
1.In fact, apart ______ the hair he looked totally unchanged.

2.The poor baby was left outside ______ the mercy of the storm.

3.On my way home I was surrounded by some people begging ______ food.

4.I came _______ my childhood friend unexpectedly while I was on a visit on business in France last summer.

5.The note pinned on the door reminded me ______ a game played in the childhood.

6.No sooner had I heard the knock ______ I opened the door.

7.______ you respect other people’s religions, conflicts may occur.

8.It was requested that there ______ be more tables in the dining hall.

9.______ did this will sooner or later be caught and punished.

10.Nobody can believe that it was in the small village ______ I was born.


Below are some of London's must-see museums.

Science Museum

The Science Museum features seven floors of educational and entertaining exhibits, including the Apollo 10. The Wellcome Wing shows developments in modern science, medicine and technology. The Medical History Gallery in the museum contains a large collection of medical history treasures. Exhibits in the Exploring Space galleries include models of the Huygens Titan probe(探测器) and Beagle 2 Mars Lander. Tickets to the museum’s in-house IMAX cinema cost extra.

Natural History Museum

The handsome Alfred Waterhouse building houses a collection that contains some 70 million plant, animal, fossil, rock and mineral samples. The Natural History Museum’s Life Galleries are devoted to displays on animal life. The Earth Galleries explore the natural forces that shape our planet, the treasures we take from it, the effect we have on it and its place in the universe. The museum’s wildlife garden attracts urban wildlife such as dragonflies and blackbirds and highlights inner-city wildlife conservation.

London Transport Museum

Among the vehicles on display at the London Transport Museum is the first underground electric train, which had no windows because there was nothing to see underground. The trouble was that no one could tell which stop they were at, a small problem solved by employing an athletic announcer who ran to each carriage at every station, shouting out the stops. Dating from 1890, this is one of the several museum exhibits you can board. The design gallery is in memory of Frank Pick, the man responsible for rolling out the London Underground brand and giving each line its own character.

Museum of London

The history of London, from prehistoric times to the present is told in the Museum of London through reconstructed interiors(内部) and street scenes, alongside displays of original artifacts found during the museum’s archaeological digs. Check the website before your visit as a packed program of temporary exhibitions, talks, walks and children’s events is central to the life of the Museum of London.

1.The main purpose of the passage is to ________.

A. report the opening of four latest museums of London

B. present a brief introduction to the history of four museums

C. introduce four famous museums in London

D. show the significance of visiting the museums

2.What can visitors do in the Natural History Museum?

A. Design plant, animal, fossil, rock and mineral samples.

B. Watch displays on plant life.

C. See some urban wildlife.

D. Learn about the history of London.

3.Why was an athletic announcer employed for the first underground electric train?

A. To show tourists around the train.

B. To guide passengers to the train.

C. To remind passengers of train delays.

D. To inform passengers of the stops.

4.At which museums can visitors watch films?

A. Science Museum B. Natural History Museum

C. London Transport Museum D. Museum of London

Ever since you were born, you’ve probably celebrated the anniversary of that day once each year. Would you believe that some people actually celebrate TWICE each year? Not only do they celebrate the anniversary of the day they were born, they also celebrate six months later on their half birthday!

First let’s take a look at how half birthdays are calculated. The first --- and earliest --- is simply to keep the same number of the birth date and add six months to it. For example, if your birthday is January 13, then your half birthday would be on July 13.

Of course, this easy method doesn’t always work, because not all months have the same number of days. For example, an August 30 birthday would become February 30 --- a day that doesn’t exist!

If you want to be really precise, you need to add half the number of days in a year to your birth date. For example, in a normal year, this means adding 182.5 days. In a leap year, you would add 183 days. If this sounds too complicated, don’t worry. There are plenty of websites that will do the work for you!

For starters, consider kids. As they grow, six months can mean huge milestones. It can be a special time to celebrate with them as they grow up, because they grow up all too fast!

Half birthday celebrations can also be great for those people whose regular birthday might be overshadowed by a nearby holiday, such as Christmas. Likewise, kids whose birthdays fall in the summer might enjoy celebrating their half birthday, so that they can share their joy with their friends at school.

