
     Twelve years ago, my mother gave birth to the beautiful little girl.    1   , we were later given the 
   2   that this little girl, who was three and a half month old, would only have 14 days on earth. It's
hard to understand what kind of   3   you have when you find out that you're   4   something that you
don't even know.
     As time went on, the number of days kept growing, which gave us    5  . When the doctors said
that we could take her home, that was    6   reality hit. We had no    7   .
     I'm from a small town with small hospitals, but when you don't have money, you just don't   8  it.
My mother tried for days to get money, but nothing   9   each time. A caseworker (社会工作者) was
even doing her best. It's   10   that it almost felt as if we had to   11  a baby from the hospital.
     One day the caseworker walked into her boss's office to   12 again. As she walked out, 13   down
yet again, out of no where a man walked up to her. He   14   her a handful of money and said, "Please
give this to the lady in   15  , so she can take her daughter home." She looked down at her hand with
tears in her eyes. As she looked back up to thank him, he was 16   . They searched all over the hospital
and he was nowhere to be   17   .
     Thanks to the guy that I will   18  know, we could take home that    19   baby girl that was only given
14 days to live, and celebrated her 12th birthday yesterday. I am grateful to this man and feel that his act
of  20   should be shared with everyone.
(     ) 1. A. Besides  
(     ) 2. A. idea  
(     ) 3. A. character  
(     ) 4. A. losing  
(     ) 5. A. hope  
(     ) 6. A. how    
(     ) 7. A. car    
(     ) 8. A. understand  
(     ) 9. A. came up  
(     )10. A. interesting
(     )11. A. save  
(     )12. A. apologize  
(     )13. A. let    
(     )14. A. took  
(     )15. A danger    
(     )16. A. gone  
(     )17. A. avoided  
(     )18. A. even  
(     )19. A. beautiful  
(     )20. A. courage
B. Otherwise
B. news  
B. friendship
B. wasting  
B. freedom  
B. where  
B. knowledge
B. have  
B. set up  
B. necessary
B. buy  
B. research  
B. moved  
B. paid  
B. need  
B. shy  
B. found  
B. still  
B. naughty  
B. gentleness
C. However  
C. order  
C. habit  
C. explaining  
C. trouble  
C. when    
C. shelter  
C. change  
C. made up  
C. impossible  
C. visit  
C. try  
C. knelt  
C. handed  
C. reward  
C. disappointed
C. persuaded  
C. almost  
C. nervous  
C. kindness  
D. Therefore    
D. point        
D. feeling      
D. gaining      
D. information  
D. whether      
D. money        
D. prevent      
D. gave up      
D. sad          
D. develop      
D. interview    
D. fell        
D. lent        
D. advance      
D. proud        
D. stopped      
D. never        
D. dangerous    
D. politeness  
1-5: CBDAA 6-10:  CDBAD  11-15: BCACB 16-20:  ABDAC
     After years of searching, the seeker was told to go to a cave, in which there was a well. "Ask the well
what is 1 ", he was advised. Having 2 the well, the seeker asked the question. From the came the
answer: "Go to the village crossroad: there you shall find what you are   4   ."
     The man ran to the crossroad, only to find three rather small   5  . One was selling pieces of metal,
another sold wood, and thin wires were for sale in the third.    6  seemed to have much to do with the
     Disappointed, the seeker returned to the well to    7  an explanation, but he was told only: "You will
   8  in the future."
     Angry about having been made fool of, the seeker   9   his wanderings in search of truth. As years
went by, the   10   of his experience at the well    11  faded until one night, while he was walking in the
moonlight, the sound of sitar (一种弦乐器) music    12  his heart. It was wonderful and it was played
with great 13  .  
     Deeply moved, the truth seeker felt drawn towards the player. He looked at the fingers dancing over
the strings. He became 14 of the sitar itself. And then 15 he let out a cry of joyful recognition: the sitar
was made out of wires and pieces of metal and wood just like those he had 16 seen in the three stores
and had thought them to be without any particular significance. 
     At last he understood the   17   of the well: we've already been given everything we need: our    18  is
to assemble (装配) and use it in the proper way. Nothing is meaningful so long as we    19   only separate
parts. But as soon as the parts   20   , a new entity (实体) will form.
