
1.A.achieved B.authority C.available D.code E.dominated
F.educational G.opinions H.matters I.related J.representativesK.symbolization

It is important that students'feelings,opinions and suggestions are listened to,taken into account,and that the right action is taken.There are a number of ways that this can be (41)A,i.e.school councils,year councils and peer mentoring.
School councils
Most schools have a school council which exists to let the teachers and head teacher know what students'(42)Gare on a range of school issues.The school council usually consists of two or three elected (43)Jfrom each year group.
A school council might meet once or twice a month to discuss issues such as the dress (44)D,the use of social areas,charity fundraising and bullying.
Year councils
Because school councils are sometimes(45)Eby older students,some schools have introduced year councils.The aim of a year council is to give students the opportunity to express opinions on (46)Hof importance to that particular year group.The following is an example of the rules relating to a school's council for year 8 (pupils aged 12-13).
The head of year will attend all council meetings as an observer and both they and the other year staff will be (47)Cas required to offer support and advice to council members and to assist in the settlement of arguments.
Peer mentoring
There are other ways in which students'voices can be heard.One of the most popular schemes involves peer mentoring.Those who express an interest receive training to become mentors (导师) so that they are better equipped to help others.This starts from primary school age,when the mentors may get involved in issues (48)Ito conflict resolution.At secondary school and at university,mentors are likely to deal with a larger variety of issues,such as (49)Fand health-related matters.
The belief in schemes like these is that being heard by your peers can be more effective and helpful as fellow students may have more time and understanding than teachers or others in (50)B.

分析 本文属于记叙文阅读,作者通过这篇文章向我们讲述了一些在学习中能取得成就的方法,并且向我们介绍了学校委员会,年议会以及同伴之间的辅导.

解答 41.A  本题考查词语与句子的联系,根据前文It is important that students'feelings,opinions and suggestions are listened to,taken into account,and that the right action is taken.可知第一段主要讲述了听取意见对学生的情感很重要,而下文提供了一些在学习中能取得成就的方法,故选A.
42.G  本题考查词语与句子的联系,根据第二段Most schools have a school council which exists to let the teachers and head teacher know what students'(  )are on a range of school issues可知大部分学校理事会的存在是让教师和班主任了解学生对学校的建议,故选G.
43.J   本题考查词语与句子的联系,根据The school council usually consists of two or three elected (  )from each year group.可知学校理事会通常由两个或三个选出的代表组成,故选J.
44.D  本题考查词语与句子的联系,根据A school council might meet once or twice a month to discuss issues such as the dress(  ),the use of social areas,charity fundraising and bullying.可知学校学校的会议一个月举行一次或两次,讨论着装规范、社会领域的使用、慈善筹款和欺凌行为等问题,故选D.
45.E   本题考查词语与句子的联系,根据Because school councils are sometimes(  )by older students,some schools have introduced year councils.可知有时学校是由老的学生做主导地位,故选E.
46.H  本题考查词语与句子的联系,根据The aim of a year council is to give students the opportunity to express opinions on(  )of importance to that particular year group.可知年会的目的是给学生们表达对某一年组重要性的意见的机会,故选H.
47.C  本题考查词语与句子的联系,根据The head of year will attend all council meetings as an observer and both they and the other year staff will be(  )as required to offer support and advice to council members and to assist in the settlement of arguments.可知作为观察员,他们和其他工作人员将提供所需的提供支持和建议,故选C.
48.I   本题考查词语与句子的联系,根据This starts from primary school age,when the mentors may get involved in issues (  ) to conflict resolution.可知从小学时代开始,导师可能会参与解决冲突的问题,故选I.
49.F  本题考查词语与句子的联系,根据At secondary school and at university,mentors are likely to deal with a larger variety of issues,such as (  )and health-related matters.可知在中学和大学时期,导师可能会处理更大的问题,如与教育和健康相关的问题,故选F.
50.B  本题考查词语与句子的联系,根据The belief in schemes like these is that being heard by your peers can be more effective and helpful as fellow students may have more time and understanding than teachers or others in (  )可知听到你的同龄人可以更有效并且是有帮助的可能会比老师或其他权威的人有更多的时间,故选B.

