
7.-Alice,have you accepted the job in that company?
-Oh,yes.It's quite near and the good pay makes their offer even more               to me.(  )

分析 ---爱丽丝,你接受那家公司的工作了吗?

解答 C 考查动词词义辨析.attach  依附;amaze 使人惊讶;appeal吸引;associate联系.根据句意:高薪让他们的提议更吸引我.所以答案选C.

点评 题考查动词的词义辨析.动词词义题一直都是高考考查的一个热点,它注重考查考生结合语境准确选用词语和正确时态语态的能力和.由于英语词汇丰富,且用法多变,考生掌握起来有较大难度,因此在平时应注意词汇的积累,理解词语的含义及其常见的习惯搭配,再联系句子所表述的意义和语境,选出正确的答案.

5.It's often heard that love is sharp and hate is sharper,but jealousy(妒忌)is the sharpest as it's love and hate at the same time.It's an emotion which creates negativity,and feelings of fear,anxiety,and insecurity.Jealousy is an ugly green monster which preys on each one of us at different points of our lives.Jealousy is defined as a protective reaction to an imagined threat to a valued relationship,arising from a situation in which the partner's involvement in an activity of with another person is contrary to the jealous person's definition of their relationship.
Jealousy is an imperfect blend of sadness,anger,disgust,and resentment.It has destroyed many perfect relationships and caused huge emotional distress to the jealous person as well as his family or friends.Extreme cases of jealousy have even been a cause for murders and suicides.Jealousy is one of the most common human emotions and is experienced by either gender.It is not culture specific and shows its presence from the age of 6months onward.
There are several main common types of jealousy.One of them is workplace jealousy,which is a commonly observed jealousy occurring between colleagues in a workplace.It's often known to turn up when there is a lack of appreciation for the work and efforts made by an employee.Often,there is a general feeling of jealousy between colleagues with similar job profiles,when only one of them gets promoted,or gets a pay raise.This creates a feeling of disappointment and jealousy in the heart of an employee.
Another common type is platonic jealousy.This type of jealousy is often mistaken as romantic,but one must remember that there is a thin line of difference between the two.This jealousy can most commonly be seen in friendships,when one fears losing a friend to a more interesting or friendly person.The emotional attachment with your own friend is so much that you can't imagine them with someone else.Platonic jealousy was aptly shown in the popular comic books called Archie where both Betty and Veronica try to vie Archie.
Sibling(兄弟姐妹)jealousy,commonly seen in families across the world,is also one common type of jealousy.
There is a general sense of competition amongst children to be their parent's favorite child.There is a display of jealousy on arrival of a new sibling,on being made to share favorite toys,clothes,or other facilities,on being showered lesser attention,and experiencing lesser love than siblings,on experiencing a negative comparison made between siblings by parents or even when a sibling is smarter or more talented that another.
Jealousy isn't a good thing; fortunately,it's possible to gradually deal with it.This requires initiative(主动性)and full support from the person facing the problem as well as his loved ones.The person himself shouldn't deny the existence of such a problem.As to siblingjealousy,Parents are advised to deal with this problem in a positive way as soon as it is detected,else sibling rivalry can have some serious effects and cause a lifelong rift and tension between siblings.When dealing with workplace jealousy,you should be professional,approach your seniors and demand a recheck of your assessment.Nowadays,organizations are being forced to apply scientific methods of evaluation systems so as to create faimess in assessment.The methods applied have helped justify the assessment results and reduce jealousy between colleagues.
So why get annoyed about your fate and get jealous of others?Love yourself and be assured about your capabilities.Give life your best shot and before your know it,things will start falling in place.
General(71)introduction◆Jealousy refers to mixed emotions of anxiety and insecurity.
◆People feel jealous with the purpose of (72)protectingthemselves when they feel(73)threatenedby another person.
◆Jealousy can get a perfect relationship (74)destroyedand result in negative emotions.
Common types of jealousyWorkplace jealousyWorkplace jealousy occurs when colleagues get (75)differentlevels of appreciation for their work and efforts.
Platonic jealousyA person is jealous of another person who will(76)replacehim/her as a friend of his emotionally attached one.
Sibling jealousySibling jealousy occurs when you share your things with your siblings(77)unwillingly/reluctantly/passively,receive lesser attention than them or are compared negatively with them.
Tips on(78)handing/tackling/approachingjealousy◆(79)Admitthe jealousy and then take action to control it.
◆Make (80)fair/justassessment to reduce jealousy between colleagues.
16.Curiosity is an important characteristic of a genius.I don't think you can find an intellectual giant who is not a curious person.Thomas Edison,Leonardo da Vinci,Albert Einstein,Richard Feynman,they are all curious characters.Richard Feynman was especially known for his adventures which came from his curiosity.(31)BHere are four reasons:
1.It makes your mind active and strong.
(32)ETheir minds are always active.Since the mind is like a muscle which becomes stronger through continual exercise,the mental exercise caused by curiosity makes your mind stronger and stronger.
2.It makes your mind observant of new ideas.
When you are curious about something,your mind expects new ideas related to it.When the ideas come they will soon be recognized.(33)GThis is because your mind is not prepared to recognize them.Just think,how many great ideas may have lost due to lack of curiosity?
By being curious you will be able to see something new that is normally not visible.They are hidden behind the surface of normal life,and it takes a curious mind to look beneath the surface and discover the unknown.
4.It brings excitement into your life.
The life of curious people is far from boring.It's neither dull nor routine.There are always new things that attract their attention and there are always new"toys"to play with.(35)F