Half birthdays aren’t the only special “birthdays” that some people celebrate, though. Adopted children sometimes celebrate both their actual birthday (the day they were actually born) and the day they were adopted. Do you have any other special “birthdays” that you and your family celebrate?

1.The author’s purpose of writing this passage is mainly to tell us ________.

A. what birthday means

B. what half birthday is

C. the kinds of birthdays

D. the history of birthday

2.The author shows us how to calculate half birthdays by ________.

A. offering some practical examples

B. making a list of different numbers

C. comparing a normal year and a leap one

D. telling the difference between birthdays and half birthdays

3.Who are most likely to celebrate half birthdays?

A. People who are not young any longer.

B. People whose half birthday falls in summer.

C. People whose birthday falls near a holiday.

D. People who don’t like their birthdays at all.

4.This passage is taken from a website; which section does it belong to?

A. Science. B. Politics.

C. Hobby. D. Culture.

Many freshmen may get anxious at the thought of living at their new campus and making friends but 18-year-old Melanie Salazar already has someone older and wiser to show her the ropes: her 82-year-old grandfather. The story of Salazar and her grandpa, Rene Neira, is spreading after she showed a photo of her grandpa’s first day of class this term at Palo Alto College (PAC).

I’m so proud of my grandpa for finishing his first day at PAC this term! He is 82 years old and not giving up,” said Salazar then. The old man is now in his second term at the community college with just one class left before he gains his associate’s degree(副学士学位) in economics. Salazar, meanwhile, has just started her studies there. “Grandpa and I are very close,” Salazar said. “I like to say he’s my best friend.” She said that it’s nice to have her grandpa on campus, whether they’re walking to class together or having lunch.

Neira first went to college in the 1950s, but after getting married and starting a family he had to put his dream of getting a degree on hold to raise his family. He took classes throughout the years, but it’s only now that he’s finally close to reaching his goal. With plans to graduate soon, Neira won’t just stop with his associate’s degree. He hopes to attend the University of Texas at San Antonio to get his bachelor’s degree.

Salazar’s sweet social media post is inspiring dozens across the Internet, young and old. “My grandpa is very hard-working,” she said. “He will spend hours in the library studying in his own time because he’s very devoted to his education. It’s amazing that his story can inspire so many people in this way.”

1.What does the underlined part “show her the ropes” in Para.1 probably mean?

A. Show around the campus. B. Tell her the secret behind success.

C. Teach her how to adapt to college. D. Show her how to become popular.

2.What does Salazar think of going to college with her grandfather?

A. She has to face lots of challenges. B. She is filled with pride and joy.

C. She is drawing much attention. D. She is under a lot of stress.

3.What do we know about Neira?

A. He wants to stay in his college longer.

B. He’s never had college education before.

C. He aims to get the highest college degree.

D. He once gave up education to earn a living.

4.What can be inferred from Neira’s story?

A. Time and tide wait for no man. B. It’s never too old to learn.

C. Practice makes perfect. D. No pains, no gains.

So your room is a pile of unfinished projects, unsorted papers, a soccer sweater from last fall, and – beneath it all – puzzle pieces and pet food. You catch some old banana peel and dirty socks every time you walk in the door and you can’t see the top of your bed. ‘No baseball until your room is clean!’ your parents say.

Some kids seem to be born tidy. But if you were not, you probably hear ‘clean your room’ and ‘put piles under the bed and into the closet.’ You also know, though, that this kind of cleaning is just a quick fix.

Wouldn’t you like to clean up your room for good? A real clean-up job is not such a monumental task if you learn a few timesaving ‘tricks of trade’.

If you share a room, get your brother or sister to help. Then collect a pile of big boxes, and take a kitchen timer into your room, and you’re ready for the two easy steps that will turn you into a super sorter!

Do a ‘Big Sort’.

Think about what’s in that mess of stuff in your room.

A big job seems smaller when it’s broken into parts. Write different names on the empty boxes to fit the contents of your room. Write ‘Give Away’ on one box for things you don’t want. Draw a big ‘?’ on another box for those things that don’t belong anywhere else.

