
17.Her determinedlook said that she would not change her mind.

分析 她坚定的表情说明她将不会改变主意.

解答 答案是determined.名词look前面用形容词修饰.句意是"她坚定的表情说明她将不会改变主意."所以用形容词determined表示"坚决的".故答案是determined.

点评 本题考查首字母填空.首先要根据语境明确句意,然后再根据相关语法决定正确答案.

7.This August,we'll welcome guests from all over the world.Some of them follow their own cultural traditions.It's important for us to know about them.
●In many countries,such as Thailand,India and Malaysia,people believe that the left hand is unclean.So,it's not proper to use one's left hand to hold food,touch others or pass objects.Doing so may offend certain guests.
●Some Westerners may be offended if you try to help them without their agreement.
●People think numbers can be lucky or unlucky.Some Westerners avoid the number 13because they believe it is unlucky.
●People from Brazil,Italy and Pakistan do not give handkerchiefs(手帕)as gifts.They believe a handkerchief is closely connected with unhappy feelings.

40.Indians don't hold food with the left hand because they consider itA.
A.unclean        B.useless      C.valueless       D.unimportant
41.Muslims do not"B".
A.send gifts   B.eat pork     C.drink milk   D.use handkerchiefs
42.Which of the following is true according to the passage?C
A.People from Pakistan like to send handkerchiefs as gifts.
B.All the elderly people in the west like being helped by others.
C.The number 13is thought to be unlucky by some Westerners.
D.Westerners do not mind their personal things being touched.
43.What does the passage mainly talk about?C
A.Lucky numbers.          B.Traditional food.
C.Cultural differences.   D.Hands and handkerchiefs.
8.For eighty four days old Santiago had not caught a single fish.At first a young boy,Manolin,had shared his bad fortune,but after the fortieth luckless day the boy's father told his son to go in another boat.From that time on,Santiago worked alone.The boy loved the old fisherman and  always helped him with money and food.Usually,they would talk about the fish they had taken in luckier times or about American baseball after supper,while at night,alone in his cottage,Santiago dreamed of lions on the beaches of Africa,where he had gone on a sailing ship years before.He no longer dreamed of his dead wife.
    On the eighty-fifth day,Santiago set off to fish before dawn.Two of his baits (饵) were fresh tunas (金枪鱼) the boy had given him.Then he set his lines which went straight down into deep dark water.
     As the sun rose he saw other boats in toward shore.A man of war bird showed him where dolphin were chasing some flying fish.This time Santiago saw tuna jumping in the sunlight.A small one took the hook on his line.Pulling the fish aboard,the old man thought it a good fortune.
    Toward noon a marlin,a common fish in the s ea,started eating the bait which was one hundred meters down.Gently the old man played the fish,a big one,as he knew from the weight on the line.At last he struck to settle the hook.The fish did not come out of the surface.Instead,it began to pull the boat to the northwest.The old man followed it. Although he was alone and no longer strong,he had his skill and knew many tricks. He waited patiently for the fish to be tired.
     It became cold after the sunset.Suddenly the marlin leaned,pulling Santiago forward on his face and cutting his cheek.By dawn his left hand was cramped (抽筋的).The fish had headed northward; there was no land in sight.Hungry,he cut pieces from the tuna and chewed them slowly.That morning the fish jumped.Seeing it leap,Santiago knew he had hooked the biggest marlin he had ever seen.Then the fish went down and turned toward the east.Santiago drank a little water from the bottle during the hot afternoon.Close to nightfall a dolphin took the small hook he had baited.He lifted it aboard,careful.After he had rested,he cut meat from the dolphin and kept also the two flying fish he found in its stomach.That night he slept.He awoke to feel the line running through his fingers as the fish jumped.Making the line loose slowly,he tried to tire the marlin.After the fish slowed its run,he washed his cut hands in sea water and ate one of the flying fish.At sunrise the marlin began to circle.Faint and dizzy,he worked to bring the big fish nearer with each turn.Almost exhausted,he finally drew his big fish alongside and drove in the harpoon (鱼叉).The fish was two feet longer than the boat.No fish like it had ever been seen in Havana harbor.An hour later,he sighted the first shark,a fierce Mako,and it came in fast to chase after the dead marlin.The old man struck the shark with his harpoon.The Mako rolled and sank,carryin g the harpoon with it and leaving the marlin bloody.He knew the smell would spread.Watching,he saw two sharks closing in.He struck at one with his knife and watched it sliding down into deep water.He killed the other while it tore at the flesh of the marlin.When the third appeared,he thrust (刺) it with the knife.The other sharks came at sunset.At first he tried to beat them with the tiller (舵柄) from the boat,but his hands were bleeding and there were too many in the sea.In the darkness,as he steered (掌舵)toward the harbor of Havana,he heard them hitting the boat again and again.But the old man thought only of his steering and his great tiredness.He had gone out too far and the sharks had beaten him.He knew they would leave him nothing but the stripped skeleton of the big marlin.
