
【题目】Directions: For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.

It was a terribly cold Christmas Eve with heavy snow outside. I stayed in bed, feeling upset because there wasn’t enough money to buy me the that I’d wanted that year.

Mum came back with some snow in her hair. “Come on, Matt!” she said. “Dress ! It’s freezing cold out tonight.”

, I went out in the cold with Mum and climbed up the sled beside her. She pulled it around the house and then stopped in front of the woodshed(柴房). She went in and with an armload of wood.

“I rode by Jensen’s today,” said Mum, “Little Jakey was out digging around in the snow. They’re out of wood, Matt.”

Jensen lived about two miles down the road. Her husband died 3 months ago, three children, Jakey being only 8 years old.

We loaded the sled high with . Then we went to the store and my mother took down some meat, a sack of flour and a smaller sack of shoes.

We rode the two miles to Jensen’s in . All the way I wondered why Mum bought them some shoes and candy as we didn’t have much money. Jensen had closer neighbors than us. It shouldn’t have been our .

We got to Jensen’s house and unloaded the wood as quietly as possible. Then we took the meat, flour and shoes to the door.

We . Jensen opened the door and let us in. “We brought you a few things, Jensen,” Mum said, the sack of flour and the meat on the table. Then Mum handed her the sack of shoes. Jensen bit her lower lip to keep it from trembling, tears welling out and down her cheeks.

“We also a load of wood, Jensen,” Mum added. She turned to me and said: “Matt, go and bring some in.”

I wasn’t the same person when I went back out to get the wood. Just then the scarf didn’t seem . The look on Jensen’s face and the smiles of her three children was the best Christmas gift of my life.

【1】A. scarf B. overcoat C. shoes D. handbag

【2】A. fashionably B. casually C. comfortably D. warmly

【3】A. Unsteadily B. Unhurriedly C. Unwillingly D. Uncomplainingly

【4A. stepped away B. came out C. broke down D. fell over

【5A. adopting B. taking C. overlooking D. leaving

【6A. wood B. meat C. flour D. grass

【7】A. surprise B. danger C. silence D. harmony

【8A. custom B. concern C. comment D. courage

【9A. signed B. chased C. knocked D. hesitated

【10】A. taking away B. getting back C. giving out D. putting down

【11A. prepared B. bought C. borrowed D. required

【12A. expensive B. important C. ordinary D. available
















【1】考查名词辨析。A围巾;B外套;C鞋子;D手提包。由本文最后一段“Just then the scarf didn’t seem . The look on Jensen’s face and the smiles of her three children was the best Christmas gift of my life.”仅仅在那个时候,这围巾似乎都不……。Jensen脸上的表情和她三个孩子的笑容是我生命中最好的圣诞礼物。可知,我起初最想要的圣诞礼物是围巾。故选A。

【2】考查副词辨析。A时尚地;B随意地;C舒适地;D温暖地。前文介绍的故事场景是圣诞节的下雪天,后一句“It’s freezing cold out tonight.” 外面天气寒冷,母亲让“我”穿上得暖和点。故选D。



【5】考查动词辨析。A收养;B带走;C忽视;D离开、留下。“Her husband died 3 months ago, three children.”她的丈夫在3个月前去世了,留下了3个孩子。根据句意,故选D。

【6】考查名词辨析。A木材、柴火;B肉;C面粉;D草、草坪。“We loaded the sled high with wood.”我们把柴火捆在雪橇的上面。前面第四段They’re out of wood, Matt.他们没有柴火了,马特。所以我和母亲给这家一点柴火。故选A。


【8】考查名词辨析。A习俗、海关;B担心、忧虑;C评论;D勇气。“Jensen had closer neighbors than us. It shouldn’t have been our concern.” Jensen有比我们更亲近的邻居。这本不是我们所应该担心的。根据句意,故选B。


【10】考查词组短语辨析。A带走;B回来、回复、取回、重新上台;C分发、用尽;D放下、写下、记下。“We brought you a few things, Jensen,” Mum said,putting down the sack of flour and the meat on the table.”母亲说:“我们给你带了一些东西。”边说边把面粉和肉放在桌子上。故选D。

【11】考查动词辨析。A准备;B带来;C借;D要求。“We also prepared a load of wood, Jensen”我们还准备了一些柴火。故选A。




Can dogs and cats get along well in the same home? People who are thinking about getting a dog as a friend for their cat are worried that they will fight. A recent research has found that if the cat is taken back home before the dog, and if they are introduced when still young (less than 6 months for cats, a year for dogs), it is likely that the two pets will get along smoothly. In two-thirds of the homes cats and dogs have a good relationship.

However, it wasn’t all sweetness and light. There was a reported coldness between the cat and dog in 25% of the homes, while aggression(侵略,好斗) and fighting were found in 10% of the homes. One reason for this is probably that some of their body languages are just different. For example, when a cat turns its head away it means aggression, while a dog doing the same means submission(顺从).

