
19.________ she was at the time of the murder was of major concern to the police that are investigating the case.(  )

分析 对调查案件的警察来说,他们最关注的是谋杀案发生时,她在什么地方.

解答 答案:D   题干所给的句子中,前面的she was at the time of the murder 是主谓结构;后面接了was of major concern to the police that are investigating the case系表结构,说明前面的部分是充当了was的主语,是一个主语从句;警察查案关注的是时间和地点,而时间"案发时"句中已经出现,地点where;why,whether无法和she was构成有意义的句子.故选D.

点评 在句子中起名词作用的各种从句统称为名词性从句.根据它们在句中的语法作用,这类从句又可分为主语从句、同位语从句、表语从句和宾语从句. 本题中where在主语从句中起连接作用,同时又充当了从句的表语.

Dear Mom,
Mother's Day is coming.I'm sorry that I am abroad                          (66)正确
and can't send your flowers,so I'm writing to you.                        (67)your改为you
Mom,I know I have never expressed my thank to you                      (68)thank改为thanks
before.But on today,at this special time,I just want to tell          (69)去掉on    
you loudly:I love you,Mom!Thank you so much by not                 (70)by改为for
only giving me life,but also teach me how to be a good                    (71)teach改为teaching
person.Thank you for all you had done for me.Mom,though        (72)had改为have
I may often say it,I do love you.Nobody can take your                  (73)may后加not
part in my heart.Whenever I am,I will always love you.               (74)Whenever改为Wherever
Hope you good health and much happiness every day!(75)Hope改为Wish
Your little girl,
7.Iee Lok Sze was the first woman in Hong Kong to reach both the North and South Poles.In 1992 and1993,she went to Mount Everest and the Taldamkhan Desert in Xin-jiang."I wanted to be an adventurer when l was small.I have loved reading adventure books since I was a child."Since 1970,Miss Lee has always been on trips,travelling to different parts of the world with a backpack and a sleeping bag.
    She said that these journeys changed her values."After visiting these places,I started to treasure my life much more than before.During this time,I came to realize how small I am in the universe,but nothing in this world is unsolvable.
    Miss Lee said she had a lot of unforgettable experiences on her journeys.There was one terrible storm at sea when she was returning from the South Pole.The whole team was happy to be returning home after a one-year stay at the South Pole.During the storm,waves reached heights of up to 30 meters.as high as a 10-story building.She stayed calm at the time and took steps to protect their research findings.She hoped the rescuers would find them even if they lost their lives.Part of the ship was destroyed and a lot of water came in.Luckily they all survived,but she came away from the experience with a realiza-tion about the power of nature.
    Miss Lee is also the founder of the China Polar Museum Foundation.Building a polar museum has always been her dream.According to Miss Lee,the museum will use advanced technology to help develop scientists work in polar areas.Also,it will provide Places for scientists to do research.
41.From the first paragraph we know Lee Lok Sze enjoysA.
A.exploring remote unknown places   
B.visiting popular places of interest 
C.reading all kinds of books on science
D.travelling with expensive equipment
42.What is the second paragraph mainly about?C
A.Lee Lok Sze's great journeys
B.Lee Lok Sze's values on life
C.The journeys'influence on Lee
D.Lee's ideas of the universe.
43.Which of the following is true according to Paragraph 3?D
A.Lee Lok Sze travelled to the South Pole alone.
B.Lee Lok Sze stayed at the South Pole for a month.
C.The ship was completely destroyed in the storm.
D.Lee Lok Sze valued the research findings greatly.
44.Why did Lee found a polar museum?B
A.To attract more people to the Poles
B.To promote studies of the Poles.
C.To educate the public about the Poles
D.To help protect the Poles.
45.Which would be the best title for the text?D
A.Fighting Against Nature   
B.Attractions of the Poles
C.Surviving a Terrible Storm  
D.A Brave and Noble Woman.

In many movies and books set in the future, robots can fly spaceships, work as maids or butlers, and even act as police officers.

The “K5” robots are part of a trial program to test a machine’s ability to ______ the duties of a safety officer. The robots are ______ with HD security cameras, alarms, etc. In addition, they have an ______ intelligence system that will act as a human security guard if they notice anything unusual.

The robots’ software can also analyze faces and ______ license plates(号码牌). The robots can check whether a plate number______ a stolen vehicle. Plus the robots’ on-board cameras are able to ______ good-quality videos in low-light conditions.

The K5 is able to move through its environment ______ using GPS as well as an internal navigation system. Each time the K5 is ______ to a new place, a human uses a wireless controller to ______ the robot around the area. This helps the K5 “learn” about its ______.

“You give it a base map ______ then it starts building from that,” says Stacy Stephens, the co-founder of Knight scope.

Unlike humans, the K5 security guards don’t need ______ — they can work almost 24 hours a day. The robots run on rechargeable batteries, and a single charge______ 24 hours. If a robot notices that its battery is getting ______, it will return to a charging port and plug itself in. It _______ only 15-20 minutes to fully recharge, so the K5s are not out of _____ for long.

____ the K5 may look friendly and does not carry any weapons, it’s not meant to be messed with. An ear-piercing alarm will sound ______ the K5 is trapped for more than a few minutes.

The robots are designed to do the kind of work a human security guard would ______ do, but they also take on the repetitive(重复乏味的) and sometimes _______ guard work, Stephens explains.

1.A. perform B. conduct C. declare D. witness

2.A. donated B. surrounded C. equipped D. decorated

3.A. adequate B. artificial C. aware D. elegant

4.A. recommend B. write C. reflect D. read

5.A. consists of B. belongs to C. settles in D. leaves out

6.A. keep B. gather C. watch D. record

7.A. with B. of C. by D. as

8.A. brought B. adjusted C. adapted D. bound

9.A. transport B. show C. carry D. guide

10.A. surroundings B. signals C. conditions D. gestures

11.A. but B. because C. and D. so

12.A. meals B. breaks C. rewards D. repairs

13.A. desires B. clicks C. drags D. lasts

14.A. old B. bad C. low D. poor

15.A. spends B. costs C. pays D. takes

16.A. service B. work C. control D. order

17.A. Because B. Though C. When D. Unless

18.A. though B. unless C. as D. if

19.A. willingly B. normally C. fearfully D. occasionally

20.A. dangerous B. handy C. hopeful D. energetic

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