
【题目】—My deskmate accused me breaking her glasses.

—Oh,you had the right to defend yourself her accusation.

A.of;against B.for;from

C.of;for D.for;against





【题目】There are many brands of chocolate. If you love it, you can’t forget DOVE -- the most famous chocolate brand. But do you know what the meaning of DOVE is?

Dove chocolate is born because of . One day in 1919 Princess Bazaar of Luxembourg's royal family first met the royal kitchen helper Leon. Many nights Leon slipped into the kitchen and various ice creams for Bazaar. They soon fell in love. Unfortunately owing to their quite different social , both of them had to the deep feelings in heart.

Afterwards Bazaar was made to an arranged royal marriage against her wishes. For many days Leon could not see Bazaar, and he was burning with . Finally Bazaar turned up at the table a month later. While serving desserts, Leon the letters "DOVE" which is an abbreviation of DO YOU LOVE ME with hot chocolate on Bazaar's ice cream. Leon that Bazaar could understand his feeling.

A few days later, Bazaar got . Leon, broken-hearted, could not the mental suffering and left for America, where he and his own family a candy store years later but lived unhappily.

Many years later, they met again before Bazaar’s death. Bazaar that she did eat the ice cream that afternoon but didn't see the letters and also didn't receive any promise from Leon and she had to to span>her fate and missed him all her lifetime.

Hearing this, Leon broke down in tears. If that chocolate had been , those letters would never have melted and he would not have lost his last . Leon decided to create a solid chocolate which can a long time.

After lots of research, he succeeded and each piece of chocolate was engraved(刻) with the letters DOVE. It is a of the love between Leon and Bazaar.

Now more and more people fall in love with this chocolate. Giving someone DOVE means sending the of love DO YOU LOVE ME?

【1A. anger B. sorrow C. love D. envy

【2A. gave B. made C. cooled D. heated

【3A. opinion B. view C. attitude D. status

【4A. discover B. forget C. bury D. struggle

【5A. know B. accept C. try D. practise

【6A. sympathy B. impatience C. joy D. indifference

【7A. mixed B. sent C. wrote D. pressed

【8A. allowed B. promised C. declared D. expected

【9A. married B. sick C. nervous D. satisfied

【10A. repeat B. bear C. reduce D. keep

【11A. supported B. found C. ran D. sold

【12A. learned B. recalled C. heard D. believed

【13A. annoying B. confusing C. interesting D. melting

【14A. give in B. give up C. give out D. give away

【15A. powerful B. liquid C. solid D. frozen

【16A. treasure B. possession C. courage D. chance

【17A. eat B. preserve C. miss D. sell

【18A. quickly B. happily C. firmly D. lightly

【19A. symbol B. sign C. survey D. study

【20A. story B. secret C. promise D. whisper

【题目】 Another secret of animals survival is telepathy(心灵感应). This sense becomes atrophied(衰退) in man, but a(n) thought-communication functions in animals. Elsa, the lioness, frequently when George and I intended to visit her camp, even though it 180 miles from our home in Isiolo. On most when we made our irregular visit she was waiting for us. By following the spoor(野兽的足迹),we that she had sometimes walked 50 or 60 miles to meet us.

The same thing when I took Elsas sisters to Nairobi to be flown to the Rotterdam zoo, Elsas zoo. Elsa stayed behind with George in Isiolo 180 miles . He did not know when I was coming back, no person knew. But Elsa knew. On the morning of my she sat down at the entrance and wouldnt make any until I arrived in the evening.

I have known this kind of thought-communication with the animal with whom Ive lived. When Elsa died, I woke in the night, knowing what had happened, even though I was several miles away. The same thing later with one of Pippas cubs.

I dont this sensitivity with my own kind. Feel far more in tune with what is going on when I am in the bush than when I am in London on Nairobi. We dont know much yet about this telepathy from which gland(腺体) it comes, or how it . But if men could awaken or it in themselves, and then cooperate by trusting each other, fearing and treating one another , the world would be a far better place.

1A. extremely B. completely C. thoroughly D. definitely

2A. sensed B. aware C. feels D. concerns

3A. lay B. lies C. located D. stood

4A. case B. conditions C. occasions D. situations

5A. discussed B. dismissed C. discovered D. distrusted

6A. happened B. broken out C. replaced D. took over

7A. far B. farther C. away D. far from

8A. turn B. return C. reality D. reappear

9A. emotions B. feelings C. exchanges D. movement

10A. burst forth B. burst C. appeared D. occurred

11A. command B. confirm C. possess D. prohibit

12A. starts B. comprehends C. manufactures D. works

13A. create B. plant C. cultivate D. produce

14A. rather than B. other than C. would rather D. or rather

15A. suspiciously B. suspecting C. prosperously D. doubtfully

【题目】Researchers are finding new ways to save snakebite victims.Experts discussed the latest findings during a recent conference.

