
8.The news shocked the public,leading(lead) to a great concern about students'safety at school.

分析 这个消息使公众感到震惊,引起了对在校学生安全的很大关注.

解答 37.leading,考查现在分词短语充当结果状语的用法,句子谓语动词是shock,因此lead要使用其非谓语的形式,与其逻辑主语the news构成主动的关系,因此使用现在分词形式leading,作为结果状语.

点评 考查非谓语形式,应判断其与主语是主动还是被动的关系,再确定答案.

18.I work in a nursing home and my job is to take care of the elderly.
This year,a very sweet old lady that I cared for,Alice,had gone through a difficult time.She got dementia and so she had been in the hospital twice.In November I was finally able to get her back to her"home".
Alice had thought her daughter was coming to visit her on Christmas Day and that they were going to have the whole family together like the old days.When she finally realized that that happy moment was not going to happen,she was very sad.Knowing that her daughter was coming after Christmas was not enough to make her feel happy.I hated the idea of her being alone on the holiday!
On Christmas Eve,I gave her a surprise by asking if she would like to go to a candlelight service at church that night.
Instead of taking her to my church,I took her to her old neighborhood church where all her friends were.We got there early and I got her a seat where her friends could see her as they came in.Then soon some of her friends came to the church and they rushed over to greet her and sit with her.
The candlelight service was beautiful and Alice got a lot of love from her old and new friends there.
The truth of the story is that I am the one who got the best gift:the smile on Alice's face.
21.The underlined word"dementia"in Paragraph 2 probably isC.
A.a house        
B.a letter           
C.an illness         
D.a plan
22.Where did Alice spend her Christmas Eve according to the story?B
A.In her old house.
B.In her old neighborhood church.
C.In the nursing home.
D.In the hospital.
23.What was the best gift that the author got on Christmas Eve?C
A.The candlelight service.
B.Praise from Alice's friends.
C.Alice's happiness.
D.Thanks from Alice's daughter.
16.According to many recent surveys,there are fewer and fewer students reading newspapers from middle school to college,which worries both parents and teachers a lot.In my opinion,several reasons result in this phenomenon.
The most significant reason is that the rise of many other information Media,for example,internet,mobile phone.TV and so on.In the past we only could read newspapers to know what happened around us,while now we only need to turn on the TV,or open our computers,which is more convenient.In addition,computer and other media provide us with more newly news and more specific details,which we can get easily and without payment.There is also an advantage that the new media have while newspapers don't----a large mount*of pictures,which make the information or news more lively.Therefore,more and more students tend to surf the internet or watch TV instead of reading newspapers.
Another reason that few students read newspapers is that they have little time to do such things.We all know that nowadays students,especially middle school and high school students are buried in the books almost every day to get good grades.Even in weekends,they are sent to heterogeneous cram school by their parents to become superior in school.Thus there is little free time for them to do other things,not to mention reading newspapers.
The students'indifference to the current affairs also enables few newspaper readers.The 90s,most of today's students,always pay more attention to fashion and only care for themselves.Lacking a sense of collectivism and nationalism,the majority of the 90s have little interest in current affairs,which are the basic content of most newspapers,so that there are fewer and fewer students reading newspapers.
Different outside and inside reasons have contributed to the few newspaper readers among students.Therefore,teachers should encourage their students to form'the habit of reading newspapers regularly and free the students from their heavy study burden so that they can afford to broaden their horizon through newspapers,which is beneficial for their future development.

43.According to Paragraph 2,few students read newspapers becauseC
A reading newspapers isn't my good for them to get good grades
B.they are more interested in fashion than current affairs
C.it's cheaper and easier to get information from the Internet or TV
D.they can only know what is happening via the Internet or on TV
44.It can be inferred from the passage thatB.
A.it's better for students to gain information via the Internet than other media
B.high school students are too busy with their study now
C.more and more students are addicted to the Internet now
D.more students will fall in love with newspapers
45.What does the author mostly want to tell us in the passage?B
A.There are many advantages of reading newspapers.
B.There are reasons why few students read newspapers.
C.The advantages 0f surfing the Internet are obvious.
D.It's very important to read newspapers.
17.After studying the daily habits of 177self-made millionaires over the course of five years,Thomas C.Corley found that they avoid one costly habit:procrastination(拖延症).
"It prevents even the most talented individuals from realizing success in life,"he writes in his upcoming book,"Change Your Habits,Change Your Life."
This goes hand-in-hand with author Napoleon Hill's claim that the wealthiest people are also the most decisive people.
Out of the 500millionaires Hill studied in the early 20th century,"Every one of them had the habit of reaching decisions quickly,"Hill wrote in his 1937classic,"Think and Grow Rich."
One of the major causes of procrastination is lack of passion,Corley emphasizes:"We simply like to do the things we like to do and we put off the things we do not like to do."
"According to Gallup,only 13% of employees are‘engaged'in their jobs,or emotionally invested in their work,"Corley writes.
"Whether you realize it or not,procrastination is a big reason why you are struggling financially in life.It damages your credibility with employers and fellow colleagues at work.It also affects the quality of your work and this affects the business you or your employer receive from customers,clients,and business relationships."
The good news is that anyone can overcome procrastination-and it's simpler than you may think.He also notes that"the voice of procrastination screams just as loud and clear in the minds of those who excel in life as it does in the minds of those who do not."
How do they silence it?They rely on"to-do"lists to get things done.They create firm deadlines,and they meet with"accountability partners"to ensure they're sticking to their goals and deadlines,Corley says.
Nearly everyone is susceptible to procrastination-but fighting against it can make all the difference.

21.According to the passage,millionairesB.
A.are intelligent people
B.don't hesitate when making decisions
C.are only passionate about making money
D.put off the things they don't like to do
22.Which of the following statements is true about procrastination?B
A.Procrastination usually results from financial difficulties.
B.Procrastination makes people less trustworthy.
C.Overcoming procrastination is simpler for wealthy people.
D.Accomplishing things ahead of schedule is a key to getting rid of procrastination.
23.What does the underlined word"excel"probably mean?C
C.stand out          
D.work hard
24.What might be the best title for the passage?A
A.Fighting procrastination.
B.How to become a millionaire.
C.New studies of a bad habit.
D.The importance of making"to-do"lists.

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