
Different exercise types have different purposes and different benefits. One type of exercise may not accomplish all goals of being physically fit: a healthy heart, strong muscles and bones, and safety from injury. As a result, it is important to do enough types of exercise to have all the physical benefits. Here is a quick check sheet.
Aerobic Exercise: To have a strong and healthy heart, you need to do aerobic exercise. This means that you need to exercise yourself enough so that your heart rate, while exercising, is 65 percent to 85 percent of your maximum heart rate. If you don’t get your heart rate up within this level—you just aren’t working hard enough. Whatever you do, your heart rate needs to be 65 percent to 85 percent of your MHR for 20 to 30 minutes, at least 3 times a week. Typical types include:
* Running
* Walking (at least 4 to 4.5 mph)
* Swimming
* Biking
* Elliptical Training (椭圆运动)
* Yoga
Strength Training: To keep your muscles and bones strong, you need to do strength training. This comes in a variety of forms. Whatever you do, however, you need to train your muscles enough so that they are really tired by the end of each session. To see real benefits, make sure you are strength training 2 to 3 times a week for about 30 to 40 minutes. Typical types of strength training include:
* Weight Training
* Yoga
* Resistance Training
* Plyometrics(肌肉增强训练)
Flexibility Training: To keep your body flexible, reducing risk of injuries and pain in your joints and muscles, you need to do flexibility training. You should always aim to stretch every muscle after any exercise routine. Typical types of flexibility training include:
* Stretching
* Yoga
* Pilates(普拉提课程)
So next time you think that yoga 5 times a week will be enough, think about what it is really doing. Is it getting your heart rate up? Are you making up your strength? Are you keeping your muscles flexible?
小题1:If your purpose is to _______, you can choose swimming as your exercise form.
A.build a strong and healthy heart
B.keep muscles and bones strong
C.keep body flexible
D.reduce risk of injuries and pain in joints and muscles
小题2:After reading this passage, we know that ________.
A.Yoga is really better for people than running
B.The more exercise you do, the better
C.Flexibility training helps you build up your muscles
D.The three kinds of training have links with one another
小题3:Which of the following is closest in meaning to “session” in Paragraph 3?
小题4:The paragraph following this article may discuss_______.
A.how to find a good workout dealing with two or three of these goals
B.how to choose an exercise type
C.how to build up our strength
D.how to be more flexible


小题1:细节题:从第二段的句子:Aerobic Exercise: To have a strong and healthy heart, you need to do aerobic exercise. This means that you need to exercise yourself enough so that your heart rate, while exercising, is 65 percent to 85 percent of your maximum heart rate.可知有氧运动可以帮助训练强壮和健康的心脏。而swimming就在其中,选A
小题2:推理题:从每种运动的类型和文章的最后一句话:So next time you think that yoga 5 times a week will be enough, think about what it is really doing. Is it getting your heart rate up? Are you making up your strength? Are you keeping your muscles flexible? 可知瑜伽既是有氧运动,也是肌肉增强训练,还是柔韧训练,可知这三种练习是有联系的,选D
小题3:猜词题:从前面的句子:Whatever you do, however, you need to train your muscles enough可知每种训练的时间要足够长,所以在这个阶段结束的时候会感到累。选 C
Below are some smart ways to stay healthy suggested by some American experts.
Drink More Coffee
When was the last time you heard a doctor use the word miracle? Well, wake up and smell the coffee: “It’s amazing,” says liver specialist Sanjiv Chopra, MD, professor of medicine at Harvard Medical School. “Coffee is truly a lifesaving miracle drug.”
Though he says it’s still a “scientific mystery” how a simple cup of coffee works its wonders in the body, large epidemiological studies have repeatedly proved its astonishing benefits.
“Drink it black, or at most put a little skim milk in it” to minimize calories, Dr. Chopra recommends. He drinks at least four cups a day himself, though most people should limit themselves to two. And no, he jokes, “I’m not sponsored by Starbucks.”
Take a Walk for Your Memory
Aerobic (有氧运动的) exercise is good for your body, great for your mind, according to the latest research from brain-fitness pioneer Arthur Kramer. Every year, an area called the hippocampus, which is key to memory, shrinks by about 1 to 2 percent, increasing the risk of dementia (脑衰) as the years roll by. However, Kramer’s new investigations reveal that the hippocampi of adults who walked briskly for about 45 minutes three times a week grew by about 2 percent over the course of a year, preventing age-related shrinking.
