
18.I work in a nursing home and my job is to take care of the elderly.
This year,a very sweet old lady that I cared for,Alice,had gone through a difficult time.She got dementia and so she had been in the hospital twice.In November I was finally able to get her back to her"home".
Alice had thought her daughter was coming to visit her on Christmas Day and that they were going to have the whole family together like the old days.When she finally realized that that happy moment was not going to happen,she was very sad.Knowing that her daughter was coming after Christmas was not enough to make her feel happy.I hated the idea of her being alone on the holiday!
On Christmas Eve,I gave her a surprise by asking if she would like to go to a candlelight service at church that night.
Instead of taking her to my church,I took her to her old neighborhood church where all her friends were.We got there early and I got her a seat where her friends could see her as they came in.Then soon some of her friends came to the church and they rushed over to greet her and sit with her.
The candlelight service was beautiful and Alice got a lot of love from her old and new friends there.
The truth of the story is that I am the one who got the best gift:the smile on Alice's face.
21.The underlined word"dementia"in Paragraph 2 probably isC.
A.a house        
B.a letter           
C.an illness         
D.a plan
22.Where did Alice spend her Christmas Eve according to the story?B
A.In her old house.
B.In her old neighborhood church.
C.In the nursing home.
D.In the hospital.
23.What was the best gift that the author got on Christmas Eve?C
A.The candlelight service.
B.Praise from Alice's friends.
C.Alice's happiness.
D.Thanks from Alice's daughter.

分析 看护的一个老太太生病住院了两次,她认为她的女儿会在圣诞节来看望她,但在圣诞节后来看她的消息没有让她开心.在圣诞前夕,我以问她是否想那晚在教堂来个烛光礼拜的方式给她个惊喜,我带她去了她所有朋友都在的那个老社区,不久一些她的朋友就来了,跑过来向她问候并和她坐在一起.这个故事的真相是我是收到最好礼物的人,艾丽丝脸上的微笑.

解答 21.C.词义猜测题.根据第二段:She got dementia and so she had been in the hospital twice她得了痴呆症,所以她在医院两次;可知这是一种病症;故选C.
22.B.细节理解题.根据文章第四段:Instead of taking her to my church,I took her to her old neighborhood church where all her friends were可知爱丽丝在在她古老的邻里教堂里度过了平安夜;故选B.
23.C.细节理解题.根据最后一段:The truth of the story is that I am the one who got the best gift:the smile on Alice's face.这个故事的真相是我是收到最好礼物的人,艾丽丝脸上的微笑,故选C.

点评 考察学生的细节理解和推理判断能力,做细节理解题时一定要找到文章中的原句,和题干进行比较,再做出正确的选择.在做推理判断题不要以个人的主观想象代替文章的事实,要根据文章事实进行合乎逻辑的推理判断.

7.So many of us hold on to little complaints that may have come from an argument,a misunderstanding,the way we were raised,or some other painful events.Stubbornly,we wait for someone else to reach out to us-believing this is the only way we can forgive or rekindle a friendship or family relationship.
A friend of mine,recently told me that she hadn't spoken to her son in almost three years.She said that she and her son had had a disagreement about his wife and that she wouldn't speak to him again unless he called first.When I suggested that she be the one to reach out,she said,"I can't do that.He's the one who should apologize."After a little gentle encouragement,however,she did decide to be the first one to reach out.To her amazement,her son was grateful for her willingness to call and offered an apology of his own.As is usually the case,when someone takes the chance and reaches out,everyone wins.
Whenever we hold on to our anger,we turn"small stuff"(问题)"into  really"big stuff"in our minds.We start to believe that our positions are more important than our happiness.They are not.If you want to be a more peaceful person you must understand that beiIng right is almost never more important than allowing yourself to be happy.The way to be happy is to let go,and reach out.Let other people be right.This doesn't mean that you're wrong.Everything will be fine.You'll experience the peace of letting go,as well as the joy of letting others be right.
You'11also notice that,as you reach out and let others be"right",they will become less defensive and more loving toward you.They might even reach back.But,if for some reason they don't,that's okay too.You'll have the inner satisfaction of knowing that you have done your part to create a more loving world,and certainly you'll be more peaceful yourself.

29.The underlined word"rekindle"in Paragraph 1probably means"A".
30.In the author's opinion,we hold on to our anger often because we thinkC.
A.we can turn small issues into big ones  
B.our positions are higher than others
C.our own opinions matter most         
D.others will be less defensive
31.The best thing to do after a quarrel is toD.
A.let go of our own rights     
B.realize that you are wrong.
C.expect others to give in     
D.apologize to others first.
32.What is the main idea of the passage?B
A.People should keep peaceful when facing small stuff.
B.Reaching out and apologizing wins one peace and happiness.
C.We should tell apart small and big stuff in our daily life.
D.It's necessary to enjoy our friendship and family relationship.

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