

America’s holiday shopping season started on Black Friday, the day after Thanksgiving. 【1】 Retailers(零售商) make the most money this time of year, about 20 percent to 30 percent of all revenue all year. About 136 million people shopped during the Thanksgiving Holiday weekend.

【2】 In an era of instant information, shoppers can use their mobile phones to find deals. Nearly 80 percent of this year’s holiday shoppers, or about 183.8 million people, shopped on Cyber Monday. 【3】 Online spending on Black Friday rose 15 percent to hit $2.7 billion this year. Cyber Monday spending increased 12 percent to $3 billion. NBC News reported that for many, shopping online was a more comfortable alternative than crowded malls.

The shift to online shopping has had a big impact on solid shopping malls. Since 2010, more than 24 shopping malls have closed and an additional 60 are struggling.

Fortune says the weakest of the malls have closed. 【4】 According to a survey, 94.2 percent of malls were full with shops by the end of 2014. That is the highest level in 27 years.

The average American consumer will spend about $805 on gifts. That’s about $630.5 billion between November and December an increase of 3.7 percent from last year.

【5】 That goes to China’s Singles’ Day, celebrated on November 11, which posted record sales of $14.3 billion in 2015.

A.Cyber Monday falls on the Monday after Thanksgiving and Black Friday.

B.Nonetheless, Cyber Monday is not the biggest online shopping day in the world.

C.One-in-five Americans used a tablet or smart-phone.

D.It is the busiest shopping day of the year.

E.The traditional mall industry can hardly survive.

F.More and more people shop online nowadays.

G.However, the business in malls is thriving again, it adds.








试题分析:美国的购物季在感恩节之后的黑色星期五开始,在这个信息时代,越来越多的人在网上购物,Cyber Monday也变成仅次于黑色星期五的购物节

【1】D 根据下一句中的“Retailers make the most money this time of year”可知,零售商在一年的这个时候赚最多的钱,可见黑色星期五是最繁忙的购物日,选D。

【2】F 根据下一句In an era of instant information, shoppers can use their mobile phones to find deals.可知,在信息化的时代,消费者可以使用手机来搜索折扣商品,故前一句应该是讲现在越来越多的人在网上购物,故选F项

【3】C 根据前一句Nearly 80 percent of this year’s holiday shoppers, or about 183.8 million people, shopped on Cyber Monday.(这一年将近80%的购物者,或者是大约1亿8380万人在网络星期一购物),再根据后一句Online spending on Black Friday rose 15 percent to hit $2.7 billion this year.今年黑色星期五的在线消费上涨15%,突破27亿美元,故推断空格处是讲很多美国人使用移动终端消费,故选C。

【4】G 根据前面的内容讲网购的兴起导致很多实体店的倒闭,而面又讲根据调查,在2014年年底94.2%的商场里商店是满的,那是27年来最高的水平,故空格处应该是与前面的内容形成转折,选G。

【5】根据后面讲世界上最大的网上购物节是中国的光棍节,故空格处的内容前面的Cyber Monday要构成对比关系。故选B。





Richard's father died when he was five. Later on he lost his mother. An old woman felt sorry for the poor boy and often helped him. Of course he had no money to go to school. He had to work for a rich farmer. The man paid him nothing except food and clothes. 【1】 He found some old books near the school and taught himself to read and write.

【2】 It connected the village and the town. One morning people found there was a big stone on it. It stopped them from going to town. They had to move it away, or they had to cross the mountain if they had something to do in the town. But the stone weighed thirty tons at least and the strongest young men couldn't do that. 【3】

Richard looked at it carefully for a while and said, “I have a way to move it away.” But few men believed him. 【4】 Night fell and people went home. Only the boy stayed there.

To their surprise, the villagers found the stone was gone the next morning. They didn't know which spirit had moved it away. 【5】

“How could he ?” the rich farmer called out. “He's only fifteen! He couldn't move it at all!”

“He dug a big hole beside the stone” , said the old woman, “And then he could easily pull it into the hole!”

Looking at each other, the farmers couldn't say a word.

A. There seemed to be nothing strange in the village.

B. The old woman said Richard had done it all.

C. There was a narrow path between two mountains.

D. But the boy didn't lose heart.

E. Some farmers even laughed at the boy.

F. The boy hoped he could do something for the villagers some day.

G. They discussed for a long time, but nobody knew what to do.

【题目】Directions: For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.

It was a terribly cold Christmas Eve with heavy snow outside. I stayed in bed, feeling upset because there wasn’t enough money to buy me the that I’d wanted that year.

Mum came back with some snow in her hair. “Come on, Matt!” she said. “Dress ! It’s freezing cold out tonight.”

, I went out in the cold with Mum and climbed up the sled beside her. She pulled it around the house and then stopped in front of the woodshed(柴房). She went in and with an armload of wood.

“I rode by Jensen’s today,” said Mum, “Little Jakey was out digging around in the snow. They’re out of wood, Matt.”

Jensen lived about two miles down the road. Her husband died 3 months ago, three children, Jakey being only 8 years old.

We loaded the sled high with . Then we went to the store and my mother took down some meat, a sack of flour and a smaller sack of shoes.

We rode the two miles to Jensen’s in . All the way I wondered why Mum bought them some shoes and candy as we didn’t have much money. Jensen had closer neighbors than us. It shouldn’t have been our .

We got to Jensen’s house and unloaded the wood as quietly as possible. Then we took the meat, flour and shoes to the door.

We . Jensen opened the door and let us in. “We brought you a few things, Jensen,” Mum said, the sack of flour and the meat on the table. Then Mum handed her the sack of shoes. Jensen bit her lower lip to keep it from trembling, tears welling out and down her cheeks.

“We also a load of wood, Jensen,” Mum added. She turned to me and said: “Matt, go and bring some in.”

I wasn’t the same person when I went back out to get the wood. Just then the scarf didn’t seem . The look on Jensen’s face and the smiles of her three children was the best Christmas gift of my life.

【1】A. scarf B. overcoat C. shoes D. handbag

【2】A. fashionably B. casually C. comfortably D. warmly

【3】A. Unsteadily B. Unhurriedly C. Unwillingly D. Uncomplainingly

【4A. stepped away B. came out C. broke down D. fell over

【5A. adopting B. taking C. overlooking D. leaving

【6A. wood B. meat C. flour D. grass

【7】A. surprise B. danger C. silence D. harmony

【8A. custom B. concern C. comment D. courage

【9A. signed B. chased C. knocked D. hesitated

【10】A. taking away B. getting back C. giving out D. putting down

【11A. prepared B. bought C. borrowed D. required

【12A. expensive B. important C. ordinary D. available

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