点评 本文需要学生通读全文,了解文章大意,通晓词语意思,分析句型,明确关联关系,结合上下文判断,确定答案后带入复查.

9.Every year,I tell my sons what I'd like for Mother's Day:a letter.Something written from the heart and offered freely rather than bought from a store and wrapped neatly.I don't always get my wish,nor do I always take the time to write to my own mother.
     This year,my boys will be in two different states on Mother's Day.My mom and dad will be away together,and l'11 be driving home from a writer's workshop in Massachusetts.Thinking of the fact that many friends have already lost their mothers and that a few have lost children,I am deeply grateful that what separates us,for now at least,is merely distance.It won't always be so,and there is no way to prepare for that fact other than to appreciate the moment that is.My sons know that they can please me on Sunday with a phone call or an e-mail,and that is enough as I love their words.The very best gift they can possibly give me is their own happiness,the very fact of their busy.full and well-lived lives.
     Still,knowing that my years of staying with my sons are over,I do Feel doleful.The truth is,I miss being the center of the universe to two little boys.And this holiday can be a bit painful.
     I wonder if my own mother ever felt nostalgic ('VTIH WJ) for the passing of my childhood.I wonder if she realizes that she is still at the center of my universe and always has been.I don't often pause to think about it.but of course she is the one who has been right there,at my side from the moment I drew my very first breath.How to ever fully appreciate the woman whose presence and love and example have shaped me into the adult I am?How to describe even a small part of the sharing.sacrificing.and support she has given me over the years?
51.The author mainly wants to tell us through the first paragraph thatD.
    A.she hopes to get her son's letters very much
    B.her sons don't often write to her on Mother's Day
    C.Mother's Day is the very date that she longs for most
    D.she is very sorry not to write to her mother often
52.The author is deeply grateful for the present life becauseB.
    A.her sons don't live far away from her home
    B.her parents and children are still alive
    C.her parents are coming to her house to spend Mother's Day
    D.her sons can please her on Sunday with a phone call
53.According to the authorC
    A.young people nowadays tend to ignore their parents
    B.parents should not give their children too much freedom
    C.children's happiness and success are the biggest comfort to parents
    D.parents are not the center of their children's universe when children grow up
54.What does the underlined word"doleful"in paragraph 3 mean?A
     A.sad              B.excited               C.guilty                D.proud
55.What will the author probably tell about after the last paragraph?B
    A.She'll tell the reader about her mother's present situation.
    B.She'll recall how her mother educated and cared for her.
    C.She'll describe the reunion of her family on Mother's Day.
    D.She'll tell the reader about her mother's achievements in her career.
3.A study of more than five million books,both fiction and non-fiction,has found a marked decline in the use of emotional words over time.The researchers form the University of Bristol used Google Ngram Viewer,a facility for finding the frequency of terms in scanned books,to search for more than 600particular words identified as representing anger,dislike,fear,joy,sadness and surprise.
They found that almost all of the categories (类别) showed a drop in these"mood words"over time.Only in the category of fear was there an increase in usage.
"It is a steady and continuous decrease,"said Dr Alberto Acerbi.He assumed that the result might be explained by a change in the position occupied by literature,in a crowded media landscape."One thing could be that in parallel to books the 20th century saw the start of other media.Maybe these media-movies,radio,drama-had more emotional content than books."
Although both joy and sadness followed the general downwards trend,the research,published in the journal PLOS One,found that they also exhibited another interesting behaviour:the ratio (比率) between the two varied greatly,apparently mirroring historical events.
During the Roaring Twenties the joy-to-sadness ratio reached a peak that would not occur again until before the recent financial crash.But the ratio plunged at the height of the Second World War.Nevertheless,the researchers held a reserved opinion about their claim that their result reflected wider social trends.In the paper,they even argue that the reverse could be true.
"It has been suggested,for example,that it was the suppression (压抑) of desire in ordinary Elizabethan English life that increased demand for writing‘filled with romance and sex'…perhaps,"they conclude,"songs and books may not reflect the real population any more than catwalk models reflect the average body."
(Note:Answer the questions or complete the statements in NO MORE THAN TEN WORDS.)
81.A study of more than five million books indicated a decline in"mood words"over time exceptin the category of fear.
82.According to Dr Alberto Acerbi,one reason for the drop of"mood words"in books may be thatthe literary position has changed in a crowded media landscape/other media-movies,radio,drama-
had more emotional content.
83.What were the two periods when the joy-to-sadness ratio was at its highest?During the roaring Twenties and before the recent financial crash.
84.While the researchers found some changes in the use of"mood words"in books,they were
not sure thattheir research result reflected wider social trends/songs and books reflected the real population.
20.Given that many people's moods (情绪)are regulated by the chemical action of chocolate,it was probably only a matter of time before somebody made the chocolate shop similar to a drugstore of Chinese medicine.Looking like a setting from the film Charlie &the Chocolate Factory,Singapore's Chocolate Research Facility (CRF) has over 100varieties of chocolates.its founder is Chris Lee who grew up at his parents'comer store with one hand almost always in the jar of sweets.
  If the CRF seems to be a smart idea,that's because Lee is not merely a seasoned salesperson but also head of a marketing department that has business relations with big names such as Levi's and Sony.That idea surely results in the imagination at work when it comes to making different flavored(味道)chocolates.
  The CRF's produce is"green".made within the country and divided into 10 lines,with the Alcohol Series being the most popular.The Exotic Series一with Sichuan pepper,red bean (豆).cheese and other flavors一also does well and is fun to taste.And for chocolate snobs,who think that they have a better knowledge of chocolate than others,the Connoisseur Series uses cocoa beans from Togo,Cuba,Venezuela,and Ghana,among others.