In homes with cats and dogs living peacefully, researchers found a surprising behavior. They are learning how to talk each other’s language. It is surprising that cats can learn how to talk “Dog”, and dogs can learn how to talk “Cat”.

What’s interesting is that both cats and dogs have appeared to become smarter. They can learn to read each other’s body languages, suggesting that the two may have more in common than was expected. Once familiar with each other’s body language, cats and dogs can play together, and enjoy sleeping together on the sofa.

The importance of this research on cats and dogs may go beyond pets to people who don’t get along well, including neighbors, colleagues at work, and even countries. If cats and dogs can learn to get along, surely people have a good chance.

【1】The underlined word smoothly in Paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to ________.

A. early B. mostly

C. quickly D. well

【2】What is found surprising about cats and dogs?

A. They eat and sleep together.

B. They watch each other’s behaviors.

C. They learn to speak each other’s language.

D. They know something from each other’s voices.

【3】It is suggested in Paragraph 4 that cats and dogs ________.

A. have common interests

B. have appeared to become smarter.

C. have a common body language

D. are not so smart as was expected

【4】What can we human beings learn from cats and dogs?

A. We should learn to get along well with others

B.We should know more about animals.

C. We should live in peace with animals.

D. We should learn more body languages.


America’s holiday shopping season started on Black Friday, the day after Thanksgiving. 【1】 Retailers(零售商) make the most money this time of year, about 20 percent to 30 percent of all revenue all year. About 136 million people shopped during the Thanksgiving Holiday weekend.

【2】 In an era of instant information, shoppers can use their mobile phones to find deals. Nearly 80 percent of this year’s holiday shoppers, or about 183.8 million people, shopped on Cyber Monday. 【3】 Online spending on Black Friday rose 15 percent to hit $2.7 billion this year. Cyber Monday spending increased 12 percent to $3 billion. NBC News reported that for many, shopping online was a more comfortable alternative than crowded malls.

The shift to online shopping has had a big impact on solid shopping malls. Since 2010, more than 24 shopping malls have closed and an additional 60 are struggling.

Fortune says the weakest of the malls have closed. 【4】 According to a survey, 94.2 percent of malls were full with shops by the end of 2014. That is the highest level in 27 years.

The average American consumer will spend about $805 on gifts. That’s about $630.5 billion between November and December an increase of 3.7 percent from last year.

【5】 That goes to China’s Singles’ Day, celebrated on November 11, which posted record sales of $14.3 billion in 2015.

A.Cyber Monday falls on the Monday after Thanksgiving and Black Friday.

B.Nonetheless, Cyber Monday is not the biggest online shopping day in the world.

C.One-in-five Americans used a tablet or smart-phone.

D.It is the busiest shopping day of the year.

E.The traditional mall industry can hardly survive.

F.More and more people shop online nowadays.

G.However, the business in malls is thriving again, it adds.

【题目】A sure way to destroy your chances of learning how to write skillfully is to believe that writing is a “natural gift” rather than a learned skill. People with such an attitude think that they are the only ones for whom writing is unbearably difficult. They feel that everyone else finds writing easy or at least tolerable. Such people often say, “I’m not any good at writing” or “English was not one of my good subjects.” They imply that they simply do not have a talent for writing while others do. The result of this attitude is that these people try to avoid writing, and when they do write, they don’t try their best. Their writing fails chiefly because they believe that they don’t have the “natural talent” needed to write. Unless their attitude changes, they probably will not learn how to write effectively.

A realistic attitude about writing must build on the idea that writing is a skill. It is a skill like driving, typing, or cooking; and, like any skill, it can be learned. If you have the determination to learn, you will develop your writing skills by practicing extensively.

Many people find it difficult to do the active thinking that clear writing demands. It is frustrating to discover how much of a challenge it is to transfer thoughts and feelings from one’s head onto a sheet of paper. But writing is not an automatic process: We will not get something for nothing — and we should not expect to. For almost everyone, skillful writing comes from hard work — from determination and sweat. The good news is that the skill of writing can be mastered, and if you are ready to work, you will learn what you need to know.

【1】Why do some people think writing is difficult?

A. They have no time to practice writing.

B. They believe few people can write well.

C. They have no good teachers to help them.

D. They don’t think writing can be learned.

【2】It can be inferred from Para. 1 that ______.

A. “natural gift” is the determining factor in one’s success

B. diligence can result in success

C. a person without “natural gift” is sure to fail in writing

D. attitude determines what one will be

【3】What is the topic of the passage?

A. Why writing is important.

B. Whether writing is a born gift.

C. Benefits of essay writing.

D. How to improve writing skills.

【题目】Can dogs and cats live in perfect harmony in the same home? People who are thinking about adopting a dog as a friend for their cat are worried that they will fight. A recent research has found a new recipe for success. According to the study, if the cat is adopted before the dog, and if they are introduced when still young (less than 6 months for cats, a year for dogs), it is highly probable that the two pets will get along smoothly. Two-thirds of the homes interviewed reported a positive relationship between their cat and dog.

