
【题目】 Nao, the first robot able to show feelings, has been created by a European research team. When Nao is sad, he lowers his head and looks down. When he’s happy, he raises his arms for a hug. Nothing is out of the ordinary, except that Nao is a robot.

“We’re modeling the first years of life,” says Lola Canamero, a computer scientist at the University of Hertforshire. “The feelings are shown through physical gestures and body movements rather than facial or verbal (言语的) expressions.”

In the future, says the scientist, robots are likely to act as companions, provide support for old people, and help people shop online. In such uses, the display of feeling will be important in making the interactions (交往) more natural and comfortable.

Nao has been programmed to copy the emotional skills of a one-year-old child. It can memorize faces, and knows the basic rules of good and bad. Based on these it can decide how to react to what is going on. The actions going with each feeling are pre-programmed, but Nao decides for itself when to display them.

Nao is also programmed to have different personalities. A more independent robot is less likely to call for help when exploring a room, while a more fearful robot will show distress if it finds something in the room that may be harmful.

Canamero’s team will take its emotional programming forward into medical applications. Part of the project will look at ways to use robots in hospitals to support the roles of doctors, nurses and parents. Children might find that a small, friendly-looking robot that can understand their emotional states makes them less anxious. “We want to explore different roles—the robots will help the children to understand their treatment and explain what they have to do. We want to help the children to control their anxiety.” she says.

1According to the text Nao_______.

A.displays different feelings in different situations

B.is able to copy adult emotional displays

C.can remember people’s feelings

D.learns feelings from facial expressions

2What can we learn from the text?

A.Scientists worked on facial and spoken expressions to create Nao’s emotions.

B.The time when Nao displays feelings has been pre-programmed.

C.Emotional programming is used in medicine production.

D.Robots with emotional skills can help children feel more comfortable.

3What can’t robots do in the future according to the scientist?

A.They can work as your companion.

B.They can aid old people .

C.They can shop with you.

D.They can show their feelings.

4What is the text mainly about?

A.The relationship between humans and robots.

B.The roles that robots play in different fields.

C.The first robot able to show feelings.

D.The long history of robots.









细节理解题。由第一段中的“Nao, the first robot able to show feelings, has been created by a European research team. When Nao is sad, he lowers his head and looks down. When he’s happy, he raises his arms for a hug.”(一个欧洲研究小组发明了第一个能够表达感情的机器人Nao。当Nao伤心的时候,他低下头,往下看。当他高兴的时候,他举起双臂要拥抱。),可知Nao在不同的情况下表现出不同的感受。故选A项。


细节理解题。由最后一段中的“Children might find that a small, friendly-looking robot that can understand their emotional states makes them less anxious.”(孩子们可能会发现,一个小的,看起来友好的机器人,可以理解他们的情绪状态,使他们不那么焦虑。),可知具有情感技能的机器人可以帮助孩子们感觉更舒服。故选D项。


细节理解题。由第一段中的“Nao, the first robot able to show feelings, has been created by a European research team. When Nao is sad, he lowers his head and looks down. When he’s happy, he raises his arms for a hug.”(一个欧洲研究小组发明了第一个能够表达感情的机器人Nao。当Nao伤心的时候,他低下头,往下看。当他高兴的时候,他举起双臂要拥抱。),可知未来像Nao一样的机器人能表达他们的感情,D项正确;由第三段中的“In the future, says the scientist, robots are likely to act as companions, provide support for old people, and help people shop online.”(这位科学家说,在未来,机器人很可能成为同伴,为老年人提供支持,并帮助人们在网上购物。),可知AB两项正确, 科学家说未来机器人只能帮助人们在网上购物,并未说机器人能和人一起购物,C项错误。故选C项。


主旨大意题。由第一段中的“Nao, the first robot able to show feelings, has been created by a European research team. When Nao is sad, he lowers his head and looks down. When he’s happy, he raises his arms for a hug.”(一个欧洲研究小组发明了第一个能够表达感情的机器人Nao。当Nao伤心的时候,他低下头,往下看。当他高兴的时候,他举起双臂要拥抱。),第四段第一句“Nao has been programmed to copy the emotional skills of a one-year-old child.”(Nao被设计成模仿一岁小孩的情感技能。),第五段第一句“Nao is also programmed to have different personalities.”(Nao也有不同的性格。)和最后一段中的“Children might find that a small, friendly-looking robot that can understand their emotional states makes them less anxious.”(孩子们可能会发现,一个小的,看起来友好的机器人,可以理解他们的情绪状态,使他们不那么焦虑。),可知文章主要讲第一个能表达感情的机器人Nao。故选C项。


【题目】 Living with your parents has its benefits at least when it comes to raising your kids― their grandkids. Two new studies add to the evidence that grandmothers can enhance the survival of grandchildren. That is, unless grandma's too old or lives too far away.

Humans are unusual in that the females live long past the age at which they stop having babies. Patrick Bergeron, professor of biology at Bishop's University in Quebec, said that most of the organisms will reproduce up to their very last moment. This increase is often explained by the so-called "grandmother effect". He thinks there could still be a benefit for women who stop having babies to increase their genetic footprint by helping their daughters to raise larger families.