Scientists in Australia have shown that a chemical called nitric oxide could increase the chances of surviving a poisonous snakebite.The scientists injected rats with a deadly amount of snake venom.Then they rubbed an ointment(软膏)containing nitric oxide on the skin around the injection site.The study found that the rats lived about one-third longer than if nitric oxide had not been used.But the treatment had to be started very quickly.

Dirk van Helden led the research.He says the nitric oxide ointment also showed promise in humans.The study appeared earlier this year in the journal Nature Medicine.Scientists say the findings could help save many lives.A recent study found that poisonous snakes cause as many as ninety-four thousand deaths worldwide each year.But Ulrich Kuch of the Biodiversity and Climate Research Center in Frankfurt,Germany,says that number appears to be low.

Mr Kuch says many deaths could be prohibited if snakebite victims are treated correctly,but they often go to traditional healers or do not seek any help at all.He said,“Sometimes it’s because there is no treatment available—no antivenom(抗蛇毒血清),which is the specific(特殊的)drug to treat snakebites—or health care staff do not know how to treat snakebites,and sometimes its because transportation to get to a health facility is not available or too expensive.

Here is no single antivenom that can be used to treat all snakebites.The antivenom must be specific to the kind of snake that bit the person.In some countries the treatment is costly,while in others there is no such treatment.

1What is this passage mainly about?( )

A.Snakebite deaths around the world.

B.Progress in fighting snakebite deaths.

C.Snakebite treatment around the world.

D.The chances of surviving a poisonous snakebite.

2After being rubbed an ointment containing nitric oxide,the rats .

A.suffered no pain

B.died immediately

C.lived a little longer

D.started feeling uncomfortable

3What does Paragraph 3 suggest?( )

A.The number of deaths caused by snakebites is becoming lower each year.

B.The nitric oxide ointment has saved thousands of people’s lives.

C.It is very important to find an effective way to treat snakebites.

D.The number of deaths caused by snakebites worldwide is low.

4What does the underlined word “prohibited” in Paragraph 4 mean?( )

A. caused. B.considered.

C.examined. D.prevented.

5What is implied in the last paragraph?( )

A.Antivenom can be made very easily.

B.It’s very important to use the correct antivenom to treat snakebite victims.

C.Antivenom is extremely expensive all over the world.

D.A person bitten by a snake will survive as long as there is antivenom.

【题目】My parents influenced us with the concepts of family, faith and love for one’s motherland when l was young.Even though we struggled to make ends meet, they stressed how fortunate we were to live in a great country with limitless opportunities.

I got my first real job when l was ten.My dad, Benjamin, injured his back working in a cardboard - box factory and was retrained as a hairstylist.He rented space in a little mall and gave his shop the fancy name of Mr.Ben's Coiffure.

The owner of the shopping center gave Dad a discount on his rent for cleaning the parking lot three nights a week, which meant getting up at 3 a.m. to pick up rubbish. Dad used a little machine that looked like a lawn mower.Mom and I emptied rubbish cans and picked up rubbish by hand.It took two to three hours to clean the lot.I'd s1eep in the car on the way home. I did this for two years, but the lessons I learned have lasted a lifetime, I acquired discipline(自制力) and a strong work morality(道德), and learned at an early age the importance of balancing life's competing interests---in my case, school, homework and a job.This really helped during my senior year of high school, when l worked 40 hours a week flipping hamburgers at a fast–food joint while taking a full load of college-prepared courses.The hard work paid off.I attended the U.S.Military Academy and went on to receive graduate degree in law and business from Harvard.Later, I joined a big Los Angeles law firm and was elected to the California state committee.In these jobs and in everything else I’ve done, I have never forgotten those nights in the parking lot.The experience taught me that there is dignity in all work and that if people are working to provide for themselves and their families, that is something we should honor.

【1】According to the text, the author thinks .

A.he is lucky to have many chances to get a job

B.it is difficult to find a job to make ends meet

C.his parents are full of complaint about their life

D.it is not acceptable to live in such bad conditions

【2】 In order to get a discount on rent, .

A.his father had to work as a hairstylist

B.his father had to work in a cardboard - box factory

C.they had to clean the-parking lot three nights a week

D.his father had to pick up litter by hand three hours a day

【3】Which of the following is NOT true of the author?

A.He got the graduate degrees from Harvard.

B.He took a college - prep courses at high school.

C.He took a part-time job during his senior year.

D.He regretted having worked in the parking lot.

【4】What does the underlined sentence "The hard work paid off" mean?

A.The author got a high pay by working hard.

B.The author complained of the hard work.

C.The effort which he made had no effect.

D.The hard work was worthwhile for the author.

【5】We can learn from the text that _

A.it is unimaginable for a child to help/span> his family

B.it is honored to work for one's family as a member

C.it is unnecessary to keep work rules-of behavior

D.the harder the work is, the more interest one shows

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