
Baths and bathing have been considered of an important medical therapy to man. In Greece there are the ruins of a bath tub and water system built over 3 000 years ago. The Romans had warm public baths. In some public baths as many 3 000 persons could bathe at the same time.
Treating diseases by bathing has been popular for centuries. Modern medical bathing, or hydrotherapy, first became popular in Europe and by the late 1 700’s also became popular in the United States.
For many years frequent bathing was believed to be bad for one’s health. Ordinary bathing just to be clean was avoided, and perfume(香水) was used to cover up body and smell.
By the 1 700’s doctors began to say that soap and water were good for health. They believed that it was good for people to be clean. Slowly, people began to bathe more frequently.
In the United States ordinary bathing was slow to become popular. During the 18th and early 19th centuries, many Americans were known as “the great unwashed”. In one American city, for example, a person could only take a bath every 30 days! That was a law.
Frequency of bathing today is partly a matter of habit. People know that bathing for cleanliness is important to health. Doctors know that dirty bodies increase that chance of disease.    
Therefore in the United States people generally bathe often.
1.What does the word “hydrotherapy” underlined in the second paragraph refer to?
A.A bathing tub.            B.Medical bathing.
C.Ordinary bathing.           D.Warm public baths.
2.Until when did doctors believe that ordinary bathing was good for health?
A.Until the 16th century     B.Until the 17th century.
C.Until the 18th century.    D.Until the 19th century.
3.Where did the ordinary bathing first become popular according to the passage?
A.In Africa.        B.In Europe.      
C.In the USA.            D.The passage doesn’t tell us.
4.Which of the following statements is not true?
A.Bathing was important to Greeks and Romans.
B.The Greek built water systems.
C.The Greek had warm public baths.
D.The Greek used bath tubs.
5.The passage is mainly about ______.
A.bathing in the USA
B.the good points and bad points of bathing
C.the history of bathing
D.the modern medical bathing


第II卷 非选择题  (共35分)
第一节 任务型读写(共10小题,每小题1分,满分10分)
In a research, it was found that only four out of every five employees were happy at work. Surprisingly, it wasn’t the salary or the love for the work that made people happy. In stead friendly, supportive colleagues and a good manager have been found to be the primary causes of happiness at work. So how do you keep your spirits up and develop a sense of joy on the job? Here is some advice.
Happiness is a state of mind, and though not many people realize it, staying happy at work is totally based on a positive attitude towards your job. Concentrating(集中注意力) on the bright side of the work rather than keeping talking about what makes you unhappy is the basic key to happiness.
Challenge yourself and take charge of your own growth professionally. Boredom is one of the primary reasons that cause people to change jobs. To avoid feeling bored, you can find new challenges and it’s a great feeling to take control over what you do and see a task through.
Complete our tasks, however disagreeable or tough they might be. This gives you an individual(单个的,特别的) sense of achievement and encourages you to work towards your goals in future. Also keep learning and gaining new insights while at work.
Sitting and staring at your screen all day long isn’t going to help you. Instead take breaks and go outside for some time. They don’t necessarily have to be long breaks but staying out for a few minutes to feel the gentle wind can keep you happy. Eat your lunch out side or walk for a few minutes during that hour, which helps you stay happy at work.
How to be Happy at Work
Factors that make people happy at work
·Friendship and (76)       from colleagues.
·A good manager.
Some (77)   
Have  a
·Concentrate on the bright side of the work.
·Avoid talking about what brings you (79)    .
Challenge yourself
·Find new challenges to avoid feeling(80)    .
·(81)    what you do and complete it.
(82)    your tasks
·Do your best to finish your tasks.
·Keep learning and gaining new(83) _____ at work.
Have  a
(84)   and go
·Stay out for a few minutes to feel the gentle wind.
·Eat outside or walk for a few minutes at your(85)___ time.

Oceanography has been defined as “The application of all sciences to the study of the sea”. Before the nineteenth century, scientists with an interest in the sea were few .
   For most people the sea was remote, and with the exception of early intercontinental travelers or others who earned a living from the sea, there was little reason to ask many questions about it, let alone to ask what lay beneath the surface. The first time that the question 'What is at the bottom of the oceans?' had to be answered with any commercial consequence was when the laying of a telegraph cable from Europe to America was proposed. The engineers had to know the depth profile (起伏形状 ) of the route to estimate the length of cable that had to be manufactured. 
   It was to Maury of the US Navy that the Atlantic Telegraph Company turned, in 1853, for information on this matter. In the 1840s, Maury had been responsible for encouraging voyages during which soundings (测深 ) were taken to investigate the depths of the North Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. Later, some of his findings aroused much popular interest in his book The Physical Geography of the Sea. 
