
Finnish President said Finland-China relations had progressed_______ with fruitful co-operation in new and high-tech fields.

A. peacefully                B. highly                      C. quietly                            D. smoothly


阅读下面短文, 掌握其大意, 然后从1—10各题所给的从A、B、C和D四个选项中, 选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

Ero Carrera is watching the computer screen in a lab in California as he tracks a new computer virus slowly circling the globe, targeting cell phones. Working from the US office of the Finnish computer   1   firm, Carrera knows this virus could be the start of something big and   2  . He’s one of a couple of hundred “virus hunters” worldwide who guard computers and cell phones from   3  . That’s the job for these unlikely action heroes of the Internet age, where quick and curious minds are more important than strong   4  .

    Carrera works with Tzvetan Chaliavski to form the two-man team in California. Like that of other employees in the anti-virus companies in the world, their work is at the battle front of providing   5   from the damaging of computer virus, worms and Trojans. They break down software to discover a new virus and crack its code. Then they   6   and ship out a software update to customers. Roughly 300 new samples of viruses await the pair on a(n)  7   day.

    Carrera has created a mathematical formula(公式), to   8   easily the software structure of viruses. With it, he is better able to compare the many variants(变种) and families of malware(恶意软件). To his   9  , Chaliavski, it doesn’t even matter why someone would create a virus. All that   10   is the hunt.

A. advertising   B. commercial            C. printing                  D. security

A. admiring     B. exciting                  C. inviting                  D. threatening

A. attack          B. bombing                C. competition            D. struggle

A. heads          B. feelings                  C. muscles                  D. spirits

A. access          B. contact                   C. measures                D. protection

A. copy           B. create                     C. delete                     D. download

A. average      B. original                  C. previous                 D. special

A. get off         B. make out                C. pick up                  D. take in

A. assistant       B. manager                 C. partner                   D. secretary

A. ignores      B. matters                   C. overlooks               D. rejects

Visiting the Embassies of Washington, D.C.

Washington, D.C.is known for its many museums and government buildings.It is also home to embassies(大使馆)from more than 170 countries. Many of these buildings around the city have interesting histories. Some embassies are in large historical homes. Others were built more recently to show the building desihgn of their countries. Many embassies hold special cultural(文化)events.

The Embassy of Uzbekistan

It is in a richly decorated(装修)home built in 1906 by a wealthy banker, Clarence Moore. But Mr Moore did not live to enjoy his house for very long. He died on board the ship Titanic, which sank 1912·This building served as the Canadian Embassy before Uzbekistan bought it in 1996.

The Embassy of Finland

       The Italian Embassy is near Massachusetts Avenue. Nearby, the Embassy of Finland looks like it is built out of blocks of glass.Its design is modern,but it fits in nicely with the natural environment around it.A screen of plants covers part of the front of the building.Inside.visitors Can look through large glass windows deep into the wooded areas of Rock Creek Park. The Finnish Embassy holds many interesting exhibits.

The Embassy of France

      It is in a gated area off Reservoir Road.The embassy’s cultural center, La Maison Francaise, organizes many cultural events.Also.if you are very lucky, you might be invited to a party at the home of the French ambassador(大使).This extraordinary home in the Kalorama neighborhood looks like a palace。Organizations like the Washington Opera sometimes hp1d events in this beautiful house。

The International Center

      Last month,China opened a new embassy in the area of Washington called the International Center.C.C.Pei and L.C。Pei designed the building.Measuring more than 10.000 square meters,this is One of the biggest embassies in Washington.C.C.Pei said the areas of plants around the embassy were to present people a natural and calming design.

Which embassy was once a large historical home?

      A.The International Center.    B.The Embassy of Finland.

      C.The Embassy of France.     D.The Embassy of Uzbekistan.

What can we learn about the International Center from the text?

      A.It once belonged to a rich banker.

      B.It was built out of blocks of glass.

      C.It stands in the Kalorama neighborhood.

      D.It is a newly—constructed building.

At the Embassy of France,you can       .