     All lights were out when he sailed into the little harbor and beached his boat.He could just make out the white backbone and the upstanding tail of the fish.Once he fell under their weight and lay patiently until he could gather his strength to go on.In his cottage he fell on his bed and went to sleep.
65.The above story is most likely to be adapted fromB.
A.The Adventures Of Tom Sawyer                     
B.The Old Man And The Sea        
C.The Son Of The Sea                                     
D.Treasure Island  
66.According to the text,which statement is NOT true about Manolin?C
A.The boy left Santiago at last.
B.The boy had mercy on Santiago.
C.The boy was Santiago's adopted son.
D.The boy showed his great concerns to Santiago.
67.Why did the man feel that he could be lucky this time?B
A.Because a lot of sharks followed his boat.
B.Because a small tuna took the hook on his line.
C.Because he dreamed about the American lions.
D.Because he saw many flying fish were chased by the dolphins.
68.Why does Santiago let the marlin lead his boat instead of pulling the big fish up?C
A.He was too tired and hungry to pull the big fish up.
B.He wanted to use the marlin as a bait to catch the sharks.
C.His experience told him not to do so before the fish was tired out.
D.He wanted to kill the marlin first before he pulled it up to the boat.
69.Which sentence below can be used to best describe Santiago's character?D
A."He no longer dreamed of his dead wife."( in Para.1)
B."Although he was alone and no longer strong,he had his skill and knew many tricks."( in Para.4)
C."Almost exhausted,he finally drew his big fish alongside and drove in the harpoon."( in Para.5)
D."Once he fell under their weight and lay patiently until he could gather his strength to go     on."( in Para.6)
70.According to the text,what will be talked about next?A
A.People's reflection when they saw the giant marlin's skeleton outside.
B.A funeral held by the boy and the local people after his death.
C.Santiago's action to realize his dream about the lions.
D.Santiago's struggle against sharks.
5.Amelia Earhart (1897-1937)was born in Kansas,USA,and moved to Chicago in 1914 when her father was fired from the Rock Island Railroad.After graduating from high school in 1915,she went to Canada where she worked as a nurse's helper.In 1919 she attended Columbia University but gave up after a year to join her parents in California.
    In 1920 Earhart went to her first air show and was attracted.She took flying lessons and bought her first plane,which she flew to a height of 14,000 feet in October 1922,a women's world record.In 1925 she moved to Boston and got a job as a social worker.During that time,she also wrote local newspaper columns (专栏) on flying.
    Earhart will be mainly remembered for being the first woman to fly solo (单独) non-stop across the Atlantic.On May 20,1932,she took off from New Brunswick,Canada.She wanted to fly to Paris,but poor weather conditions and mechanical
(机械的) problems forced her to land in Derry,Northern Ireland.
    It was certain that Earhart would attempt a round-the-world flight and she left Miami,USA on June 1,1937.Aft er stopping in South America,Africa,the Indian subcontinent and Southeast Asia,she arrived in New Guinea,an island in the southwest Pacific Ocean,on June 29.She left on July 27,but while she was crossing the Pacific,contact (联系) was lost.The US government spent  4 million looking for her,but she was never found.
    Earhart published two books about her flying experiences:20 H ours 40 Minutes and The Fun of It,but she went missing before her thi rd book was published.She was awarded the Distinguished Flying Cross by Congress and the Cross of Knight of the Legion of Honour by the French government.
21.Amelia Earhart took an interest in flyingC.
A.during her stay in Canada  
B.after watching an air show
C.after she moved to Chicago  
D.after graduating from university
22.Paragraph 3is mainly about Amelia Earhart'sB.
A.early career   
B.greatest achievement  
C.early life and education 
D.publications and prizes
23.What do we know about Amelia Earhart from the text?A
A.She wrote two books in her life.
B.She was the first woman pilot in the USA.
C.She got lost when flying across the Pacific.
D.She finished her round-the-world flight successfully.
12.Woman Uses Daughter's Key to"Steal"Car
Charlie Vansant,a college student of Athens,Ohio,who reported that his car was stolen,got a surprise when he learned a woman had mistaken it for her daughter's car and taken it-using her key.
Kate Anderson became an accidental car thief when picking up her daughter's car near an Ohio University building last week.Anderson spotted the Toyota Camry(丰田凯美瑞)and used her daughter's key to unlock the car,start the engine and drive home-without realizing that the car wasn't her daughter's.
When Charlie Vansant left class a short time later,he found only an empty parking spot.He first assumed the car had been towed,but when the police couldn't find a record of it,they took a theft report.
The morning after Anderson took the car,her daughter discovered the Camry in the driveway wasn't hers.Anderson said she was able to find Vansant's name on paperwork in the glove compartment and look up his phone number on the website for the university.
