
【题目】 Dale Carnegie(戴尔·卡耐基) was an American writer and lecturer, and the developer of famous courses in self-improvement, salesmanship, corporate training, public speaking and interpersonal skills.

Born in 1888 in Maryville, Missouri, Carnegie was a poor farmer's boy. His family moved to Belton, Missouri when he was a small child. In his teens, though still having to get up at 4 a.m. every day to milk his parents' cows, he managed to obtain an education at the State Teacher's College in Warrensburg. His first job after college was selling correspondence courses. He moved on to selling bacon, soap, and lard(猪油)for Armour & Company.

After saving $500, Dale Carnegie quit sales in 1911 in order to achieve a lifelong dream of becoming a lecturer. He ended up instead attending the American Academy of Dramatic Arts in New York, but found little success as an actor. Later he got the idea to teach public speaking. In his first session, he suggested that students speak about “something that made them angry”, and discovered the technique that made speakers unafraid to address a public audience. From its beginning, the Dale Carnegie Course developed. Carnegie had made use of the average American's desire to have more self-confidence.

Perhaps one of Carnegie's most successful marketing moves was to change the spelling of his last name from “Carnagey” to Carnegie, at a time when Andrew Carnegie was a widely recognized name.

Carnegie's works include Lincoln the Unknown (1932), Public Speaking and Influencing Men in Business (1937), and How to Stop Worrying and Start Living (1948). His greatest achievement, however, was when Simon &. Schuster published How to Win Friends and Influence People. The book was a bestseller from 1936. By the time of Carnegie's death, the book had sold five million copies in 31 languages, and there had been 450,000 graduates of his Dale Carnegie Institute.

Carnegie died at his home in New York in 1955.

1What do you think of Dale Carnegie's childhood?



2Which of the following is important for Dale Carnegie?

A.Encouraging one to trust himself.B.Helping people to get wealthy.

C.Teaching people speaking skills.D.Advising people to live happily.

3Why did Dale Carnegie change his last name?

A.To get more help and support.B.To replace Andrew Carnegie.

C.To become more famous.D.To avoid misunderstanding.







1推理判断题。根据第二段中的“Carnegie was a poor farmer's boy.”及“In his teens, though still having to get up at 4 a.m. every day to milk his parents' cows”可知,卡耐基出生在一个贫穷的农民家庭,小时候每天早上四点就起床帮父母挤牛奶,由此可知,卡耐基的童年是艰苦的,故A项正确。

2推理判断题。根据第三段中的“Carnegie had made use of the average American's desire to have more self-confidence.”可知,卡耐基利用了普通美国人对自信的渴望,由此可知,鼓励一个人相信自己对卡耐基很重要,故A项正确。

3推理判断题。根据第四段“Perhaps one of Carnegie's most successful marketing moves was to change the spelling of his last name from “Carnagey” to Carnegie, at a time when Andrew Carnegie was a widely recognized name.”可知,也许卡耐基最成功的营销举措之一是将他的姓氏拼写由Carnagey改为Carnegie,因为当时安德鲁·卡耐基是一个广受认可的名字,由此可知,卡耐基改变姓氏是因为他想变得更有名,故C项正确。


【题目】In 1978, I was 18 and was working as a nurse in a small town about 270 km away from Sydney, Australia. I was looking forward to having five fays off from duty. Unfortunately, the only one train a day back to my home in Sydney had already left. So I thought I’d hitch a ride (搭便车).

I waited by the side of the highway for three hours but no one stopped for me. Finally, a man walked over and introduced himself as Gordon. He said that although he couldn’t give me a lift, I should come back to his house for lunch. He noticed me standing for hours in the November heat and thought I must be hungry. I was doubtful as a young girl but he assured (使……放心)me I was safe, and he also offered to help me find a lift home afterwards. When we arrived at his house, he made us sandwiches. After lunch, he helped me find a lift home.

Twenty-five years later, in 2003, while I was driving to a nearby town one day, I saw an elderly man standing in the glaring heat, trying to hitch a ride. I thought it was another chance to repay someone for the favour I’d been given decades earlier. I pulled over and picked him up. I made him comfortable on the back seat and offered him some water.

After a few moments of small talk, the man said to me, “You haven’t changed a bit, even your red hair is still the same.” I couldn’t remember where I’d met him. He then told me he was the man who had given me lunch and helped me find a lift all those years ago. It was Gordon.