To explore the "grandmother effect" hypothesis (假设),Bergeron and his colleagues examined nearly 200 years' worth of French-Canadian population records from the 17th and 18th centuries. "At the time, life was tough. In some years, a third o the kids were not even making it to one year of age.” But the researchers found that having a grandmother still alive was a definite plus."Families with grandmothers alive were larger by about two and the survival of these grandchildren to age 15 was much improved."

This beneficial effect was only seen when the matriarchs (女家长)lived nearby. That role is tougher for them to fulfills as they get older in poor health, which brings us to the second study. The researchers found that the benefits associated with having a grandmother on hand depended on her age. Once manna hit 75, the grandchild survival benefit disappeared. This was almost certainly due to some form of indirect resource competition, though, rather than wickedness (邪恶)on the part of co- resident grandmothers.

So a healthy grandma helps make for a healthy grandchild. If ',over the river and through the woods to grandmother's house" isn't too long a trip.

1What's the second paragraph mainly about?

A.Differences between animals and human beings.

B.Disadvantages of living with grandmas

C.Grandmothers' influence on the kids.

D.What's called“grandmother effect”.

2How does the writer describe about the French-Canadian population more than three hundred years ago?

A.By voicing opinions.B.By providing facts.

C.By giving examples.D.By telling stories.

3What can we infer from the second study?

A.Society should be concerned about the old women.

B.Grandmothers over 75 years old are unwilling to help.

C.Some grandmothers may occupy kids' relative recourses.

D.Some grandmothers are getting wicked after they are old.

4Which of the following can be the most helpful grandmother according to the passage?

A.A healthy one living nearby. ,

B.A healthy one living abroad.

C.An old one living in a nursing home.

D.A knowledgeable one living together.


Early in the morning I went to the ocean beach to play my guitar. The usually crowded beach was deserted except for two people. On one side of the boardwalk (木板人行道) was a woman who was cleaning the beach with a broom; on the other side was a lone figure sitting and staring to sea. I chose a spot between them and began to play.

As I played, the woman with the broom swept her way right next to me. She stopped sweeping and leaned on her broom, smiling at me. She appeared to be homeless with dirty mismatched clothes.

“You sure play beautiful music.” she said. “I think my friend would like you music. I want to hire you to play for her.” She pointed to the lone figure staring out at the ocean, then produced a few coins from her pocket. “I don’t have much, and I know you’re worth a lot, but if I give this to you, will you play a song for her? She’s going through a lot. I know the music will make her feel better.”

I told her I’d be happy to play for free.

As we walked over to her friend, the Broom Lady told me that her friend had not talked for weeks.We approached, and the Broom Lady introduced me, “Annie, I got you a present to cheer you up. It’s a guitar man who is going to play a song specially for you.”

Annie didn’t move. She was wearing dark sunglasses and had an old coat pulled up to cover most of her face.

I sat next to Annie and played. As I played I put every thought into having good things happen for this woman. I played for quite a while.

Suddenly, Annie turned toward me and said, “You make it so beautiful. I can feel it inside my heart.”


1. 所续写短文的词数应为150左右;

2. 至少使用5个短文中标有下划线的关键词语;

3. 续写部分分两段,每段的开头语已为你写好;

4. 续写完成后,请用下划线标出你所使用的关键词语。

Paragraph 1:

She took off her sunglasses.


Paragraph 2:

When I stopped playing and looked up, I was shocked to see a small crowed around us.



If you live in Shanghai, you might have taken a “lesson” in sorting (分类) garbage, as the city introduced new garbage-sorting regulations on July 1, 2019.

As China’s first city to carry out strict regulations(规则) on garbage sorting and recycling, Shanghai requires its residents to sort garbage into four categories, namely recyclable, harmful, dry and wet waste. If people fail to sort their garbage properly, they can be fined up to 200 yuan.

Since the regulation took effect, the amount of total daily waste in Shanghai has been reduced by an average of 15,500 tons, dropping 26 percent from the end of 2018, while the average daily weight of recyclables hits 4,500 tons, five times higher than the end of 2018, according to the Shanghai Landscaping and City Appearance Administrative Bureau.

The city also rebuilt 21,000 waste-sorting stations and more than 40,000 waste bins have been updated. The city’s waste collection and transportation system is complete, according to the bureau.

“Proper waste sorting is to protect the environment and save natural resources,” said Deng Jianping, director of the bureau. “Led by the central government, Shanghai is making efforts to develop long-term solutions to garbage management.”

However, there have also been some problems. Some people complained that it is difficult to deal with wet garbage, as they are asked to remove wet garbage from its bag when dumping (倾倒). According to the sorting rules, the wet garbage must go in the wet waste bin and the bag must go in the dry waste bin.

This separation is necessary, as it ensures that the wet garbage will decompose (分解) properly and become useful organic (有机的) waste, the bureau said.

Plastic bags can affect this process. Some people in Shanghai are instead using paper bags that can biodegrade(生物降解)or plastic containers that can be washed and reused, according to Xinhua.

1When did the new garbage-sorting regulations come into effect in Shanghai?(不多于4个单词)

2According to the passage, people in Shanghai are asked to sort their garbage into four categories, and what are they?(不多于8个单词)

3Why should we sort garbage? (不多于11个单词)

4How do people deal with wet garbage when dumping? (不多于7个单词)

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