
   The fact that blind people can see things using other parts of their bodies apart from their eyes may help us to understand our feelings about color. If they can sense color differences, then perhaps we, too, are affected (影响) by color without knowing it. Salesmen have discovered by experience over a long period of time that sugar sells badly in green wrappings (包装), that blue foods are considered not agreeable to the taste ,and that cosmetics (化妆品) should never be packed in brown. These discoveries have grown into a whole subject of color psychology (心理学).
Some of our preferences (偏爱) are clearly psychological. Dark blue is the color of the night sky and therefore connected with calm, while yellow is a day color connected with energy and encouragement. Experiments have shown that colors, partly because they are connected with psychology, also have a direct effect on people’s mind. People in bright red surroundings (环境) show an increase in breathing speed, heartbeat and blood pressure. Red is exciting. Pure blue has exactly the opposite effect; it is a calming color. Being exciting, red was chosen as the signal for danger, but a closer study shows that a bright yellow can produce a more basic state of alarm, so fire engines in some advanced areas are now rushing around in bright yellow colors that stop buses, trucks and cars.         
65. The passage tells us that salesmen have _______.
A. found out that colors affect sales   
B. discovered the relationship between color and psychology 
C. tried colors on blind people     
D. developed a special subject of color psychology    
66. If people are exposed to (置身于) pure blue, _______.
A. their body pressure rises                    B. they won’t easily feel nervous
C. they want to taste blue foods          D. they will feel like buying things
67. The most effective color in the passage for warning people is _____.      
A. red    B. bright yellow    C. dark blue    D. green
68. Which of the following do you think is the best title of the passage?
A. Color and Feelings                B. Colors and Sales 
C. The Blind and Colors             D. Preferences for Colors


第三节 完形填空(共20小题,每小题1.5分,满分 30分)
As the pace of life continues to increase, we are fast losing the art of relaxation. 21  you are in the habit of rushing through life, being on the go from morning till night, it is hard to  22   down. But relaxation is  23   for a healthy mind and body.
Stress is a  24   part of everyday life and there is no way to  25  it. In fact, it is not the bad thing that it is often supposed to be. A  26  amount of stress is important to provide motivation and give  27  to life. It is only when the stress gets out of control  28  it can lead to poor performance and  29  health.
The amount of stress a person can bear  30  very much on the individual. Some people are not afraid of stress, and such  31  are obviously chief material for managerial.(管理的) responsibilities. Other people lose heart at first  32  of unusual difficulties. When exposed to stress, in  33 form , we react both physically and mentally. In fact we make a choice between “34  and fight”. And in more ancient days the choices made the  35  between life and death. The crisis we meet today are  36  to be so extreme, but however little the stress is, it requires the same response. It is when such a reaction  37  a long time, through continued exposure to stress, that health becomes  38  . Such serious conditions as high blood pressure and heart disease have established links with stress. 39  we cannot remove stress from our lives, we need to find ways to deal with it.
So what do you think of  40  ? What is your way to deal with it?
21.A.When           B.While               C.Once              D.As
22.A.slow             B.calm                 C.get                 D.turn
23.A.unnecessary     B.satisfied            C.useful             D.necessary
24.A.physical        B.natural              C.hard               D.terrible
25.A.tolerate         B.solve                C.avoid              D.accept
26.A.sure              B.certain              C.large               D.great
27.A.purpose         B.resource            C.influence         D.instruction
28.A.when           B.why                 C.that                D.how
29.A.ill                 B.good                C.strong             D.weak
30.A.insists           B.depends            C.calls               D.spends
31.A.patterns         B.personalities      C.situations        D.characters
32.A.glance           B.view                 C.sight               D.impression
33.A.whichever     B.whatever           C.however          D.whenever
34.A.peace            B.fright               C.pressure          D.heaviness
35.A.decision        B.promise            C.difference       D.choice
36.A.unlikely        B.likely               C.necessary        D.probable
37.A.continues      B.lives                 C.stands             D.lasts
38.A.balanced       B.injured             C.endangered      D.changeable
39.A.Unless          B.Since                C.Because          D.As
40.A.stress            B.relaxation         C.ways               D.exposure
Three surfers rushed to save a man’s life after he was left drifting on a notorious stretch of water.
The men stayed with Greg Popple for 30 minutes and had to be rescued themselves by helicopter as the drama unfolded.
The 45-year-old had floated out on a body board near Hutchwns Point at 8:30 am. He found himself in trouble about half-a-mile from the shore and dangerously close to rocks. Surfers Graig Evans, 31, Robert Miles, 19, and Owain Daviees, 23, were risking their own safety to keep him floating for 30 minutes. Luckily a passer-by noticed what was going on and raised the alarm. Porthcawl Coastguard, Porthcaw Lifeboat and an RAF helicopter all took part in the rescue.
