
18.Don'twaste(浪费) your money on silly things.

分析 不要把钱浪费在一些傻事上.

解答 答案:waste浪费;句中是和否定副词don't构成否定祈使句,用动词原形即可.

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9.Left alone for over a month after the sad death of their owner,cats Roly Poly and Pudding never stood much of a chance.Amazingly,however,the lucky pair survived thanks to their vast fat.
Police found the fat cats after reports of a smell coming from their elderly owner's home in Walsall,West Midlands.Both cats were close to death,but had kept on diet although having no access to food.When officers found the pair,they were still overweight at over nine kilos t-more than twice the weight of a normal cat.
RSPCA inspectors believe the cats managed to stay alive because of their owner's feeding habits,and could have been even heavier before they were discovered.
Judith Haw,from the RSPCA,said,"The cats were obviously much-loved by their owner,but perhaps a bit too much.We think the lady didn't have any relatives who could care for the cats and she didn't have time to let anyone else know.The cats did not have access to any food and were using the house as a toilet,so police were called when neighbors complained about the smell."
Judith said the cats,which are being eared for at Foxtwood Cattery near Stoke,need a new home with a perfect parent who would be a health-conscious fitness fanatic (狂热者).She also said,"We'd love to find the cats a personal trainer or perhaps someone who is on a diet so they can help the cats lose weight,too."

56.Which of the following is mentioned in the text?A
A.The cats are being looked after near Stoke.
B.Inspectors from RSPCA called the police.
C.The lady had time to let anyone else know her death.
D.The cats are twice heavier than a normal cat.
57.RSPCA inspectors thought the cats can survive owing toA.
A.their owner's feeding habits
B.too much food
C.their owner's love
D.RSPCA's careful attending
58.According to Judith,the catsC.
A.were left alone for a month
B.needed a toilet
C.should be fed scientifically
D.gave off some terrible smell
59.We can infer from the passage thatD.
A.the lady didn't have any relatives
B.the cats might have had nowhere to stay
C.police found the pair in Walsall
D.the cats'owner massively overfed them.
5.Hair has always been an important sign of beauty,especially true for women.Next to the face,hair is one of the main qualities people look for when they consider a woman's beauty. Whether long or short,curly or straight,hair often gets a lot of attention.
Each hair grows independently of other hairs.Not all hairs experience the same period of growth at the same time.During the period of active growth,which is called Anagen,hair grows at a rate of about or one centimeter a month.About eighty five percent of hair follicles(毛囊) are going through this process at any given time.This period can last from two to six years.
The Catagen period of hair growth comes next.It is then that hair growth begins to slow down.This period usually lasts two or three weeks.Finally,hair growth comes to a complete stop and the hairs begin to fall out.This period is known as Telogen.Once the Telogen period has ended,the hair growth process begins again.
So what happens when a person has trouble growing hair or suffers from hair loss?Your genes control how fast or how long your hair will grow.Some people have a longer than usual anagen growth period.These people may be able to grow more hair than the average person.
However,others struggle to grow shoulder length hair.These people have a shorter than normal anagen period.
Your health can also affect hair growth.Poor nutrition can cause some hair follicles to stop growing or cause the hairs that grow to become weak or thin.Problems with hair growth can result from thyroid problems or other conditions.Health experts say people who experience a sudden increase in hair loss should seek medical advice.

68.How many periods of hair growth are discussed in the passage?B   
    A.Two.          B.Three.           C.Four.          D.Five.
69.The Catagen period is a period thatD.
    A.the hairs start to fall out                   B.the hairs grow at a fast rate
    C.hair growth stops completely                  D.hair growth begins to slow down
70.What can be learned from the passage?C
    A.Hair grows no more after the Telogen period.
    B.One with shoulder length hair must grow more hair.
    C.Hair growth has much to do with nutrition and health.
    D.Only a few hair follicles go through the Anagen period.
71.What is suggested by health experts when one suffers from a sudden increase in hair loss?B
    A.Changing his genes.                     B.Going to see a doctor.
    C.Cutting all his hair off.               D.Eating more vegetables.

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