Set the timer for 60 minutes. Working for just an hour at a time, you won’t feel as if you’re climbing a mountain of messiness. Ready, set, GO! Put letters from friends and unsorted school papers into a ‘Papers’ box. Put the helmet in with ‘Sports Equipment.’ Throw stinky socks and dirty sweatshirts in a laundry basket. Hang up clothes that belong in the closet. Keep going! Pair your shoes and line them up next to your bed (or in your closet, if there is room). Put dirty dishes in the hall to take to the kitchen later. Take a look around. There’s your bed! Dad’s missing hammer! Tuesday’s homework assignment! Things are getting neater. Toss (扔) trash into the wastebasket.

Depending on how messy your room is, this Big Sort could take several sessions. Keep at it!

Plan where things should live.

Handle one of your Big Sort groups at a time. Do the items in your groups already have a home, and they just aren’t in it? Or do they need a ‘place to call home’?

Dirty clothes, for example: if you usually toss them on the floor, put a clothes basket behind your door. Ready, aim… shoot your clothes into the basket. Score!

Store similar supplies in one place. Desk supplies can go into the bottom and lid of an empty egg carton. Put puzzle piece in small empty gift boxes. Keep hobby supplies in plastic bags.

Draw a map of your room to figure out where to put things. Once everything has a home, you can train yourself to put items in their place as soon as you’re done with them. That makes it much easier to keep your room neat.

1.What behavior is regarded as a quick fix?

A. Leaving the soccer jersey on the door.

B. Tossing the old banana peel into the dustbin.

C. Cleaning up the room by hiding everything.

D. Tiding up the room with ‘tricks of trade’.

2.Why does the writer suggest setting a timer while you clean your room?

A. Whatever you haven’t cleaned in an hour is not worth keeping

B. An hour is all the time it takes to clean your entire room.

C. Working for an hour at a time makes a big job seem smaller.

D. Training yourself to put items in their place takes time.[

3.What does the writer say will help you ‘find homes’ for all of your things?

A. Cleaning your kitchen. B. Drawing a map of your room.

C. Throwing away boxes. D. Tossing the unwanted on the floor.

GRANDMOTHER, Michelle Riotton, a 78 old, survived after falling down a mountain valley. She set off for a walk alone dressed only in a light jacket and trousers. "I slipped into a valley!" said Mrs. Riotton, who said the fall happened in a deep forest close to her home village.

It was warm and sunny when the accident happened, but temperatures dropped to very low when night fell, and it rained. "I wasn’t afraid," said Mrs Riotton. "But I was worried that my children and grandchildren would become too worried about me." Mrs Riotton said she covered herself in leaves when feeling cold, taking very small bites of two biscuits which she had in her pocket and drinking rainwater which fell down her face.

She spent six nights before she was found on Saturday. She was lying at the bottom of the valley, which was less than a mile from her home. The search had once been stopped, but Patrice Fossard, one of her neighbors, insisted that the search continue. "There was no way we could give up her, even if deep inside we felt we had little hope of finding her alive," said Mr Fossard. "It was a miracle that Michele was finally found."

Mrs Riotton said she would be taking life easier from now on. "Enough is enough!" she said. "No more forests--I don’t want to visit one again."

A mountain policeman said walking alone in the mountain was not recommended and that Mrs Riotton should have carried a mobile phone with her. "The mountains are particularly dangerous at this time of year as sunny afternoons can quickly change into cold, wet and stormy evenings," he said. "Anybody walking into the mountains should carry safety equipment and be prepared for any kind of emergency."

1.When Michelle Riotton was in the valley, she _________.

A. was hurt too badly to move B. missed her home very much

C. didn’t feel afraid D. felt very hungry

2.Michelle Riotton covered herself with leaves to __________.

A. keep warm during her suffering B. prevent the harmful animals

C. make herself noticed by others D. avoid getting wet in the rain

3.Michelle Riotton got lost on _________.

A. Saturday B. Monday

C. Wednesday D. Sunday

4.According to the mountain policeman, _________.

A. the mountains in the morning are very dangerous

B. one had better not walk in the mountains alone

C. people should carry safety equipment every day

D. people wouldn’t be safe without a mobile phone

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