   The cable was laid, but not until 1866 was the connection made permanent and reliable. At the early attempts, the cable failed and when it was taken out for repairs it was found to be covered in living growths, a fact which defied contemporary scientific opinion that there was no life in the deeper parts of the sea.
  Within a few years oceanography was under way. In 1872 Thomson led a scientific expedition, which lasted for four years and brought home thousands of samples from the sea. Their classification and analysis occupied scientists for years and led to a five-volume report, the last volume being published in 1895.
 68. The passage implies that the telegraph cable was built mainly _________.
 A) for oceanographic studies
 B) for military purposes
C) for business considerations
 D) for investigating the depths of the oceans
69. The aim of voyages Maury encouraged in the 1840s was __________.
 A) to make some sound experiments in the oceans
 B) to collect samples of sea plants and animals
 C) to estimate the length of cable that was to be made
 D) to measure the depths of two oceans
70. 'Defied' in the 4th paragraph probably means ________
 A)   doubted        B)  gave proof to
 C)   challenged     D)  agreed to
71. This passage is mainly about _________
 A) the beginnings of oceanography
 B) the laying of the first undersea cable
C) the investigation of ocean depths
 D) the early intercontinental communications

   The fact that blind people can see things using other parts of their bodies apart from their eyes may help us to understand our feelings about color. If they can sense color differences, then perhaps we, too, are affected (影响) by color without knowing it. Salesmen have discovered by experience over a long period of time that sugar sells badly in green wrappings (包装), that blue foods are considered not agreeable to the taste ,and that cosmetics (化妆品) should never be packed in brown. These discoveries have grown into a whole subject of color psychology (心理学).
Some of our preferences (偏爱) are clearly psychological. Dark blue is the color of the night sky and therefore connected with calm, while yellow is a day color connected with energy and encouragement. Experiments have shown that colors, partly because they are connected with psychology, also have a direct effect on people’s mind. People in bright red surroundings (环境) show an increase in breathing speed, heartbeat and blood pressure. Red is exciting. Pure blue has exactly the opposite effect; it is a calming color. Being exciting, red was chosen as the signal for danger, but a closer study shows that a bright yellow can produce a more basic state of alarm, so fire engines in some advanced areas are now rushing around in bright yellow colors that stop buses, trucks and cars.         
65. The passage tells us that salesmen have _______.
A. found out that colors affect sales   
B. discovered the relationship between color and psychology 
C. tried colors on blind people     
D. developed a special subject of color psychology    
66. If people are exposed to (置身于) pure blue, _______.
A. their body pressure rises                    B. they won’t easily feel nervous
C. they want to taste blue foods          D. they will feel like buying things
67. The most effective color in the passage for warning people is _____.      
A. red    B. bright yellow    C. dark blue    D. green
68. Which of the following do you think is the best title of the passage?
A. Color and Feelings                B. Colors and Sales 
C. The Blind and Colors             D. Preferences for Colors
This is time of year when we think about giving and receiving presents. Can you find a little extra to give? On this page we suggest a few organizations you might like to help.
Littleton Children’s Home
We don’t want your money, but children’s toys, books and clothes in good condition would be very welcome.
Also—we are looking for friendly families who would take our children into their homes for a few hours or days as guests. You have so much—will you share it?
Phone Sister Thomas on 55671.
Children’s Hospice
We look after a small number of very sick children. This important work needs skill and love. We cannot continue without gifts of money to pay for more nursing staff. We also need story books and toys suitable for quiet games.
Please contact The Secretary, Little Children’s Hospice, Newby Road.@m
Street Food
In the winter weather, it’s no fun being homeless. It’s even worse if you’re hungry. We give hot food to at least fifty people every night. It’s hard work, but necessary. Can you come and help? If not, can you find a little money? We use a very old kitchen, and we urgently need some new saucepans. Money for new ones would be most welcome indeed.
Contact Street Food, c/o Mary’s House, Elming Way, Littleton. Phone 27713.
Littleton Youth Club
Have you got an unwanted chair?—a record player?—a pot of paint?
Because we can use them!
We want to get to work on our meeting room!
Please phone 66231 and we’ll be happy to collect anything you can give us.
Thank you!
The Night Shelter
We offer a warm bed for the night to anyone who has nowhere to go. We rent the former Commercial Hotel on Green Street. Although it is not expensive, we never seem to have quite enough money. Can you let us have a few pounds? Any amount, however small, will be such a help.
Send it to us at 15, Green St, Littleton. Please make check payable to Night Shelter.