When Anderson told Charlie the car was in her driveway,"It sounded really suspicious at first,as she wanted to hold the thing for ransom (赎金),"said Vansant.He eventually went to the house with a police officer,where he was reunited with his car.According to the police report,the case was closed"because of mistaken car identity",and Anderson wasn't charged.
Vansant seemed to blame the car company more than the"thief"."Her key fit not only my lock,but my ignition(点火装置)as well-so high-five for Toyota,I guess."he said.
24.What does the underlined word"towed"mean in paragraph 3?D
25.Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?C
A.Mrs.Anderson's daughter discovered the car her mother drove was not hers.
B.Charlie had thought he had to give Anderson money to get his car back.
C.Mrs.Anderson stole Charlie's car at the request of her daughter.
D.Mrs.Anderson used her daughter's key to unlock Charlie's car and drive home.
26.What does Charlie mean by"high-five for Toyota"?B
A.He should thank Toyota for returning his car.
B.He is blaming Toyota for the poor quality of car keys.
C.He wants to celebrate with Toyota for getting his car back.
D.He thinks highly of Toyota for producing large quantities of cars.
27.What is likely to happen next according to the passage?C
A.Mrs.Anderson was charged with stealing a car.
B.Charlie blamed Mrs.Anderson for mistakenly taking his car.
C.Charlie would ask the Toyota Company to give him an explanation.
D.The Toyota Company would give Charlie a new car as compensation.
2.Directions:Complete the following passage by using the words in the box.Each word can only be used once.Note that there is one word more than you need.
Young children may face serious health risks from popular energy drinks,such as Monster,Red Bull and Rock Star,(41)G causing heart problems and other life-threatening conditions,according to the findings of new researches.
During a presentation at the annual Cardiac Scientific Sessions 2014 meeting of the American Heart Association (AHA),researchers warned about the risk of allowing young children(42)Kto the energy drinks,which contain high amounts of caffeine(咖啡因) and other stimulants.
Researches  (43)Ehat the energy drinks are not intended for young children and are not safe for them to consume.Steven Lipshultz,M.D.,lead author of the study,is calling for a warning on all energy drink cans and bottles,warning parents of the risk of allowing children to drink them.
Researchers say it is difficult to know exactly how much caffeine is contained in each can or bottle of energy drinks,since they are often (44)A as dietary supplements (补充物),which allow the manufacturers to avoid FDA regulations.
Energy drink manufacturers have compared the amount of caffeine in their products to that in hot drinks sold in coffee houses,but their products are often packaged in very large sizes and they are not sold in (45)Fnvironments like coffee houses,which typically would not serve young children.Energy drinks are widely available in (46)I stores next to traditional soft drinks,typically packaged in very similar cans and using similar marketing techniques.
Some energy drinks in many of the popular lines can contain up to 400mg of caffeine per can.In comparison,a cup of coffee typically has around 100mg of caffeine.Caffeine poisoning can occur in adults at levels higher than 400mg a day; however,children under 12can (47)B  caffeine poisoning at only 2.5mg per 2.2pounds of body weight.
A study published in September (48)Jup the new findings,revealing energy drinks may cause serious heart problems.French researchers revealed the popular energy drinks may be linked to (49)C risk of irregular heartbeats and even sudden death.
The FDA is  (50)H investigating health concerns surrounding the drinks after numerous negative event reports have been made in recent years connecting energy drinks to severe injuries and deaths.
9.The London Pass is a sightseeing city card which gives you entry to a choice of over 60popular tourist attractions in the city.It makes sightseeing easy and affordable by giving you access to top sights in the city with one card.
With the London Pass you don't have to queue to buy tickets,or stand in line to get into the attraction.The London Pass acts as your ticket into every one of the 60attractions included.It saves the trouble of carrying around cash for tickets and allows you to budget your spending as you've already made the one-off payment.As well as this,you can feel like a VIP with the London Pass as you are granted Fast Track Entry into a handful of London's most popular attractions.
The London Pass is available for 1,2,3or 6days-so choose the duration of Pass that best matches your trip.Your London Pass is valid for use on continuous days for the duration you have selected and is activated upon entry at your first attraction,through a bar code recognition system.
London is packed with top restaurants featuring world-class chefs serving a variety of cooking delights.However,dining out can be expensive.With the London Pass you can make great savings at over 145restaurants,with discounts of up to 50%off or special offers such as a free bottle of wine or ice cream sundae.
So if you are planning a trip to London,do yourself a favour and check out the London Pass.You may have a more enjoyable trip.

