
Four years ago, we asked ourselves: what if we could create a shopping experience with no waiting in lines and no checkout? Or could we create a physical store where customers could simply take what they want and go? Our answer to those questions is Amazon Go, where you could experience the idea of “just walk out shopping”.

Amazon Go is a new kind of store with no checkout required. We created the world’s most advanced shopping technology, so you never have to wait in line. With our “just walk out shopping” experience, simply use the Amazon Go app to enter the store, take the products you want, and go! No lines, no checkout.

Our checkout-free shopping experience is made possible by the same types of technologies used in self-driving cars: computer vision, sensor fusion, and deep learning. Our “just walk out technology” automatically detects when products are taken from or returned to the shelves and keeps track of them in your virtual cart. When you’re done shopping, you can just leave the store. Shortly after, we’ll charge your Amazon account and send you a receipt.

We offer delicious ready-to-eat breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snack options made fresh every day by our on-site chefs and favorite local kitchens and bakeries. Our selection of foodstuff ranges from bread and milk to cheeses and locally made chocolates. You’ll find well-known brands we love, plus special finds we’re excited to introduce to customers. For a quick home-cooked dinner, pick up one of our chef-designed Amazon Meal Kits, and you can make a meal for two in about 30 minutes.

Our 1,800-square-foot shopping space is conveniently compact(紧凑的), so busy customers

can get in and out fast. It is located at 2131, 7th Ave, Seattle, WA, on the corner of 7th Avenue and Blanchard Street. All you need is an Amazon account, a supported smartphone, and the free Amazon Go app.

Amazon Go is currently only open to Amazon employees in our testing program, and will be open to the public soon.

1.From the passage, we can learn that Amazon Go .

A. is a checkout-free store B. sells all kinds of goods

C. is open to the public D. uses unknown technologies

2.What is mainly discussed in Paragraph 3?

A. When Amazon Go charges. B. How Amazon Go works.

C. Where Amazon Go lies. D. What Amazon Go sells.

3.Customers pay for the products from Amazon Go by .

A. paying cash at the counter B. walking out of the store

C. using their Amazon accounts D. scanning smartphones when leaving

4.The main purpose of the passage is to .

A. encourage people to shop online B. advise people to work for Amazon

C. inform people of a new concept store D. tell people of the shopping experience


Restaurants in Miami Beach

Steve’s Pizza

So many pizza chains compete for the attention of tourists in South Beach, but ask a Miami Beach local where to get the best pizza and they’ll tell you about Steve’s. This is New York style pizza, handmade with care and good ingredients(成分). New branches of Steve’s Pizza are opening elsewhere in Miami, all in non-tourist areas.

Opening hours: 11 a.m.-10a.m.

Cattleman’s Steakhouse

This place is 20 miles east of the city, but local folks would probably drive 200 miles to eat here. The food is good, and the scenery is even better. Come early and wander around the grounds of Indian Cliffs Ranch, where you’ll see everything from rabbits to buffalo (水牛), then catch the sunset either before or after your meal.

Opening hours: 5p.m.-10p.m.

Absolute Baking & Café

The screen door is always swinging open at this town hot spot with giant breakfasts. Try the green chili on eggs – it’s made from scratch, as are the organic(有机的) breads. Lunch includes salads, big sandwiches and local grass-fed beef burgers. Don’t miss a square of soft, fresh carrot cake.

Opening hours: 7a.m.-2p.m.

Walt’s Wharf

Everybody’s favorite for fresh fish (some drive in from LA). Walt’s packs them in on weekends. You can’t make reservations for dinner (though they’re accepted for lunch), but it’s worth the wait for the tree fire–grilled seafood and steaks in the many-windowed ground floor or upstairs in captain’s chairs.

Opening hours: 11a.m.-10:30p.m.

1.The new branches of Steve’s Pizza are mainly intended for ______.

A. New Yorkers B. tourists

C. the locals D. foreigners

2.Cattleman’s Steakhouse offers the wonderful ______ as well as good food.

A. wine B. view

C. discount D. service

Common public speaking problems

The use of “I feel”, “I think” and “maybe”

In the question-and –answer session of the speaking competition, many contestants began their answers with uncertain expressions like “I feel”, “I hear”, “maybe” and “perhaps”. These words show that the person is only speaking from his or her point of view. 1.

Work on keeping your answers brief and to the point. Also work on delivering them with calmness and confidence. Instead of the empty-sounding “I guess”, using facts, together with a clear conclusion based on those facts, is far more likely to be popular with an audience.


Don’t stick to the same tone. It can be boring. Try to mix it up. For example, when they spoke about their dreams, some sounded romantic. Others used humor. Very few used several different styles tighter. 3., rather than just sticking with the same one.

Irresponsible answers

4.. you’re responsible for your words. Even though you want to answer quickly, you don’t want to sound foolish. So you should think twice before you talk. Don’t be like the student who, when asked about his opinion on book piracy(盗版), started by saying he supported it.