“The man who got into trouble was a body boarder-there was a big tide where he was,” said Joe Missen. “Three other surfers spotted he was in difficulty and he was going down. They kept him afloat because he was in a state of shock and out of energy. If Mr. Popple was closer to the rocks, it could have been a lot worse, but they managed to keep him from harm”.
Mr. Missen’s mum Alison, also part of the rescue team, said, “That part of the water is notorious for taking people out to nowhere”.
The three men had clocked off a night shift at Ford Motor Company shortly before the incident.
“I headed straight down to the beach for a surf, when I saw him flailing(挥动). We just swam straight out to him and kept him calm while the help came”.
The four men were taken to the life boat house to recover, without injuries.
61. What would be the best title for the text?
A.Three Men to Be Praised                  B Notorious Place for Surfers
C.Surfers Rescue Man Caught in Tide           D.Greg Popple-a Lucky Dog
62. The helicopter came up at the request of ________.
A.Greg Popple         B. Craig Evans        C. Robert Miles          D. a passer-by
63. About the incident, we know that ______.
A.Mr. Popple moved difficulty for loss of energy
B.The three men were badly injured
C.Mr. Popple’mum was also in the rescue team
D.Mr. Davies was going to work that morning
64. According to the text, what was the most important thing to do for the three men?
A.Keeping him farther away from the rocks.       B.Keeping Mr Popple swimming in the sea.
C.Asking him to have a good rest.               D.Keeping him floating everywhere.
65. What may the style of this passage be?
A.A story.          B. A news report.          C. A poster.              D. An advertisement.
Nothing can spoil a vacation quicker than losing your money or credit cards. A few simple steps before you head out of the door can help protect your cash, card and personal information while you’re traveling.
Paul Stephens, a policy analyst San Diego, notes that people spend a lot of time planning their trips, from buying guidebooks to finding just the right beach outfits(装备).“But their eyes glaze(呆滞) over when the subject of keeping money safe comes up,” he said.
“Why not take a few minutes to do something that could probably save your vacation?” Stephens asked.“In most cases, they can go on your to-do list with‘ buy travel bags’ and everything else,” he added.
The top recommendation is to clean your wallet. Remove unnecessary credit cards and any other unneeded documents that could compromise(危及...的安全)your identity if lost or stolen while you’re on vocation.
Then make a photocopy of the cards you’ve decided to take along and keep it in a secure location with you(not in your wallet)or leave it with a trusted relative or friend back home. Then you will know who you need to contact and how to reach it if your wallet is missing.
“Travelers should never leave their wallets or any identifying documents in their hotel room when they’re not there,” he said.” Choose a hotel with a safe to keep your valuable things in. Or keep your wallet and documents with you at all times. ”
56.According to passage, _______can destroy one’s vacation the most quickly.
A.being lost on vacation        B.losing money or credit cards
C.living in a bad hotel.      D.losing contact with family
57.What does the underlined word stand for?
A.The people who are going traveling.
B.The outfits that are prepare4d for traveling.
C.The suggestions on what to buy when traveling.
D.The steps to avoid losing money or credit cards.
58.What should people do with their wallet before they go on vacation?
A.Take it with them all the time.
B.Put it in a safe place at the hotel
C.Remove unnecessary cards and documents.
D.Leave it with family or friend.
59.What is the topic of the passage?
A.How to prepare for travel.
B.How to be happy during your vacation.
C.How to keep cash and cards safe on vacation.
D.How to protect your luggage on vacation.
60.According to the passage, we know ______.
A.people don’t always know how to protect their money or credit cards
B.people should take a lot of money with them while traveling
C.people can leave their identifying documents in rooms, if the hotel is expensive
D.people can spend a few minutes preparing the luggage for travelling
The year was 1932. Amelia Earhart was flying alone from North America to England in a small single—engined aeroplane. At midnight, several hours after she had left Newfoundland, she ran into bad weather. To make things worse, her altimeter (高度表) failed and she didn't know how high she was flying. At night, and in a storm, a pilot is in great difficulty without an altimeter. At times, her plane nearly plunged (冲) into the sea.
Just before dawn, there was further trouble. Amelia noticed flames (火焰) coming from the engine. Would she be able to reach land? There was nothing to do except to keep going and to hope.
In the end, Amelia Earhart did reach Ireland, and for the courage she had shown, she was warmly welcomed in England and Europe. When she returned to the United States, she was honored by President Hoover at a special dinner in the White House. From that time on, Amelia Earhart was famous.
What was so important about her flight? Amelia Earhart was the first woman to fly the Atlantic Ocean alone, and she had set a record of fourteen hours and fifty—six minutes.
