
1.Research shows that humans switch from selfish to unselfish behaviour when they are watched.Do you?
A picture of a set of eyes on a computer screen can cause a change in the way people act.Even images of eyes on a charity donation,collection box encourage people to be unselfish,because people put more money in a collection box that has a picture of eyes on it than they do when a flower symbol is on the box.
Manfred Milinski from the Max-Planck Institute for Evolutionary Biology in Germany and Bettina Rockenbach of the University of Berlin,the authors of a new study,found that people act better when they are being watched because they feel they will be rewarded for good behaviour.Their report also referred to other research showing that this response of behaving well when watched is somehow coded into humans and people respond this way unconsciously,or without realizing it.
It is not just humans that act unselfishly when they are being watched.A fish called the grooming fish cleans other fish.When other fish are around,it is gentler.When no other fish are around,however,the grooming fish bites chunks from the fish it is supposed to be cleaning.
The researchers suggest that the best way to get people to behave in the correct way is to make them feel watched.This could be the reason for the success of a famous American army poster.On it was a picture of an elderly man staring fiercely and pointing,it appeared,to the person who was looking at the poster.Under the picture was the caption'I Want You'It encouraged hundreds of thousands of young American men to join the army during the Second World War to fight the Germans and Japanese.

68.According to the report,why does a person behave better when he feels he is being watched?D
A.He does not want to be shamed by others.
B.He needs to show he is a good person.
C.He desires others to like him more.
D.He feels he will receive some social reward.
69.What is the text mainly about?A
A.It describes changed behaviour when observed.
B.It details ways to control people's behaviour.
C.It tells how to make people work harder.
D.It discusses different advertising methods.
70.Where would the study described in the text most likely be found?B
A.In a newspaper.
B.In a scientific journal.
C.In an advertising magazine.
D.In a science textbook.

分析 本文为科普类说明文,文中向读者介绍了一项新的研究发现:人们在被关注的情况向表现得更好,而且人们自己并没有意识到;这一项发现由多个例证所证明,研究人员认为这是因为人们认为他们好的行为会得到酬谢.不仅仅是人类有这样的倾向,研究人员发现一种清洁鱼也是如此;所以研究人员建议让人们正确做事的最好方法就是让他们被关注.

解答 68.答案是D.细节理解题;由第三段中"people act better when they are being watched because they feel they will be rewarded for good behaviour."可知,人们在被关注的情况下表现得更好,因为他们觉得他们的好行为会得到酬谢;故选D.

点评 本文介绍了一项最新研究发现,属于科普类文章,科普文通常学术性较强,结构严谨,往往采用总-分-总或总-分的结构,且主题往往出现在第一段.如果抓住了科普文的首段和尾段和每段的第一句话,那么整篇文章的中心思想便了然于心.在做细节题时根据题干定位细节,在语境中正确理解原句,然后对照选项做出合理的判断.