1The author had to hitch a ride one day in 1978 because .

A.her work delayed her trip to Sydney

B.she was going home for her holidays

C.the town was far away from Sydney

D.she missed the only train back home

2Which of the following did Gordon do according to Paragraph 2?

A.He helped the girl find a ride

B.He gave the girl a ride back home.

C.He bought sandwiches for the girl

D.He watched the girl for three hours.

3The reason why the author offered a lift to the elderly man was that .

A.she realized he was Gordon

B.she had known him for decades

C.she was going to the nearby town

D.she wanted to repay the favour she once got

4What does the author want to tell the readers through the story?

A.Giving sometimes produces nice results

B.Those who give rides will be rapid.

C.Good manners bring about happiness

D.People should offer free rides to others.

【题目】 Staying fit and healthy plays an important role in our life. People sometimes ignore their health because of the busy daily schedules but there are some little things that you can do each day that will add to being healthy and fit. Here are some ways to stay fit and healthy.

Get regular check-ups. One should get a physical check-up every year to make sure everything is as it should be. 1Getting physical examinations regularly benefits you because if and when something is wrong, you will get to know about it timely.

2One should walk for a few minutes every day to stay fit. It improves body awareness and can help reduce pressure. Exercise helps to strengthen the heart and lungs, strength training helps to strengthen the muscles and stretching helps to reduce the risk of injury.

Eat breakfast. One should have healthy breakfast as it keeps you energetic for the best mental and physical performance. 3It also helps to keep a healthy weight because you are less likely to overwork later in the day.

Don’t skip lunch. We are trying to lose weight. We don’t have time and end up working through our lunch break. But try to eat a light lunch each day.

No late dinners. With our busy lives we always put off dinner until the last minute. 4 This will give your body a chance to “eat” most of the food before you rest for the next 8 hours.


A.Take enough exercise.

B.Work more and walk more.

C.Give them a try and see for yourself.

D.It helps to keep stable blood sugar levels.

E.Try to eat dinner at least 3 hours before you go to bed.

F.There is no harm to get check-ups as it’s good for your body.

G.Skipping breakfast makes you form a bad eating habit in the long run.

【题目】 As people age, the body changes in all sorts of predictable ways. Brains can slow. Wounds take longer to recover. And sleep patterns (模式) shift, too. This can come as news to many, says Michael V. Vitiello, a psychologist at the University of Washington who is expert in sleep in aging.

The most noticeable—and often most annoying—changes are how sleep and wake-up times change and sleep gets lighter, often beginning in middle age. Gone are weekend sleep to 11 a.m. and the ability to sleep through a noisy garbage truck down the block. Older drivers take longer to fall asleep, and they wake up more often. They tend to stay in the deepest stages of sleep for less time than younger adults.

Studies have found that poor sleep can create a particular threat to older adults—Falls, depression and anxiety, problems with memory, and increased suicide (自杀) risk are among the effects of sleep issues in this population group that researchers have found. But scientists are still unsure why those risk connections exist.

What is clear is the connection between good sleep and psychological well-being in older adults. A 2010 study showed us that connection when it came to sleep quality, but sleep quantity didn't show the same effects.

Experts say this may be the key to understanding sleep as you age. If you're sleeping less, but don't feel negative effects out of bed, the changes you notice may just be normal age-related. If you experience a sudden change in your sleep, or poor sleep is affecting your daily life, changing your personality, or your bedmate says you stop breathing when you snore, that could be a sign of something more serious and it's worth visiting your doctor.

1What is one of the changes in sleep patterns with aging?

A.People tend to wake up later.B.People sleep more at weekends.

C.People take longer to fall asleep.D.People stay longer in deep sleep.

2What will probably happen if the elderly have poor sleep?

A.They may threaten others.B.They may become anxious.

C.They may have better memory.D.They may be unaware of their risks.

3What does the 2010 study imply?

A.Both sleep quality and quantity matter with aging.

B.Sleep quantity is the key to older people's mental health.

C.Sleeping well is good for older people's psychological health.

D.The relationship between quality and quantity is not yet clear.

4What is the main idea of the passage?

A.Bedtime pattern changes as people age.

B.Poor sleep is more dangerous for older adults.

C.Bedtime pattern changes are not a sign of trouble.

D.People's body changes in different ways with aging.

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