(     ) 1. A. fame   
(     ) 2. A. filled   
(     ) 3. A. height   
(     ) 4. A. seeking
(     ) 5. A. entrances  
(     ) 6. A. Everything
(     ) 7. A. demand   
(     ) 8. A. improve  
(     ) 9. A. treasured
(     )10. A. description  
(     )11. A. gradually
(     )12. A. fixed
(     )13. A. curiosity    
(     )14. A. proud   
(     )15. A. peacefully
(     )16. A. once   
(     )17. A. goal   
(     )18. A. advice   
(     )19. A. finish
(     )20. A. come together
B. life
B. missed
B. depth
B. learning
B. stations  
B. Nothing
B. offer
B. grow
B. ended
B. memory
B. immediately
B. affected
B. surprise
B. afraid
B. suddenly
B. always
B. use
B. interest
B. consider
B. break down
C. truth
C. dug
C. north
C. losing
C. shops
C. Anything
C. make
C. understand
C. started
C. bravery
C. quickly
C. caught
C. difficulty
C. sick
C. regularly
C. never
C. message
C. dream
C. change
C. dry up
D. success      
D. found        
D. south        
D. gaining      
D. offices      
D. Something    
D. write        
D. forget      
D. continued    
D. pleasure    
D. unfortunately
D. broke        
D. inspiration  
D. aware        
D. carefully    
D. also        
D. imagination  
D. task        
D. talk        
D. take over    
     It was in my high school science class. I was doing a task in front of the classroom with my favorite
shirt on.
     A__1__ came, "Nice shirt," I smiled from ear to ear. Then another voice said, "That shirt belonged
to my dad. Greg's mother works for my family. We were going to__2__ that shirt away,  but gave it to
her__3__." I was speechless. I wanted to hide.
     I__4__ the shirt in the back of the closet and told my mom what had happened. She then dialed her
__5__,  "I will no longer work for your family," she told him. That night,  mom told my dad that she
couldn't clean anymore; she knew her life's__6__ was something greater.
     The next morning she__7__ with the personal manager at the Board of Education. He told her that
without a proper education she could not teach. So mom decided to__8__ a university.
     After the first year in college,  she went back to the personal manager. He said, "You are__9__,  
aren't you? I think I have a__10__ for you as a teacher's assistant. This opportunity deals with children
who are mentally challenged with little or no chance of__11__." Mom accepted the opportunity very
     For almost five years,  as a teacher's assistant, she saw teacher after teacher give up on the children
and quit,  feeling__13__. Then one day, the personal manager and the principal__14__ in her classroom.
The principal said, "We have watched how you__15__ the children and how they communicate with you
and admire your hardworking__16__ over the last five years. We are all in agreement that you__17__ be
the teacher of this class."
     My mom spent more than 20 years there. __18__ her career, she was voted Teacher of the Year. All
of this came about because of the__19__ comment made in the classroom that day. Mom showed me
how to handle__20__ situations and never give up.
(     )1. A. noise      
(     )2. A. get        
(     )3. A. otherwise    
(     )4. A. settled      
(     )5. A. teacher      
(     )6. A. purpose      
(     )7. A. went        
(     )8. A. visit        
(     )9. A. serious      
(     )10. A. career      
(     )11. A. learning    
(     )12. A. patiently  
(     )13. A. upset      
(     )14. A. looked up  
(     )15. A. believe    
(     )16. A. spirit      
(     )17. A. must        
(     )18. A. At          
(     )19. A. worthless  
(     )20. A. challenging
B. voice          
B. take            
B. anyhow          
B. pushed          
B. employer        
B. encouragement  
B. met            
B. continue        
B. fortunate      
B. duty            
B. judging        
B. eagerly        
B. frightened      
B. went up        
B. protect        
B. intention      
B. would          
B. During          
B. thoughtless    
B. different      
C. sound        
C. carry        
C. instead      
C. made          
C. director      
C. achievement  
C. worked        
C. attend        
C. careful      
C. position      
C. obeying      
C. successfully  
C. guilty        
C. took up      
C. treat        
C. action        
C. might        
C. On            
C. hopeless      
C. dangerous    
D. tune          
D. throw        
D. actually      
D. stuck        
D. adviser      
D. victory      
D. stayed        
D. prepare      
D. responsible  
D. part          
D. imagining    
D. skillfully    
D. ashamed      
D. showed up    
D. receive      
D. attempt      
D. should        
D. With          
D. helpless      
D. strange      
     It was Christmas in 1961.I was teaching in a small town where my twentyseven third graders eagerly
__1__ the great day of giftgiving in advance.
     Each day the children produced some new __2__ - strings of popcorn, handmade trinkets and
German bell.Through it all she remained alone, __3__ from a distance, seemingly miles away.I wondered
what __4__ happen to this quiet child, once so happy, now suddenly so withdrawn.I hoped the festivities
would __5__ her.But nothing did.The students made the fried marbles and competed with one anther to
bring the __6__ ones.
