
I love writing letters. I'm one of those people who are ____ about the National Card-and-letter-Writing Month in April. And I even accepted the “30 ______ in 30 Days” social media challenge.

The handwritten friendly letter is a dying art form.That ______ me because I'm amazed at what letters have ______ to me.Some of these letters came to me when I was a kid. They seem more thoughtful, more intentional than the ______today. When I see my grandfather’s graceful handwriting. I can almost ______ the cadence(抑扬顿挫)of his speech. These letters are ______ and rereading them still makes me feel ______. Now,as editor in chief of a magazine, I see my young self in many of our _______ who write to the magazine with curiosity and enthusiasm. When we _______ them back, they tell us they are surprised and delighted.

Even if writing letters isn’t something that _______ your child, letter-writing is a practice you’ll want to ______ your kids to develop. Why? For starters, letter-writing improves their communication skills. It gives kids practice _______ themselves in a clear manner,letter-writing also improves ________ skills. This is increasingly _______ in all era when handwriting instruction is being cut from school curricula. _______, letter-writing offers kids a way to understand others’ feelings. Is Uncle George having an operation? Is your friend who moved away feeling lonely? These are all _______ to teach your kids how to think about the _______ of others and write the kind of letter they’d like to receive in these circumstances.

If we adults _______ the desired behavior for our children, we increase the possibility that they’ll ______ it.

1.A. curious B. cautious C. excited D. shocked

2.A. books B. compositions C. 1etters D. diaries

3.A. saddens B. maddens C. burdens D. threatens

4.A. 1ent B. conveyed C. adapted D. attached

5.A. ad B. note C. poster D. email

6.A. hear B. notice C. imitate D. predict

7.A. secrets B. rewards C. dreams D. treasures

8.A. hurt B. touched C. confused D. bored

9.A. students B. visitors C. readers D. guests

10.A. call B. write C. hold D. talk

11.A. contributes to B. applies to C. occurs to D. appeals to

12.A. pay B. force C. allow D. encourage

13.A. expressing B. teaching C. behaving D. facing

14.A. speaking B. reading C. handwriting D. translating

15.A. strange B. important C. complex D. popular

16.A. Moreover B. Therefore C. Otherwise D. However

17.A. questions B. opportunities C. coincidences D. conclusions

18.A. words B. theories C. comments D. feelings

19.A. imitate B. design C. model D. evaluate

20.A. adopt B. protect C. stress D. need


For most people, running one full marathon is quite challenging, but for 33-year-old Rob Young, it is merely a short warm-up. This British man _______ 370 marathons last year, which meant that he ran _______one marathon per day.

It all _______as a bet with his wife on a Sunday night when they watched the TV coverage of the London Marathon. April 2014, as they watched the TV coverage of the London Marathon. In fact, Young had been _______ to sitting comfortably on a sofa watching TV rather than going out for a walk. Obviously, he wasn't very interested in running at the time, and he even considered it _______

When his wife _______ him by saying that he couldn't run marathons at all, even if he tired. Yong felt this had _______ him badly, so he replied that he would _______her some money if he couldn't run.

The next morning, he _______at 3.30 am, printed out the route, and completed one marathon before work. He felt so good that he ________doing it every day, and had run the ________ equivalent to 10 marathons during that week.

Before long, Yong was addicted to running. He ________ all of last year’s 365 days running marathons. Since January, 2015, Yong has completed several________. He won the Trans-American Footrace, a 6-month long competition, with a ________ time of 482 hours and 10 minutes. He ________the world record for the worth's longest run without sleep.

Having ________so much already, Young now hopes to use his running to test the ________ of human endurance. “I’d like to find something that’s challenging." he said. “I’d like to ________the Arctic Circle and the North Pole. There is only a certain time of the year when people have________ to do it, but I will try.”

He added, "For me, nothing is ________It's only a test."

1.A. contained B. completed C. resolved D. competed

2.A. as well B. as much as C. more than D. close to

3.A. started B. acted C. served D. treated

4.A. devoted B. related C. exposed D. accustomed

5.A. boring B. charming C. terrifying D. disgusting

6.A. bullied B. flattered C. inspired D. teased

7.A. shacked B. hurt C. scared D. blamed

8.A. contribute B. occupy C. lose D. win

9.A. showed up B. took over C. woke up D. kept on

10.A. stuck to B. gave up C. burst into D. put on

11.A. circles B. distance C. games D. competition

12.A. spent B. wasted C. undertook D. organized

13.A. alternatives B. performances C. challenges D. consequences

14.A. valid B. tough C. steady D. total

15.A. applied B. broke C. supported D. struggled

16.A. achieved B. seized C. abandoned D. dreamed

17.A. borders B. expectations C. limits D. implication

18.A. turn over B. hold out C. make up D. run across

19.A. direction B. trend C. obligation D. chance

20.A. unpleasant B. impossible C. negative D. dangerous

I have just returned from a visit to my landlord, Mr. Heathcliff. I am delighted with the house I am renting from him, which suits me perfectly.