44.What is good about chocolate?C.
A.It serves as a suitable gift.
B.It works as an effective medicine.
C.It helps improve the state of mind.
D.It strengthens business relations.
45.Why is Chris Lee able to develop his idea of the CRF?D.
A.He knows the importance of research.
B.He learns form shops of similar types.
C.He has the support of many big names
D.He has a lot of marketing experience.
46.Which line of the CRF produce sells best?C.
A.The Connoisseur Series.   B.The Exotic Series.
C.The Alcohol Series.       D.The Sichuan Series.
47.The words"chocolate snobs"in Paragraph 3probably refer to people whoA.
A.are particular about chocolate
B.know little about cocoa beans
C.look down upon others
D.like to try new flavors.
1.I used to think of myself as a fairly open person,but my bookshelves told a different story.Apart from a few Indian novels and the Australian and South African book,my literature collection consisted of British and American titles.Worse still,I hardly ever read anything in translation.My reading was limited to stories by English-speaking authors.
So,at the start of 2012,I set myself the challenge of trying to read a book from every country in a year to find out what I was missing.As I was unlikely to find publications from nearly 200 nations on the shelves of my local bookshop,I decided to ask the planet's readers for help.I created a blog called A Year of Reading the World and put out an appeal for suggestions of titles that I could read in English.
The response was amazing.Before I knew it,people all over the planet were getting in touch with ideas and offers of help.Some posted me books from their home countries.Others did hours of research on my behalf.In addition,several writers sent me unpublished translations of their novels,giving me a rare opportunity to read works otherwise unavailable to the 62% of the British who only speak English.Even so,selecting books was no easy task.With translations making up only around 4.5 percent of literary works published in the UK and Ireland,getting English versions (版本)of stories was difficult.
But the effort was worth it.I found I was visiting the mental space of the storytellers.These stories not only opened my mind to the real life in other places,but opened my heart to the way people there might feel.
And that in turn changed my thinking.Through reading the stories shared with me by bookish strangers around the globe,I realised I was not alone,but part of a network that spread all over the planet.
21.Which of the following might be found on the blog A Year of Reading the World?A
A.Lists of English version books
B.Research on English literature.
C.Unfinished novels by British writers
D.Comments on English literature.
22.Why was it hard for the author to select the right books to read?C
A.The author had a busy schedule.
B.The author was only interested in a few topics.
C.The author could only read books written in English.
D.Most books recommended are not available in local bookshops.
23.The author is probably fromB.
A.America      B.the UK       C.Australia        D.Canada
24.Which of the following words can best describe the author's experience?B
A.fast and effortless             
B.challenging but rewarding
C.hopeless but beneficial         
D.meaningful but fruitless.

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