In the years that followed, Amelia Earhart made several flights across the United States, and on each occasion (时刻) she set a new record for flying time. Amelia Earhart made these flights to show that women had a place in aviation (航空) and that air travel was useful.
71. Which of the following statements is NOT the difficulty which Amelia Earhart met in her flight from north America to England?
A. She was caught in a storm.               B. The altimeter went out of order.
C. Her engine went wrong.                 D. She lost her direction.
72. When Amelia Earhart saw flames coming from the engine, what did she do?
A. She did nothing but pray for herself.
B. She changed her direction and landed in Ireland.
C. She continued flying.
D. She lost hope of reaching land.
73. According to the passage, what was Amelia Earhart’s reason for making her flights?
A. To set a new record for flying time.
B. To be the first woman to fly around the world.
C. To show that aviation was not just for men.
D. To become famous in the world.
74. Which of the following statements was NOT mentioned?
A. She was the first woman who succeeded in flying across the Atlantic Ocean alone.
B. She showed great courage in overcoming the difficulties during the flight.
C She was warmly welcomed in England, Europe and the United States.
D. She made plans to fly around the world.
75. Which of the following would be the best title for the passage?
A. Amelia Earhart—First Across the Atlantic.
B. Amelia Earhart—Pioneer in Women’s Aviation.
C. A New Record for Flying Time.
D. A Dangerous Flight from North America to England.

Baths and bathing have been considered of an important medical therapy to man. In Greece there are the ruins of a bath tub and water system built over 3 000 years ago. The Romans had warm public baths. In some public baths as many 3 000 persons could bathe at the same time.
Treating diseases by bathing has been popular for centuries. Modern medical bathing, or hydrotherapy, first became popular in Europe and by the late 1 700’s also became popular in the United States.
For many years frequent bathing was believed to be bad for one’s health. Ordinary bathing just to be clean was avoided, and perfume(香水) was used to cover up body and smell.
By the 1 700’s doctors began to say that soap and water were good for health. They believed that it was good for people to be clean. Slowly, people began to bathe more frequently.
In the United States ordinary bathing was slow to become popular. During the 18th and early 19th centuries, many Americans were known as “the great unwashed”. In one American city, for example, a person could only take a bath every 30 days! That was a law.
Frequency of bathing today is partly a matter of habit. People know that bathing for cleanliness is important to health. Doctors know that dirty bodies increase that chance of disease.    
Therefore in the United States people generally bathe often.
1.What does the word “hydrotherapy” underlined in the second paragraph refer to?
A.A bathing tub.            B.Medical bathing.
C.Ordinary bathing.           D.Warm public baths.
2.Until when did doctors believe that ordinary bathing was good for health?
A.Until the 16th century     B.Until the 17th century.
C.Until the 18th century.    D.Until the 19th century.
3.Where did the ordinary bathing first become popular according to the passage?
A.In Africa.        B.In Europe.      
C.In the USA.            D.The passage doesn’t tell us.
4.Which of the following statements is not true?
A.Bathing was important to Greeks and Romans.
B.The Greek built water systems.
C.The Greek had warm public baths.
D.The Greek used bath tubs.
5.The passage is mainly about ______.
A.bathing in the USA
B.the good points and bad points of bathing
C.the history of bathing
D.the modern medical bathing

Talk about a real-life hero! Ten-year-old Larry Champagne from St. Louis,Missouri, hit the brake (刹车) on a runaway school bus. He saved himself and 20 other kids on board from disaster.
It all happened in one terrible accident. On the way to school, the bus driver, Ernestine Blackman, suddenly fell ill. Seeing the car was running away, the other kids started to scream, but Larry ran to the front and stopped the bus.
“At first I thought, ‘We’re going to die,’” says Larry, “but after I pressed the brake, I felt safe.”
Larry’s speedy reaction made news all over the country. He appeared on TV shows as a hero. The bus company gave Larry a big gift. His school hung a medal of honor around his neck.
“My grandmother always tells me to do what’s right,” says Larry. He thanked his brother, Jerrick, 9, who “helped me get the bus driver up” during the emergency(紧急情况). How did he know how to stop the bus? Larry is something of a mechanic(机械师). He helps his grandfather work on his old truck. “He gets his hands dirty,” says his grandfather. One thing is for certain: Larry knows where to find the brakes.
