Well,it is all because     
of the business of driving on∧right."She said,"I have      
been practicing for three weeks now,but I still couldn't      
get used to it-in fact,I've nearly killed three peoples."
66.去掉finally 前的was,考查主动被动.句意为:一个英国的女士决定要学习开车,决定做某事用主动形式即可,故去掉finally 前的was
 67.past→passed  考查动词的过去式.  在她通过了考试之后,通过用passed,故past→passed 
 68.he→she 考查人称代词.根据上下文可知:她想载着她的丈夫去法国度假,故he→she
 70.after→before 考查连词,根据上下文可知:但是在他们决定去旅行之前的一周,故将after→before
 71.How→Why 考查疑问词.句意为:为什么你要改变你的主意,故将How→Why
 72.by→in 考查介词搭配.in surprise惊讶地,固定短语,故将by→in
 73.right→the right  考查冠词.  on the right在右边,在左边或右边,需加定冠词the.
 74.couldn't→can't,考查时态. 但是我仍然不能够习惯靠左边行驶,这是直接引语,在直接引语中一般用一般现在时,故couldn't→can't
 75.peoples→people,考查名词单复数.people 单复数同行的形式,故peoples→people

点评 本篇短文改错考查冠词,及物动词,名词单复数,时态等,平时注重多积累,答题时结合句意和语法进行分析,答完后通读,是否通顺,符合逻辑.


There is no doubt that the United States has entered a brand new age, because Donald Trump, the country’s 45th president, is very different from any president before him.

Unlike Hillary Clinton, his opponent, and most former US presidents, who entered the election after years of being politicians, Trump, 70, was a New York real estate businessman.

And he was not a presidential candidate who worked hard to keep a perfect public image of a man who was always caring, fair and wise.

Instead, Trump is famous for being bad-tempered, arrogant and hateful toward those who disagree with him. He also hates immigrants, both from Latin America and the Middle East, for many problems in the US. This has caused a dangerous division in the country—a country made up of many various races.

But to his supporters, the fact that Trump is not a typical politician is actually one of his advantages. His habit of never hiding his opinions is also considered by many to be a sign that he is not a hypocrite like many politicians are.

“We have seen our country take a downturn in the eyes of the world. We need to go in a different direction, ” Binyomin Weisswasser, 39, a man from Chicago, told the Chicago Tribune. “Trump’s not a politician... I like that he is not always politically correct and speaks his mind. It gives me the feeling that what you see is what you get. You may not like it, but you know what it is.”

But interestingly, many who elected Trump actually followed the “lesser of two evils” principle—one that people use when faced with picking from two unpleasant options—simply because they didn’t think Clinton was a better choice.

“He’s the candidate I disagree less with, ” Jack Stucky, 20, a student at Norwestern University, told the Chicago Tribune. “I don’t think I’d say Donald Trump is going to be the best president ever, but I did think he’d be better than Hillary Clinton.”

It’s true that the US is entering a new age. It’s just not clear yet what kind of age it’s going to be.

1.What’s the difference between Trump and any president before him?

A. He knew little about politics before the presidential election.

B. He didn’t try to keep a perfect public image.

C. He gained popularity by his bad reputation.

D. He is not always politically correct and speaks his mind.

2.The underlined words “a hypocrite” is closely related in meaning to _____.

A. a dishonest person B. a caring person

C. a shy person D. a selfish person

3.What’s the main idea of the passage?

A. It reports on people’s different views on Trump’s victory in the election.

B. It explores the advantages Trump has over Hillary in the election.

C. It predicts what changes Trump will bring to the US.

D. It analyzes the reasons for Trump’s victory in the election.

We all do it. We make huge plans for New Year's Eve. As the big day approaches, we start building expectations, planning the best night of our lives. And yet, it rarely lives up. After all, how could it? We set unrealistic goals for a single night when many places are crowded and loud, there are tons of noisy drunk people, and an astronomical bill comes at the end of the evening. You're left wondering, "Was it worth it?" Fortunately, all it takes is a little reconsideration of your expectations to make sure this year's big night is one to remember.

If you get smashed on New Year's Eve, it is likely that you won't even remember what you did and whether or not you had fun. That's not saying there's something wrong with having a couple of glasses of wine at midnight. After all, it is a celebration. Just keep it light, since you want to remember the fun you had with your friends and family. After all, do you really want to spend the first day of the new year with drunkenness?

Many people like to spend the holidays with their friends and family. You could reserve a table at a favorite restaurant, but how about staying home and cooking? There's nothing worse than having to shout across the table because the restaurant is so crowded, except maybe waiting in line for an hour or more for that privilege. Never mind the bill will almost always be significantly higher than it would be almost any other night of the year. If you love to cook, you can make a great meal that everyone can enjoy.

A great idea for an at-home New Year's Eve party is wonderful. If it's a large get-together, it might be difficult to have a sit-down meal due to space restrictions, but a buffet is always a good choice. You just need to display the dishes for them to choose as they wish. Consider your space and guests' comfort when deciding what to serve.

1.Why do our huge plans for New Year's Eve usually fail?

A. We waste too much money on dinner.

B. There are drunken people everywhere.

C. Every place is crowded with people.

D. We pin too much on a single night.

2.Which of the following can replace the underlined word "smashed" in Paragraph 2?

A. Tired. B. Drunk.

C. Bored. D. Excited.

3.What did the author suggest doing to spend holidays with your friends and family?

A. Treating them at home.

B. Inviting them to dinner outside.

C. Waiting in line for a favorite restaurant.

D. Booking a great meal that everyone can enjoy.

4.What should you do if your home is not big enough?

A. Try to arrange a sit-down meal for your friends.

B. Serve a small meal according to your space.

C. Let your friends help themselves to dishes.

D. Consider your guests' comfort only.

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