11.One Monday morning,the class were excited about the rumor that the science room was on fire over the weekend.Mr.Johnson,my fifth grade teacher(36)Cnd explained that science class would be cancelled due to the (37)AHe also warned us not to go near the room(38)Bit could be dangerous.
During the morning break,Kim and I(39)Cto check out the damage.A first hand observation would make us heroes at lunch.We safely(40)Dthe science room.We stood on tiptoes(脚尖) looking hard through the door window,(41)Bto see what was like inside when suddenly a firm hold on our shoulders stopped us.
"Where do you belong?Certainly not here!"
I turned around to find a teacher staring(42)Aat us,shouting.In those frozen seconds millions of(43)Bflashed through my mind.My father would kill me for disobeying teachers.(44)Dthan that,my mother might be so mad that she might not stop him.My spirits(45)Beven lower when I thought of how angry Mr.Johnson would be.Soon the arresting teacher led Kim and me back to the(46)D,leaving us trembling before Mr.Johnson.
But to our(47)Athere was no yelling and no anger from Mr.Johnson.(48)Dhe bent slowly to look me in the eye.I was met with a look of(49)Crather than anger.He spoke softly and carefully as he explained why he was(50)Din my decision to go where I might have got(51)A.As I looked into the eyes of the man who could send me to unimagined consequences at home,tears(52)Cup in my eyes.The thought of disappointing Mr.Johnson(53)Bme while I felt a gentle touch of Mr.Johnson's hand on my shoulder.I glanced up and he smiled.My(54)Dfor Mr.Johnson grew greatly in the moment I discovered that he still liked me even after I'd disappointed him.I could see that he cared more about my(55)Athan the fact that I'd broken a rule.It was the first time I felt the power of forgiveness.
12.With alarming regularity,we read about oil tankers having accidents near land and the terrible consequences of the oil spills (泄露) on people,nature,and the environment.
    Millions of dollars have been used in developing special chemicals to help dismiss the spills and to clean up the animals,beaches,and land spoiled by the oil.Unfortunately,when many of these chemicals are used,more damage is caused to the environment,especially to lives in the sea.
    Of all of today's environmental disasters,an oil spill may actually be one of the least serious.Although oil is poisonous,it is a natural material.In the end,it breaks down naturally.There are,of course,long-term effects,but it is usually more serious in the short term.
    Nature by itself works better than chemical materials,but when there is a spill we demand that governments act immediately with as much hi-tech knowledge as possible.In 1967 the tanker Torrey Canyon sank off the Scilly Isles near the coast of England and spilled 120,000 tones of oil into the ocean.If you go there today,you will find it hard to see any sign that it ever happened.
    Governments seem to accept the risk of transporting millions of tons of oil by ship every day so that we can fill up our cars and drive around and cause even more environmental damage.Interestingly,the biggest companies in the world produce cars,and the next biggest supply the gasoline to make them run I
    We should be thinking more about reducing our dependency on oil.Governments should be encouraging research into new technologies,such as cars run by solar power (太阳能),electricity,hydrogen,and so on.Much of this research has,in the past,been held back by the oil,gas,and coal.
    If the world's millions of cars were 10% more efficient (高效的)-and the industry could easily produce cars at least twice as efficient?we would need many fewer tankers crossing the oceans each year.If this happened,the risks of oil spills would be reduced,and the air we breathe would be cleaner and fresher,too.
63.What is the passage mainly talking about?A
A.Oil spills pollution.      
B.What oil pollution is.
C.Oil tanker accidents.
D.How to reduce oil pollution.
64.How does the author support the idea that oil spills are not as serious as people believe?C
A.By giving a description.       
B.By making an argument.
C.By giving an example.     
D.By drawing a diagram.
65.What does the underlined word"risk"in Paragraph 5 refer to?D
A.Transportation depending more on oil.
B.Poisonous oil breaking down naturally.
C.Millions of tons of oil spilling into the sea.
D.More environmental damage being caused.
66.Which suggestion,is made for reducing oil tank accidents according to the passage?B
A.We should build safer tankers in the near future.
B.We should develop new technologies to cut oil use.
C.Tankers should not be allowed to sail near the coastlines.
D.Countries should build more oil pipelines under the sea.
9.Computerised trading agents may help humans build better markets
THANKS to declining markets,investment banks are getting rid of many of their highly-paid traders.When markets recover,the banks might be tempted to replace them with rather cheaper talent.One alternative has been around for a while but has yet to catch on:autonomous trading agents-computers programmed to act like the human version without such annoying costs as holidays,lunch breaks or bonuses.Program trading has,of course,been done before; some blamed the 1987stock market crash on computers instructed with simple decision-making rules.But robots can be smarter than that.
Dave Cliff,a researcher at Hewlett-Packard Laboratories in Bristol,England,has been creating trading robots for seven years.In computer simulations he lets them evolve"genetically",and so allows them to adapt and fit models of real-world financial markets.His experiments have suggested that a redesign of some markets could lead to greater efficiency.Last year,a research group at IBM showed that Mr Cliff's artificial traders could consistently beat the human variety,in various kinds of market.Nearly all take the shape of an auction(拍卖).One well-known type is the English auction,familiar to customers of the salesrooms(拍卖场)of Christie's and Sotheby's,where sellers keep mum on their offer price,and buyers increase their bids by stages until only one remains.
At the other extreme is the Dutch auction,familiar to 17th-century tulip-traders in the Netherlands as well as to bidders for American Treasury bonds.Here,buyers remain silent,and a seller reduces his price until it is accepted.Most markets for shares,commodities,foreign exchange and derivatives are a mixture of these two types:buyers and sellers can announce their bid or offer prices at any time,and deals are constantly being closed,a so-called"continuous double auction".
Mr Cliff's novel idea was to apply his evolutionary computer programs to marketplaces themselves.Why not,he thought,try and see what types of auction would let traders converge(趋同) most quickly towards a balance price?The results were surprising.In his models,auctions that let buyers and sellers bid at any time like most of today's financial exchanges were less efficient than ones that required relatively more bids from either buyers or sellers.These"evolved auctions"also withstood big market shocks,such as crashes and panics,better than today's real-world versions.Mr Cliff's most recent results,which will be presented in Sydney,Australia,on December 10th,show that the best type of auction for any market depends crucially on even slight differences in the number of buyers and sellers.
Bank of America has been investigating these new auctions,along with robotic traders,for possible use in electronic exchanges.The hope is that today's financial auctions and online marketplaces might work better by becoming more like their English and Dutch ancestors.

