
【题目】I love charity shops and so do lots of other people in Britain because you find quite a few of them on every high street. The charity shop is a British institution, selling everything from clothes to electric goods, all at very good prices. You can get things you won't find in the shops anymore. The thing I like best about them is that your money is going to a good cause and not into the pockets of profit-driven companies, and you are not damaging the planet, but finding a new home for unwanted goods.

The first charity shop was opened in 1947 by Oxfam. The famous charity's appeal to aid postwar Greece had been so successful that it had been flooded with donations. They decided to set up a shop to sell some of these donations to raise money for that appeal. Now there are over 7,000 charity shops in the UK. My favorite charity shop in my hometown is the Red Cross shop, where I always find children's books, all 10 or 20 pence each.

Most of the people working in the charity shops are volunteers, although there is often a manager who gets paid. Over 90% of the goods in the charity shops are donated by the public. Every morning you see bags of unwanted items outside the front of shops, although they don't encourage this, rather ask people to bring things in when the shop is open.

The shops have very low running costs, and all profits go to charity work. Charity shops raise more than £110 million a year, funding medical research, overseas aid, supporting sick and poor children, homeless and disabled people, and much more. What better places to spend your money? You get something special for a very good price and a good moral sense. You provide funds to a good cause and step lightly on the environment.

【1】The author loves the charity shop mainly because of ______.

A. its convenient location

B. its great variety of goods

C. its spirit of goodwill

D. its nice shopping environment

【2】 The first charity shop in the UK was set up to ______ .

A. sell cheap products

B. deal with unwanted things

C. raise money for patients

D. help a foreign country

【3】 Which of the following is TRUE about charity shops?

A. The operating costs are very low.

B. The staff are usually well paid.

C. 90% of the donations are second-hand.

D. They are open twenty-four hours a day.







【1】C 推理题。根据第一段最后一句The thing I like best about them is that your money is going to a good cause and not into the pockets of profit-driven companies, and you are not damaging the planet, but finding a new home for unwanted goods.可知作者喜欢charity shops是因为这种商店的运营理念—慈善环保。故C项说法是正确的。

【2】D 细节题。根据文章第二段第2句The famous charity's appeal to aid postwar Greece had been so successful that it had been flooded with donations.可知最初慈善商店是为了帮助战后的希腊。故D正确。

【3】A 细节题。根据文章最后一段第一句The shops have very low running costs, and all profits go to charity work.可知这种慈善商店的运营成本是很低的,而且所有的利润都进入慈善行业。故A正确。


【题目】Think of life as a game in which you are playing with five balls in the air. You name them work, family, health, friends and spirit (精神) and you keep all of them in the air. You will soon understand that work is a rubber ball. If you drop it, it will bounce (弹跳) back.

But the other four balls, family, health, friends and spirit, are made of glass. If you drop one of these, they will be broken. They will never be the same. You must understand that and try to have balance in your life. How?

Don’t look down on your worth by comparing yourself with others. It is because we are different and each of us is special.

Don’t let other people set goal for you. Only you know what is best for yourself.

Don’t give up when you still have something to give. Nothing is really over until the moment you stop trying.

Don’t be afraid of difficulties. It is by taking chances that we learn how to be brave.

Don’t shut love out of your life by saying it’s impossible. The quickest way to receive love is to give it; the fastest way to lose love is to hold it too tightly (紧紧地); the best way to keep love is to give it wings(翅膀).

Don’t run through life so fast that you forget not only where you’ve been, but also where you are going.

Don’t be afraid to learn. Knowledge is a treasure you can always carry easily.

Don’t use time or words carelessly. You can’t get them back. Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, and today is a gift; that’s why we call it “the present”. Life is not a competition, but a trip, step by step.

【1】 The underlined sentence “Nothing is really over until the moment you stop trying.” means that _______.

A. Nothing is possible

B. If we don’t give up, there is always hope

C. Although you try, nothing will change.

D. You should learn to give up

2Why can’t we use time carelessly? ___________

A. Because time never returns.

B. Because times will get back.

C. Because we are too poor.

D. Because time is too expensive.

3If you run through life so fast, you will ____________.

A. lose your own treasure that you can always carry easily

B. lose love by holding it too tightly

C. forget not only where you’ve been, but also where you are going

D. not be afraid of the difficulties

4According to the passage, which is the best title? ___________

A. Nothing is impossible.

B. Treat your life in a right way.

C. Things you can’t do.

D. Glass balls are easy to be broken.

【题目】8:30 PM----Outlook

Outlook is back with a new series of reports to keep you informed of all that’s new in the world of entertainment. Stories go all the way from the technical to the romantic, from stage to screen. There will be reports of the stars of the moment, the stars of the future and the stars of the past. The director with his new film, the designer with the latest fashion, and the musician with the popular songs are part of the new Outlook. The program is introduced by Fran Levine.