      The day of giftgiving finally came.We cheered over our handiwork as the presents were __7__.All
along, she sat quietly watching.To see her smile, I had made a special bag for her.She opened it so slowly
and carefully.I waited but she __8__.I had not passed through the wall of isolation she had __9__ around
      After school, I sat down in a chair, hardly __10__ of what was happening, when she came to me
with outstretched hands, bearing a small white box, and slightly soiled, __11__ it had been held many
times by __12__, childish hands.She said nothing."For me?" I asked.She didn't say a word, but __13__
her head.I took the box and cautiously opened it.There inside, glistening green, a fried marble __14__
from a golden chain.Then I looked into that eight-year-old __15__ and saw the question in her dark
brown eyes.In a flash, I knew - she had __16__ it for her mother, who had died just three weeks before
and would never hold her or brush her hair or __17__ her childish joys or sorrows.
     I meant it when I whispered, "Oh, Maria, it is so beautiful.Your mother would __18__ it." Neither of
us could stop the __19__.She threw herself into my arms and we wept together.And for that brief
moment, I became her mother, for she had given me the greatest __20__ of all: her trust and love.
(     )1. A. prepared    
(     )2. A. fancies    
(     )3. A. seeing       
(     )4. A. would     
(     )5. A. attend to    
(     )6. A. prettiest    
(     )7. A. transformed  
(     )8. A. gave away  
(     )9. A. built    
(     )10. A. afraid    
(     )11. A. when      
(     )12. A. untouched  
(     )13. A. nodded    
(     )14. A. protected  
(     )15. A. face    
(     )16. A. bought    
(     )17. A. appreciate  
(     )18. A. love    
(     )19. A. laugh      
(     )20. A. joy  
B. reserved    
B. impressions    
B. playing  
B. should    
B. appeal to  
B. wisest    
B. informed      
B. threw away    
B. adjusted  
B. aware    
B. while    
B. unknown        
B. raised    
B. hung      
B. cheek    
B. exchanged  
B. enjoy          
B. benefit  
B. excitement  
B. identity      
C. expected
C. wonders  
C. searching  
C. must      
C. listen to  
C. heaviest  
C. exchanged  
C. carried away  
C. offered  
C. content  
C. as though  
C. unwashed  
C. dropped  
C. held      
C. hair      
C. made      
C. communicate  
C. dislike  
C. tears    
C. contribution  
D. waited              
D. possessions        
D. watching            
D. needed              
D. object to          
D. naughtiest          
D. deserted            
D. turned away        
D. filled              
D. fond                
D. even if            
D. unpacked            
D. turned              
D. escaped            
D. forehead            
D. stole              
D. share              
D. need                
D. description        
D. gift                
     A man hired a taxi outside the airfield. The cab had a woolen carpet with  1  lace edges. On the glass
partition that  2  the driver's seat was a copy of a famous painting. Its windows were all clean. The
customer was very much  3  and said to the driver,"I've never seen a nicer  4  . ""Thank you for your
praise. "the driver answered  5  .
     "The car isn't mine,"said the driver. "It belongs to the company. I used to be a  6  of cabs. When they
returned,all of them were as  7  as garbage cans with cigarette butts and rubbish  8  here and there. On
the seats and door-handles could be found something  9   like peanut sauce or, chewing gum. Why so?
I thought if the car itself were very clean the passengers would most  10  be considerate and refrain from
littering. "
     "So when I got a  11  to be a taxi-driver,I began  12  my idea into practice-to tidy and  13  the car. 
 Now before a new passenger gets on my car,I'd make a cheek and be sure it is in good order. When
my car  14  after a day's work,it always remains  15  . "
     When doing a thing,one makes efforts and wants to see the result. To change others,one has to make
twice the  16  but get half the result. To change oneself is the other way round-more fruit with less effort.