67.What is the passage mainly about?B
A.A review of two kinds of auctions.
B.An introduction of trading robots.
C.A survey of the trading market.
D.About trading alternatives.
68.Which of the following is true according to the text?C
A.Mr Cliff's robot traders have now been used in real-world markets.
B.Robot traders can evolve like creatures.
C.There is room for improvement in efficiency in trading markets.
D.The English auction is the most popular trading form.
69.What can we infer from the text?B
A.Existing auctions cannot withstand market shocks
B.The Dutch auction is better than the continuous double auction
C.It's hard for traders to reach a balanced price
D.The best type of auction takes place when the number of the buyers is equal to that of sellers
70.What's the author's attitude toward robot traders?D
A.Prejudiced        B.Objective      
C.Critical          D.Optimistic.
16.The days of a pain-free visit to the dentist may not be far off.This is thanks to a little Japanese woman in a pink sweater,named Simroid.With a limited vocabulary,Simroid,the 160cm-tall robot is happy to feel your pain.
Simroid is designed to be used at medical colleges.She has realistic looking skin,eyes,and a mouth fitted with replica (仿制) teeth.Her chest also rises and falls as if she is breathing.Simroid releases a clear"ouch!"whenever a trainee dentist presses her teeth too hard with a tool.And she gives a reassuring"that's better"when the drill hits the right place.
"We want to use the robots to train dentists to worry about whether patients are comfortable,and not just focus on medical techniques,"said Naotake Shubui,a professor at Nippon Dental University in Japan who helped develop Simroid.
The robot was one of hundreds of cutting-edge devices on display at the world's biggest robot exhibition last week in Japan.
As scientists improve the design of robots,they could soon be serving tea to office workers or directing shoppers.Today's robots look and act much like the humans who invented them.
In Japan,robots can already be found working as home helps,office receptionists and security guards,as well as on the factory floor.There were more than 370,000industrial robots in use in Japan in 2005,according to a report by Macquarie bank,40percent of the world total,with 32robots for every 1,000workers.The economy ministry believes that the Japanese robot market will be worth more than﹩52billion by 2025.
Human work is being helped,and even replaced,by mechanical efficiency in almost every area,from golf-bag carriers to public toilet cleaners.
But many scientists believe the age of the service robot is not far off.It will arrive once machines are capable of connecting with humans on an emotional level.Judging by the Tokyo exhibition,that process  has already begun.