9:00 PM----Discovery

When a 10-year-old boy gets a first class degree in mathematics or an 8-year-old boy plays chess like a future grand master, they are considered as geniuses. Where does the quality of genius come from? Is it all in the genes or can any child be turned into a genius? And if parents do have a child who might become a genius in the future, what should they do? In this 30-minute film, Barry Johnson, the professor at School of Medicine, New York University will help you discover the answer.

10:00 PM----Science& Health

Is it possible to beat high blood pressure without drugs? The answer is “yes”, according to the researchers at Johns Hopkins and three other medical centers. After a study of 800 persons with high blood pressure, they found that after 6 months, those devoted to weight loss, exercise and eating a low-salt, low-fat food lost about 13 pounds and became fitter. Plus, 35% of them dropped into the “normal” category(范畴). This week, Dr. Alan Duckworth will tell you how these people reduce their blood pressure to a level similar to what’s achieved with Hypertension(高血压) drugs.

【1】The main purpose of writing these three texts is ________.

A. to invite people to see films

B. to attract more people to watch TV programs

C. to attract more students to attend lectures

D. to invite people to topic discussions

【2From Outlook, you can get a great deal of information about ________.

A. story tellers B. music fans

C. film companies D. famous stars

【3】Who will be most probably interested in Discovery?

A. Parents who want to send their children to a school of medicine.

B. Children who are good at mathematics.

C. Parents who want their child to become another Albert Einstein.

D. Children who are interested in playing chess.

【4】In Science &Health, “Johns Hopkins” is ________.

A. a medical center B. a famous university

C. a well-known doctor D. a drug company

【5】According to the third text, which of the following has almost the same effect as Hypertension drug?

A. Six months of exercise without drugs.

B. Loss of thirteen pounds in weight.

C. Exercise plus a healthy diet.

D. Low-salt and low-fat food.

【题目】The Regional Director of the National Heritage Conservation Commission (国家遗产保护委员会) Kagosi Mwamulowe said the Barotse Plains is unique and it deserves to be on the list of the World Heritage Sites.

Mr. Mwamulowe said the Barotse Plains deserves to be included on the World Heritage List because it has a rich cultural heritage which includes the burial sites of former kings.

The Director said he hoped that the landscape would be declared as a heritage site next year in June. He also said it was important to protect Zambia’s unique culture for education and entertainment.

Chief Natural Heritage Officer Muyumbwa Ndiyoi said there will be a lot of benefits when the Barotse Landscape is declared a World Heritage Site because it will attract many tourists and business investments (投资) will increase.

Mr. Ndiyoi said the site will also benefit young people as knowledge will be passed down from generation to generation.

He was reacting to a question from Nalolo District Labour Officer Jason Ngoma who wanted to know how the people of Western Province will benefit once the Barotse Landscape is declared a World Heritage Site.

And University of Zambia Lecturer Charles Namate said there is a need for the site to be included on the World Heritage List because 50 years after its independence Zambia only has one heritage site, which is the Victoria Falls.

Lecturer Namate said the Barotse Landscape was facing a lot of environmental degradation (恶化), and that’s why there is a need to recognize the value of its landscape and the memories of dead kings.

The National Heritage Conservation Commission together with the Ministry of Chiefs and Traditional Affairs are in Western Province to hold meetings with Heads of Government Departments. The Commission also held closed-door meetings with the Litunga Lubosi Imwiko II of the Barotse Royal Establishment.

【1】What do we know about the Barotse Plains?

A. It has royal tombs.

B. It is being well protected.

C. It is not far from the Victoria Falls.

D. It’ll be listed as a World Heritage Site soon.

【2Mr. Ndiyoi believes that if the Barotse Plains is declared a World Heritage Site, _____.

A. it won’t benefit the people of Western Province

B. it will attract many foreign students and researchers

C. it will contribute to the local economic development

D. more people will start to learn about Zambia’s culture

【3】In the text, Lecturer Namate expressed his concern about _____.

A. the future of the Barotse Plains

B. the development of Western Province

C. the development of tourism in Zambia

D. the environmental problems of the Barotse Plains

【4】What can we infer from the text?

A. Zambia only has two World Heritage Sites.

B. The Barotse Landscape has been partly destroyed.

C. The Barotse Landscape issue is still being discussed.

D. Young people in Zambia don’t know about Barotse culture.

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