Mr. Heathcliff is my only neighbour, and I think his character is similar to mine. He does not like people either.

When I introduced myself, he said nothing, but frowned, and did not encourage me to enter. After a while, however, he decided to invite me in.

“Joseph!” he called. Joseph was an old servant. He looked crossly up at me as he took my horse. “God help us! A visitor!” he whispered to himself. Perhaps there were no other servants, I thought. And it seemed that Heathcliff hardly ever received guests.

His house is called Wuthering Heights. The name means “a windswept house on a hill”, and it is a very good description. The trees around the house are bent by the north wind, which blows fiercely every day of the year. Fortunately, the house is strongly built, and is not damaged even by the worst winter storms.

Mr. Heathcliff and I entered the huge main room. We sat down by the fire, in silence.

“Joseph!” shouted Mr. Heathcliff. No answer came from the cellar, so he dived down there, leaving me alone with several rather fierce-looking dogs. Suddenly one of them jumped angrily up at me, and in a moment all the others were attacking me.

“Help! Mr. Heathcliff! Help!” I shouted. My landlord was nowhere to be seen, but luckily a woman, who might be the housekeeper, rushed into the room to calm the dogs.

“What is the matter?” Mr. Heathcliff asked me rudely, as he finally entered the room, accompanied by his man-servant.

“Your dogs, sir!” I replied. “You shouldn’t leave a stranger with them. They’re dangerous.”

“Come, come, Mr. Lockwood. Have some wine. We don’t often have strangers here. I’m afraid neither I nor my dogs are used to receiving them.” I could not feel offended after this, and accepted the wine. We sat drinking and talking together for a while. I suggested visiting him tomorrow. He did not seem eager to see me again, but I shall go anyway. He seems a fascinating man.

1.In which order should the following events be arranged?

a. Mr. Lockwood introduced himself to his landlord.

b. Mr. Lockwood and Mr. Heathcliff sat drinking and talking together.

c. Mr. Heathcliff invited Mr. Lockwood into the house.

d. Mr. Lockwood was attacked by some dogs.

e. Mr. Lockwood and Mr. Heathcliff sat down by the fire, in silence.

f. Mr. Heathcliff appeared in the main room with Joseph.

A. a, c, f, b, d, e. B. c, a, b, e, d, f.

C. a, c, e, d, f, b. D. c, a, f, e, d, b.

2.Why did Joseph say “God help us! A visitor!” when he met Mr. Lockwood?

A. He was very shocked to have a visitor.

B. He thought Mr. Lockwood was a new servant.

C. He had waited for Mr. Lockwood for a long time.

D. He was happy his prayer for guests was answered.

3.Why is the house called “Wuthering Heights”?

A. It is struck by strong winds all the year round.

B. It is protected well by the trees surrounding it.

C. The trees around it are bent by the north wind.

D. It is specially designed to resist strong winds.

4.What was the writer’s impression of Mr. Heathcliff?

A. He was rich but foolish. B. He was rude but interesting.

C. He was handsome but boring. D. He was strange but friendly.

John H. Johnson was born in a black family in Arkansas city in 1918. His father died in an accident when John was six. He was reaching the high school age, but his hometown offered no high school for blacks.

Fortunately he had a strong-willed caring mother. John remembered that his mother told him many times, “Son, you can be anything you want really to be if you just believe.” She told him not to depend on others, including his mother. “You have to earn success, ” she said. “All the people who work hard don’t succeed, but the only people who do succeed are those who work hard.”

These words came from a woman with less than a third grade education. She also knew that believing and hard work don’t mean everything. So she worked hard as a cook for two years to save enough to take her son, who was then 15, to Chicago.

Chicago in 1933 was not the promised land that black southerners were looking for. John’s mother and stepfather could not find work. But here John could go to school, and here he learned the power of words—as an editor of the newspaper and yearbook at Du Sable High School his wish was to publish a magazine for blacks.

While others discouraged him, John’s mother offered him more words to live by. “Nothing beats a failure but a try. ”She also let him pawn(典当)her furniture to get the $ 500 he needed to start the Negro magazine.

It is natural that difficulties and failures followed John closely until he became very successful. He always keeps his mother’s words in mind. “ Son, failure is not in your vocabulary!”

Now John H. Johnson is one of the 400 richest people in America—worth $ 150 million.

1.John’s mother decided to move to Chicago because _____.

A. his father died when John was very young

B. life was too hard for them to stay on in their hometown

C. John needed more education badly

D. there were no schools for Negroes in their hometown

2.John’s mother _______.

A. didn’t believe in or depend on others

B. thought one could be whatever one wanted to be

C. believed one would succeed without working hard

D. thought no one could succeed without working hard

3.The underlined sentence “Nothing beats a failure but a try. ”means _____.

