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Dear Cassandra£¬
I am LiHua£¬a senior three student in China£®I'd like to offer my congratulations£®How amazing it is to receive offers from eight Ivy League universities!I will sit the college entrance examination this summer£¬and I'd appreciate it if you could give me some advice£®£¨¸ß·Ö¾äÐÍÒ»£©
First£¬I'd like to say it's really a hot potato for me to write in English£®The biggest challenge I meet is my Chinglish£®My English writing is always puzzling my foreign teacher£®How can I write in authentic English£¿
What's more£¬I'd like to know what challenges you encountered in a different culture£®£¨¸ß·Ö¾äÐͶþ£©Probably I will study abroad£¬so your advice and experience may be of great value£®£¨¸ß·Ö¾äÐÍÈý£©
Thank you for your kindness!
Yours sincerely£¬
Li Hua£®
·ÖÎö ±¾ÆªÊéÃæ±í´ïÊôÓÚ¿ª·ÅÀà×÷ÎÄ£¬¸ù¾ÝÌáʾÐÅÏ¢¶¨ÄãÊÇÀ£¬ÄãÔÚÍøÕ¾ÉÏ¿´µ½Ò»ÔòÐÂÎű¨µ¼£ºÃÀ¹ú»ªÒáÅ®ÉúCassandraÒòÍ»³öµÄд×÷ˮƽÊÕµ½ÁËÃÀ¹ú°ËËù³£´ºÌÙ¸ßУ£¨Ivy League universities£©µÄ¼ȡ֪ͨÊ飮ÇëÓÃÓ¢Óï¸øCassandraдһ·âÐÅ£®Ð´×÷ʱעÒâÒÔϼ¸µã£º1¡¢×ÐϸÔĶÁÓйØÌáʾ£¬ÅªÇåÊÔÌâÌṩµÄËùÓÐÐÅÏ¢£¬Ã÷È·¼¸¸öÒªµã£ºÐðÊöÄãÔÚÓ¢Óïд×÷ÖеÄÀ§ÄÑ£¬Çë½ÌÌá¸ßд×÷ˮƽµÄ·½·¨£¬²¢ÏòËýѯÎʳö¹úÁôѧ¿ÉÄÜÃæÁÙµÄÌôÕ½ 2¡¢Ìá¸ÙÊÇÎÄÕµÄ×ÜÌå¿ò¼Ü£¬ÒªÔÚÌá¸ÙµÄ·¶Î§ÄÚ½øÐзÖÎö¡¢¹¹Ë¼ºÍÏëÏó£®ÒªÒÀ¾ÝÌáʾÇé¾°»ò´ÊÓ°´ÕÕÒ»¶¨Âß¼¹ØϵÀ´Ð´£®±¾ÎÄд×÷ʱ¿ÉÒÔ°´ÕÕÒªµãËù¸øµÄ˳Ðòд£®3¡¢¸ù¾ÝÒª±í´ïµÄÄÚÈÝÈ·¶¨¾ä×ÓµÄʱ̬¡¢Óï̬£®4£®×¢ÒâʹÓø߼¶´Ê»ãºÍ¾äʽ£¬ÒÔÔö¼ÓÎÄÕµÄÁÁµã£®
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How amazing it is to receive offers from eight Ivy League universities!I will sit the college entrance examination this summer£¬and I'd appreciate it if you could give me some advice£®£¨¸ß·Ö¾äÐÍÒ»£©
What's more£¬I'd like to know what challenges you encountered in a different culture£®£¨¸ß·Ö¾äÐͶþ£©
Probably I will study abroad£¬so your advice and experience may be of great value£®£¨¸ß·Ö¾äÐÍÈý£©
½â´ð Dear Cassandra£¬
I am LiHua£¬a senior three student in China£®I'd like to offer my congratulations£®How amazing it is to receive offers from eight Ivy League universities!I will sit the college entrance examination this summer£¬and I'd appreciate it if you could give me some advice£®£¨¸ß·Ö¾äÐÍÒ»£©
First£¬I'd like to say it's really a hot potato for me to write in English£®The biggest challenge I meet is my Chinglish£®My English writing is always puzzling my foreign teacher£®How can I write in authentic English£¿
What's more£¬I'd like to know what challenges you encountered in a different culture£®£¨¸ß·Ö¾äÐͶþ£©Probably I will study abroad£¬so your advice and experience may be of great value£®£¨¸ß·Ö¾äÐÍÈý£©
Thank you for your kindness!
Yours sincerely£¬
Li Hua
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A£® | put up with | B£® | keep up with | C£® | come up with | D£® | get on with |