However, it wasn’t all sweetness and light. There was a reported coldness between the cat and dog in 25% of the homes, while aggression and fighting were observed in 10% of the homes. One reason for this is probably that some of their body signals are just opposite. For example, when a cat turns its head away it signals aggression, while a dog doing the same signals submission.

In homes with cats and dogs living peacefully, researchers observed a surprising behavior. They are learning how to talk each other’s language. It is a surprise that cats can learn how to talk ‘Dog’, and dogs can learn how to talk ‘Cat’.

What’s interesting is that both cats and dogs have appeared to develop their intelligence. They can learn to read each other’s body signals, suggesting that the two may have more in common than was previously suspected. Once familiar with each other’s presence and body language, cats and dogs can play together, greet each other nose to nose, and enjoy sleeping together on the sofa. They can easily share the same water bowl and in some cases groom (梳理) each other.

The significance of this research on cats and dogs may go beyond pets—to people who don’t get along, including neighbors, colleagues at work, and even world superpowers. If cats and dogs can learn to get along, surely people have a good chance.

【1】Some cats and dogs may fight when ________.

A. they are cold to each other

B. they look away from each other

C. they misunderstand each other’s signals

D. they are introduced at an early age

【2】What is found surprising about cats and dogs?

A. They eat and sleep together.

B. They observe each other’s behaviors.

C. They learn to speak each other’s language.

D. They know something from each other’s voices.

【3】It is suggested in Paragraph 4 that cats and dogs ________.

A. have common interests

B. are less different than was thought

C. have a common body language

D. are less intelligent than was expected

【4】What can we human beings learn from cats and dogs?

A. We should learn to live in harmony.

B. We should know more about animals.

C. We should live in peace with animals.

D. We should learn more body languages.



Cleanliness is important to academic success at one Chinese university where compulsory labor is part of a program designed to award class credits while teaching students with proper moral values.

During winter, the sky is still dark at 6:30 a.m. when the first-year students in Trade and Management College in Zhengzhou begin sweeping the 165-acre campus and it can take up to an hour.

Mr. Sun, the university official, said labor is good for building character and promotes “the spirit of hard work.” Some students also claim that they are always proud of the clean campus. They never litter because they’ve been through the labor and understand that they should respect the fruits of labor of others.

Some students, however, are against it because they feel the demands of the cleaning program are a distraction. Some often show up late and hungry to their morning classes after rushing to sweep the campus and clean their rooms.


1. 用约30个单词写出上文概要;

2. 用约120个单词发表你的观点,内容包括:

(1) 支持或反对这个学校的做法;



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2. 阐述观点或提供论据时,不能直接引用原文语句;

3. 作文中不能出现真实姓名和学校名称;

4. 不必写标题。



【题目】As a contestant on The X Factor, 13-year-old Rachel Crow seemed to have exactly what it took to win: strong praise from judges, a beautiful voice, and a lovable personality. Then she was voted off.

When the results were read, Rachel broke down, sobbing and screaming for her mom, who had to rush onstage to comfort her.

It was a humiliating moment for Rachel, but a great moment for The X Factor just the kind of drama TV audiences love.

Some fans said Rachel’s breakdown proved she was too young to be on the show. And though there was nothing exceptional about someone Rachel’s age being on reality TV children and teens appear in everything from Dance Moms to The Biggest Loser Rachel’s meltdown did raise an important question: Should kids be on reality TV at all? Many psychologists are saying “No”.

It’s well known that early fame can be harmful and that many former child stars struggle as adults. Being followed by photographers 24/7 and having everything they do reported in newspapers and blogs can be hard for young people to deal with. It can make them feel as though their worth depends on what others say. Reality TV takes the pressure of early fame to a whole new level. Kids on reality TV don’t play characters. They play themselves. Cameras expose their most private moments for our entertainment.

Laws exist that protect child actors, making sure they go to school and limiting the hours they can work. In many states, though, these laws do not apply to kids on reality TV, because they are not considered actors.

Dangers aside, there’s no doubt that reality shows do offer exciting opportunities and the potential to make money. A 7-year-old girl who attends a TV show earns about $36,000 per season. After competing on The X Factor, One Direction went on to become international stars. Even Rachel made out OK. She released an album and voices a character in the movie Rio 2. And she showed resilience (适应力). “I’m not feeling great, but I’ll be fine,” she told reporters after breakdown. “I’m Rachel still.”

【1】The underlined word “humiliating” in Paragraph 3 is closest in meaning to _______”.

A. exciting B. precious

C. important D. embarrassing

2 We can learn from Paragraph 4 that some of Rachel’s fans thought that she _______.

A. was not good enough

B. deserved better results

C. should have been much stronger

D. shouldn’t have been on the show

3Paragraph 5 is mainly about _______.

A. how kids should deal with pressure

B. why early fame can be harmful to kids

C. the importance of kids being themselves

D. what some former child stars have achieved

4What can we infer from the last paragraph?

A. Kids should look for more challenges.

B. Reality shows may change a kid forever.

C. Reality shows can benefit kids in some ways.

D. Kids can earn little money from reality shows.

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