1. What did Larry do to save the runaway bus?
A. He parked it for the sleeping bus driver. 
B. He helped all the kids climb out through the windows.
C. He dialed 911.              D. he pressed the brake.
2. When did Larry finally feel safe?
A. When the kids finally stopped screaming.        B. When the police officers arrived.
C. Once he pressed the brake, and the bus stopped.   D. When the bus driver started driving again.
3. Larry got the following as praise for his hero action Except            .
A. appearing on TV shows                         B. a scholarship from his school
C. a big gift from the bus company                    D. a medal of honor
4. Larry thanked his brother Jerrick for             .
A. helping him get the bus driver up                  B. helping him work on his old truck
C. teaching him how to find the brake         D. teaching him how to stop the bus
5. The underlined sentence“Larry is something of a mechanic” tells us that               .
A. Larry’s job is a mechanic                       B. Larry knows something about machines
C. Larry is a robot                                     D. Larry knows nothing about machines

第二部分:阅读理解(共两节;满分35 分)  
WASHINGTON -Tofu(豆腐)and Soyaburgers (豆饼) may be coming to American school lunch menus. What will the kids say? “Terrible,” said Greg Dudzinski, 17, of Ripon High School in Wisconsin, as he toured the US capital.
“The regular hamburgers are bad enough, so soyaburgers would be a lot worse, offered Zach Richey, 13, of Scottsboro Junior High in Alabama, another tourist. But the United States government – hoping to reduce the amount of fat that children are eating –has approved the use of soy as a meat substitute in meals for schools and day-care centers.Not all kids dislike the change. Mariel Spano, 17, of sandy Greek High School in New York, also visiting the capital, said she likes soyaburgers:“There is less fat, and they are better for you… They taste the same, and they are just as good.”
The government tried to make soy a meat substitute nearly 20 years ago, but later dropped the idea.At the time, the plan was intended as a cost-cutting move. US Agriculture Department officials say that their purpose now is only to make meals healthier.Schools are likely to increase the amount of soy that is mixed with hamburgers and other foods already on their menus, and they will also be looking for food companies to develop new soy products that children will like. “I can’t see putting tofu on a student’s plate and having a good acceptance. I can see taking a product that is familiar to the students and adding a large amount of soy to it and having it to be acceptable,” said Jill Benza, director of food services for the Mesa, Arizona schools.
36.What is the newspaper report mainly about?
A.The difficulty in using soy products for US schools.
B.Various opinions on soy products for US schools.
C.The plan that is made by the US government for school lunch.
D.Healthy foods for students in US schools.
37.Where did the interviews most probably take place?
A.In food companies.            B.In schools.
C.In Washington.                D.In some other states.
38.We may learn from the text that _________________________.
A.soyaburgers taste better than hamburgers.   
B.hamburgers are healthier than soyaburgers.
C.soyaburgers cost less than hamburgers.    
D.hamburgers cost less than soyaburgers.
39. What Jill Benza said shows that ___________________________.
A.students have not yet been used to soy products.
B.it is hardly possible to make soy products popular.
C.he does not like the change in meals for students.
D.schools are unwilling to change the lunch menus.

In meditation(冥想),people sit quietly and focus their attention on their breath. As they breathe in and out, they attend to their feelings. As thoughts go through their minds, they let them go. Breathe. Let go. Breathe. Let go.
According to a recent study at the Insight Meditation Society in Barre, Massachusetts, three months of training in this kind of meditation causes a marked change in how the brain allocates attention. It appears that the ability to let go thoughts that come into mind frees the brain to attend to more rapidly changing things and events in the outside world. Expert mediators are better than other people at catching such fast-changing stimuli, like facial expressions.
The study provides evidence for changes in the workings of the brain with mental training. People can learn and improve abilities of all sorts with practice, everything from driving to playing the piano. The study has shown that meditation is good for the brain. It appears to reduce pressure and promote a sense of well-being.
In an experiment, 17 volunteers with no meditation experience in the experimental group spent three months meditating 10 to 12 hours a day. A control group also with no meditation experience meditated for 20 minutes a day over the same period. Both groups were then given the tests with two numbers in a group of letters. As both group looked for the numbers, their brain activity was recorded.
Everyone could catch the first number. But the brain recordings showed that the less experienced mediators tended to grasp the first number and hang onto it, so they missed the second number. Those with more experience gave less attention to the first number as if letting it go, which led to an increased ability to grasp the second number. This shows that attention can change with practice.
Just ask Daniel Levision, who meditated for three months as part of the study.” I am a much better listener,” he said. “I do not get lost in my own personal reaction to what people are saying.”
56. The underlined word “them” in Paragraph 1 refers to ________.
A. feelings         B. minds         C. people        D. thoughts
57. Meditations manage their daily tasks better because they ________.
A. are given less pressure                   B. allocate their attention better
C. have more stimuli for life                D. practice them more frequently
58. The study proves that ________.
A. meditation improves one’s health        B. brain activity can be recorded
C. human attention can be trained              D. mediators have a good sense of hearing

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