
John is a tall man weighing as much as 100kilogram.Though he is large,but he fears dogs.One day he was taking walk when a dog suddenly appeared from nowhere.He became so nervous that he ran as fast as he can.The dog kept run after him and it was getting closer.In the dangerous situation,John decides to climb up a tree to avoid the dog.Unfortunately,it was not a easy job.He hadn't gone up very high when the dog stood right above the tree.The dog jumped up and bit it's teeth into his bottom.John fell right onto the dog's head,that killed it immediately.

分析 John身材庞大,重达100公斤,但他害怕狗.一天他在散步时遇到了一条狗,John非常紧张,于是他就开始跑,狗就追他,John想躲到树上去,却被狗拽了下来,他正好砸在了狗的头上,意外的是,狗被他砸死了.

解答 John is a tall man weighing as much as 100kilogram.Though he is large,but he fears dogs.One day he was taking∧walk when a dog suddenly appeared from nowhere.He became so nervous that he ran as fast as he can.The dog kept run after him and it was getting closer.In the dangerous situation,John decides to climb up a tree to avoid the dog.Unfortunately,it was not a easy job.He hadn't gone up very high when the dog stood right above the tree.The dog jumped up and bit it's teeth into his bottom.John fell right onto the dog's head,that killed it immediately
1.kilogram改为kilograms;考查名词单复数,kilogram 是可数名词,前面有数词100修饰,故用复数形式.
3.taking后加a;考查固定搭配,take a walk 是固定短语,意为"散步",冠词a不可以省略.
5.run改为running;考查固定搭配,keep doing是固定用法,意为"持续做某事,一直做某事".
9.it's改为its;考查形容词性物主代词,it's是it is 的缩写,its是形容词性物主代词"它的",分析句意这里应该是指"狗的牙齿",故用its.
10.that改为which;考查关系代词,分析句子结构可知这是一个非限制性定语从句,关系代词which指代上文提到的John fell right onto the dog's head这件事.

点评 短文改错题首先要整体理解短文意思,抓住中心思想,结合语境和上下文关系,充分运用平时掌握的固定搭配,习惯用法,句型结构等等来发现文章的错误之处,加以修正.

18.I work in a nursing home and my job is to take care of the elderly.
This year,a very sweet old lady that I cared for,Alice,had gone through a difficult time.She got dementia and so she had been in the hospital twice.In November I was finally able to get her back to her"home".
Alice had thought her daughter was coming to visit her on Christmas Day and that they were going to have the whole family together like the old days.When she finally realized that that happy moment was not going to happen,she was very sad.Knowing that her daughter was coming after Christmas was not enough to make her feel happy.I hated the idea of her being alone on the holiday!
On Christmas Eve,I gave her a surprise by asking if she would like to go to a candlelight service at church that night.
Instead of taking her to my church,I took her to her old neighborhood church where all her friends were.We got there early and I got her a seat where her friends could see her as they came in.Then soon some of her friends came to the church and they rushed over to greet her and sit with her.
The candlelight service was beautiful and Alice got a lot of love from her old and new friends there.
The truth of the story is that I am the one who got the best gift:the smile on Alice's face.
21.The underlined word"dementia"in Paragraph 2 probably isC.
A.a house        
B.a letter           
C.an illness         
D.a plan
22.Where did Alice spend her Christmas Eve according to the story?B
A.In her old house.
B.In her old neighborhood church.
C.In the nursing home.
D.In the hospital.
23.What was the best gift that the author got on Christmas Eve?C
A.The candlelight service.
B.Praise from Alice's friends.
C.Alice's happiness.
D.Thanks from Alice's daughter.
5.Do American children still learn handwriting in school?In the age of the keyboard,some people seem to think handwriting lessons are on the way out.90% of teachers say they are required to teach handwriting.But studies have yet to answer the question of how well they are teaching it.One study published this year found that about three out of every four teachers say they are not prepared to teach handwriting.Some teachers are teaching handwriting by providing instruction for 10-15 minutes a day,and then other teachers who basically teach it for 60 to 70 minutes a day-which really for handwriting is pretty much.
  Many adults remember learning that way-by copying letters over and over again.Today's thinking is that short periods of practice are better.Many experts also think handwriting should not be taught by itself.Instead,they say it should be used as a way to get students to express ideas.After all,that is why we write.
  Handwriting involves two skills.One is legibility(清楚易认),which means forming the letters so they can be read.The other is fluency-writing without having to think about it.Fluency continues to develop up until high school.
  But not everyone masters these skills.Teachers commonly report that about one fourth of their kids have poor handwriting.Some people might think handwriting is not important any more because of computers and voice recognition programs.
  But Steve Graham at Vanderbilt says word processing is rarely done in elementary school,especially in the early years.American children traditionally first learn to print(用印刷体写),and then to write in cursive(草体字),which connects the letters.But guess what we learned from a spokeswoman for the College Board,which administers the SAT college admission test.More than 75 percent of students choose to print their essay on the test rather than write in cursive.
58.We can learnAfrom Paragraph 1.
A.teaching handwriting is a basic requirement in teaching job
B.most teachers prefer to teach handwriting
C.teachers spend little time in teaching handwriting
D.a keyboard has taken the place of the handwriting entirely
59.Which of the following is WRONG for traditional handwriting in the USA?B
A.The students are taught by practicing a long period.
B.To write in cursive is taught first.
C.Handwriting includes two skills.
D.The letters are repeated many times.
60.The best title for the passage isD
A.How to improve handwriting in school 
B.Handwriting lessons are on the way out
C.Handwriting involves two skills           
D.Right or wrong:the death of handwriting
61.The author's attitude towards whether still to learn handwriting in school isD.
15.A new survey finds that more than eighty percent of Internet users in the United States search for health information online.The survey found that searching online is one of the leading ways that people look for a second opinion though doctors are still the main source of health information.
Forty-four percent of people are actually looking for doctors or other providers when they search for health information online.Another finding of the survey:Two-thirds of Internet users look online for information about a specific disease or medical condition.
The Internet has also become an important source of emotional support for people with health problems.Susannah Fox says one in five Internet users has gone online to find other people who have the same condition.It was more popular among people with more serious health issues-one in four people living with chronic diseases (慢性病).And it was basically off the charts with people living with rare disease.They are so eager to find other people online who share their health concerns.
A disease is considered rare if it affects fewer than two hundred thousand people worldwide.The rise of social networking has made it easier for people with rare diseases to connect with each other and feel less alone.Social networking is also changing the way some doctors and patients communicate with each other.Dr.Jeff Livingston operates a medical center for women inIrving,Texas.His office uses password-protected software to share information with patients.
"We provide the patient full access to their medical care.Anything I can see,the patient can see.All of their notes,all of their doctor visits are right there.All of their lab work is right there."Dr.Livingston says the software has increased efficiency,reduced costs and improved relations with patients.