A. if you try, you would succeed

B. a failure is difficult to beat, even if you try

C. a try is always followed by a failure

D. no failure can be beaten unless you try

Famous resorts (度假胜地) on the earth


Maldives is famed as the last paradise (乐园) on the earth. It’s made up of more than 1,800 coral islands, spreading over a sea area of about 90 thousand square kilometers on the Indian Ocean. People in Maldives believe in Islam. They must observe the religious rules strictly. However, tourists don’t need to follow these customs inside hotels, but they must do as the locals when they enter the community of the local people.

Jeju Island

Jeju Island, also known as the “Islands of the Gods”, is the biggest island of South Korea. It is a volcanic island with a pleasant climate. Its yearly average temperature is 16℃, which makes it the most attractive vacation stop in Northeast Asia. It has gained fame as a shopping paradise. Here all the luxury (奢侈品) brands are free of duty. Every summer thousands of tourists come here to look for the gods, enjoy the coolness of the gentle sea breeze and buy cheap luxuries.

Phuket Island

Phuket Island, the biggest island of Thailand, is called a pearl on the Indian Ocean. It is world-famous for its beautiful beaches. Some are quiet and tourist-friendly, and some are as luxurious as personal vacation beaches. Some are famous for sea sports, and some are attractive to lovers of evening entertainments. Therefore, you’ll have a good time here whether you’re single or accompanied by your friends.

Hayman Island

Hayman Island, a secret vacation island, is one of the coral islands that make up the Great Barrier Reef. Every year thousands of tourists come here to admire the beauty of the tropic sea and the charming scene of the Great Barrier Reef. However, they seldom see any waiters and waitresses around as they work in and travel through a special tunnel (通道). This is why it’s called the most secret resort.

1.If you intend to do some shopping besides sightseeing, __________ maybe is your best choice.

A. Maldives B. Phuket Island

C. Jeju Island D. Hayman Island

2.Tourists should __________ in Maldives when getting out of the hotels.

A. follow the local rules

B. watch out for sharks

C. stay in secret tunnels

D. stay away from the local people

3.Phuket Island is regarded as __________ by tourists.

A. the Islands of the Gods

B. a pearl on the Indian Ocean

C. a secret vacation island

D. the last paradise on the earth

4.Tourists think Hayman Island is secret because __________.

A. they are strictly limited within the hotel

B. they aren’t allowed to swim in the sea

C. they are forbidden to bargain in the market

D. they can’t meet servants around them

When we smile, our system recognizes that there’s an absence of threat, and relaxes: It slows down our heart rate, and may temporarily reduce blood pressure, too, promoting overall heart health. Even forcing your face into a smile can reduce stress and relax your heart rate.

Smiling is a language that everyone understands regardless of age, race, culture, language, and nationality. We all know that when you smile at people, even strangers, they almost always smile back, spreading a kind of peace and goodwill. This contagious(有感染力的)smiling comes from a subconscious tendency to match other people’s emotions. It’s why people who spend time around children,who smile often, naturally smile more than people who keep mostly adults company.

People who are generous with smiles are considered more likeable and approachable than people who wear a deadpan(面无表情的)expression. Consider successful salesmen and politicians. Can you imagine how we’d react if they wore sour expressions? People who smile a lot are more likely to gain our trust — and earn better tips — than someone who provides the same service with an impassive face.

In a study, Major League Baseball players from 1952 who wore full-faced, genuine smiles on their baseball cards lived longer, around 79.9 years, compared to players who only partly smiled or didn’t smile at all, who lived 5 to 7 years less. Smiling can make us look younger, too: People who smile frequently seem to age more slowly, appearing around three years younger than their less smiley counterparts.

We now have evidence that we are hardwired to smile. While smiling used to be considered a learned behavior that babies acquired at around six weeks of age, more advanced ultrasound testing has shown that even babies who are bom blind can smile. Babies have been known to make breathing and sucking movements while still in the womb(子宫), and these reactions are thought to prepare them for their life outside. Now smiling has joined the list. Say cheese!

1.What can smiling do according to Paragraph 1?

A. Remove your life pressure.

B. Improve the condition of the heart.

C. Make your blood pressure steady.

D. Prevent you from being absent-minded.

2.What should you do if you want to smile more according to the author?

A. Stay more with people smiling more.

B. Approach smart children.

C. Care more about others’ feelings.

D. Volunteer together with more strangers.

3.What does the author want to show by mentioning salesmen and politicians?

A. A false smile may hurt people.

B. Smiles contribute to a career.

C. Generous people tend to smile more.

D. Work pressure stops people smiling.

4.What does the author suggest in the last paragraph?

A. Babies smile within 2 months.

B. Blind babies learn to smile.

C. Smiling is a natural ability.

D. Breathing and sucking are similar to smiling.

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