Talking around the topic rather than directly answering it

You should focus on one point and give a clear solution. 5.. is it asking you to discuss a certain topic or to present your own point of view?

Use one or two arguments together and give a strong conclusion. Remember that judges are not judging you on whether they agree, but on your ability to say what you think clearly.

A. Try mixing more than one style.

B. Improving your communication skill.

C. Using only one speaking style

D. It’s important to involve your audience.

E. Public speaking is different from personal conversations.

F. The key is to work out what question is being asked

G. To the judges and audience, this lacks the support of facts and seems not to be reliable.

My students often tell me they don’t have “enough time” to do all their schoolwork. My reply is often brief—You have as much time as the president. I usually carry on a bit about there being 24 hours in the day for everyone, and suggest that “not enough time” is not an acceptable explanation of not getting something done.

Once in graduate school, I tried to excuse myself to one of my professors by saying that I was working hard. His answer to me was, “That’s irrelevant. What’s important is the quality of your work.” Since then I have had time to think about the “hard worker” dodge (伎俩), and I have come to some conclusions — all relevant to the issue of how much time we have.

If you analyze(分析) the matter, you can identify(确定) two parts of the problem: There is, of course, the matter of “time”, which we can think of as fixed. Then there is the problem of “work” during that time. But, as my professor suggested, it’s not how hard one works but the quality of the product that is important.

That led me to a new idea: the quality of the work. That concept is perhaps best explained by a sign I once saw on the wall in someone’s office---Don’t work harder but work smarter. There’s a lot of sense in that idea.

If you can’t get more time, and few of us can, the only solution(解决方法) is to improve the quality of the work. That means thinking of ways to get more out of the same time than we might otherwise get. That should lead us to an analysis of our work habits. Since “work” for students usually means “homework”, the expression “work habits” should be read as “study habits”.

Then, as a smart student, you will seek to improve those skills that you use in study, chiefly reading and writing. If you learn to read better and write better, there are big benefits that pay off in all your studies.

1.From the passage, we know that the author is ______ .

A. a poet B. a editor

C. an educator D. an director

2.We can infer from the first two paragraph that we students _____ .

A. have enough time B. can meet the president

C. get something done well D. should accept the explanation

3.The underlined sentence in Paragraph 2 means_________.

A. That is impossible B. That is not acceptable

C. That is unbearable D. That is not important

4.The main purpose of writing the passage is to give_______.

A. advice B. encouragement

C. criticism D. information

When other nine-year-old kids were playing games, she was working at a petrol station. When other teens were studying or going out, she fought to find a place to sleep on the street. But she beat these terrible setbacks(挫折) to win a highly competitive scholarship and gain entry (录入)into Harvard University. And her amazing story has inspired a movie, “Homeless to Harvard: The Liz Murray Story”.

Liz Murray, a 22-year-old American girl, has been writing a real-life story of willpower and determination. Liz grew up with two drug-addicted parents. There was never enough  food or warm clothes in the house. Liz was the only member of the family who had a job. Her mother had AIDS and died when Liz was just l5 years old. The effect of that loss became a turning point in her life. Connecting the environment in which she had grown up with how her mother had died. She decided to do something about it.

Liz went back to school. She threw herself into her studies, never telling her teachers that she was homeless. At night, she lived on the streets. “What drove me to live on had something to do with understanding, and by understanding that there was a whole other way of being. I had only experienced a small part of the society,” she wrote in her book Breaking Night.

She admitted that she used envy (妒忌)to drive herself on. She used the benefits that come easily to others, such as a safe living environment, to encourage herself that “next to nothing could hold me down”. She finished high school in just two years and won a full scholarship to study at Harvard University. But Liz decided to leave her top university a couple of months earlier this year in order to take care of her father, who has also developed AIDS. “I love my parents so much. They are drug addicts. But I never forget that they love me all the time. ”

Liz wants moviegoers(常看电影的人) to come away with the idea that changing your life is “as simple as making a decision”.

1.In which order did the following things happen to Liz?

a. Her mother died of AIDS.

b. She got admitted into Harvad.

c. She worked at a petrol station.

d. The movie about her life was put on.

e. She had trouble finding a place to sleep.

A. c, a, e, b, d B. a, b, c, e, d

C. c, d, b, a, e D. b, e, a, d, c

2.What actually made her go towards her goal?

A. Envy and encouragement.

B. Willpower and determination.

C. Decisions and understanding

D. Love and respect for her parents.

3.What does Liz mean by saying “What drove me to live on...I had only experienced a small part of the society”?

A. She had little experience of social life.

B. She could hardly understand the society.

C. She would do something for her own life.

D. She needed to travel more around the world.

4.What does the passage mainly tell us?

A. Why Liz loved her parents so much.

B. How Liz made efforts to change her life.

C. What a hard time Liz had in her childhood.

D. How Liz managed to enter Harvard University.

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