
【题目】According to the Ministry of Health, 260 million Chinese people have chronic(慢性)diseases, and 85 percent of all deaths in China are caused by such diseasesAmong them, cardiovascular(心血管的)disease has bothered more people than any other kind of chronic disease

According to the WHOWorld Health Organization), salt consumption(消耗), one of the key causes of high blood pressure that can lead to cardiovascular disease, is much higher in China than in other countries

Douglas Bettcher, the director of the WHO’s Tobacco Free Initiative, says, “The average Chinese person consumes about 12 to 14 grams of salt) per day, while the suggestion of the WHO is consumption of less than 5 grams per dayHigh salt consumption is a major cause of cardiovascular disease and high pressure in China

Changing the way that food is prepared could reduce salt consumption in China

Another major risk factor in China is smokingDr Michael O’Leary, a representative of the WHO, says, “We know already that one million deaths in China are related to smoking, This is an enormous numberIt means that we are seeing nearly 3000 deaths a day in China, or two deaths every minute, related to smoking

According to O’Leary, about 26 percent of men who die from smoking-related diseases in China die before the age of 60People who can still contribute a great deal, in other words, are dying too young

China has tried to ban smoking , but more efforts are needed

More than half of chronic diseases are preventable by changing lifestyles and reducing risksThe four key risk factors are: smoking, diets high in fats, salt and sugar, environments that prevent physical activities, and alcohol consumptionThese are the areas on which efforts to make changes need to concentrate

1Which of the following is more in China than in other countries?

A. The amount of salt consumed

B. The number of deaths caused by high blood pressure

C. The number of people with cardiovascular disease

D. The number of people with high blood pressure

2According to the WHO, how much salt should a Chinese person consume?

A. About 12 to 14 grams per day

B. Less than 5 grams per day

C. About 17 to 19 grams per day

D. About 7 to 9 grams per day

3Why does O’Leary mention “26 percent of men” in Paragraph 6?

A. To show China needs to try to ban smoking

B. To show smoking causes the deaths of elderly people

C. To show smoking causes the deaths of too many young people

D. To show the number of smoking-related deaths in China is large

4What can be inferred from the last paragraph?

A. There are four causes of chronic diseases

B. The change in lifestyles can prevent some chronic diseases

C. No smoking or alcohol means no chronic diseases

D. If we do physical activities, we will have no chronic diseases







1A细节理解题。根据第二段:According to the WHOWorld Health Organization), salt consumption(消耗), one of the key causes of high blood pressure that can lead to cardiovascular disease, is much higher in China than in other countries.句意:根据世界卫生组织,食盐的消耗,一个导致高血压乃至心血管疾病的主要因素,在中国比其他国家都高。故选A.

2B细节理解题。根据第三段:The average Chinese person consumes about 12 to 14 grams of salt) per day, while the suggestion of the WHO is consumption of less than 5 grams per day.句意:中国人每人每天的平均盐消耗量在1214克,而世界卫生组织的建议消耗量:每天应少于少5克。故选B.


4B细节推理题。根据最后一段:More than half of chronic diseases are preventable by changing lifestyles and reducing risks.句意:超过一半以上的慢性病都可以通过改变生活方式和减小风险来被预防。故选B.



Last night was the last game for my eight-year-old son’s soccer team. It was the final quarter. The score was two to one, my son’s team 【1 the lead. Parents surrounded the playground, offering encouragement.

With less than ten 【2 (remain) seconds, the ball suddenly rolled in front of my son’s teammate, Mickey O’ Donnel. With shouts of “Kick it!” echoing across the playground, Mickey turned around and gave 【3 everything he had. All around me the crowd erupted (沸腾). O’Donnel had scored!

Then there was 【4 (silent). Mickey had scored all right, 【5 in the wrong goal, ending the game in a tie. For a moment there was a total hush. You see, Mickey has Down Syndrome(综合症)and for him there is 【6 such thing as a wrong goal. All goals were celebrated by a joyous hug from Mickey. He had even been known to hug the opposing players when they scored.

The silence was finally 【7 (break) when Mickey, his face filled with joy, hugged my son 【8 (tight) and shouted, “I scored! I scored. Everybody won! Everybody won!” For a moment I held my breath, not sure how my son would react. I need not 【9 (worry). I watched, through tears, as my son threw up his hand in the classic high-five salute and started chanting, “Way to go Mickey!” Within moments both teams surrounded Mickey, joining in the chant and congratulating him on his goal.

Later that night, when my daughter asked 【0 had won, I smiled as I replied, “It was a tie. Everybody won.”

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