
【题目】阅读下面短文,在空白处填入 1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

Mr. Brown was tired of living in the big city 1 he worked. He wanted to move to the country and live in a house from which he could get to his office in the city early every day. He2(look) for a house when he saw an advertisement in a newspaper one day. The advertisement said that a suitable house in a quiet area was up for sale 3 a reasonable price, and the house was within a stone’s throw of a railway station from which there were frequent 4 (train)to the big city.

“That’s exactly5 I need,” Mr. Brown said to 6 (him). So he called the housing agency and arranged to go by train the next day 7(have) a look at the house.

The housing agent met him at the station and they started walking. It took them at least 15 minutes to get to the house. When they finally arrived, Mr. Brown said 8 (angry), “ I should be very 9(interest) to meet the man who threw the stone you mentioned in10 newspaper.”



2was looking





7to have






1考查定语从句。本题定语从句的先行词是the big city,后面定语从句结构完整,所以使用关系副词where引导定语从句并在句中做状语。故填where。

2考查固定句式。句式be doing sth when…正在做某事在这时(发生了意料之外的事情);其中的when是并列连词。句意:他正在找房子,在这时他看见了报纸上有一则广告。故填was looking。

3考查介词。介词at和名词price连用构成短语at a … price以一个的价格;句意:广告里面说在一个安静的地方有一栋房子正以一个合理的价格在出售。故填at。

4考查名词单复数。名词train火车,是一个可数名词;本句是一个there be句型,谓语动词要和后面的名词保持一致,谓语动词使用了were,所以应该使用可数名词复数形式trains。


6考查代词。本句中反身代词himself作为介词to的宾语,构成短语say to oneself自言自语,心里想;句意:布朗先生心里想:这正是我要的房子。故填himself。

7考查不定式用法。本句中不定式短语to have a look at the house在句中作目的状语。句意:于是他打电话给广告商并安排好第二天乘坐火车去那里看房子。故填to have。


9考查形容词。形容词interested感兴趣的;是有动词的过去分词转换而来的形容词,通常修饰人或与人有关的事物,构成短语be interested in sth感兴趣;be interested to do sth做某事很感兴趣。句意:对于你在报纸里提到的扔石头的人,我很感兴趣和他见个面。故填interested。



【题目】 Brian Hamilton’s life changed in a prison when he was accompanying his friend, Reverend Robert J. Harris, who often went to local prisons to do his work. During the visit, Hamilton started talking to one of the prisoners and asked what he was going to do when he got out.

“He said he was going to get a job,” Hamilton recalls(回忆). “I thought to myself, wow, that’s going to be difficult with a criminal background.”

The conversation made Hamilton consider how prisoners could benefit from entrepreneurship, something he thought about for years. Finally in 2008, 16 years after that initial conversation, Hamilton created Inmates to Entrepreneurs, a nonprofit organization that helps people with criminal backgrounds start their own small businesses. “Harris and I taught our first course at a prison called ‘ How to Start Your Own Business When You Get Out’ ,” he recalls.

At the time, Hamilton was building his own company, Sageworks. As Sageworks grew, so did Hamilton’ s time spent teaching at prisons throughout North Carolina.

Eventually, Hamilton decided it was time to change his focus to his true passion. In May 2018, he sold his stake(股份) in Sageworks, focusing his commitment on Inmates to Entrepreneurs.

“Now, anyone is able to access the curriculum, either to become an instructor to go into prisons to teach it or to access it for themselves as a prisoner or part of the general population,” Hamilton explains. In addition, he visits middle schools and presents the curriculum to at-risk students as a preventative measure against crime.

The free curriculum is funded by the recently established Brian Hamilton Foundation, which offers assistance to military members as they adjust to civilian life and provides loans to small businesses. “We’re giving prisoners something they can do independent of a system that isn’t working for them. If you can let people know that other people care about them, it makes a difference.”

1Why did Brian Hamilton think the prisoner couldn’t easily find a job after getting out?

A.He didn’t have any special skills.

B.He would have his criminal background with him.