21.With the London Pass,you canD.
A.stay in hotels free of charge
B.buy entrance ticket in advance
C.travel to each sightseeing in London
D.enter the attractions through Fast Track Entry
22.What can we learn about the London Pass?B
A.You can use it at any time you want.
B.It can save time,money and stress.
C.It must be activated as quickly as you Can.
D.You can enjoy the discounts at any restaurant.
23.The main purpose of the text is toA.
A.advise visitors to buy the London Pass
B.tell visitors how to book the London Pass
C.supply visitors with some restaurant information
D.introduce the most popular attractions in London.
6.The high-protein,low-carbohydrate(碳水化合物) diets many people turn to for weight loss might have potentially harmful long-term effects on the  colon,a small study indicates.
In the study,UK researchers found that a protein-heavy,low-carb diet created certain changes in the colon that could contribute to colon cancer risk.The study itself does not show whether high-protein diets really raise the risk of any colon diseases,but the findings raise that possibility.
Diets relatively high in protein and lower in carbs have been shown to help heavy people lose weight."People should not be discouraged from losing weight,"Dr Flint said.However,he added,they should make sure that any weight loss plan includes adequate amounts of fiber and a high protein intake over months to years might have ill effects on the colon.
The findings are based on 17overweight men who followed three short-term diets:a one-week menu plan to keep their weight; a four-week high-protein diet with reasonable amounts of carbohydrates; and a four-week high-protein diet low in carbs.
On average,the study found when the men were on the high-protein diets,they had higher levels of substances known as N-nitroso compounds(亚硝基化合物) and other metabolites(代谢物) that have been linked to cancer.And when they were on the high-protein,low-carb diet,they had lowered amounts of fiber-originated compounds thought to be protective against cancer.
Exactly what those changes might mean for a person's health is not clear,But Flint said that the findings suggest that people should be cautious about consuming too much protein and too little fiber over a long period.In general,experts recommend that adults get about 28grams of fiber per day-though it's not known whether that's enough for someone on a high-protein weight-loss diet.