小题1:Reading the passage, you might like to help these organizations which work for     
A.homeless and sick children
B.less fortunate members of our society
C.hungry people who have no beds to sleep in
D.friendly members of our society to help others
小题2:If you like children and can offer a happy family to a homeless child, you may go to     .
A.Street FoodB.Night ShelterC.Children’s HomeD.Children’s Hospice
小题3:We can infer that      .
A.there are too many social problems in this country
B.people are very poor during the time for giving presents
C.warm-hearted people like to give away money
D.this passage is taken from a local newspaper
小题4:If your child has grown up, you may take the child’s things to       .         
A.Children’s Home and Children’s HospiceB.Youth Club and Children’s Home
C.Children’s Hospice and Night ShelterD.Youth Club and Night Shelter

The Young Can't Wait
By Severn Cullies Suzuki
When you are little, it's not hard to believe you can change the world. I remember my enthusiasm when, at the age of 12, I addressed the delegates at the Rio Earth Summit. “I am only a child,” I told them. “Yet I know that if all the money spent on war was spent on ending poverty(贫困) and finding environmental answers, what a wonderful place this would be. In school you teach us not to fight with others, to work things out, to respect others, to clean up our mess, not to hurt other creatures, to share, not to be greedy. Then why do you go out and do the thing you tell us not to do? You grown-ups say you love us, but I challenge you, please, to make your actions reflect(反省) your words.”
I spoke for six minutes and received a standing ovation. Some of the delegates even cried. I thought that maybe I had reached some of them, that my speech might actually spur(刺激) action. Now, a decade(十年) from Rio, after I've sat through many more conferences, I'm not sure what has been accomplished. My confidence in the people in power and in the power of an individual's voice to reach them has been deeply shaken.
When I was little, the world was simple. But as a young adult, I'm learning that as we have to make choices—education, career, lifestyle—life gets more and more complicated. We are beginning to feel pressure to produce and be successful. We are taught that economic growth is progress, but we aren't taught how to pursue a happy, healthy or sustainable way of living. And we are learning that what we wanted for the future when we were 12 was idealistic and naive.
Today I'm no longer a child, but I'm worried about what kind of environment my children will grow up in. I know change is possible, because I am changing, still figuring out what I think. I am still deciding how to live my life. The challenges are great, but if we accept individual responsibility and make sustainable choices, we will rise to the challenges, and we will become part of the positive tide of change.
60.The purpose of what the writer said at the age of 12 was to _______.
A.end poverty and make school beautiful
B.find environmental answers and keep the words that they always told themselves
C.end poverty and solve the problems about environment
D.find a wonderful place and clean it up
61.What does the underlined word “ovation” in the second paragraph refer to _____.
A.a long period of laughing              B.a warm welcome
C.an expression used for greeting      D.a long period of clapping and applause
62.It becomes clear that the writer is possibly _________ now.
A.in his teens      B.in his twenties  C.in his thirties    D.in his forties

Obesity(肥胖) in children and adolescents is rising at an alarming rate. Currently over 15% of young people over 6 years old are obese, and obesity is also increasing among children aged 5 and younger.
Children are considered to be overweight if the BMI(Body Mass Index) is over 85% of the weight group in their age and sex categories. If it is 95% and over, they are considered to be obese. Adolescents are generally judged according to adult criteria(标准) for obesity, although there are other considerations in this population, for many factors will affect the result of these measurements.
Causes and Risk Factors for Obesity in Children
Lifestyle Factors. Without educational or parental guidance, children are extremely greatly exposed to the cultural pressures that are largely responsible for growth of the obesity. Neither the media nor the educational system has strong programs that encourage healthy way of life, including exercise and healthy foods. The following are some specific problems created by the culture:
﹡Too much television watching plays an important role in obesity in children. Not only is it a passive activity, but television also offers countless temptations(诱惑) with its advertisements for fast foods, sugar cereals, and unhealthy snacks. In one study obesity rate were lowest in children who watched television one hour or less a day and highest in those who watched four or more hours.
﹡Sugar, particularly from soda, other sweet drinks, and fruit juice, may be major contributors to childhood obesity. One study reported that drinking soda regularly increases a child’s risk for obesity by 60%.
﹡Less physical exercise and greater sitting activities play another significant role in obesity in children. A high level of physical activity – not just using up energy – is important for weight control in young people.
Family History. Parental obesity more than doubles the risk that a young child, whether thin or overweight, will become obese as an adult. In older children and teenagers, obesity in parents starts to affect less as a predictor(预言) for body weight than their own weight. The risk may be due to environmental or genetic factors, or both.
