
3.At heart,parents always wish the best for their children,and they work hard for that.Nowadays,we see parents deciding the schools for their little ones before the baby is even born.Once kids start going to school,some parents want to have a time-to-time update of their kid's activities.They want to come to the classroom every day,keep an eye on whom they talk to,know the friends they keep,start telling them how to do their job,and keep talking or giving a feedback(反馈)to them about everything under the sun.Besides,they send their kids for extra hobby classes,as they want their children to do best in every field.
When it comes to the education,super mom and dad have all the plans made for their children,and I am sure that they have come up with the best.So,try to fight for the dreams that your parents have set for you.However,in some cases,it may happen that the kids have some different dreams.Parents sometimes don't even consider the choices of their kids and may force them to do what they wanted to do in life.It's good to plan the future for the children,but leave at least some decisions to them.
So what should the children do?First,hear out all the plans that your parents have made for you.If you have some different ideas,then sit down and talk to your family about it.Be patient and respect their decisions,but put your plan forth,and make them understand what you want to do and why.Many times,you are not aware of the difficulties that you may have to face while pursuing your dreams.Ask your parents for suggestions,which will make them feel good and involved.That way,they may support you if you are going on the right path.

32.The parent described in Paragraph 1tend toD.
A.have a good understanding of their children
B.worry a lot about their children
C.take good care of their children
D.expect too much from their children
33.With respect to educational plans,the author advisesC.
A.children to do as they are told
B.children to turn a deaf ear to their parents
C.parents to respect their children's choices
D.parents to do everything for their children
34.The underlined word"pursuing"in Paragraph 3 in closest in meaning to"A".
A.going after
B.planning for
C.adapting to
D.preparing for
35.What is the author's attitude towards these super parents'behaviors?A
A.Objective.   B.Doubtful.   C.Uncaring.   D.Supportive.

分析 本文是一篇议论文,通过一个现状,现代家长为孩子做这做那的决定来引出家长希望孩子出类拔萃而为孩子做决定这个观点,并且给予了自己的态度和对孩子本身应对这个现状的做法.

解答 32.D.细节理解题.根据第一段的内容分析以及最后一句they want their children to do best in every field,可知父母总希望孩子在任何方面都很优秀,对孩子寄予太多厚望,故选D.
33.C.细节理解题.根据文中but leave at least some decisions to them,可知作者认为尊重孩子的决定,听取孩子的意见是对孩子成长有帮助的事情,故选C.
34.A.词义猜测题.根据Many times,you are not aware of the difficulties that you may have to face while pursuing your dreams可知文中pursue意为"追求",她的近义词是go after,故选A.

点评 考察学生的细节理解和推理判断能力,做细节理解题时一定要找到文章中的原句,和题干进行比较,再做出正确的选择.在做推理判断题不要以个人的主观想象代替文章的事实,要根据文章事实进行合乎逻辑的推理判断.

20.Did you know that money is not worth the paper it is printed on?Money is really just a symbol.(31 )BLong ago,people did not use money.They made or grew food,clothes,and other things they needed.Later,people started trading.They would trade what they made to someone else in order to get different foods and goods.To trade like this is to barter(物物交换).
The barter system was a good system.Bakers could trade bread for wheat.Weavers could trade cloth for meat.Trading not just let people work at certain jobs.(32)EBut one problem with bartering was that not everyone agreed on prices.People had to work out a price each time they wanted to trade.Another problem was that the goods might be too heavy to carry.What if the cow farmer wanted to trade a cow for a horse with the horse farmer?They would have to carry their animals with them.(33)DWhat if the cow farmer wanted to trade a cow for a chicken?A cow is worth more than a chicken.The farmer should get"change."But how can you make change from a cow?
(34)APeople used to use all kinds of small things for money.They used shells,beads,feathers,seeds,and even salt.A group of people would decide the worth of a kind of shell.Other kinds of shells would be worth more or less.Then people had money that was worth a certain amount.It was easy to carry.It was easy to make change.
With time going by,we finally have the money that we use today.(35)F