A.So is curiosity that important?
B.But why is curiosity so important?
C.It leads you to a new and exciting life.
D.It opens up new worlds and possibilities.
E.Curious people always ask questions and search for answers.
F.Rather than get bored,curious people have an adventurous life.
G.Without curiosity,the ideas may pass right in front of you and yet you miss them.
6.Anyone can start an argument,but it takes a strong person to stop the argument.Many people want to be the stronger person,but they often lack the know-how.If for you,the question of how to stop an argument is cooling yourself off and showing your ability to resolve conflict,follow these steps and begin the process of renewing your relationship.
Step One  Take a time-out from the person and the argument.Go and get a cup of coffee,go to the bathroom or take a drive.Do whatever you can to get yourself out of the place where the argument is taking place.Remember not to leave the argument unresolved and walk away; just leave for long enough to cool off and get back together later.
Step Two Plan to finish the argument at a time when you can both be uninterrupted for 30minutes.An uninterrupted 30minutes is long enough for you both to share your feelings and discuss why you feel that way.
Step Three  Think and plan during your time-out so that you're prepared for your meeting when it does take place.Keep yourself from remembering the other person's past mistakes or from making personally pointed attacks.Do this by keping your focus on the issue at hand and always coming back to that issue.
Step Four  Keep the problem between the two of you.Regardless of how badly your feelings are hurt or how much you want to discuss this problem with your other friends,refrain (克制) for the sake of your friendship.Stopping an argument is hard enough with other people getting involved.
Step Five  Be open and honest with one another,be willing to show your vulnerability (脆弱性) and be open to the fact that you may be wrong.No one is right all the time,and your argument is more resolvable if you keep from feeling like you have to defend your every move.
Step Six  Say"I'm sorry"even if you think you're justified in what you said or did.Just hearing those words has a healing effect on every relationship,and most of the time we wound each other without being aware of it.
33.The author's purpose in writing this passage is mainly toB.
A.tell readers how to become a strong man  
B.introduce the steps to resolve conflict
C.tell readers how to cool themselves off  
D.state that arguments are useless in resolving conflict
34.When an argument happens,one of the things you'd better do is toA.
A.have a bath to cool yourself off  
B.leaveand never meet the other again
C.find a friend for help  
D.order the other to shut up
35.Which statement is NOT the author's attitude to resolving conflict?D
A.To admit one's own mistakes.
B.To apologize to the other.
C.To renew the relationship.
D.To attack the other.

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