
Cell phones: is there a cancer link?

Could your cell phone give you cancer? Whether it could or not, some people are worrying about the possibility that phones, power lines and Wi-Fi could be responsible for a range of illnesses, from rashes to brain tumors.

Some say there is evidence to support the growing anxieties. David Carpenter, a professor of environmental health sciences at the university at Albany, in New York, thinks there’s a greater than 95 percent chance that power lines can cause childhood leukemia(白血病). Also there’s a greater than 90 percent chance that cell phones can cause brain tumors. “It’s apparent now that there’s a real risk, ” said Carpenter.

But others believe these concerns are unjustified. Dr Martha Linet, the head of radiation epidemiology(流行病学) at the US National Cancer Institute, has looked at the same research as Carpenter but has reached a different conclusion. “I don’t support warning labels for cell phones, ” said Linet. “We don’t have the evidence that there’s much danger. ”

Studies so far suggest a weak connection between EMFs(电磁场) and illness— so weak that it might not exist at all. A multinational investigation of cell phones and brain cancer, in 13 countries outside the US, has been underway for several years. It’s funded in part by the European Union, in part by a cell phone industry group. The final report should come out later this year, but data so far don’t suggest a strong link between cell phone use and cancer risk.

1.From the passage we can learn that some people are worried because _______.

A. they have evidence that the use of cell phones can lead to cancer

B. they make a fuss over cell phone use

C. some experts have given a warning

D. cell phones are responsible for brain tumors

2.By saying “I don’t support warning labels for cell phones, ” Dr Martha Linet has the idea that _______.

A. the worrying is unnecessary

B. cancer-warning labels should be on cell phones

C. there is a link between cell phones and cancer

D. cell phones have nothing to do with cancer

3.Which of the following best describes the attitude of the author towards the debate?

A. Optimistic. B. Objective.

C. Opposite. D. Casual. ]












A tent can be one of the more costly items on your camping equipment shopping list. It is definitely something that you need to consider carefully.

By seeing a tent for real you will be able to get a better impression of its size and construction in the traditional shop. However,the downside is that,unless you are experienced,you may miss out some of the details that the manufacturer’s promotional material makes clear. Cheap tents often look similar to the quality models they are mimicking(模仿),but you can be sure that they use inferior(次的) materials and probably have lower design standards.

Shop staff are often campers themselves. That means they usually can give lots of advice. If a shop assistant agrees with your own conclusions,that will be great;if they try to change your decision with a clear and reasonable argument,then that will be worth considering;if they just try to bamboozle(欺骗),or even bully,you then walk away.

The Internet is a wonderful tool,and so long as you know how to make the most of search engines and put in a little effort,you really have the perfect answer waiting to be found. That answer will be different for every camper as each of us has different needs. Don’t be surprised to see your favorite criticized somewhere,but if you see too much criticism,then you had better start thinking again. No problem. You won’t have spent anything yet,so think of it positively as a large expense saved.

Probably the best approach,if you have the time,is to research tents online and make a short list. Then try to inspect those tents at nearby shops. Then you can make a final decision on where to buy your chosen model based purely on total cost.

1.The underlined word “downside” in Paragraph 2 means “________”.

A.disadvantage B.instruction C.argumentD.principle

2.It can be concluded from the third paragraph that________.

A.shop assistants usually enjoy going camping

B.shop assistants usually have practical advice

C.you should consider your idea repeatedly

D.it is impolite for you to trouble shop assistants

3.You can make use of the Internet to________.

A.meet your different needs

B.find the answer for every camper

C.help you out of trouble

D.find your favorite tent

4.Which of the following would be the main idea of this passage?

A.It is good to buy your tent in the traditional shop.

B.You’d better buy a tent with the help of the Internet.

C.Better buy a tent combining seeing tents for real in shops and researching them online.

D.Going camping is really beneficial to your health.


A little part of me thought about going to another checkout line.This one had the shortest ,there was only one guy in it,but he was in a and there seemed to be some difficulties .

We stepped in behind him.At first, he to be having difficulty getting his groceries onto the counter.But after a while,I realized that what he was actually doing was it into two parts.

I offered to help,but he and the checkout lady had it under .He asked Julie if she would mind putting his basket away.Then he for his wallet which was in a bag on one side of his chair.The he was positioned and the fact he only had one usable arm this troublesome for him,so I helped there.

The checkout operator came around and gave him his and the goods he needed to have to hand.She one bag of groceries over a handle at the back of his chair.

I offered to get the other bigger bag and he said,“No. you could do me a favor.Take that bag along to the entrance and give it to Angela."

Angela,it ,was collecting food for people who might go hungry! I hadn’t even her before.

This guy,in spite of the limitations,had bought more than twice as shopping as he needed—and given the bigger bag away to help people!

He didn’t let the fact that he needed help him from being a help.He may have been limited ,but his heart was more than able to overcome all that.