One had better ask oneself why one makes  17  on others much more than on oneself.   18  you take
enough care to do as best you can for other people's sake,your efforts will yield results,If you  19  the
inner world of your own,examine yourself and wipe out the dust and dirt,instead of fixing your eyes on
other people,you will find a cheerful  20  for yourself and create a pleasant environment for others.
(     ) 1. A. ugly    
(     ) 2. A. separated  
(     ) 3. A. moved      
(     ) 4. A. seat    
(     ) 5. A. naturally  
(     ) 6. A. driver    
(     ) 7. A. attractive  
(     ) 8. A. spread    
(     ) 9. A. funny      
(     )10. A. likely    
(     )11. A. permit    
(     )12. A. put      
(     )13. A. provide    
(     )14. A. speeds    
(     )15. A. spotless    
(     )16. A. progress    
(     )17. A. suggestions
(     )18. A. Though    
(     )19. A. look into  
(     )20. A. spirit    
B. exciting
B. covered  
B. annoyed  
B. carpet  
B. smilingly
B. cleaner  
B. pleasant
B. extended
B. busy    
B. willingly
B. 1icense  
B. take    
B. drive    
B. leaves  
B. pretty  
B. effort  
B. comments
B. While    
B. look for
B. mood    
C. brilliant
C. protected
C. disappointed
C. garage
C. hopefully
C. repairer
C. dirty   
C. dotted
C. sticky
C. extremely
C. certificate
C. make   
C. decorate
C. arrives
C. bright
C. attempt
C. demands
C. As   
C. look up
C. mind    
D. favorite    
D. prevented  
D. surprised  
D. cab        
D. firmly      
D. customer    
D. clean      
D. 1eft        
D. clumsy      
D. regularly  
D. passport    
D. get        
D. describe    
D. returns    
D. dirty      
D. trial      
D. decisions  
D. If          
D. look through
D. sense      
     As a music teacher, I have always known that music touches the soul. It can__1_all kinds of barriers
to reach students in a very special way.It can be the __2_for each child to find their light. I would like to
__3__a story about it.
     For a few years I was__4_with the opportunity to teach disabled students.One of my most __5_
students was a fiveyearold girl called Vanessa, who had difficulty walking, and could not speak. We
__6_sat on the floor for our music lessons and Vanessa liked to__7_ on my lap(大腿). One of her
favorite songs was John the Rabbit.It was a call and response song where I sang the call and the
students__8_twice while singing the repeating phrase, "Oh, yes" Vanessa liked to__9_ her hands
together with mine and clap with me. We probably performed that song during every class, Vanessa and
I clapping together.But she  10  said or sang a word.
     One day, when the song was finished, Vanessa turned around,  11   me in the eye, clapped her tiny
hands twice and said the words,"Oh, yes!"I opened my mouth in  12  and for that moment I was the one
who could not speak.When my heart  13   started beating again, I looked over at the assistant teacher to
find her also   14  . Through music, we had made an awesome connection.
     Several years later, I met Vanessa on the street in town.She waved with a big  15   on her face and
then clapped her hands twice, imitating the song we had  16  so many times in our music class.The little
girl,  17    her connection with music, left an impression on me that will last forever.Every child has the
 18  to learn and grow. It is up to us to 19   the way to reach each and every one of our students. We all
must find each child's  20  .
(     )1.A. get across    
(     )2.A. means          
(     )3.A. add            
(     )4.A. blessed        
(     )5.A. troublesome    
(     )6.A. hardly        
(     )7.A. stand          
(     )8.A. sang          
(     )9.A. strike        
(     )10.A. ever          
(     )11.A. looked        
(     )12.A. horror        
(     )13.A. immediately  
(     )14.A. happy        
(     )15.A. greeting      
(     )16.A. performed    
(     )17.A. upon          
(     )18.A. standard      
(     )19.A. discover      
(     )20.A. virtue        
B. put away    
B. direction    
B. talk        
B. tired        
B. hardworking  
B. almost      
B. sit          
B. said        
B. put          
B. never        
B. saw          
B. delight      
B. fortunately  
B. grateful    
B. smile        
B. operated    
B. through      
B. ability      
B. invent      
B. dream        
C. take over    
C. process      
C. share        
C. covered      
C. memorable    
C. nearly      
C. lie          
C. followed    
C. give        
C. still        
C. glared      
C. astonishment
C. slowly      
C. speechless  
C. expression  
C. trained      
C. from        
C. plan        
C. test        
C. light        
D. break through    
D. effort            
D. write            
D.  filled            
D.  sensitive        
D. mostly            
D. jump              
D. clapped          
D. shake            
D. even              
D. noticed          
D. embarrassment    
D. finally          
D. hopeless          
D. sign              
D. organized        
D. beyond            
D. necessity        
D. make              
D. rhythm            
     For a few years, I have been wearing a ring on my right hand. It's not always the   1   ring, but it's
always a ring that has    2   on it so that when I look at it, I'm   3  or reminded of something important .