Ethnic and Socioeconomic Factors. As in adult populations, children from lower socioeconomic groups and minority populations are at higher risk for obesity. For example, among young Mexican Americans and African Americans, there has been an increase in overweight trend of about 13% to over 23%.
69.What’s the main idea of the passage? ______________.
A. The trend of obesity                B. Causes of obesity
C. Fight against obesity                D. Obesity in children
70.How many main factors leading to obesity in children are mentioned?
A. 2              B. 3                C. 4                 D. 5
71.According to the passage, which of the following children is most likely to be obese?
A. A 5-year-old child whose parents are overweight.
B. A 16-year-old teenager whose parents are obese.
C. A child who watches TV one hour per day.
D. A child who take regular exercise.
72.Which of the following is NOT true?
A. Parents should give some guidance on healthy lifestyles.
B. Watching TV four hours a day will surely lead to obesity in children.
C. Children from minority populations are more likely to be obese.
D. Children should take more physical exercises.
A strange thing happens to nearly everybody at night. They turn off the lights, put up the covers and close their eyes. Six or seven hours later, they wake up again. Strange, isn’t it?
Sleep puzzles science. Scientists and doctors would rather talk about why one can’t fall asleep. They are not so sure what causes sleep.
The best conditions for sleep, they say, are good health and meal neither too big nor too small. No worries and a comfortable place to sleep in are important, too. They advise against two in one bed.
Strange things happen during sleep. For example, you move often. You would feel tired if you didn’t. You also dream. Part of your brain is still awake when you dream. Dreaming happens when the memory and imagination parts of your brain are still awake. Experiments have shown that bad dreams may be caused by a stomachache.
Don’t worry if you dream. Some great stories and poems were begun while the writers slept.
41. Sleep puzzles scientists because they are not certain _______. 
why one can’t fall asleep
why one wakes up six or seven sleeping hours later
both A and B
D. what causes sleep
42. You would feel tired during sleep if you ________.
A. move often           B. sleep on your back     C. didn’t move    D. went back too later
43. Dreaming happens when _______.
A. you are in a deep sleep                           B. you are not comfortable
C. part of our brain is still awake               D. there’s too much noise  in the room
44. The best title for this passage is ________.
A. Why You Dream                              B. The Strangeness of Sleep
C. What Happens During Sleep            D. The Cause of Sleep    
Each year, road accidents kill a million people and injure millions more . The economic costs are greatest for developing countries . Earlier this year , the United Nations called for a campaign to improve road safety .
One way to avoid accidents is better driving . Another is better roads and bridges . Engineers in the Unites States have designed ten new concrete mixtures that they think could make bridges last longer .
Professor Paul Tikalsky leads the experiments by a team at Pennsylvania State University . He says bridges made of concrete now last about twenty-five to thirty-five years . But he says the new mixtures might extend that to seventy –five or even one-hundred years .
Concrete is made of stone , sand , water and cement(水泥). The materials in the cement hold the concrete together . Ancient Romans built with concrete . Yet strengthened concrete bridges did not appear until the late 1800s . People keep looking for new ways to improve concrete . Professor Tikalsky says it is one of the most complex of all chemical systems .
The new mixtures designed by his team contain industrial waste products . He says these make the concrete better able to resist damage from water and salt over time . One of the products is fly ash . This is released into the air as pollution when coal is burned .
Professor Tikalsky says particles (颗粒)of fly ash are almost exactly the same size and chemical structure as Portland cement . This is the most costly material in concrete . So using fly ash to replace some of it would save money .
The federal government is paying for part of the research . Engineers anywhere can use the technology . Professor Tikalsky says some of the ideas have already been put to use in China , the Philippines and other countries .
小题1:Why did the United Nations launch the campaign ?
A.Because the United Nations wanted to reduce road accidents and economic costs
B.Because two million people were killed in the accidents .
C.Because engineers wanted to design ten new concrete mixtures .
D.Because the United Nations made bridges of the new mixtures which could last for about 20 to 35
years .
小题2:What does the underlined word “ this ” in the sixth paragraph refer to ?
A.Fly ashB.Portland cementC.SandD.Chemical
小题3:Which of the following statements is TRUE ?
A.Ten new concrete bridges have already been built in the United States .
B.A new concrete bridge could last 50 more years than an ordinary concrete one .
C.People didn’t know how to build with cement until the late 1800s .
D.Water and salt won’t do any damage to bridges over time .
小题4:What does the passage mainly tell us ?
A.The causes of road accidents .B.The advantages of fly ash
C.The measures of avoiding road accidentsD.Latest information about long-life concrete bridges

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