C.He would break the criminal law again and again.

D.He couldn’t access the courses provided by the prison.

2What does the underlined word “entrepreneurship” in paragraph 3 probably mean?

A.Thinking of a good idea after working hard for years.

B.Trying one’s best because of being kept in a small place.

C.Making money by starting or running one’s own businesses.

D.Having a job in a profitable company owned by the government.

3What does the text say about Inmates to Entrepreneurs?

A.It often assists military members.B.It provides loans to small businesses.

C.It’s independent of the social system.D.Its curriculum has been largely broadened.

4What is the main idea of the text?

A.A man made a fruitless visit to the prison.

B.A man sold his business to teach prisoners.

C.A man realized his dream of being a teacher.

D.A man successfully created two organizations.

【题目】 Imagine possessing something that you loved so much. Imagine what it would feel like if you lost it. While that item may be something as simple as a toy, you would still feel very upset, but you could replace it with a new one. Now imagine losing something that you depend on for survival and cannot be replaced. That is what it would be like if we lost the natural environment around us.

Firstly, I believe the environment should be protected because it supports human life. One of the largest examples is that we get all of our food and drinks from the environment. If the environment were to be destroyed beyond revival, then the human race would be over in months. Scientists have to find another planet with similar conditions to the Earth, and if it's found, we don’t have the technology to get to that planet in time.

Secondly, I believe that the environment serves as an amazing educational tool for students. When I was in second grade, I had an absolute interest in animals. When we had a field trip to the Daggerwing Nature Center, I was very excited. When we got there, I could hardly believe what I was seeing. There was a bridge to get to the main building, and under the bridge was a small swamp (沼泽) with turtles, fish, and my personal favorite, alligators. I was so surprised that I almost ran into the tour guide. We walked into the building and saw various animals in their habitats. I was so inspired by this visit. Six years later, I have taken an animal behavior class for three weeks. Meeting by chance with the environment can inspire people, and if preserved, it will continue to inspire people.

In conclusion, the environment is so valuable because it can't be replaced, keeps us alive, and serves as a great educational tool.

1The first paragraph leads to the theme of the text by________________.

A.describing a process.B.presenting differences.

C.analyzing causes.D.showing similarities.

2The underlined word “revival” in paragraph 2 refers to_________________.



3What's the function of paragraph 3?

A.To express the writer’s absolute interest in animals.

B.To introduce the Daggerwing Nature Centers scenery.

C.To show the environment can inspire and educate people.

D.To prove the subject he has chosen is promising.

4Which of the following can be the best title for the text?

A.Why the Environment Is So Important?

B.Which Planet Can Replace the Earth?

C.How People Should Protect the Environment?

D.What People Can Do to Stop Pollution?

【题目】Directions: Read the following passage. Summarize the main idea and the main point(s) of the passage in no more than 60 words. Use your own words as far as possible.

Live in the present moment

To a large degree, the measure of our peace of mind is determined by how much we are able to live in the present moment. Irrelevant to what happened yesterday, and what may or may not happen tomorrow.

Without question, many of us have mastered the art of spending much of our lives worrying about a variety of things. We allow past problems to dominate our present moments so much that we end up anxious, frustrated, depressed and hopeless. We have concern over events that might happen in the future—we won’ t have enough money, our children will get into trouble, we will get old and die, whatever. We also postpone our gratification, our priorities and happiness, often convincing ourselves that “someday” will be better than today. Unfortunately, that “someday” never arrives.

Life is what’s happening while we’re busy making other plans. When we’re busy making other plans, our children are busy growing up, the people we love are moving away and dying, our bodies are getting out of shape, and our dreams are slipping away. Many people live as if life was a dress rehearsal for some later date. It isn’t. In fact, no one has a guarantee that he or she will be here tomorrow. Now is the only time we have, and the only time we have any control over. When our attention is in the present moment, we push problems and fear from our minds.

The best strategy to improve our well-being is to learn to bring your attention back to the present. Mark Twain said, “I have been through some terrible things in my life, some of which actually happened. I don’t think I can say it any better. Practice keeping your attention on the here and now. Your efforts will pay off.”


