
12.Stepinac has become one of the first high schools in the country to drop all textbooks and replace them with a"digital library".When students started classes on Monday,they were zipping to an app on their tablets or laptops and bad instant access to all 40texts in the Stepinac curriculum (课程).
Dennis Lauro,director of an information center which provides technical support to public schools in New York,said neither he nor his colleagues were aware of a similar digital effort in a public school setting."This is the wave of the future."Lauro said."I'm not surprised that a private school would beat the public schools to it.They have the ability to just do it.There is so much politics involved in public schools,when it comes to a move like that,needing approval from boards and committees."
For Tom Collins,Stepinac's president,the commitment to digital source material was not so difficult a decision.In the past,students'families had to spend up to 700ayearontextbooks.Thisyear-aftertheone-timepurchaseofatabletorlaptop-familiesonlyneedtopay 150.Using the digital library is almost as easy as opening a new book.A student can instantly lap into a digital book and open a map of Egypt or a speech by President John F.Kennedy.A teacher can show a page from a digital book on a whiteboard at the front of the class or send students a link to a particular math problem with notes added in.
The first few weeks may bring some challenges.Stepinac officials expect some parental discomfort over dropping concrete books.They recognize there may be technical faults at first.And they will have to encourage students to leave space-eating photos and music off their tablets-and to keep their tablets charged.

24.What is going on in Stepinac?B
A.It's building a new library.
B.It's reforming its textbooks.
C.It's updating its digital resources.
D.It's changing its management pattern.
25.By saying the underlined sentence.Lauro believesD.
A.public schools face great challenges
B.private schools have their advantages
C.the effort is to cause instant changes
D.it's a trend for schools to go digital
26.Who may worry about the move in Stepinac?C

分析 本文讲述了一些学者认为电子书将会替代纸质书,这也引起了一些家长的担忧.

解答 24-26 BDC
24.B 考查细节理解.根据"Stepinac has become one of the first high schools in the country to drop all textbooks and replace them with a"digital library"."可知,Stepinac将要对教科书进行改革.故选B.
25.D 考查细节理解.根据"said neither he nor his colleagues were aware of a similar digital effort in a public school setting"可知,Lauro相信学校最终会走向数字化的趋势.故选D.
26.C 考查细节理解.根据"Stepinac officials expect some parental discomfort over dropping concrete books"可知,学生的父母可能会反对这一项改革.故选C.

点评 阅读理解考察学生的细节理解和推理判断能力,做细节理解题时一定要找到文章中的原句,和题干进行比较,再做出正确的选择.在做推理判断题不要以个人的主观想象代替文章的事实,要根据文章事实进行合乎逻辑的推理判断.

20.As any parent knows too well,sometimes a little white lie is the only way to make a naughty child quid.Indeed,parents have shared the top white lies they've told their children.While some of them are amusing,others are somewhat cruel.
"Father Christmas is watching you,""Carrots will make you see in the dark"and"Your pet has gone to live on a farm"are among the top while lies parents tell their children.The top 20list of little lies that adults use shows that four in five parents have told their children something that isn't true.The threat of Father Christmas is on the top,with 62percent of parents employing St.Nick to keep their kids tinder control.The second on the list is:"We'll see",which any little one knows really means"no".
The majority of British people say that they lie to their children to protect their innocence,to save them from being upset or to stop them behaving badly.The top while lie told to kids about their pets is"your pet has to live on a farm in the countryside",which is employed after one dies or has gone missing.On average,parents think that children are ready to start learning about death at the age of seven and a half.
One 62-year-old recalled that when he was four,his cat ran away,because it kept having its tail pulled.It was 53years later that it was revealed that the cat had actually been given away to stop it from scratching the furniture.One respondent (应答者) said that he still remembered that when he was young,he believed his father's statement that the entire world used to be in black and white before colour photography came along.
Forty percent of parents say that they would definitely lie to their children to keep up their belief in Father Christmas,and over hall say they'd certainly tell the truth about a pet dying.However,one in ten parents say they've replaced their children's dead pet with a one looking the same to cheat their children into believing ii was still alive and well,found the study by Blue Cross pet charity.

