
7.在除夕夜,所有华人通常都会燃放烟火并守岁到半夜迎接新年的到来.(stay)On New Year's Eve,all Chinese (people) will generally/usually set off/light fireworks and stay up till midnight to welcome the New Year..

分析 On New Year's Eve,all Chinese (people) will generally/usually set off/light fireworks and stay up till midnight to welcome the New Year.

解答 On New Year's Eve,all Chinese (people) will generally/usually set off/light fireworks and stay up till midnight to welcome the New Year.
本句为一简单句,后面含有一个不定式(to welcome the New Year)作目的状语.set off/light fireworks燃放烟花;stay up熬夜.

点评 对于翻译句子要做到忠于原句,用尽可能准确的句式或者短语来表达句子的意思.句式的表达可以多样化,要合理选择.

18.Want to improve your writing skills?New Writing South is directing the way!
•Towner Writer Squad (班组)for kids aged 13-17
Led by comedy and TV writer,Marian Kilpatrick,Towner Writer Squad will meet once a month at the contemporary art museum for 11months,starting 12October,2014.
The FREE squad sessions will include introductions to a wide range of writing styles,from poetry to play writing and lyrics (抒情诗)to flash fiction,to support the development of young writers.
Application & Selection
If you would like to apply to be part of the Towner Writer Squad,please send a sample piece of your writing (about 500words),responding to the title‘LUNCH,'with your name,age,address and e-mail address to:debo@newwritingsouth.com.
Once all applications are in,com you will be invited to an open selection event on 17September,4-5pm,at the gallery of Towner.This will be an informal opportunity to meet the Squad Leader,Squad Associate and other young people.
You will also have a chance to get to know the fantastic gallery space and get a taste of what's to come.
Deadline for applications:8September,2014
For further information go to:facebook.com/towner or towner.org.uk or newwritingsouth.com
Any questions 一 feel free to send your e-mail to Towner Writer Squad Associate:whame@towner.gov.uk

•Beginner Writing Project for kids aged 10-13
Due to popular demand,a writing project will be started for eager beginners.
Start time:6September,2014
Meet every other Saturday,2-4pm,at the Towner Study Centre.
Study and write at your own pace 一 you do not have to rush 一 as you have a year to go through the project.Practise under the guidance of some experienced writers and teachers who can help you with basic writing skills.Most importantly,build confidence and have fun while writing!
No previous experience or special background is required.Many others have been successful this way.If they can do it,why can't you?
For more information go to:newtowner.org.uk or generate.org.uk

56.Towner Writer Squad will be startedD.
A.to train comedy and TV writers
B.to explore the fantastic gallery space
C.to introduce a contemporary art museum
D.to promote the development of young writers
57.To join the Writer Squad,each applicant should firstA.
A.provide a piece of their writing
B.meet the Writer Squad Leader
C.offer their family information
D.complete an application form
58.Applications for the Writer Squad should be e-mailed no later thanB.
59.What is most important for the beginners?B
A.Practising as much as possible.
B.Gaining confidence and having fun.
C.Studying and writing at their own pace.
D.Learning skills from writers and teachers.
60.More information about Beginner Writing Project can be found atC.
19.Today,we are told,children don't spend enough time in the fresh air.Many of them are addicted to a screen either on a computer or a TV-they seem to be living in a virtual world.They have lost touqh with nature.
But now 400 organizations in the UK,from playgroups to the National Health Service,are encouraging children to have some"wild time".They want kids to swap at least 30 minutes of watching TV or playing computer games for time playing outside.Activities such as building dens,climbing trees,rummaging for conkers and playing hide and seek are just some of the things kids can do.Even if they live in a city,they can go on adventures in the garden or the park.
Children often need a helping hand from mum and dad.They need to be shown what to do and where to go.Andy Simpson from National Health Service says,"We want parents to see what this magical wonder product does for their kids'development,independence and creativity,by giving wild time a go".
    So despite the complicated world that young people grow up in now,it seems that going back to basics and experiencing"nature's playground"is what modern children need.David Bond from Project Wild Thing says,"We need to make more space for wild time in children's daily routine,freeing this generation of kids to have the sort of experiences that many of us took for granted".
This might sound a bit old fashioned to you or maybe,like me,it's made you think about sticking on your boots,getting outdoors and reliving your childhood.There's no age limit on enjoying yourself!

56.What is the best title of the text?A 
A.Wild time for children    B.Benefits of wild time
C.More space for children   D.Adventures of children
57.Children are encouraged to do the following activities exceptD 
A.building dens         B.climbing trees
C.playing hide and seek   D.watching TV
58.According to Andy Simpson,we know thatB 
A.wild time is hard to design
B.wild time is beneficial for children
C.parents know the importance of wild time
D.parents like keeping their children indoors
59.What's the main idea of Paragraph 4?A 
A.Modem children need wild time.     B.Adults value outdoor activities.
C.The present world is complicated.  D.This generation of kids have no freedom.
60.The last paragraph suggests thatD  
A.people like recalling the past            B.it is out of date to go outdoors
C.it is too late for adults to enjoy nature   D.people at any age can enjoy wild time.
16.In the late summer of 2004,days before I was to move to a city in China,to teach English for a year,I spoke to an acquaintance who had spent a few years in the country.
"Holidays are hard,"he said."But strangely,not so much Christmas.Christmas isn't that bad.It's Thanksgiving that's hard."
At the time,surviving the holidays was the least of my worries.I was moving to a country where I didn't speak the language,understand the culture,or know the history,in order to do a job that I had never done and didn't know how to do.And not only that,I was going to a city that I hadn't even heard of,and could find no information about online.Other than that,I was completely equipped.
Within a couple of months,the euphoria of being in China had worn off,and I found myself settling into a routine.I taught two hour-long classes of 15and 16-year-olds,and,because I assigned no homework and rarely gave out tests,spent the afternoons either reading or making a halfhearted attempt to learn Chinese.
When Thanksgiving came around,I decided it'd be easiest if I just ignored it.In China,this isn't difficult; unlike Christmas,which many Chinese people cerebrate with decorations,music,and festivities,Thanksgiving slips past unnoticed-it's just another Thursday.
And so it was.As I sat on my sofa,however,watching another film from the James Bond box set I bought for 12 dollars at a local shop,I felt a sense of shame.What was I doing?It was Thanksgiving,damn it.I needed to have a proper Thanksgiving dinner.
There was only one problem.As in most small Chinese cities,there's no turkey,or cranberry sauce,or stuffing,yams,pumpkin pie,or anything else.In fact,in the entire city of 700,000 people,there was exactly one restaurant whose food even resembled,at a distance,Thanksgiving fare.
Kentucky Fried Chicken.And so that's where I headed.

26.Before beginning his teaching in a Chinese city,the writerC.
A.made few preparations
B.little expected the hardships 
C.turned to one friend for information
D.was full of curiosity
27.The underlined word"euphoria"in the 3rd paragraph probably meansA.
28.From the passage we can know that the writer usually spent a day byC.
A.watching films from the James Bond box
B.learning Chinese with passion in the afternoons
C.giving two-hour lessons for teenagers
D.occasionally marking the students'homework
29.KFC became the writer's final choice on Thanksgiving Day becauseA.
A.its food was a bit similar to Thanksgiving dish
B.its atmosphere was suitable for foreigners in China
C.Western holidays were less attractive to Chinese
D.Turkey or related food was not available in China
30.The purpose of the passage isB
A.to explain a foreigner's dull work experience           
B.to describe a foreigner's lonely Thanksgiving Day
C.to prove a foreigner's wrong cultural concept
D.to present some hard problems for a foreigner.

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