
3.I shall appreciate it if you will do me a favor.

分析 如果你帮我一个忙,我会感激不尽.

解答 答案:appreciate 考查首字母填空.根据句意和句子结构,要填入动词,appreciate意为"为…表示感谢",因在情态动词shall后,要用动词原形.

点评 考查首字母填空,准确地理解句子、翻译句子,然后根据句意及提示写出单词,完成句子,使句意更通顺.

8.Alfred Nobel became a millionaire and changed the ways of mining,construction,and warfare as the inventor of dynamite(炸药).On April 12,1888,Alfred's brother Ludwig died of heart attack.A major French newspaper(21)C his brother for him and carried an article④(22)B the death of Alfred Nobel."The merchant of death is dead."the article read."Dr.Alfred
Nobel,who became (23)C  by finding ways to kill more people faster than ever before,died yesterday."Nobel was (24)A to find out not that he had died,but that,when his time was up,he would be thought of only as one who profited from (25)A and destruction.
To make sure that he was (26)D with love and respect.Nobel arranged in his(27)C to give the largest part of his money to (28)A the Nobel prizes,which would be awarded to people who made great (29)D to the causes of peace,literature,and the sciences.So(30)B,Nobel had to die before he realized what his life was really about.

9.第一节 完形填空
Harjit was waiting for his suitcase to arrive at the airport.Suddenly,he felt that a boy who was the same age was(41)B his turban(穆斯林头巾),which upset him.In a hurry,Harjit snatched a (42)A that looked similar to his own (43)C he wasn't entirely sure it was his.He wanted to get away from the spying eyes right away.
When they arrived at their new (44)D,his father told him to go to bed very soon (45)Bit was already late and he must enroll at school the next day.Early the next morning,when he opened the suitcase,he was(46)A to see that it was not his own!"Don't (47)B,son.I shall ring the airport and we shall soon have your (48)C."Father assured him.After breakfast.Father drove him to schoo1.While they were waiting in a reception room,Harjit noticed a boy sobbing alone."That is the boy who stared at me yesterday!''said Harjit,barely able to contain his (49)A.Father suggested that he go and say hello,"Some people are just (50)D.They do not mean any harm."
Harjit walked up and (51)C,"Hello,my name is Harjit.I just arrived from India yesterday.Do you speak any English?"The boy,looking a little (52)C that he had been caught crying,hesitated for just a moment and then said:"I do speak a little English.I am Pierre.""Why are you sad,Pierre?"Harjit asked.
It was then that Pierre explained how he had (53)Ajust arrived from India after his family holidays."I am supposed to give a presentation to my class tomorrow about (54)DI saw and collected along the way,but I lost my bag at the airport and now I don't know what to do.""I don't believe it!"(55)BHarjit,"I think that I have your bag at home.I took it at the airport (56)A."
Using their(57)D English as best they could,the two boys managed to have quite (58)D,and after a while they both (59)C considerably.That day Pierre was (60)Bto have found his missing bag and Harjit was happy to be introduced to lots of new friends.
41.A.aiming atB.staring atC.makingD.gelling
43.A.and soB.except thatC.even thoughD.or else
56.A.by mistakeB.in advanceC.by chanceD.in despair
58.A.an adventureB.all examinationC.a preparationD.a conversation
59.A.broke downB.turned downC.cheered upD.grew up
11.Sophie was a ten-year-old girl.She loved (21)B.She drew before breakfast.She drew after breakfast.Sometimes she even drew on her way to   (22)D.
One day Sophie arrived (23)Aat school."Why are you late,Sophie?"asked her   (24)B.
"I'm sorry,Miss.I was drawing a big house on the way to school.I forgot about the   (25)D."
"Oh,Sophie,"said her teacher."You must think (26)Cabout your drawing and more about school.Can you give me your (27)Anow please?"
"I'm sorry,Miss,I don't have it finished."
"Yesterday I was in town.I saw a (29)Crunning down the road.He had a(n)  (30)Dface so I drew him."The teacher gave Sophie a strange look."But Sophie,there was a   (31)Crobbery (抢劫案) in town yesterday…"
"Perhaps that was the man I (32)A,"said Sophie."Perhaps I have drawn a picture of the robber!"
After school,Sophie went to the police station.She(33)Bher picture to a policeman."Where did you(34)Cthis picture?"asked the policeman.
"I drew it,"said Sophie."I drew it yesterday in(35)D."
"This is a picture of Ronnie the Robber,"(36)Dthe policeman."So Ronnie robbed the bank!Thank you,Sophie.Now we can (37)Chim."
A week later,the policeman (38)Aa letter to Sophie's school."Sophie's drawing   (39)Bus catch Ronnie the Robber,"he said."She is a very clever girl."
Now her teachers were very (40)Aof Sophie,the girl who loves to draw.