71.What is the best title of the text?B
A.Plan a Healthy Diet
B.Take Care of Your Colon
C.How to Lose Weight
D.How to Protect against Cancer
72.The underlined word"colon"in Paragraph 1probably refers to"A".
A.an organ     B.intelligence   C.a habit    D.behaviour
73.The study shows that high-protein,low-carb diets mayC.
A.affect your mood     B.lower cancer risks
C.harm your body       D.keep your figure
74.It can be inferred from the text thatD.
A.we shouldn't take the study seriously
B.weight problems are hard to solve
C.it is better to follow a low-carb diet
D.people should be cautious to lose weight
75.The author is intended toB.
A.advise how to lose weight
B.introduce a scientific finding
C.describe a research process
D.talk about healthy diets.
7.Two Earthquakes in Two Months:
Comparing the Quakes in Haiti (海地) and Chile (智利)
Overview (概要) How do the earthquakes in Chile and Haiti compare?Here,students perform a gallery walk to learn more about the earthquakes from a specific point,and then do a specific research and presentation project or response activity.Finally,they seek answers to their unanswered questions.
Materials Print copies of photographs,charts,documents and other visuals to display,as described below; computer (s) with Internet access (optional),research materials,handouts.
Warm-up Choose and prepare a"gallery"of photographs,graphics,news reports and other materials to display around the room to enable students to consider the 2010earthquake in Chile.
Depending on course program,choose materials for the gallery that provide a window on the two quakes,through one of the following specific points,or the focus of your choice:
Earthquakes through History Putting the 2010Chilean and Haitian quakes into historical view related to other earthquakes,including the 1960Chilean quake and the 2004Asian earthquake and tsunami.
Rescue and Aid Considering domestic and international response to the disasters by militaries,governments and aid organizations,including rescue and recovery as well as efforts to provide food,water,health care and shelter to those affected.
Related The article Underwater Plate Cuts 400Mile Gash compares several earthquakes:
Mr.Lin figured that the quake on Saturday was 250to 350times more powerful than the Haitian quake.
But Paul Caruso noted that at least on land,the effects of the Chilean tremor (震动) might not be as bad.For one thing,he said,the quality of building construction is generally better in Chile than in Haiti.And the fact that the quake occurred offshore should also help limit the destruction.In Haiti,the rupture (断裂) occurred only a few miles from the capital,Port-au-Prince.The rupture on Saturday was centered about 60miles from the nearest town,Chillan,and 70miles from the country's second-largest city,Concepción.
Read the article using the following questions.
Questions For discussion with others and reading comprehension:
How does the 2010Chilean earthquake compare to the 1960Chilean earthquake?
Why do scientists believe that the 2010Chilean earthquake will not cause the same level of damage as January's Haitian earthquake did?
How does the 2010Chilean earthquake compare to the 2004Indonesian earthquake?
What reasons do scientists give to explain why the Indonesian quake caused so much more damage than the recent Chilean earthquake?

64.Which of the following shows one of the reasons for slighter losses in Chile than in Haiti?A

65.We can infer that the article Underwater Plate Cuts 400Mile Gash includesD.
A.the causes of the 2010Chilean earthquake and the 1960Chilean earthquake
B.the comparison between the 2010Haitian and the 2004Indonesian earthquakes
C.the reason for the 2010Chilean quake being more powerful than January's Haitian earthquake
D.the reason for less damage in the 2010Chilean quake than in the 2004Indonesian earthquake
66.What is the passage most likely to be?B
A.A program for research.
B.A guide to earthquake study.
C.An advertisement for students.
D.An introduction to quakes.

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