
When other nine-year-old kids were playing games, she was working at a petrol station. When other teens were studying or going out, she fought to find a place to sleep on the street. But she beat these terrible setbacks(挫折) to win a highly competitive scholarship and gain entry (录入)into Harvard University. And her amazing story has inspired a movie, “Homeless to Harvard: The Liz Murray Story”.

Liz Murray, a 22-year-old American girl, has been writing a real-life story of willpower and determination. Liz grew up with two drug-addicted parents. There was never enough  food or warm clothes in the house. Liz was the only member of the family who had a job. Her mother had AIDS and died when Liz was just l5 years old. The effect of that loss became a turning point in her life. Connecting the environment in which she had grown up with how her mother had died. She decided to do something about it.

Liz went back to school. She threw herself into her studies, never telling her teachers that she was homeless. At night, she lived on the streets. “What drove me to live on had something to do with understanding, and by understanding that there was a whole other way of being. I had only experienced a small part of the society,” she wrote in her book Breaking Night.

She admitted that she used envy (妒忌)to drive herself on. She used the benefits that come easily to others, such as a safe living environment, to encourage herself that “next to nothing could hold me down”. She finished high school in just two years and won a full scholarship to study at Harvard University. But Liz decided to leave her top university a couple of months earlier this year in order to take care of her father, who has also developed AIDS. “I love my parents so much. They are drug addicts. But I never forget that they love me all the time. ”

Liz wants moviegoers(常看电影的人) to come away with the idea that changing your life is “as simple as making a decision”.

1.In which order did the following things happen to Liz?

a. Her mother died of AIDS.

b. She got admitted into Harvad.

c. She worked at a petrol station.

d. The movie about her life was put on.

e. She had trouble finding a place to sleep.

A. c, a, e, b, d B. a, b, c, e, d

C. c, d, b, a, e D. b, e, a, d, c

2.What actually made her go towards her goal?

A. Envy and encouragement.

B. Willpower and determination.

C. Decisions and understanding

D. Love and respect for her parents.

3.What does Liz mean by saying “What drove me to live on...I had only experienced a small part of the society”?

A. She had little experience of social life.

B. She could hardly understand the society.

C. She would do something for her own life.

D. She needed to travel more around the world.

4.What does the passage mainly tell us?

A. Why Liz loved her parents so much.

B. How Liz made efforts to change her life.

C. What a hard time Liz had in her childhood.

D. How Liz managed to enter Harvard University.


Four years ago, we asked ourselves: what if we could create a shopping experience with no waiting in lines and no checkout? Or could we create a physical store where customers could simply take what they want and go? Our answer to those questions is Amazon Go, where you could experience the idea of “just walk out shopping”.

Amazon Go is a new kind of store with no checkout required. We created the world’s most advanced shopping technology, so you never have to wait in line. With our “just walk out shopping” experience, simply use the Amazon Go app to enter the store, take the products you want, and go! No lines, no checkout.

Our checkout-free shopping experience is made possible by the same types of technologies used in self-driving cars: computer vision, sensor fusion, and deep learning. Our “just walk out technology” automatically detects when products are taken from or returned to the shelves and keeps track of them in your virtual cart. When you’re done shopping, you can just leave the store. Shortly after, we’ll charge your Amazon account and send you a receipt.

We offer delicious ready-to-eat breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snack options made fresh every day by our on-site chefs and favorite local kitchens and bakeries. Our selection of foodstuff ranges from bread and milk to cheeses and locally made chocolates. You’ll find well-known brands we love, plus special finds we’re excited to introduce to customers. For a quick home-cooked dinner, pick up one of our chef-designed Amazon Meal Kits, and you can make a meal for two in about 30 minutes.

Our 1,800-square-foot shopping space is conveniently compact(紧凑的), so busy customers

can get in and out fast. It is located at 2131, 7th Ave, Seattle, WA, on the corner of 7th Avenue and Blanchard Street. All you need is an Amazon account, a supported smartphone, and the free Amazon Go app.

Amazon Go is currently only open to Amazon employees in our testing program, and will be open to the public soon.

1.From the passage, we can learn that Amazon Go .

A. is a checkout-free store B. sells all kinds of goods

C. is open to the public D. uses unknown technologies

2.What is mainly discussed in Paragraph 3?

A. When Amazon Go charges. B. How Amazon Go works.

C. Where Amazon Go lies. D. What Amazon Go sells.

3.Customers pay for the products from Amazon Go by .

A. paying cash at the counter B. walking out of the store

C. using their Amazon accounts D. scanning smartphones when leaving

4.The main purpose of the passage is to .

A. encourage people to shop online B. advise people to work for Amazon

C. inform people of a new concept store D. tell people of the shopping experience

Dangers from Outer Space

What is the greatest threat to life on our planet? Is it climate change? Shortages of food or water? Or might an altogether bigger danger come from somewhere further away: space?

We’re not talking about an attack by little green men here. Instead, how about being hit by a large falling star, beat by deadly universal rays or fried by the energy of an erupting star?

It wouldn’t be the first time that our Earth has had a rough ride over the last 3.7 billion years, with some disastrous events. The most famous mass extinction(灭绝)was 66 million years ago, when it’s widely believed that a meteorite(陨石)killed off the dinosaurs. A 110-mile-wide crater in Mexico with the same geological age supports this theory.

Believe it or not, this wasn’t the worst catastrophe in our planet’s history. That was when 96% of life was wiped out at the end of the Permian period, 252 million year ago. Scientists don’t know for sure why this happened, but any potential explanations carry with them the possibility that similar events could happen again.