I have made a   4  of buying rings like this whenever I see one in a store. Sometimes I give them away
as    5  to someone like Jennie.
     I first met Jennie in the   6   waiting room and we had talked several times. One night I sat down
beside her and   7  how her son was going because I knew that he was in very  8   condition. She told
me that she didn't know what to do any more because it seemed none of the    9  from the doctors was
good. They weren't at all sure her son was going to   10  the accident that had hurt him so badly. With
  11  in her eyes she said, "They're taking away my   12  ."
     I knew then that it was  13  just a coincidence (巧合) that I was wearing the ring that I had on that
day. As she  14  to talk, I  15  slipped the ring off my finger and placed it in Jennie's hand. I told her to
wear it to remember that God loved her and He would be with her  16   all of this.  17  Jennie looked
down at the ring, she got excited and then held it tightly,  18   the word written on the ring was "HOPE".
    The last day I was at the hospital, I saw Jennie in the distance as I got on the lift. She   19  and held
up the hand with the ring on it as she called out to me saying, "Look, I   20  have Hope!"
(     )1. A. same        
(     )2. A. symbols    
(     )3. A. encouraged  
(     )4. A. list        
(     )5. A. thanks      
(     )6. A. airport    
(     )7. A. thought    
(     )8. A. favorable  
(     )9. A. instructions
(     )10. A. survive    
(     )11. A. apologies  
(     )12. A. hope        
(     )13. A. less than  
(     )14. A. refused    
(     )15. A. carefully  
(     )16. A. within    
(     )17. A. Since      
(     )18. A. so        
(     )19. A. waved      
(     )20. A. ever      
B. special      
B. words        
B. trusted      
B. point        
B. prizes      
B. school      
B. asked        
B. normal      
B. advice      
B. defeat      
B. tears        
B. sadness      
B. rather than  
B. started      
B. nervously    
B. over        
B. When        
B. yet          
B. doubted      
B. only        
C. valuable  
C. names    
C. admired  
C. habit    
C. awards   
C. hospital  
C. explained
C. excellent
C. news      
C. predict  
C. anger    
C. thought  
C. other than
C. attempted
C. quietly  
C. beyond    
C. Until    
C. for      
C. cheered  
C. still    
D. expensive    
D. pictures      
D. puzzled      
D. plan          
D. gifts        
D. railway      
D. found        
D. serious      
D. comfort      
D. experience    
D. doubt        
D. finger        
D. more than    
D. continued    
D. shyly        
D. through      
D. While        
D. and          
D. shouted      
D. just          
      On Sundays my father always wore that dull gray apron - the one with the race cars all over it.
The ritual began after breakfast when Dad always announced: "Go ahead everyone. I'll take care of
the dishes!" With that my mother disappeared into the folds of the Sunday paper. Off came the suit
coat he had worn to church that morning. Up went the shirtsleeves. On went that apron. For the next
hour Dad did the dishes, singing ballads like "I Had a Hat When I Came In" and "Who Put the Chow
in Mrs. Murphy's Chowder?"
      I suppose it was strange for a boy's father to wear an apron - even one with race cars - but I neve
r thought much of it until the day that Dad broke with tradition. It was the last Sunday in August. My
father seemed in an expansive mood as we walked home from church together.
      "Tommy," he said letting my name roll off his tongue. My mind raced ahead of his words: The birds
and the bees? A new bike? A part-time job?
      "There comes a time in every boy's life when he must take on responsibilities." This was important.
I might even get to back the car out of the driveway.
      "Responsibilities?" I asked.
      "Yes. It's time you took a greater role in the household." Power tools? Boss my baby brother?
      "Starting today, I want you to do the dishes on Sunday morning so your mother and I can work
the crossword puzzle together."
       "The dishes!?"
       "Anything wrong with taking over the dishes, son?"