1.A figureB.space C.queue D.time

2.A.supermarketB.wheelchair C.helmetD.uniform

3.A.going onB.holding on C.paying offD.setting down

4.A.happenedB.used C.seemed D.pretended

5.A.selectingB.wrapping C.handingD.separating

6.A.chargeB.control C.improvement D.settlement

7.A.emptyB.heavyC.large D.broken

8.A.feltB.in search ofC.seizedD.reached

9.A.spot B.direction C.distanceD.way

10.A.caughtB.carriedC.made D.solved


12.A.arrangedB.hung C.loaded D.connected


14.A.turned outB.found out C.pointed outD.put out

15.A.alreadyB.alwaysC.otherwise D.fairly


17.A.many B.much C.fewD.little

18.A.wealthyB.ordinary C.other D.normal

19.A.stopB.requireC.lead D.persuade

20.A.financiallyB.morallyC.mentally D.physically


The English test will be removed from China’s college entrance exam by 2020, according to details of exam and admis­sion reform revealed by the Ministry of Education. The national college entrance exam, known as the “Gaokao” has been used to evaluate Chinese students for three decades. The Ministry of Education has worked out a plan for reforming exams and enrollment. The Ministry will solicit(征求) public opinions before its release. Instead, tests will be held several times a year to allow students to choose when and how often they sit the exam so as to alleviate study pressure and change China’s once-in-a-lifetime exam system.

The plan and suggestions for its implementation will be announced in the first half of next year. It will be piloted in se­lected provinces and cities and promoted nationwide from 2017. A new exam and admission system will be established by 2020, according to the education ministry.

The decision has aroused a heated discussion among Shanghai educators and parents who doubted the reform would re­duce the burden of learning English or if the substitute test could reflect a student’s English skills and help students learn English better.

“The reform shows China is learning from the West to give students more test-taking chances. But more chances might become more of a burden since Chinese students are likely to repeat the test until they get the highest score,” said Cai Jigang, a professor at Fudan University’s College of Foreign Languages and Literature and chairman of the Shanghai Advisory Committee for College English Teaching at Tertiary Level.

Yu Lizhong, chancellor of New York University Shanghai, where classes are in English and students are required to have a high standard of English, said the most important aspect of the reform lay in what to test and how to test.

“ As far as I see, the reform doesn’t mean English is no longer important for Chinese students after it will be excluded from the unified college entrance exam,” Yu said. “In a way, English is even more important than before since the test would only serve as reference, while every college and university, even every major, can have different requirements of a student’s English skills under a diverse evaluation system. ”

Yu said some students will have their study pressure reduced if the major they choose doesn’t need excellent English while others still need to study hard if they want to be among the best students.

The education ministry said the reform would not affect students attending the college entrance exam over the next three years.

1.What can we learn from the first paragraph?

A. English will become less and less important in the stage of compulsory education.

B. It has been 30 years since English became one subject of national college entrance exam.

C. China’s once-in-a-lifetime exam system is unacceptable at all.

D. The system that tests are held several times does more good than once-in-a-lifetime exam system.

2.According to the passage, Shanghai educators and parents argue that _____.

A. the new exam and admission system will make no difference

B. English shouldn’t be removed from China’s college entrance exam

C. the reform may accomplish the very opposite

D. Western educational system does not apply to China

3.What does the passage try to express in the underlined sentence?

A. Students needn’t lay a good foundation during the period of high school.

B. Whether students should study hard English may depend on their major.

C. Students can constantly strive for perfection only in their major.

D. English must be close to full mark.

4.What’s the purpose of the passage?

A. To advise students not to devote themselves to English.

B. To call on Education Department to remove English from “Gaokao”.

C. To support the act of Ministry of Education.

D. To encourage students to do as they have planned.



Art Calendar

Walking Tours of the Museum’s collections (fee with admission contribution) are offered daily and on weekends by Museum-trained volunteers. No tours on November 29-December 1 and December 17-31


Tuesday through Friday subject to Gallery hours


Tuesday & Thursday




Highlights of the Museum

Highlights of the Museum

Highlights of the Museum


Japanese Art

Ancient Mexico and Peru

Ancient Mexico and Peru


American Paintings

European Rooms

European Rooms


Chinese and Japanese Art

Impressionists and Their Times

Chinese and Japanese Art


Egyptian Galleries

Ancient Greece and Rome

Ancient Greece and Rome


American Rooms

Arts of Africa, Oceania and the Americas

American Rooms


Chinese Art

Islamic Art

Chinese Art


20th Century Paintings

20th Century Paintings

20th Century Paintings


Old Master Paintings

Old Master Paintings

Old Master Paintings


Highlights of the Museum

Highlights of the Museum

Highlights of the Museum


Arts of Africa, Oceania and the Americas

Chinese Art

Arts of Africa, Oceania and the Americas


Islamic Art

Chinese Art

Islamic Art


Ancient Greece and Rome

Egyptian Galleries

Egyptian Galleries


Ancient Mexico and Peru

Japanese Art

Japanese Art


European Rooms

American Paintings

American Paintings






Impressionists and Their Times

Chinese and Japanese Art

Impressionists and Their Times


Highlights of the Museum

Highlights of the Museum

Highlights of the Museum




Egyptian Galleries


Friday evening, Saturday and Sunday tours are chosen from the following topics. Consult Walking Tour Board at Kiosk in the Great Hall for times.

American Paintings Impressionists and Their Times

American Rooms Islamic Art

Chinese Art Japanese Art

Egyptian Galleries Old Master Paintings

European Rooms Arts of Africa, Oceania and the Americas

Highlights of the Museum 20th Century Paintings

1. Walking tours of the Museum’s collections are offered on __________.

A. November 29. B. December 20

C. December 31 D. December 10

2. What time is the latest Chinese Art Class?

A. 1:45 B. 2:45C. 9:30D. 10:45

3. When is the last Old Master Paintings?

A. Friday 7:00B. Tuesday 9:00

C. Friday 1:00D. Thursday 1:00

4. Which one starts the earliest?

A. Highlights of the Museum B. Egyptian Galleries

C. Chinese Art D. Ancient Mexico and Peru.


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