28.A.WhyB.Why notC.What happenedD.So what
8.The story is about Sumit,my husband,a common man who is a real hero in my opinion.Once when we were at a hospital,we saw a little girl crying because her ankle was broken and her father looke d helpless as he could not afford a plaster (膏药) on his daughter's broken ankle.I and others in the hospital could only give a look of pity and nothing else we could ever think of doing.All of a sudden,Sumit got up from his seat and went to the nurse.The father and the daughter were at that time in the  doctor's room.Sumit asked the nurse to do the plaster for which Sumit was willing to pay and he also insisted that the man should not know about who paid for it.
After watching the whole thing,I was surprised and elated too,for the man I married is not only my hero but is a Real Hero who can help the needy without giving a second thought and also without asking for anything in return from them.
Recently,Sumit's car got knocked into by a motorbike on which was riding a man with his wife and a baby.Sumit got out of the car and asked the father if the baby was OK to which the man did not reply and started shouting at Sumit instead.While they were talking about and trying to solve the whole thing,a man came from behind and without warning hit Sumit with an iron rod (棒).Due to that sudden and sharp hit,Sumit's head started bleeding and without saying a word,he rushed to the nearest hospital alone driving his own car.In the hospital came a few friends and relatives of Sumit who advised him to call he police but he refused.Also,when he asked why he did not he raise his hands in anger,the reply made him a hero that was"it is very easy to raise your hand on someone and very difficult to control it.I chose the tougher part."I can't express how proud I am of having such a good husband!
32.Why wasn't the girl's ankle treated?C
A.Because she was not badly hurt.
B.Because she was waiting for her turn.
C.Because her father didn't have enough money.
D.Because there wasn't enough plaster.
33.Sumit paid for the girl's plaster withoutB.
A.telling his wife about it
B.having the father know it
C.telling the doctor or the nurse
D.using his own money at all
34.The underlined word in the second paragraph probably meansB.
A.sorry   B.pleased    C.grateful    D.confused
35.After the accident,the fatherD.
A.told Sumit everything was OK
B.asked Sumit to drive them to the hospital
C.was hit on the head
D.because extremely angry.
15.Eating in London Bus Museum
Upper Deck café bar
     It is located in the front of the museum above the gift shop where you can relax and enjoy views over the Piazza in Covent Garden.The Upper Deck café offers a great selection of hot &cold food and drinks which are available throughout the day; it is a fun and relaxed setting to meet friends for great coffee.
Opening time
     Sunday,Monday and Tuesday 10:00-18:30 (last hot food orders 17:30)
     Wednesday,Thursday and Saturday 10:00-19:00 (last hot food orders 18:00)
     Friday 11:00-19:00 (last hot food orders 18:00)
*During school holiday periods the Upper Deck is open from 10:00 on Friday.
Family friendly facilities
     High chairs
     Baby changing unit
Lower Deck café bar
     Located in the main museum,the Lower Deck café offers a range of sandwiches,snacks,hot and cold drinks.It also consists of a picnic area where the parents can relax with a cup of coffee while keeping an eye on the little one!
Opening time
     Saturday and Sunday 10:00-17:30 
*During school holiday periods the Lower Deck is open daily from 10:00-17:30.
Picnic area
     In addition to the Upper Deck and Lower Deck café bars,the museum also has a small picnic area inside the museum where visitors can eat their own packed lunches.
Contact us
21.Where can a couple find a high chair for their baby in London Bus Museum?A
A.In the Upper Deck café bar.
B.In the Lower Deck café bar.
C.In the picnic area.
D.In the gift shop.
22.When can you get some hot food in the Upper Deck café bar?D
A.At 18:00 on Sunday.
B.At 9:30 on Thursday.
C.At 10:30 on Friday.
D.At 17:00 on Monday.
23.From the passage we can learn thatB.
A.Visitors can eat their own packed lunches in the Upper Deck café bar.
B.Both the Upper and Lower Deck café bar offer various food and drinks.
C.The Upper Deck café bar is open daily during school holiday periods.
D.Visitors can contact the museum by making phone calls or writing letters.
13."Three Apples"changed the world.The first one seduced(引诱)Eve.The second one awakened Newton.(16)B.Here are some famous words from Steve Jobs to share.
On character
I'm the only person I know that's lost a quarter of a billion dollars in one year.(17)A.On good design
That's been one of my mottoes---focus and simplicity.Simple can be harder than complex---You have to work hard to get your thinking clean to make it simple.But it's worth it in the end because once you get there,you can move mountains.
On his outlook
(18)G.Going to bed at night saying we've done something wonderful,that's what matters to me.
On your working life
Your work is going to fill a large part of your life,and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work.(19)D.If you haven't found it yet,keep looking.Don't settle.
On the importance of death
No one wants to die.Even people who want to go to heaven don't want to die to get there.(20)E.No one has ever escaped it.And that is as it should be,because death is very likely the single best invention of life.It is life's change agent.It clears out the old to make way for the new.Right now the new is you,but someday not too long from now,you will gradually become the old and be cleared away.

A.It's very character building.
B.The third one was in the hands of Steve Jobs.
C.This is not a one-man show.
D.And the only way to do great work is to love what you do.
E.And yet death is the destination we all share.
F.It's really hard to design products by focusing on groups.
G.Being the richest man in the cemetery doesn't matter to me.

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