33.The threat of Father Christmas which is used to control children shows thatA.
A.Some children fear and respect Father Christmas
B.Father Christmas is more important than parents
C.Children should learn more about festivals
D.Father Christmas does live in the world
34.What can we conclude from Paragraph 4?D
A.Children don't understand why their parents tell white lies.
B.Parents'white lies may do harm to their children.
C.Children don't really mind their parents'white lies.
D.Parents'white lies may leave a deep impression on their children
35.What is the main idea of the last paragraph?B
A.Parents'different understandings of while lies.
B.Parents'different attitudes to telling white lies.
C.Parents'different worries about white lies.
D.Parents'different white lies.
7.What is big data exactly?Good question.After all,we've always had large amounts of data.As Laurie Miles,head,of analytics for big data specialist SAS,says,"The term big data has been around for decades and we've been,doing analytics all the time.It's not big; it's just bigger."Most traditional data was structured,or neatly organized in databases.Then the world went digital and the Internet came along.Most of what we1 do could be translated into data capable of being recorded,stored,searched,and analyzed.There was also so-called unstructured data generated by all our digital interactions (互动),from emails to online'shopping,text messages to tweets,and Facebook updates to YouTube video's.
Some say that about 90% of all the data in the world today has been created in the past few years."About 75% of data is unstructured,coming from sources such as text voice and video,"says Mr Miles.
"Big data is not just historic business intelligence,''says Mr,Miles."It's the addition of real-time data and the ability to combine together several data sets that makes it so valuable."Practically,anyone who makes,grows and sells anything Can use big data analytics to make their manufacturing and production processes more efficient arid their marketing more targeted and cost-effective.
And many businesses are only just beginning to realize that data is something that they need to protect and use."Banks only use a third of their available data because it often sits in databases that are hard to access,"says Mr Miles,"We need to find ways to make this data more easily accessible."
Who owns it all?Social media platforms will often,say that their users own their own content,but then lay claim to how that content is used,reserving the right to share it with third parties!So when you tweet you effectively give up any control over how that tweet is used in future,even though Twitter terms and conditions say,"What's yours is yours."Privacy (隐私) and intellectual property1 laws have not kept up with the pace of technological change.

32.According to the first paragraph,big dataD.
A.is also called modern data                         
B.means we don't have enough data
C.gets its name from a research institute        
D.has been researched for many years
33.What contributes greatly to the development of unstructured data?B
A.The increasing number of databases.
B.Our increasing exposure to digital activities.
C.A great decrease in structured data.
D.The lack of people who can translate data.
34.What is the third paragraph mainly about?B
A.The future of big data.
B.The value of big data.
C.The protection of big data.
D.The problems of big data.
35.Why do banks only use a small part of their data?D
A.Because it has different resources.
B.Because the speed is too slow.
C.Because the cost is very high.
D.Because it is difficult to obtain.
17.Now cities are full of cars.Some families even have two or more cars.Parking is a great problem,and so is the traffic in around the cities.Something will have to be done to change it.What will the cars of tomorrow be like?
Little cars may someday take the place of today's big cars.If everyone drives little cars in the future,there will be less pollution in the air.There will also be more space for parking cars in cities,and the streets will be less crowded.Three little cars can fit in the space now needed for one car of the usual size.
Little cars will cost much less to own and to drive.Driving will be safer,too.What is more,these little cars can go about 65 kilometers per hour.
Little cars of the future will be fine for getting around a city,but they will not be useful for long trips.If big cars are still used along with the small ones,two sets of roads will be needed in the future.Some roads will be used for the big,fast cars,and other roads will be needed for the slower small ones.

33.Bis the big problem for those people who have cars.
A.Money    B.Parking  C.Driver  D.Waiting
34.The little car's size may beA today's car's size.
A.one third of B.two thirds of  C.as big as  D.as small as
35.People canD money with using the little cars.
A.spent        B.cost  C.take   D.save.

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