Some experts believe that our Sun has a twin star which is too far away to observe directly. This huge sleeping star could twist the paths of orbiting icy rocks and cast them towards the rest of the Solar System.

Is this what happened 252 million years ago? Or is there instead, perhaps, a distant, ninth plant in our Solar System which pulls in passing comets(彗星)and sends them dashing our way?

The Sun that has given us the warmth is gradually turning into a deadly enemy. Like all stars, it is slowing dying, burning through its energy supplies. As it does so, it expands, and in about 2 billion years it will have grown so much that the heat will make life on planet Earth unbearable.

While all this sounds a little horrible, take comfort from the fact that the chance of being hit by a huge interstellar projectile(星际碰撞物)is unbelievably slim, and that 2 billion years is a very long time.

1.When did dinosaurs die out according to the passage?

A. 3.7 billion years ago. B. 252 million years ago.

C. 66 million years ago. D. 2 billion years ago.

2.Why was 96% of life destroyed at the end of the Permian period?

A. The cause is still unknown.

B. A huge falling star hit the earth.

C. A twin star cast icy rocks towards the Solar System.

D. A ninth planet pulled in passing comets.

3.What can we learn from the passage?

A. All stars will eventually run of energy.

B. Our planet will be attacked by little green men.

C. We will be fried by the energy of an erupting star.

D. A huge sleeping star will hit the earth in millions of years.

4.What is the author’s attitude toward the dangers from outer space?

A. Frightened. B. Relieved.

C. Worried. D. Doubtful.

Love Is Blind: The Magic of Tabby

In October, 2003 I started my work at my local animal shelter’s Adoption Department. Over the years, more than 50,000 animals have ______ the doors of the shelter. Most of them, I do not remember. But occasionally there are ______ animals, who touch me so deeply that I could never possibly ______ them. Tabby was one such animal. Tabby was an ancient Cocker Spaniel, probably 14 years old. What’s more, she was blind and deaf. Tabby’s chances at adoption seemed ______ at best. After all, we didn’t have many adopters coming in ______, “Can you show me all of your really old dogs who are also ______ ?” We had all thought that Tabby would live out the rest of her life at the ______.

One day a woman named Loretta came to the shelter. Her son, Gary, had ______ Tabby’s picture and stories on the shelter’s website at home. They were interested in meeting her! It was the only ______ we ever received about Tabby. What could a young child possibly see in a 14-year-old dog who was both blind and deaf? Most boys would want a dog who could grow with them and ______ through grassy fields on summer days. Tabby would ______ be able to do that. But after meeting her, Loretta and Gary decided that she was the right dog for their family. They adopted Tabby! If Tabby’s story had simply ended with her ______ adoption, it would still have been something very special indeed. ______, it was what happened after her adoption that people might regard as “magic”. Gary _____ from seizures(癫痫). Since Gary and Tabby met they became ______. They did everything together. They became so “in tune” with one another that Tabby began to telegraph Gary’s seizures ______ they occurred, giving his family ______ that one was about to strike. What’s more, Gary seemed to be having fewer and fewer seizures since Tabby’s ______.

How could it be? Nobody could explain _____ Tabby did it. But those of us who were fortunate enough to know her and her family had ______ the magic, the kind that has its roots in love.

1.A. broken B. passed C. painted D. locked

2.A. strange B. active C. wild D. special

3.A. recall B. leave C. forget D. abandon

4.A. remote B. great C. fair D. potential

5.A. wondering B. stating C. seeking D. asking

6.A. stubborn B. active C. disabled D. patient

7.A. hospital B. shelter C. farm D. roadside

8.A. posted B. taken C. seen D. drawn

9.A. letter B. donation C. call D. enquiry

10.A. get B. run C. look D. break

11.A. often B. possibly C. never D. generally

12.A. successful B. normal C. temporary D. early

13.A. However B. Moreover C. Therefore D. Otherwise

14.A. learnt B. suffered C. heard D. differed

15.A. indifferent B. uncomfortable C. unfortunate D. inseparable

16.A. since B. unless C. before D. though

17.A. explanation B. notice C. suggestion D. warning

18.A. arrival B. birth . C. return D. recovery

19.A. where B. how C. when D. whether

20.A. witnessed B. created C. achieved D. performed


Many arguments teenagers have with their parents are about one thing: independence. As you get older, you’ll want to do more stuff on your own, without your mom and dad tagging along with you. The arguments generally start when your parents think you aren’t ready for extra responsibility while you think you are. Arguing with your parents isn’t the best solution at all, but the best solution is gaining trust from your parents. 1.

●Understand that it’s not your parents who do not want you to have independence, they want the best for you and think you’re not ready or you’ll hurt yourself if you have the freedom to do whatever you want. Show your parents you can be sensible. 2.If you can’t get home by 9:30, they’ll never let you out after 10:00.

●Agree with them some “friends time” and some “family time” so that they know you won’t be spending your whole weekend out with your friends. 3.They won’t imagine you getting into trouble if they know how they are.

4. They won’t feel much worried letting you go off on your own if they know what you’re up to. Call in and tell your parents that you’re OK from time to time. The less they worry about you, the more independence you’ll gain.

5.If they find out, all that trust will be destroyed and then you'll never get the extra independence you ever wanted.

A. Show your parents how independent you are.

B. Never lie to your parents about where you’re going.

C. Remember to ask for your parents’ help if you need it.

D. Always tell your parents where you are, and who you’re with.

E. Generally speaking, they won’t be worried about increasing your independence.

F. And before you enjoy the “friends time' introduce your friends to your parents.

G. Agree a time you’ll be home with your parents, and always make sure you keep to it.

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