It’s never too late to start exercising, Kramer says; volunteers in his research were between 55 and 80 years old and hadn’t exercised at all. And it doesn’t need to be backbreaking. “Anything that raises your heart rate seems to work,” he says. “Walking is fine. Just find something you like and do it.”
Early to Bed, Early to Eat
“Being a night owl might increase your waistline,” says sleep expert Michael Breus, PhD. People who stay up late and sleep late tend to eat more fast food and consume more of their calories after 8 p.m. than do normal sleepers.
“One of the easiest things that anyone on a diet can do to improve her results is go to bed and wake up at the same times every day,” Breus says. “This way, your body knows when to sleep and is much more efficient. Organize your eating, too, by trying to eat meals at the same times every day. Avoid eating after 8 p.m., and don’t miss morning meals by sleeping in.”
Use the 20-Second Rule
What’s the difference between having a goal and actually accomplishing it? Just 20 seconds, says positive-psychology specialist Shawn Achor. Researchers have learned that if we can cut 20 seconds off the startup time required for a task, we’re much more likely to follow through. So, for example, if you want to work out in the morning, place your shoes and exercise clothes next to your bed the night before. If you want to praise people more, put thank-you notes and a pen on your desk.
Imagine the Worst to Feel Better
Don’t count your blessings; subtract (扣除) them. “Consciously spend a few minutes imagining what your life would be like without the good things,” says Timothy Wilson, a psychologist at the University of Virginia. You’ll experience stronger feelings of love, gratitude, and happiness when you think about what life would be like without the people and things you love. “And they’ll seem surprising and special again,” he adds.
小题1: According to Sanjiv Chopra, most people should not drink more than ______ cups of coffee a day.
小题2:Which of the following may help people on a diet to improve their results?
A.Raising their heart rate.B.Taking a walk for their memory.
C.Eating at fixed times.D.Sleeping in every morning.
小题3:According to Shawn Achor, if people place their shoes and exercise clothes next to their bed at bedtime, they’re more likely to ______ the next morning.
A.do exerciseB.set a goal
C.cut 20 seconds offD.sleep 20 minutes more
小题4: Why should people spend a little time imagining their life without good things?
A.To experience surprise.B.To feel better.
C.To consider their own blessings.D.To prepare for the worst.
American researchers say drinking tea may help strengthen the body’s defense system against infection. Doctors at Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston, Massachusetts, did the study. The team studied a chemical found in black, green, oolong and pekoe tea. This chemical is an amino acid called L-theanine. The scientists say it may increase the strength of gamma delta T cells. That’s the letter T, not the drink. Gamma delta T cells are part of the body’s defense.
First, the researchers mixed some of these cells with antigens found in the amino acid(氨基酸). Antigens help the body react to infection. Then the scientists added some bacteria. Within twenty-four hours, the cells produced a lot of interferon, a substance that fights infection. Cells not mixed with the antigens did not produce interferon.
In the second part of the study, eleven people drank five to six cups of black tea every day. Ten other people drank the same amount of instant coffee. That is dried coffee mixed with hot water.
Two weeks later, and again two weeks after that, the researchers tested the blood of all twenty-one people. They also looked at what happened when they added bacteria to the blood cells. They found that the tea drinkers produced five times more interferon after they started drinking tea. The coffee drinkers did not produce interferon.
Doctor Jack Bukowski led the study. He says the antigens added to the gamma delta T cells were responsible for the increased reaction to the bacteria. He says that the study also showed that the cells were able to remember the bacteria and fight them again the next time.
Earlier research already has found that tea can help prevent heart disease and cancer. Doctor Bukowski says the new study must be repeated by more people. “If the findings prove to be true,” he says, “then tea drinking might also help protect against bacterial infections.” He says the amino acid L-theanine could be removed from the tea and used as a drug to strengthen the body’s defenses.
小题1:We may know from the text that ______ can be found in different kinds of tea.
A.L-theanineB.Gamma delta T cells
小题2:Tea may help strengthen the body’s defense system because it helps ______.
A.to add some bacteria to the blood cells
B.the body to produce more gamma delta T cells
C.the body to produce more interferon
D.to mix antigens with some of the cells in the body
小题3:According to Dr Bukowski, ______.
A.the findings of the study have already proved to be true
B.further study is needed to prove the findings true
C.he has taken some amino acid L-theanine from tea and made a drug with it
D.he is not sure whether tea help prevent heart disease and cancer
小题4:What would be the best title for this text?