      I started to say something about a man's job or woman's work, but I knew immediately that my
protests would fall on deaf ears.
      I didn't taste a bit of breakfast that morning. Dad seemed in a cheerful mood and was describing
a wonderful baseball game he saw last night.
      Suddenly, everything grew quiet. My sister began to clear the table. My brother was finishing the
last of the egg from his plate. And then that ancient family ritual (程序、仪式) that had filled so many
Sunday mornings came to an end. My father announced: "Let's go read the paper, Hon."
      "Aren't you doing the dishes?" my mother asked in puzzlement.
      "Your oldest son has generously offered to fill the position."
      My brother and sister stopped cold. So this was what my life had come to. A dark angel sat on
my left shoulder and reminded me that I could hit a baseball farther than anyone in my class. I could
bench-press my weight. Ask me to run through a rainstorm. Command me to ride the roller coaster 
backward. These things I would do. But I could never do those dishes. There was nothing left but to
      People often say there is a special chemistry between a father and a son. He came back into the
kitchen just as I was about to storm out. He had loosened his tie and rolled up the sleeves of his
shirt- ready to relax. In his right hand was the old apron.
      "I want you to have this, Tommy. It'll keep your clothes from getting wet." And before I could
mount a protest, he had put the thing on me. "Thanks, Son. Your mother and I appreciate this."
      With that he disappeared into the Sunday paper. I looked down at the plastic. It had seen better
days. I could see my dad reaching for the dishes. The dark angel flew off. Soon I was singing about
Mrs. Murphy's chowder. The words came out of nowhere. And out of nowhere I knew the kind of
man I wanted to be.
1. From paragraph 1, we can learn that ________.
A. the family usually had breakfast after going to church on Sundays
B. father was not really willing to wash dishes for the family
C. mother would wash dishes together with father
D. mother used to do the dishes alone
2. What did the author think of washing dishes at first?
A. It's natural for a man to wash dishes.
B. Children need to help parents wash dishes.
C. Parents should wash dishes more.
D. Washing dishes was women's work.
3. Which of the following is conveyed in the passage?
A. The writer understood his father at last.
B. The writer was asked to run through a rainstorm.
C. The writer's sister offered to wash dishes for him.
D. The writer's mother was happy that he offered to wash dishes.
4. Which of the following words can best describe the author's father?
A. Stubborn.    
B. Humorous.    
C. Responsible.    
D. Generous.
5. The writer wrote the passage in order to ________.
A. tell readers how his father taught him what it means to be a man
B. tell readers there is always a special chemistry between a father and a son
C. show readers the generation gap is actually something easy to deal with
D. show readers what an ideal relationship between a father and a son is like
     I was parked in front of the mall wiping off my car.I had just come from the car wash and was
waiting for my wife to get out of work.
     Coming my way from across the parking lot was what society would consider a bum.From the
looks of him, he had no car, no home, no clean clothes, and no money.There are times when you
feel generous but there are other times that you just don't want to be bothered.This was one of thos
e "don't want to be bothered times".
     " I hope he doesn't ask me for any money," I thought.
     He didn't.He came and sat on the edge of the pavement in front of the bus stop but he didn't look
like he could have enough money to even ride the bus.After a few minutes he spoke.
     "That's a very pretty car," he said.
     He was in rags but he had an air of dignity around him.His badly-grown blond beard kept more
than his face warm.
     I said, "thanks," and continued wiping off my car.He sat there quietly as I worked.The expected
plea(乞求) for money never came.As the silence between us widened, something inside said, "ask him
if he needs any help." I was sure that he would say "yes" but I held true to the inner voice.
     "Do you need any help?" I asked.
      He answered in three simple words that I shall never forget.We often look for wisdom in great
men and women.We expect it from those of higher learning and achievements.I expected nothing
but an outstretched dirty hand.He spoke the three words that shook me.
     "Don't we all?" he said.
1. Why did the writer parked his car before the mall?
A. Because he wanted to pick up his wife.
B. Because he wanted to show off his car.
C. Because he wanted to wipe off his car.
D. Because he wanted to do some shopping.
2. Which has the closest meaning to the underlined word "bum" in Paragraph 2?
A. dustman    
B. driver       
C. beggar        
D. robber
3. Which is the best title for this text?
A. A good husband              
B. Didn't he need help?  
C. Don't we all?              
D. One should be generous

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