56.Simroid is designed toB.
A.aid dental trainees to focus on their medical techniques
B.train dentists to be able to share patients'feelings
C.help patients relax during dental surgery
D.serve as the dentists'assistance during dental surgery
57.Which of the following about Simroid is NOT true according to the text?C
A.She is a robotic dental patient with a realistic appearance.
B.She will let out a scream whenever she feels a pain.
C.She can communicate a lot with dentists.
D.She is able to react in a human-like way to mouth pain.
58.We can learn from the text thatA.
A.robots are widely used in Japan
B.Japan has taken the lead in developing robots
C.the Japanese robot market has greatest potential in the world
D.the world's biggest robot exhibition is held in Japan every year
59.The phrase"that process"in the last paragraph refers toD.
A.replacing human work with robots
B.improving mechanical efficiency
C.entering the age of the service robot
D.producing a robot capable of connecting with humans on an emotional level.
6.Like all animal species,plant species must spread their offspring to suitable areas where they can grow and pass on their parents'genes.Young animals generally spread by walking or flying.Because plants don't have that ability,they must somehow hitchhike(搭车).Some plant seeds scatter by blowing in the wind or floating on water.Many other plant species,though,trick an animal into carrying their seeds.How do they do this?They enclose the seeds within a tasty fruit and advertise the fruit's ripeness by its colour or smell.The hungry animal collects and swallows the fruit,walks or flies off,and later spits out the seeds somewhere far from its parent tree.Seeds can thereby be carried for thousands of miles.It may surprise you to learn that plant seeds can resist digestion.In fact,some seeds actually require passage through an animal's body before they can grow.
Wild strawberries offer a good example of hitchhiking tactics.When strawberry seeds are still young and not yet ready to be planted,the surrounding fruit is green,sour and hard.When the seeds finally mature,the berries turn red,sweet,and tender.The change in the berries'colour serves as a signal to birds which then eat the strawberries,fly off,and eventually spit out the seeds.
Naturally,strawberry plants didn't set out with a conscious intention of attracting birds only when their seeds were ready to be dispersed.Nor did birds set out with the intent of planting strawberries.Rather,strawberry plants evolved through natural selection.The sweeter and redder the final strawberry,the more birds spread its ripe seeds; the greener and more sour the young strawberry,the fewer birds destroyed the seeds by eating berries before the seeds were ready.
46.What does the underlined word"dispersed"in the third paragraph mean?A
47.For plants,which of the following is NOT a way of spreading their offspring to suitable areas?D
B.Blowing in the wind.
C.Floating on water.
D.Tracking an animal.
48.Which strategy does the example of wild strawberries describe?D
A.The conscious intent of attracting birds.
B.Spreading by walking.
C.Spreading by flying.
D.The strategy of taking a lift.
49.Why does the author describe how strawberry seeds are spread?C
A.To show plants are good at adapting to the environment..
B.To show strawberry's special way.
C.To show the plant has different ways of spreading seeds.
D.To show the mystery of plant.
50.What's the passage mainly about?B
A.How animals disperse offspring.
B.How plants disperse their offspring.
C.Plant evolution.
D.Plants'hitchhiking on animals.
13.Be careful what you say around your dog.It might understand more than you think.
A border collie named Rico recognizes the names of about 200objects,say researchers in Germany.The dog also appears to be able to learn new words as easily as a 3-year-old child.Its word-learning skills are as good as those of a parrot or chimpanzee(黑猩猩).
In one experiment,the researchers took all 200items that Rico is supposed to know and divided them into 20groups of 10objects.Then the owner told the dog to go and fetch one of the items and bring it back.In four tests,Rico got 37out of 40commands right.As the dog couldn't see anyone to get clues,the scientists believe Rico must understand the meanings of certain words.
In another experiment,the scientists took one toy that Rico had never seen before and put it in a room with seven toys whose names the dog already knew.The owner then told Rico to fetch the object,using a word the dog had never heard before.
The correct object was chosen in seven out of l0tests,suggesting that the dog had worked out the answer by process of elimination(排除法).A month later,Rico remembered half of the new names,which is even more impressive.
Rico is thought to be smarter than the average dog.For one thing,Rico is a border collie,a breed (品种)known for its mental abilities.In addition,the 9-year-old dog has been trained to fetch toys by their names since the age of nine months.
It's hard to know if all dogs understand at least some of the words we say.Even if they do,they can't talk back.Still,it wouldn't hurt to sweet-talk your dog every now and then.You might just get a big,wet kiss in return!

72.From paragraph 2we know thatC.
A.animals are as clever as human beings
B.dogs are smarter than parrots and chimpanzees
C.chimpanzees have good word-learning skills
D.dogs have similar learning abilities as 3-year-old children
73.Both experiments show thatB.
A.Rico is smart enough to get all commands right
B.Rico can recognize different things including toys
C.Rico has developed the ability of learning mathematics
D.Rico won't forget the names of objects once recognizing them
74.Which of the following statements is true?B
A.The purpose of the experiments is to show the border collie's mental abilities.
B.Rico has a better memory partly because of its proper early training.
C.The border collie is world-famous for recognizing objects.
D.Rico is born to understand its owner's commands.
75.What does the writer want to tell us in the last paragraph?D
A.To train your dog.
B.To talk to your dog.
C.To be friendly to your dog.
D.To be careful with your dog.

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