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Dear Heck,







Li Hua


I love writing letters. I'm one of those people who are ____ about the National Card-and-letter-Writing Month in April. And I even accepted the “30 ______ in 30 Days” social media challenge.

The handwritten friendly letter is a dying art form.That ______ me because I'm amazed at what letters have ______ to me.Some of these letters came to me when I was a kid. They seem more thoughtful, more intentional than the ______today. When I see my grandfather’s graceful handwriting. I can almost ______ the cadence(抑扬顿挫)of his speech. These letters are ______ and rereading them still makes me feel ______. Now,as editor in chief of a magazine, I see my young self in many of our _______ who write to the magazine with curiosity and enthusiasm. When we _______ them back, they tell us they are surprised and delighted.

Even if writing letters isn’t something that _______ your child, letter-writing is a practice you’ll want to ______ your kids to develop. Why? For starters, letter-writing improves their communication skills. It gives kids practice _______ themselves in a clear manner,letter-writing also improves ________ skills. This is increasingly _______ in all era when handwriting instruction is being cut from school curricula. _______, letter-writing offers kids a way to understand others’ feelings. Is Uncle George having an operation? Is your friend who moved away feeling lonely? These are all _______ to teach your kids how to think about the _______ of others and write the kind of letter they’d like to receive in these circumstances.

If we adults _______ the desired behavior for our children, we increase the possibility that they’ll ______ it.

1.A. curious B. cautious C. excited D. shocked

2.A. books B. compositions C. 1etters D. diaries

3.A. saddens B. maddens C. burdens D. threatens

4.A. 1ent B. conveyed C. adapted D. attached

5.A. ad B. note C. poster D. email

6.A. hear B. notice C. imitate D. predict

7.A. secrets B. rewards C. dreams D. treasures

8.A. hurt B. touched C. confused D. bored

9.A. students B. visitors C. readers D. guests

10.A. call B. write C. hold D. talk

11.A. contributes to B. applies to C. occurs to D. appeals to

12.A. pay B. force C. allow D. encourage

13.A. expressing B. teaching C. behaving D. facing

14.A. speaking B. reading C. handwriting D. translating

15.A. strange B. important C. complex D. popular

16.A. Moreover B. Therefore C. Otherwise D. However

17.A. questions B. opportunities C. coincidences D. conclusions

18.A. words B. theories C. comments D. feelings

19.A. imitate B. design C. model D. evaluate

20.A. adopt B. protect C. stress D. need

We are often unable to pay close attention to what we hear. Just like when we try to grab a sponge(海绵) that is full of water, some water will run out of it. But sometimes we try to remember everything a speaker says and try to take in a speaker’s every word as if every word was equally important. We try to remember all the names, all the dates, and all the places. In the process we often miss the speaker’s main point.

Erik Waldman works at a design company. Knowing he had never been good at budgeting his money, he was determined to begin thinking about his economic future. When his employer circulated an e-mail announcing a financial planning workshop(研讨会), Erik signed up right away.

The first session was about retirement planning. Simone Fisher, the lecturer, explained that 7 of 10 Americans between the ages of 22 and 35 do not have a regular savings plan. Erik wrote down every number Simone mentioned.

"If you want to have a retirement income equal to 75 percent of your current salary," Simone continued, "you will need to save at least of 6 percent of your present earnings, taking into account future inflation rates(通货膨胀率). In the meantime, I want to stress that the most important thing is to start saving now."

Erik recorded all the statistics Simone used. When she opened the floor(自由发言) for question, Erik raised his hand and said, "I have two question. When is the best time to start saving for retirement? And how can I figure out my savings target if I don’t know what inflation rates will be in the future?"

This is a typical example of losing the speaker’s point by concentrating on details. Erik had fixed his mind on remembering all the statistics in Simone’s presentation, but he blocked out the man message. Rather than trying to remember everything, we should concentrate on main ideas and evidence.

1.What does the author mean by saying "Just like when we ... run out of it."?

A. We tend to reject what others say.

B. We always try to remember all details.

C. It is difficult for us to remember all things.

D. We often fail to focus on what we are listening to.

2.During the workshop, Erik .

A. got Simone Fisher 's main idea

B. focused on the lecture's details

C. showed little interest in the lecture

D. didn't agree with what Simone had said

3.When hearing Erik's questions, Simone would most probably think .

A. they are very good questions

B. Erik was an excellent listener

C. it was hard to answer the questions

D. his questions were meaningless

4.The passage is written to help those who want to be .

A. a good listener B. a financial planner

C. an excellent lecturer D. a successful employee

My husband and I are saving thousands of dollars every year by growing our own vegetables in our backyard. We learn something new every year and this website has been made to share tips with other people that would like to grow some of their own food.

It’s true that if you are starting from fresh, it will cost a little bit of money to get started. However, once everything is set up, the cost is very small and the rewards are huge. The size of your family and how many vegetables you eat determine exactly how much money you can save every year. We do a lot of juicing, so we are saving thousands of dollars by growing some carefully selected greens.

There is an amazing sense of accomplishment when you grow your own vegetables. Vegetables out of your vegetable garden don’t get any fresher, tastier or more satisfying. The whole family can get involved in this hobby and kids will learn where food comes from and appreciate nature even more.

Our approach to vegetable gardening is completely different from the normal one. We are doing it in the lazy way with zero digging and fertilizing(施肥). The way we grow our vegetables is to emulate natural ecosystems. No rows of carrots can be found in our garden beds. Rain forests seem to do just fine without human interference(干预) or having plants sown in rows, so we have applied the same principle to our vegetable garden and we care producing more vegetables than ever.

By copying nature we spend little time working in the vegetable garden but get a much better crop than previous years when we followed the rules. What can I say? We’re such rebels.(叛逆者)

1.What does the author think about people growing their own vegetables?

A. It is a rewarding activity. B. It is costly in the beginning.

C. People should devote many efforts. D. People should share their tips.

2.What does the underlined word “emulate” in paragraph 4 mean?

A. Create. B. Imitate(模仿).

C. Protect D. Improve.

3.Why does the author call her and her husband “rebels”?

A. They use unconventional ways to grow vegetables.

B. They don’t buy vegetables from the market.

C. They even try to grow vegetables in the rain forests.

D. They don’t grow ordinary vegetables.

4.Which of the following shows the structure of the text? (P: Paragraph)

A. B.

C. D.

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