
【题目】Directions: Complete the following passage by using the words in the box. Each word can only be used once. Note that there is one word more than you need.

In a society, such as the United States or Canada, which has many national, religious and cultural differences, people 1 value individualism--the differences among people. Teachers place a lot of importance on the 2 that make each student special. The educational systems in these countries show these values. Students do not memorize information. Instead, they work 3 and find answers by themselves.There is often discussion in the classroom. At an early age, students learn to form their own ideas and opinions.

In most Asia societies, on the contrary, the people have the same language, history and culture. Perhaps for this reason, the educational system in much of the Orient 4 society’s belief in group goals and purposes rather than individualism. Children in China, Japan and Korea often work together and help one another on assignments. In the classroom, the teaching 5 are often very formal. The teacher lectures, and the students listen. There is not much discussion. Instead, the students recite rules or information that have memorized.

There are advantages and disadvantages to both of these 6 of education. For example, one advantage to the system in Japan is that students there learn much more math and science than American students by the end of high school. They also study more hours each day and more days each year than North Americans do. The system is difficult, but it 7students for a society that values discipline and self-control. There is, however, a disadvantage. Memorization is an 8 learning method in Japanese schools, yet many students say that after an exam, they forget much of the information they have memorized.

The advantage of the educational system in North America, on the other hand, is that students learn to think for themselves. The system prepares them for a society that values 9 ideas. There is, however, a disadvantage. When students graduate from school, they haven’t 10 as many basic rules and facts as students in other countries have.















2考查名词。句意:老师非常重视使每个学生与众不同的品质。根据place a lot of importance on可知此处填名词,意为教师对于学生的品质教育更为重视。故选H


4考查动词。句意:也许正因为如此,东方的教育体系在很大程度上反映了社会对于团队协作的信仰,而不是个人主义。主语是the education system,缺少谓语,因此填动词单数。故选C


6考查名词。句意:这两种教育体制各有利弊。根据these可知此处填名词,联系前文提到了education systems。指这两种教育系统模式各有利弊。故选E


8考查形容词。句意:死记硬背在日本学校是一种重要的学习方法。根据名词learning method,冠词an,故填元音为首的形容词修饰名词。故选K




【题目】Directions: Fill in each blank with a proper word chosen from the box. Each word can be used only once. Note that there is one word more than you need.

An 1 arson attack on a respected Japanese animation studio left a shocked nation grieving, as investigators looked to identify victims and determine a possible motive in one of the deadliest acts of 2 in Japan's modern history.

A total of 33 people — many of them young — were killed a day earlier when a man 3 to douse flammable liquid through the Kyoto Animation Co. studio and set it alight, 4 an inferno, officials said. Some 36 others were injured, about 10 critically.

The blaze at the production house struck at a pillar of Japan's anime industry, an obsession in the country and a cherished cultural 5. Kyoto Animation, known as KyoAni, had produced hits such as "Lucky Star, " "K-On!" and "Haruhi Suzumiya, " 6 worldwide acclaim for its skilled drawings.

Outside the charred shell of the company's workspace in Kyoto's outskirts on Friday, crowds of well-wishers left flowers and messages of support for the victims. Many bowed, or 7 down and prayed as they offered their respects.

The 8, Shinji Aoba, aged 41, remained in the hospital after 9 burns all over his body. A woman who saw police detain the man a day earlier told reporters that he "seemed to be discontented, he seemed to get angry, shouting something about how he had been plagiarized, " according to Reuters.

Hideaki Hatta, a co-founder and president of Kyoto Animation, said Thursday that the studio had been receiving 10, including emails threatening murder. He said the attack had "broken our hearts."

The value-packed, all-inclusive sight-seeing package that combines the best of Sydney's harbor, city, bay and beach highlights.
A SydneyPass gives you unlimited and flexible travel on the Explorer Buses: the ‘red' Sydney Explorer shows you around our exciting city sights while the ‘blue' Bondi Explorer visits Sydney Harbour bays and famous beaches. Take to the water on one of three magnificent daily harbor cruises (游船). You can also travel free on regular Sydney Buses, Sydney Ferries or CityRail services (limited area), so you can go to every corner of this beautiful city.
Imagine browsing at Darling Harbour, tasting the famous seafood at Watsons Bay or enjoying the city lights on an evening ferry cruise. The possibilities and plans are endless with a SydneyPass. Wherever you decide to go, remember that bookings are not required on any of our services so tickets are treated on a first in, first seated basis.
SydneyPasses are available for 3, 5 or 7 days for use over a 7-calendar-day period. With a 3 or 5-day pass you choose on which days out of the 7 you want to use it. All SydneyPasses include a free Airport Express inward trip before starting your 3, 5 or 7 days, and the return trip is valid for 2 months from the first day your ticket was used.
SydneyPass Fares




3-day ticket




5-day ticket




7-day ticket




*A child is defined as anyone from the ages of 4 years to under 16 years. Children under 4 years travel free.
**A family is defined as 2 adults and any number of children from 4 to under 16 years of age from the same family.
(1)A SydneyPass doesn't offer unlimited rides on ________.
A.the Explorer Buses
B.the harbor cruises
C.regular Sydney Buses
D.CityRail services
(2)With a SydneyPass, a traveller can ________.
A.save fares from and to the airport
B.take the Sydney Explorer to beaches
C.enjoy the famous seafood for free
D.reserve seats easily in a restaurant
(3)If 5-day tickets were to be recommended to a mother who travelled with her colleague and her children, aged 3, 6 and 10, what would the lowest cost be?

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