      A.see many exhibits of great interest 

       B.attend events in La Maison Francaise

      C.invite the French ambassador home     

       D.visit its designers C.C.Pei and L.C.Pei

This text is most probably taken from

      A.a science magazine B.a medical report

      C.a travel guide          D.a history textbook

Energy-saving Finns invented the first ice skate more than 5,000 years ago, as a practical method of transport to make getting across frozen lakes less of a struggle.
The earliest skates would have been blades made from bones and are one of the oldest means of transport ever discovered —they may even have been essential survival tools.
Researchers at Manchester Metropolitan University have calculated that ice skates would have saved energy by 10 percent, and suggest that they were developed for practical use and were not used for recreation, as they are today.
They think the most likely birthplace of skating is southern Finland, where there are many icy lakes.
The scientists have put their theory to the test and made replica(复制品) skates modeled after examples held at the British Museum and the Fitzwilliam Museum in Cambridge.
Volunteers on ice rinks in the Alps had their heart rates, oxygen intake and skating speeds measured while they skated with the replica skates. From this experiment, re-searchers were able to calculate energy consumption and the efficiency of their skating. They discovered that skating over the land in ancient Fin-land would have saved 10 percent of people’s energy. The result is based on the fact that Finland has the highest concentration of lakes in the world. The ancient Finnish people could benefit more than others from developing this tool for transport.
In a time and environment in which the balance between energy taken from food and energy required to live was crucial; the least cost of energy might have helped humans survive in extreme conditions.
45. The first ice skate invented by the Finns was used for _____.
A. recreation                           B. transportation across lakes 
C. saving energy                       D. sports
46. The birthplace of skating might be southern Finland because _____.
A. there are many icy lakes there  
B. people need more oxygen to breathe in there
C. people feel tired easily there   
D. transportation there is more difficult
47. Scientists have experimented with replica skates and found that with those skates the ancient
Finnish people would have _____.
A. crossed a lot of lakes
B. saved 10 percent of energy when crossing the lakes
C. climbed the Alps easily 
D. otherwise wasted a lot of food and energy
48. It can be inferred from the story that _____.
A. the Finnish people were clever enough to invent the practical skates
B. there were a lot of lakes in ancient Finland
C. the living conditions were very hard for the ancient Finnish people
D. it was very cold in ancient times in Finland

Have you thanked your grandma today? You might want to consider it. A recent study found that kids live longer when a grandmother takes part in their daily lives.
Most animals die soon after their childbearing years are over. Women, however, often live for many years after they stop having kids.
 To try to understand why, researchers from Finland looked at birth and death records of two communities from the 18th and 19th centuries, one in Finland and one in Canada. In these communities, 537 Finnish women and 3,290 Canadian women were grandmothers who had lived past the age of 50.
For every decade they lived beyond 50, the researchers found that the women ended up with an average of two extra grandkids. It didn’t matter what the differences in health or living conditions were between the two communities or from family to family.
Grandchildren were also more likely to live into adulthood if their grandmothers were alive when they were born. If their grandmothers were younger than 60 at the time, that was even better. The study also found that women had children 2 to 3 years earlier if their own mothers were still alive at that time than those whose mothers had died.
The researchers suggested that grandmothers have provided important assistance in raising their grandchildren for at least the past 200,000 years. As a result, they helped extend everyone’s lifespan.
So, don’t take your grandma for granted!
【小题1】How many women in the survey in the two communities were grandmothers who had lived past the age of 50?

【小题2】According to the passage, what influence did it have on a woman if her mother was still alive?
A.She was also more likely to live into adulthood.
B.She had children 2 to 3 years earlier.
C.She ended up with an average of two extra grandkids.
D.It had no influence on her.
【小题3】How did grandmothers help extend everyone’s lifespan?
A.They provided them with better living conditions.
B.They provided assistance in raising their grandchildren.
C.They helped with housework.
D.They made everyone happy.
【小题4】According to the passage, we don’t know that _______.
A.kids live longer when grandmothers take part in their daily lives
B.most animals die soon after their childbearing years are over
C.women often live for many years after they stop having kids
D.grandchildren are less likely to live into adulthood if their grandmothers are alive

They say that "seeing is believing", but when it comes to TV commercials, this is not always the case.

The world's leading mobile phone maker, Nokia, released its latest model Lumia 920 on Sept. 5. The smart phone was supposed to possess an advanced camera, which let customers shoot better pictures at night and record stabilized videos. To show how well these features work, the Finnish company released an ad showing a man and a woman riding bicycles side by side, with the man taking a video of the woman on the phone. However, several hours later, technology website The Verge uncovered that the video was neither shot with the new product, nor shot from someone riding a bicycle. Instead, someone in a lorry next to the woman took the video using a professional video camera.

       The next day Nokia apologized, "In an effort to demonstrate the benefits of visual image stabilization, we produced a video that simulates(看起来像)what we will be able to deliver." Indeed, what we have seen in ads is more or less a simulation——a practice called "advertising photography".

       McDonald's video in June explained the "art". It showed how its burgers get dolled up(装扮)before going on camera. Like models preparing for a magazine cover shoot, burgers also get designed in a photography studio. They are prepared for hours and put together with absolute precision so they look their best before photo shoots. Each ingredient, such as onions and sauce, is carefully put into place to make the burger look much juicier, bigger and tastier. Computer software Photoshop is also used to add visual effects.

       So don't feel ____________________when you get a burger that never looks like what you see in ads.

1. What do the underlined words "the case" in Paragraph l refer to? (within 5 words)

2. For what purpose did Nokia create the video? (within 8 words)

3.Why did Nokia apologize based on the text? (within 10 words)

4.Why does the author give the example of McDonald's video in Paragraph 4? (within 10 words)

5.Fill in the blank in Paragraph 5 with proper words.(within 2 words)


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