
17.Skinner Creek ESL Guest Ranch offers a unique outdoor adventure camp for international students.
Students who come to Skinner Creek have the opportunity to learn English in an environment entirely different from a regular school setting.English classes are designed to meet the academic and spoken levels of each student.All English classes will be taught by instructors qualified in teaching English as a second language.All levels of English are available.
After class,students can enjoy many outdoor activities in a controlled and safe environment.Experienced managers and camp teachers will prepare each activity to the level appropriate for each student.
Students'safety is a priority(优先考虑的事) for the staff of Skinner Creek ESL Guest Ranch.Students are monitored at all times and supervisors are in the cabins with the students at night.Staff members have St.John's First Aid and Transportation and Wilderness First Aid.An emergency clinic is nearby and accessible 24hours.
English Classes:
Class hours are from Monday to Friday,9:00am-2:00pm with a one-hour break for lunch.
Students are challenged in reading,writing,grammar,vocabulary building and conversational English.
Fun After-class Activities:
Great after-class activities include:horseback riding lessons,hiking,baseball,volleyball,badminton,mountain hiking,bonfires and much more.
Time to watch videos and TV and play games.
Experience Canadian family life.
Special all-day and overnight weekend activities include:camping,days at the lake(fishing,swimming and boating) and more.
Travel Information:
Students will be picked up at Vancouver airport and dropped off again for their individual flights.Transportation to and from the ranch will be provided as well as overnight stays in Vancouver.
Please contact the ranch directly for prices:skinnercreek@telus.net.

60.If you attend Skinner Creek Summer Camp,you willC.
A.sometimes have English Classes outdoors.
B.learn how to deal with dangers in the wild.
C.enjoy different sports activities after class
D.experience the traditional farmer lifestyle.
61.How many hours of English classes do students have every week in Skinner Creek?D
62.How will most students travel to Skinner Creek if they want to attend the camp?A
A.By air
B.By car
C.By boat
D.By train.

分析 本文属于说明文阅读,作者通过这篇文章主要向我们介绍了参加SkinnerCreek夏令营的相关事宜,学生来Skinner Creek有机会学习不同于一般学校的英语课程,能够依据每一个学生的学术能力水平进行锻炼,并且参加许多有趣的课外活动和周末露营,学校降到温哥华机场接报名的同学.

解答 60.C.细节理解题.根据文章第三段After class,students can enjoy many outdoor activities in a controlled and safe environment.可知,参加Skinner Creek 夏季俱乐部的人,能够在课后参加很多不同的体育活动,故选C.
61.D.推理判断题.根据文章第五段Class hours are fromMonday to Friday,9:00 am-2:00 pm with a one-hour break for lunch.可知从周一到周五,每天上午9点到下午2点是上的时间,中间一个小时吃饭午休时间,所以一周有20个小时学英语,故选D.
63.A.细节理解题.根据文章从Students will bepicked up at Vancouver airport and dropped off again for their individualflights,学生将在温哥华机场接走并再次起飞,可知如果他们想要参加这个野营的话他们将乘飞机去Skinner Creek,故选A.

点评 考察学生的细节理解和推理判断能力,做细节理解题时一定要找到文章中的原句,和题干进行比较,再做出正确的选择.在做推理判断题不要以个人的主观想象代替文章的事实,要根据文章事实进行合乎逻辑的推理判断.

10.The quality of drinking water in Shanghai will meet European Union standard soon and,a decade later,citizens in Shanghai will drink the best water in the world.
These were the goals set out by the Shanghai Water Authority.With the city's population expected to increase only slightly and the economy to boom by 2020,Chen Yin,an official with the water authority,said Shanghai's water use will not increase from its present amount.
Zhang Yue,director of the Urban Construction Division under the Ministry of Construction,said,"Shanghai is the first city in the country to publicize these goals.They will not be easy to achieve."
He said water saving will help keep the sustainable(可持续的) development of China's economy.
Saving one cubic meter of water means saving the city's infrastructure(基础设施)costs by 10,000 Yuan.Last year,Shanghai saved 300 million cubic meters of water either from readjustment of industrial structure or the use of new technology.
"The aim is to arouse public awareness of the seriousness of water shortages,"Chen said."The rich surface water and amount of rain of the city are so misleading that they result in improper use of water."
Shanghai lacks drinkable water.The Huangpu River,which supplies 80 percent of the city's drinkable water,is drying up.
The city,therefore,has been exploring new sources from the Yangtze River and growing forests along it to hold quality water.
Besides,the authority is popularizing technology among the public to efficiently cut the amount of water used.
At present,the city has 600,000 family toilets,each using 13 liters of water per flush.These are to be renovated(整修)to use only 9 liters of water per flush.
The authority is renovating the first 200 toilets for households-at a cost of 40 Yuan each.
In three years,all the toilets will be renovated,which saves the city nearly 15 million Yuan every year in water use.
Another task is the treatment of the waste water to improve the water environment.
At present the city can only treat 44  percent of its daily 5.04 million tons of waste water.To meet the total demand,27 more treatment factories are to be set up with an estimated investment of 18 billion Yuan.
32.Some people in Shanghai use water improperly becauseA.
 A.the rich surface water and large amount of rain mislead them
 B.their family toilets can save plenty of water
 C.the waste water has already been treated
 D.new technology provide people with water as much as possible
33.The authority begins to renovate the toilets for households toB.
 A.make people live more conveniently
 B.meet people's need of water
 C.make people's living standards better
 D.reduce employment pressure
34.Which of the following measures are all mentioned in the passage to save water?
a.Introducing or using some new technology.
b.Improving drinking water quality.
c.Changing some industrial structure.
d.Renovating some family toilets.
e.Building more waste water treatment factories.
f.Speeding the economic development of Shanghai.
A.a,b,c,d   B.b,c,e,f  C.b,c,d,e   D.a,c,d,e
35.We can infer from the passage thatC.
A.Shanghai will need a much larger amount of water in the future
B.people in Shanghai can drink the best water in the world today
C.not all the people in Shanghai today know water shortage
D.all the family toilets will be renovated to save water in 3 years.

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