【题目】 The Khao San Road woke early. At five, car horns began sounding off in the street outside. Then the water pipes under the floor started to rattle as the guest-house staff took their showers. I even could hear their conversations.

Lying on my bed, listening to the morning noises, the tension of the previous night became unreal and distant. Although I couldn't understand what the staff were saying to each other, their occasional laughter conveyed a sense of normality: they were doing what they did every morning, their thoughts connected only to routine. I imagined they might be discussing who would go for kitchen supplies in the market that day or who would be sweeping the halls.

Around five-thirty a few bedroom-door bolts clicked open as the early-bird travellers emerged and the die-hard party goers from Patpong returned. I realised that the dreamless snatches of sleep I’d managed were finished, so I decided to get up and have breakfast.

There were already a few travellers at the tables, drinking glasses of black coffee. I began studying the menu, a once white sheet of A4 paper with such an excessive list of dishes I felt making a choice was beyond my ability. Then I was distracted by a delicious smell. A kitchen boy had wandered over with a tray of fruit pancakes. He distributed them to a group of Americans, cutting off a good-natured argument about train times to Ciang Mai.

One of them noticed me eyeing their food and he pointed at his plate. ‘Banana pancakes,’ he said. ‘The business.’

I nodded. They smell pretty good.

‘Taste better. English?’


‘Been here long?’

'Since yesterday evening. You?”

“A week’, he replied, and popped a piece of pancake in his mouth, looking away as he did so. I guessed that signaled the end of the exchange.

The kitchen boy came over to my table and stood there, gazing at me expectantly through sleepy eyes.

"One banana pancake, please,' I said, obliged into making a quick decision.

‘You wan’ order one banan’ pancake?’


‘You wan’ order drink?’

‘Uh, a Coke. No, a Sprite’

‘You wan’ one banan’ pancake, one Spri.’


He walked back towards the kitchen, and a sudden feeling of happiness washed over me.

1The writer described the morning noises in order to__________.

A.imply that he didn’t sleep well

B.predict the morning would be different

C.compare the city's morning and night

D.show what a terrible dream he had

2According to the writer, what were the staff talking about?

A.Their daily work.B.Their strange guests.

C.Their normal supplies.D.Their night experience.

3The American let the writer know that he wouldn’t like to go on with the conversation by__________

A.asking the writer about the pancakeB.telling the writer what he liked

C.stopping looking at the writerD.commenting on the pancake

4By the end of the passage, the writer felt he had recovered from __________.

A.the depressionB.the nervousness

C.the injuryD.the tiredness

【题目】 Many students want to know the best ways to improve their learning. Here are a few useful methods.


One of the best ways to organize your study session is to use the Pomodoro Technique. 1 The idea is to use a timer. Let's say, you set the timer for 20 minutes, and focus only on your studies during that time. You cannot check email, or do anything aside from your task. When the timer goes off, you can reward yourself by listening to some music or having a drink of tea.

Test yourself

When you are studying, you should test yourself often. 2 You can also find all kinds of online tests for many subjects.


3 For example, in one study period you might spend time testing yourself on vocabulary words and then test yourself on grammar. Or, if studying math, you could mix multiplication(乘法) and division(除法)problems. It may be better for long-term learning.


Teaching is also a powerful way to learn. 4 Some did not expect to have to teach information, while others did. When they actually teach a lesson, they develop a deeper understanding of the material.

Closing thoughts

You can create your own plan based on what you need to learn. You might organize your study periods with the Pomodoro technique. Then, you can test yourself and interleave different topics. There are many choices. 5

A.Researchers compared different groups of students.

B.In other words, they only study one topic at a time.

C.This method is a technique that means you mix different topics.

D.All of these techniques can be put together to make a powerful study plan.

E.It is a powerful, but simple method that helps people focus on a task.

F.When you focus and do tasks that are at the right difficulty level, your brain will become tired.

G.If you are using a textbook, then you can do practice questions from the end of each chapter.

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