Dear editor£¬
As is known£¬all the parents love their children£®
Yours sincerely£¬
Li Hua£®
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As is known¸ºµ£¡
stay up °¾Ò¹
On the other handÁíÒ»·½Ãæ
make full use of³ä·ÖÀûÓÃ
¸ß·Ö¾äÐÍÒ»£ºThere are many reasons accounting for this phenonmenon£®´Ë¾äÓÃÁËÏÖÔڷִʶÌÓï×÷ºóÖö¨Óï
¸ß·Ö¾äÐͶþ£ºOnly in this way may the problem finally be solved´Ë¾äonly+½é´Ê¶ÌÓÖ÷¾ä²¿·Öµ¹×°
½â´ð Dear Editor£¬
As is known£¬all the parents love their children£®So it is with my parents£®I really feel lucky that I have such kind parents£®And I deeply appreciate their love for me£®
However£¬I have to admit sometimes they show me so much love that I feel uneasy with them£®I think I am old enough to handle my personal affairs£®At this time instead of refusing their help rudely£¬I'd like to talk with them openly and politely£®I will tell them I am old enough to deal with some of my own matters on my own£®I'll let them know what I need is their belief in me and their support£®I believe my parents will finally understand me and love me sensibly rather than spoil me£®
Yours sincerely£¬
Li Hua
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Every Wednesday afternoon£¬for example£¬my mother£¨42£©B me to another town for a piano lesson£®During my two-hour lesson£¬she'd rush to the nearby store and buy a week's worth of £¨43£©C£®Given the fact that my mom had driven me twelve miles there£¬twelve miles back£¬£¨44£©Afor my lesson£¬and bought me a candy bar£¬you'd think I'd be very £¨45£©B to help her bring the groceries into the house£®£¨46£©D I wasn't£®I generally just brought in an armload and left the £¨47£©D for Mom as I ran to my room£¬shut the door£¬and started studying£®
Don't get me wrong£ºeven back in my room£¬I felt£¨48£©Cabout not helping my mother more£®Deep inside£¬I wanted to change my £¨49£©A£®But I also realized that once I did change£¬there would be no going back£®£¨50£©D I took on more responsibility£¬my parents would start £¨51£©C more of me£®At age fifteen£¬I sensed that this one small £¨52£©B would mark something much bigger£ºmy personal change from a cared-for£¬spoiled £¨±»³è»µµÄ£© child to a more £¨53£©D£¬caring and giving young man£®
I'll never forget the Wednesday when I made a£¨n£©£¨54£©B to jump in and see what happened£®Returning home from the£¨55£©C£¬I disappeared into my room£¬as usual£®But once inside£¬I felt that deep and burning£¨56£©B£®Throwing my school books on the bed£¬I suddenly opened my door and £¨57£©C back to the garage to help my mother£®How happy I felt that day!
Surely£¬over time£¬I continued to help out with more housework£®The neat thing was£¬the more I helped out£¬the £¨58£©AI felt about myself and my place in my family£®As Mom and Dad realized they could £¨59£©D on me more£¬our trips became far less stressful£¬too£®In short£¬it was a win-win situation for everyone£®
Sometimes the little things we put off doing the longest £¨60£©A out to be the simplest things to complete£®And feeling happy beats feeling guilty any day£®
41£®A£®help | B£®cry | C£®start | D£®work |
42£®A£®sent | B£®drove | C£®walked | D£®guided |
43£®A£®fruits | B£®flowers | C£®groceries | D£®vegetables |
44£®A£®paid | B£®fought | C£®applied | D£®planned |
45£®A£®nervous | B£®grateful | C£®confident | D£®unwilling |
46£®A£®So | B£®And | C£®Thus | D£®But |
47£®A£®one | B£®other | C£®next | D£®rest |
48£®A£®excited | B£®curious | C£®guilty | D£®doubtful |
49£®A£®way | B£®world | C£®career | D£®shape |
50£®A£®Before | B£®Though | C£®Unless | D£®Once |
51£®A£®warning | B£®reminding | C£®expecting | D£®informing |
52£®A£®work | B£®change | C£®opinion | D£®job |
53£®A£®energetic | B£®ambitious | C£®outgoing | D£®responsible |
54£®A£®excuse | B£®decision | C£®statement | D£®appointment |
55£®A£®duty | B£®store | C£®lesson | D£®holiday |
56£®A£®anger | B£®shame | C£®delight | D£®pleasure |
57£®A£®called | B£®looked | C£®headed | D£®handed |
58£®A£®better | B£®smarter | C£®warmer | D£®harder |
59£®A£®live | B£®press | C£®focus | D£®count |
60£®A£®turn | B£®become | C£®get | D£®have |