A.Tea Is Better than CoffeeB.Our Body Needs Tea
C.Tea Can Help Prevent CancerD.Tea May Help Fight Infection
Why play games? Because they are fun, and a lot more besides. Following the rules…planning your next move...acting as a team member…these are all “game” ideas that you will come across throughout your life.
Think about some of the games you played as a young child, such as rope-jumping and hide-and-seek. Such games are entertaining and fun. But perhaps more importantly, they translate life into exciting dramas that teach children some of the basic rules they will be expected to follow the rest of their lives, such as taking turns and cooperating (合作) .
Many children’s games have a practical side. Children around the world play games that prepare them for work they will do as grown-ups. For instance, some Saudi Arabian children play a game called bones. Which sharpens the hand-eye coordination(协调)needed in hunting.
Many sports encourage national or local pride. The most famous games of all, the Olympic Games, bring athletes from around the world together to take part in friendly competition. People who watch the event wave flags, knowing that a gold medal is a win for an entire country, not just the athlete who earned it. For countries experiencing natural disasters or war, an Olympic win can mean so much.
Sports are also an event that unites people. Soccer is the most popular sport in the world. People on all continents play it—some for fun and some for a living. Nicolette Iribarne, a Californian soccer player, has discovered a way to give people hope through soccer. He created a foundation(基金会) to provide poor children with not only soccer balls but also a promising future.
Next time you play your favorite game or sport, think about why you enjoy it, what skills are needed, and whether these skills will help you in other aspects of your life.
小题1:Through playing hide-and-seek, children are expected to learn to ________.
A.be a team leaderB.obey the basic rules
C.act as a grown-upD.predict possible danger
小题2:The underlined part in Paragraph 2 most probably means that games can________.
A.describe life in an exciting way
B.turn real-life experiences into a play
C.make learning life skills more interesting
D.change people’s views of sporting events
小题3:According to the passage, why is winning Olympic medals so encouraging?
A.It makes people have a deep love for the country.
B.It proves the exceptional skills of the winners.
C.It helps the country out of natural disasters.
D.It earns the winners fame and fortune.
小题4:Iribarne’s goal of forming the foundation is to _______.
A.bring fun to poor kids
B.provide soccer balls for children
C.give poor kids a chance for a better life
D.appeal to soccer players to help poor kids
小题5:What can be learned from the passage?
A.Games benefit people all their lives.
B.Sports can get all athletes together.
C.People are advised to play games for fun.
D.Sports increase a country’s competitiveness.
Are you having too much salt? You might not think so, but people in China eat on average (平均) about 12 grams of salt each day, that is much higher than the 6 grams suggested by the World Health Organization. You could be eating too much without realizing it, because about 75% of the salt we eat is already in the food we buy, such as bread, sauces, soups and sausages.
What problems can eating too much salt cause? To answer that question, first let’s take a look at what salt is.
Salt is a chemical compound. It is made of sodium (钠) and chloride (氯化物). Salt is used to keep and flavor foods. A small amount of salt is important for good health because our bodies need sodium and chloride to work.
But past studies have found that people who eat more salt than they need tend to have high blood pressure. Eating too much salt has also been connected with other conditions, such as heart and kidney (肾) problems.
If you want to cut down on salt, the good news is, there are plenty of simple things to do. Here are some tips:
*Cut back on high salt foods.
Most foods contain some salt. But some foods such as cheese, bacon, pickles (泡菜), smoked fish and chips are almost always high in salt because of the way they are made. You can still enjoy them, but try to have these in smaller amounts, or eat them less often.
*Choose reduced salt bread and breakfast cereals.
Bread and breakfast cereals (谷物) are major source of salt in the diet, not that they’re necessarily high in salt but because we eat a lot of them. For these foods, there can be a really big difference between different types and brands. So next time you’re shopping, take the time to compare the salt levels on a few similar products. And always try to choose the ones lower in salt.
*Avoid adding salt to cooking and at table. Instead, you could use herbs and spices (香料) such as garlic (大蒜) and lemon juice to add flavor to meals.
小题1:Many people in China don’t realize they are eating too much salt because ______.
A.salty food tasted better than reduced salt food
B.they do not calculate the amount of salt they eat
C.about 3/4 of the salt we eat is already in the food we buy
D.few people experience problems from eating too much salt
小题2: For a healthier life, the author’s suggestion is to ________.
A.cut back on food with less salt
B.eat less heavily salted food
C.eat as much reduced salt bread as is wanted
D.stop eating bread and breakfast cereals
小题3:What is the purpose of the article?
A.To warn people of food containing too much salt.