A.This is where money comes in.
B.That means it stands for something else.
C.They made clothes from wool from their sheep.
D.Bartering did not have a way to make change,either.
E.It also gave people a way to buy things they needed.
F.With money,we don't have to travel with chickens,cows,or clay pots!
G.When people traded,they no longer had to make everything they needed.
1.假设你是李华,端午节放假期间和家人一起到天龙山国家森林公园(Tianlongshan National Forest Park)游玩,在游玩过程中发现了一些令你不满意的地方,请你就此用英语给该景区主管部门的负责人写一封信,投诉相关问题.内容包括:
Dear Sir/Madam,
I am writing to make a complaint.This Dragon Boat Festival holiday I,as well as my family with great expectations of relaxing and enjoying ourselves,paid a visit to the famous tourist attraction,Tianlongshan National Forest Park.(高分句型一)However,I felt very disappointed at what I had experienced there.
As we got closer to the park,we found it more difficult for us to move forward,as many drivers parked their cars where they shouldn't park and cyclists put their bikes wherever they could,which badly blocked the way to the park.(高分句型二)Hardly had we got off the coach when we were surrounded by the vendors,whom we could hardly get rid of,trying their best to sell their goods.(高分句型三)To my relief,we finally managed to reach the forest area,and the fresh air and beautiful scenery there made me intoxicated.But the rubbish,such as fruit skins,food packages and plastic bags thrown here and there by tourists spoiled the view and my good mood.What's worse,the toilets are dirty and stinky.Apart from that,too many people and confusing road signs exhausted me and my patience.
Needless to say,it's time to take actions immediately to improve the unsatisfying conditions.I think,for example,more workers should be arranged to solve the problems of disorderly parking,and perhaps selling tickets online in advance is a good way to avoid the park being too crowded.(高分句型四)I hope in the near future the National Forest Park will become true to its name.I look forward to your reply.
Thank you for your consideration
Sincerely yours,
Li Hua.
18.It may seem like a moment in a science fiction movie.In a fierce battle,a creature loses an arm but,then,grows another one to take its place.
However,this is not science fiction.It is scientific fact.Some fish and amphibians,such as salamanders,can regrow lost limbs and organs.
As mammals evolved they lost the ability to regrow,or regenerate,parts of their body.However,experiments show that it may be possible to regain that ability.
Tropical freshwater zebrafish are popular pets.They are also popular as lab animals.Their embryos(胚胎) are clear,or translucent.They can regrow damaged fins,skin and hearts.Zebrafish are also genetically(基因地) similar to humans.
In 2013,the website Sci-News reported that researchers had found that 70per cent of"protein-coding human genes"are related to genes found in the zebrafish.The report also said that researchers at the Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute in Britain also found that 84per cent of genes known to be connected to human disease have a zebrafish counterpart.
Scientist Wang Yadong is one of the Pittsburg researchers.He and his team are studying the ability of zebrafish to regenerate limbs and organs.Wang says you can cut away about 20per cent of the zebrafish heart and it will regenerate.He add that same process may be able to help humans.
Scientists injected(注射) an"extracellular matrix,"or ECM,from the heart of a zebrafish into a severely damaged mouse heart.They found that the heart muscle regrew in days.They found something else.The healing was even faster when the ECM was taken from zebrafish that was itself in the process of re-growing damaged tissue.

12.The main reason why the zebrafish were chosen as lab animals is thatC.
A.they are popular pets
B.their bodies are clear to study
C.they are genetically similar to humans
D.they are easy to find for the researchers
13.What does the underlined word"counterpart"in Paragraph 5probably mean?A
A.A similar thing.
B.A different fish.
C.A human being.
D.A little mouse.
14.After injecting ECM from a zebrafish into the damaged mouse heart,what did scientists find?B
A.The zebrafish died quickly.
B.The mouse heart regrew in days.
C.The zebrafish heart regrew quickly.
D.The mouse healed more slowly than normal.
15.Where is the most probably taken from?D
A.A science fiction.
B.A guide book.
C.A fashion magazine.
D.A science report.
5.Next fall when you see geese heading south for the winter or flying in"V"formation (队形),you might consider what science has discovered as to why they fly that way.
As each bird spreads its wings,it creates an uplift (上升力) for bird immediately following.By flying in"V"formation the whole flock (鸟群) adds at least 71% greater flying range,than if each bird flies on its own.People who share a common direction arid sense of community can get where they are going more quickly and easily because they are traveling on the thrust (推动力) of one another.
When a goose falls out of the formation,it suddenly feels the drag and resistance of trying to go it alone and quickly gets back into formation to take advantage of the lifting power of the bird in front.If we have as much sense as a goose,we will stay in formation with those who are headed the same way we are.When the head goose gets tired,it flies backwards and another goose flies point.It is sensible to take turns doing demanding jobs,whether it is with people or with geese flying south.
Geese honk (雁叫) from behind to encourage those up front to keep up their speed.What do we say when we honk from behind?
Finally and this is important,when a goose gets sick or is wounded by gunshots,and falls out of formation,two other geese fall out with that goose and follow it down to lend help and protection.They stay with the fallen goose until it is able to fly or until it dies,and only then do they launch out on their own,or with another formation to catch up with their group.If we have the sense of a goose,we will stand by each other like that.

25.The first three paragraphs chiefly deal withC.
A.scientific discovery about geese.
B.the importance of flight formation.
C.the advantages of"V"formation.
D.the reasons for geese's flight.
26.The phrase which can best replace"stand by"in the last sentence is"B".
A.be against.B.support.C.sit by.D.obey.
27.What does the author want us to learn from the geese?A

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