

阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各小题所给的四个选项 (A、B、C和D) 中,选出最佳选项。

“Who can ever have imagined that someone like me would make it this far?” asked Chad Wood last week during his high school graduation speech as the best student. Chad offered 1 to his fellow classmates to never give up—and the words 2 much more to himself. That’s because Chad is deaf, and he told the story of the serious troubles he 3 to graduate first in his class at Harrison High school in Kennesaw, Georgia.

Chad didn’t start to 4 until he was 5, according to his mother, Pam Wood. Although her son was 5 a disadvantage, she was determined not to treat him 6 .“I’ve expected him to do everything every other kid does, and I saw no 7 why he couldn’t,” she told ABC News. “And if he 8 the first time, we just tried again.”

Chad, 17, worked hard throughout school, 9 no special treatment but sitting at the front of the class and using a special audio system so he could hear the teacher. All his hard work 10 . He received full school fare to Vanderbilt University. “Deafness had taught me a lesson to never 11 ,” he said in the speech. “Not when the experts tell you it cannot be done. Not when you have 12 so far behind that escaping seems the only way 13 . Not when achieving your dreams seems an entire 14 .”

Chad spoke for about four minutes, after which he received a standing applause from the class and 15 messages from family, friends and strangers. “They’ve been sending me messages on Facebook, email; they’ve been talking to me in person telling me how it had a 16 on their lives and how they’re really 17 by it,” Chad told ABC News. “It feels 18 . Seeing that my words 19 have a power on someone and that they want to work harder 20 my words makes me feel wonderful.”

1.A. warning B. description C. advice D. information

2.A. analysed B. meant C. recognized D. persuaded

3.A. needed B. faced C. consisted D. foresaw

4.A. cry B. write C. smell D. hear

5.A. at B. for C. under D. by

6.A. deadly B. kindly C. differently D. similarly

7.A. harm B. reason C. trouble D. conclusion

8.A. failed B. organized C. succeed D. blamed

9.A. receive B. receiving C. to receive D. received

10.A. set off B. dropped off C. took off D. paid off

11.A. give in B. give up C. give out D. give away

12.A. waited B. walked C. fallen D. gone

13.A. up B. off C. in D. out

14.A. impossibility B. success C. victory D. possibility

15.A. scientific B. negative C. supportive D. cautious

16.A. reward B. power C. source D. detail

17.A. defeated B. exposed C. educated D. puzzled

18.A. unwilling B. amazing C. shocking D. embarrassing

19.A. actually B. suddenly C. strangely D. extremely

20. A. apart from B. according to C. instead of D. because of


Passage 3(2017届江西省上高二中高三考)







Jake Beckman呼吁出版商应对读者负责



The Internet is full of headlines that grab your attention with buzzwords (流行词). But often when we click through, we find the content hardly delivers and it wastes our time. We close the page, feeling we’ve been cheated. These types of headlines are called "click bait".

A headline on Businesslnsider.com reads: "This phrase will make you seem more polite". First, when you click through, you find another headline: "Four words to seem more polite." Then, on reading the article, you find it’s actually an essay about sympathy. And what are the four words? They’re "Wow, that sounds hard." On some video websites, you might encounter headlines such as "Here’s what happens when six puppies visited a campus". Turns out it’s just some uninteresting dog footage (镜头).

Nowadays, with the popularity of social media, many news outlets tweet (推送) click bait links to their stories. These tweets take advantage of the curiosity gap or attempt to draw the reader into a story using a question in the headline. These click bait headlines are so annoying that someone is attempting to save people time by exposing news outlet click bait through social media. The Twitter account @SavedYouAClick, run by Jake Beckman, is one such example.

Beckman’s method is to grab tweets linking to a story and retweet them with a click-saving comment. For example, CNET tweeted "So iOS 8 appears to be jailbreakable but...", with a link to its coverage of Apple’s product announcements. Beckman retweeted it with this comment attached: "... it hasn’t been jailbroken yet."

Since founding the account, Beckman’s Twitter experiment has brought him more than 131,000 followers. Beckman said that @SavedYouAClick is…"just my way of trying to help the Internet be less terrible." Asked about his goal, he said, "I’d love to see publishers think about the experience of their readers first. I think there’s an enormous opportunity for publishers to provide readers with informative updates that include links so you can click through and read more.

1.The article on Businesslnsider.com turns out to be___________.

A. useful suggestions on politeness

B.an essay about another topic

C.an article hard to understand

D. a link to a video website

2.Why are readers often cheated by tricky headlines?