B.To inform people of the right amount of salt taken each day.
C.To advise people to be careful about the amount of salt they eat.
D.To promote (促进) the right way to make reduced salt food.
FDA proposed the most sweeping food safety rules in decades, requiring farmers and food companies to be more cautious in the wake of deadly outbreaks in peanuts, cantaloupe (瓜),and leafy greens.
The long-overdue regulations are aimed at reducing the estimated 3,000 deaths a year from foodbome illness. Just since last summer, outbreaks of listeria (李氏杆菌)in cheese and salmonella(沙门氏菌)in peanut butter, cantaloupe and mangoes have been linked to more than 400 illnesses and as many as seven deaths, according to the Centers for Disease Control. The actual number of those sickened is likely much higher.
The FDA’s proposed rules would require farmers to take new precautions against contamination (污染),to include making sure workers5 hands are washed, irrigation (灌溉) water is clean, and that animals stay out of fields. Food manufacturers will have to submit food safety plans to the government to show they are keeping their operations clean.
Many responsible food companies and farmers are already following the steps that the FDA would now require them to take. But officials say the requirements could have saved lives and prevented illnesses in some of the large-scale outbreaks that have hit the country in recent years.
In a 2011 outbreak of listeria in cantaloupe that claimed 33 lives ,for example, FDA inspectors found pools of dirty water on the floor and old, dirty processing equipment at the Colorado farm where the cantaloupes were grown. In a peanut butter outbreak this year linked to 42 salmonella illnesses ,inspectors found samples of salmonella throughout a New Mexico peanut processing plant and multiple obvious safety problems ,such as birds flying over uncovered trucks of peanuts and employees not washing their hands.
Under the new rules, companies would have to lay out plans for preventing those sorts of problems and how they would correct them.
“The rules go very directly to preventing the types of outbreaks we have seen/,said Michael Taylor, FDA’s deputy commissioner for foods.
小题1:The main task of FDA is probably______
A.to protect and promote the public health
B.to help those sickened recover
C.to research on food safety measures
D.to deal with water pollution
小题2:According to the passage, the new rules focus on_____.
A.inspecting the whole process of food production
B.improving food processing equipment on farms
C.preventing water pollution in food production
D.urging food companies to lay out plans
小题3:What does the word “they” in Paragraph 3 refer to?
小题4:Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?
A.The new regulations should have come into practice earlier.
B.The 2011 outbreak of listeria is the most serious ever.
C.Farmers and food companies are strongly against the new rules.
D.Colorado and New Mexico are worst hit by food pollution.
As hand-held devices such as smartphones are becoming more common, users are reporting some new physical problems. Florida chiropractor Dean Fishman began noticing an increased number of patients talking about neck and shoulder pain. He discovered these symptoms were due to the overuse of hand-held devices, particularly the action of bending the neck, and then coined the term “Text Neck.” As if the painful symptoms weren’t bad enough, Fishman warns that an untreated case of Text Neck could lead to permanent spinal(脊椎) damage.
Other doctors have warned about “iPad Hand,” a condition that occurs when people use tablets like the iPad for hours at a time. Most people use their left hand to support the tablet and their right hand to tap or scroll. Doing this for long periods without changing positions can result in severe joint pain.
In order to avoid or reduce the possibility of getting Text Neck or iPad Hand, use the following basic ergonomic(人体工学的) principles:
Avoid awkward positioning. Don’t strain your neck, and stay aware of how you are positioned in relation to the device. Make sure that both your neck and shoulders are relaxed and that you aren’t leaning over for a long period of time.
Take frequent breaks when using any kind of mobile device. Many doctors recommend that users change their position every 15 minutes.
When using a tablet, use a case that can support the device on a table or your lap at a comfortable viewing angle.
Along with a case, use a separate keyboard with your tablet. This will be more comfortable since you’ll be resting both hands on the keyboard. And since you won’t be holding the tablet, you’ll be less likely to experience hand or arm pain.
小题1:What kind of product for hand-held devices does the writer discuss?
A.One for recording.B.One for charging.
C.One for telephoning.D.One for typing.
小题2:Which of the following is closest in meaning to the underlined word “coined” (Para1)?
小题3:Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?
A.If you are holding an iPad for long periods, it could cause spinal damage.
B.Text Neck symptoms include long-term damage in the back.
C.You are advised to lean over in relation to the device.
D.You should rest your hands on the keyboard at times.
小题4:In which magazine would you most likely find this article?