28.From the first paragraph,we can knowB.
A.most online health information is reliable
B.more people now turn to the Internet for medical advice
C.people shouldn't rely on the Internet for medical advice
D.doctors are no longer the patients'first choice
29.The underlined words"off the charts"in Paragraph 3meanA.
A.very popular    
B.not accessible    
C.far away from    
D.not attractive
30.By using social networking,patients with rare diseases canB.
A.find effective cures        
B.get emotional comfort
C.ask for financial support    
D.consult doctors anytime
31.Which of the following is NOT true for Dr.Livingston's software?D
A.It cuts down medical expenses.
B.It decreases the time spent on medical care.
C.It takes doctors closer to their patients.
D.It gives patients a medical test online.
2.For 40years,people in London have been happy to see parakeets (马尾鹦鹉) in their parks.The shocking green body and long tail have brought a bright color to the parks,which have attracted a lot of people.
However,the parakeets are no longer welcome.They will push out local birds from trees to build their own nests,and will also take most of the food in the parks,such as seeds,fruit and nuts.
Sometimes by accident,plants and animals are carried to new places.They are transported by trains,ships or even planes.Often,animals like fishes get transported in the water containers of ships.When these ships reach new places and pump out the water from their tanks,these animals will start a new life in a new place.
Sometimes people take plants and animals from one part of the world to the other to solve a problem.But it will create a bigger problem.Years ago,the farmers of northern Australia brought the toads (蟾蜍) from South America to their farms.They thought they would kill the beetles that harm the sugarcane crops.But the toad has done much more.It is now killing Australia's native animals,such as snakes,water birds and so on.
32.People get interested in parakeets mainly because ofA.
A.their appearance   
B.their singing
C.their behavior     
D.their living environment
33.How do the parakeets affect the local birds?C
A.They sometimes kill the local birds.
B.They destroy trees which the local birds live in.
C.They take the local birds'nests and food.
D.They have attracted much of people's attention.
34.What is the third paragraph mainly talking about?A
A.How animals and plants come to new lands.
B.How a new animal affects the local animals.
C.Why some plants are introduced to a new place.
D.The role of ships in transporting animals and plants.
35.What can we learn about the toads?D
A.They didn't kill the beetles at all.
B.They were brought to Australia by accident.
C.They have ruined the sugarcane crops.
D.They have created a larger problem in Australia.

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