A. Social media has become more popular.

B. Readers have questions to be solved.

C. Such headlines are fairly attractive.

D. There’re always stories behind them.

3.Beckman attached his comment to CNET’s tweet to __________.

A. criticize CNET B. save readers’ time

C. advertise apple’s new product D. tell readers something about iOS 8

4.In the last paragraph, Beckman appeals that _________.

A. publishers be more responsible for the link

B. readers think about their needs before reading

C. publishers provide more information for readers

D. people work together to make the Internet less terrible


There are so many things we do in our daily lives that have become a “habit”, 1.How you answer the phone is a habit. The way you sit in the car when you drive is a habit. Have you ever tried to change the way you do something, after you’ve done it in a certain way for so long? It’s easy to do as long as you think about it. The minute your mind drifts to something else, you go right back to the old way of doing things. 2.It’s a way of doing things that has become routine or commonplace. To change an existing habit or form a new one can be a tedious(单调乏味的) task.

Let’s pick something fairly easy to start with, like spending 15 minutes in the morning reading the Bible. If you want to turn something into a habit that you do every day, you have to WANT to do it. 3.Make a firm decision to do this on a daily basis.

Imprint(铭刻) it in your mind. Write several notes to yourself and put them in places where you will see them. By the alarm clock, on the bathroom mirror, on the refrigerator door, in your briefcase, and under your car keys are good places to start.

After the newness wears off, then you will have to remind yourself, “Hey, I forgot to. . . ”. Keep using the notes if you have to. 4.Some people say it will take over a month to solidify(变得稳固) it and make it something you will do without having to think about it. I tend to agree with the last statement. Two to three weeks will help you to remember, but thirty days or more will make it a part of your everyday routine. 5.

A. What is a “habit” anyway?

B. Is doing things in an old way good?

C. Brushing your teeth is a habit.

D. Forming a bad habit is easy.

E. It takes 16 to 21 times of repeating a task to make it a habit.

F. If you don’t, you will find a way to do everything but that.

G. That’s something you won’t necessarily have to think about before you do it — habit.

Do you hate to get your hands dirty? When I see my 10-year-old son______the dirty plates in the sink or my 8 year-old daughter cringing(畏缩) at the wet sand clinging(黏住) to her hands, I am reminded of a time when I was ______to get my hands a little dirty.

My parents owned a 500-acre _______in Montana when I was young.I’d often come home from school to find a/an _______lamb or a calf being bottle-fed in the basement.One exceptionally cold day, I was the ______ sheep with my mother in the ranch when she spied a ewe(母羊) _____.The poor thing was trying to ______ her baby lamb and needed our help.My mother calmly held the ewe’s head and _______me to grab hold of the two protruding(突出的) legs.

I hesitated, and must have had quite a look of ______ on my young face.The slimy little things were ______ not something I wanted to touch.But I worked up my _______and wrapped my fingers around them.I can still recall the feel of ______ the delicate legs and their sharp little hooves(蹄子) as of it happened yesterday.

My heart beat in fear and excitement as I ______ with all my strength.The lamb was delivered with an outpouring, and I’d never seen ______ so beautiful.I was no ______ to see ranch animals being born, but to have a hand ______ it was something I cherished then and will cherish forever.

Looking back, I’m so glad that I didn’t _______to get my hands dirty.______ I had, the miraculous moment and the precious memory would have been lost.These days I try to instill(灌输) that life lesson into my own ______ .Sometimes you need to get your hands a little dirty to experience something ______ and pure.

1.A. throwing B. wasting C. washing D. avoiding

2.A. unwilling B. willing C. thrilled D. content

3.A. garden B. ranch C. yard D. field

4.A. newborn B. energetic C. strong D. fierce

5.A. watching over B. spying on C. checking on D. picking out

6.A. in peace B. in silence C. in operation D. in trouble

7.A. raise B. bear C. feed D. hug

8.A. requested B. commanded C. instructed D. guided

9.A. panic B. anxiety C. delight D. excitement

10.A. almost B. possibly C. definitely D. approximately

11.A. affection B. patience C. confidence D. courage

12.A. unbearable B. unexpected C. unfortunate D. uncomfortable

13.A. dragged B. rolled C. pushed D. pulled

14.A. nothing B. anything C. something D. everything

15.A. stranger B. specialist C. reporter D. acquaintance

16.A. in B. on C. over D. at

17.A. hesitate B. tend C. refuse D. bother

18.A. Even if B. When C. Unless D. If

19.A. relatives B. children C. friends D. colleagues

20.A. embarrassing B. confusing C. entertaining D. amazing

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