
11.Have you heard of it?Firefighters rushed into a burning house,three of them unfortunately      in and       their lives.(  )
A.catching; lostB.caught; lost
C.caught; losingD.catching; losing

分析 你听说了吗?消防员冲进着火的房子里,其中三人被困,牺牲了.

解答 答案:C
题干中three of them与动词catch in之间是被动关系,要用过去分词;与lose之间是主动关系,要用现在分词.故选C.

点评 过去分词是非谓语动词的一种,用法很灵活,分为简单式done(表示与谓语同时或几乎同时发生的动作);完成式having been done(表示先于谓语的动作).学习时,要把握其用法特征:表示被动和完成.同时还要注意区分现在分词和不定式.

6.On a hot muggy(闷热的) August afternoon,I had every reason to feel sorry for myself--my flight home was full and late.
I got even impatient waiting in the noisy crowd.And then I noticed a 5-year-old boy standing by his mother and watching me.He looked at me,then my bag,then back at me.
(56)B,he left his mother's side and slowly began to walk toward me,glancing between my bag,his mother,and me.
"Great,"I thought,"now I have to baby-sit a 5-year-old.My day is now complete."
As he came closer,I was alarmed that it wasn't me he was after.It was my hat!
I started to tell him not to bother my things,but something made me stop and watch.He stopped in front of my bag,looking at my hat,then up at me.
With wide eyes,he gently ran his index finger along the edge,carefully touching the emblem(徽章).
Again,he looked up at me,now smiling,but saying nothing.I asked him if he would like to wear my captain hat.
He excitedly nodded his head,still smiling.I placed my hat on his head,but it fell down around his ears.He didn't seem to mind and held it up in the proper position with both hands.He ran to show his mother,then back to me still smiling from ear to ear.
With much reverence(敬畏) and ceremony,he slowly removed my hat with both hands and presented it to me as though it were the crown jewels.
I put my hat on and gave him an airplane card.This,too,he held with both hands in awe.
After this exchange,he still hadn't spoken,although I knew he was excited.I also was happy that I had been briefly distracted from my self-pity.
Still holding the card carefully with both hands,he looked up at me and said,"Mister,you sure are lucky."
"Yes,"I said,"I sure am."
That day,I got the last seat on that flight home.

56.Which word can be placed at the beginning of the third paragraph?B
A.Excitedly       B.Cautiously     C.Disappointedly     D.Sadly
57.The following contributed to the author's low spirits EXCEPTC.
A.the weather     B.the noisiness    C.the bag           D.the flight
58.By"My day is now complete",the author actually meansD.
A.it is common to meet a boy at an airport.
B.it is fun to be with a boy.
C.he knows that a boy usually brings along good luck.
D.he wouldn't like to be bothered at all.
59.The author admitted that he sure was lucky,becauseD.
A.the boy returned his hat to him.
B.the boy liked his hat very much
C.the boy gave his seat to him.
D.the boy changed his mood for the better.
16.Near the town of Montignac in Southern France,visitors can find some of the most beautiful cave paintings in the world-the Lascaux Cave Paintings(拉斯科洞窟壁画).
    The history of these paintings is very interesting.Most caves are formed(61)bynature under the ground,but some have entrances people can find.That's just what happened one day in 1940.Four boys were taking(62)awalk in the woods near Montignac.As they walked along,one of them noticed an unusual rock.(63)Whenthey got closer,they found it wasn't a rock but an opening in the ground.This opening led to a cave,so they decided to have a look around it.The walls of the cave were(64)covered(cover)with ancient art.The boys didn't know it,but the cave was the find of the century!
    Over the years,many historians and artists came to study the art.They wanted to understand who painted the pictures and(65)whatthey might mean.They soon realized some of the art indicated animals that were on Earth a long time ago.Many of the pictures also showed people(66)following(follow)animals and trying to kill them for food.In the end,historians agreed that this was likely to be the art of a civilization that existed over 15,000 years ago.
    By 1950,over a thousand people from all over the world were visiting the cave every day.But by 1955,the paintings were beginning to become difficult(67)to see(see).Many people were passing through the cave,so the paintings were losing their color.(68)Sadly(sad),people can no longer visit the cave.However,another set of cave paintings has been created.These paintings look exactly the same(69)asthe Lascaux Cave Paintings.People (70)made(make)the paintings so that everyone can still learn about this great ancient civilization.
1.When Mandy was in school,a boy called Tim was always very man to her. He always called Mandy"Sticky". She didn't like it at all. She thought he meant she was ugly and too skinny,like a stick. Mandy always pretended she didn't care,but sometimes she felt so upset that when she went home,sic would cry for hours.Sic didn't understand why he always picked on her.
Once day.Mandy decided to tie her teacher about Tim After her teacher spoke to Tim,Tim called Mandy on the phone later that week."I jilts want to apologize tor calling you Sticky,"said'limy."I didn't really that you isn't lick it. I'm surrey if's hurt you. You have all those sticky not's on your books acne in your locker. I only call you Sticky because you seems organized. If you don't like rune calling you that. I will stop.You never sail anything about it,so I thought you didn't mind."
Manly was very surprised to char this. She thanks'Tern for apology zaftig and sail that she forgave horn.Now that she understood ivy he called her that name,sic didn't think it was althea bad.

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