A.Personal FinanceB.Science Fiction Monthly
C.Mind and BodyD.Smartphone World
When did you see a polar bear ? On a trip to a zoo, perhaps ? If you had attended a winter activity in New York a few years ago, you would have seen a whole polar bear club. These  “Polar Bears” are people who meet frequently in the winter to swim in freezing cold water. That day, the air temperature was 3 degrees. And the water temperature was a little higher. The members of the Polar Bear Club at Coney Island, New York are usually about the age of 60. Members must satisfy two requirements. First, they must get along well with everyone else in the group; this is very important because there are so many different kinds of people in the club. Polar Bears must also agree to swim outdoors at least twice a month from November through February.
Doctors don’t agree about the medical effects of cold-water swimming. Some are worried about the dangers of a condition in which the body’s temperature drops so slow that finally the heart stops. Other doctors, however, point out that there is more danger of a heart attack during summer swimming because the difference between the air temperature and the water tempreature is much greater in summer than in winter.
The Polar Bears themselves are satisfied with the benefits of cold-water swimming. They say that their favorite form of exercise is very good for the circulatory system (循环系统) because it forces the blood to move fast to keep the body warm. Cold-water swimmers usually turn bright red after a few minutes in the water. A person who turns blue probably has a very poor circulatory system and could not try cold-water swimming.
The main benefits of cold-water swimming are probably mental. The Polar Bears love to swim all the year round; they find it fun and relaxing. As one 70-year-old woman says, “When I go into the water, I pour my troubles into the ocean and let them float away.”
小题1:Doctors _________ .
A.have different ideas about the medical effects of cold-water swimming
B.believe swimming is helpful both in summer and in winter
C.enourage people to take part in cold-water swimming
D.point out the possible danger of blood illness during cold-water swimming
小题2:According to the passage, some doctors believe it is true that _______ .
A.Polar bears are bears swimming in freezing water
B.cold-water swimming can make the body temperature dangerously high
C.you are healthy if cold-water swimming turns your skin color blue
D.cold-water swimming causes more heart attack in summer than in winter
小题3:The Polar Bears like to swim year-round, for _______ .
A.it is an easy way to keep the body warm in winter
B.they can stay young
C.they find it enjoyable and interesting
D.they might meet fewer troubles in life
小题4:Which of the following is TRUE according to the text ?
A.The Polar Bear is a club in which people swim to protect polar bears.
B.The club members are all over 60 years old.
C.There is no woman in the club.
D.None of the above.
小题5:This passage is mainly about _______ .
A.the requirements of the Polar Bear Club
B.a group of cold-water-swimming lovers
C.the Polar Bears’ life in New York
D.doctors’ ideas about cold-water swimming
By May,after three months,I had lost22pounds and reached my goal of 115 pounds.My friends would say “Alice,you look great!”or“How did you lose so much weight?”Those compliments made me feel good and confident.
Soon I dropped to110 pounds.A few of my friends told me that I needed to stop dieting,because I was starting to look sick. They brought me a present—— a bag of chocolates,which I later gave to my sister.My mother would come to my room,with tears in her eyes,and have long chats about how harmful this diet was and begged me to stop.My dad would leave worried messages on my cell phone at school,telling me that it would do serious harm to my body.
By mid-June,when school was coming to an end,I was down to an only alive state of 95 pounds.All of a sudden,I knew I had to do something.I guessed the number itself scared me.I recalled my doctor.He told me about a girl who was 95 pounds and was at the risk of dying.I knew I was putting my life at risk,but for what? To make those who love me worried? Was it worthwhile to be thin?
Now I realize that models in magazines,TV and movies are not realistic.The price to pay for the“perfect body”is living with a dangerous and sometimes deadly eating disorder.And there are more important things to think about than how thin you are.
小题1:The underlined word“compliments”in Paragraph I probably means_____.
小题2:Why did the author's mother come to her room in tears?
A.Because the mother was worried about her daughter's health.
B.Because the mother thought her daughter was brave enough.
C.Because the mother was sorry to have helped her daughter go on a diet.
D.Because the mother was deeply moved by her daughter's friends.
小题3:The author decided to stop dieting_______.
A.after her parents persuaded her out of it
B.when her weight dropped to 95 pounds
C.after she reached her goal of losing weight
D.after her friends told her to stop dieting
小题4:From the text we learn that _________.
A.there are no models with a perfect body in real life
B.it is too expensive for people to lose weight
C.you will be healthy as long as you stop dieting
D.an unhealthy diet can lead to serious health problems

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