








参考词汇:成人仪式coming-of-age ceremony; 礼堂auditorium

Dear Steven,

I would like to invite you to the annual Coming-of-age Ceremony of our school._______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


Li Hua


An absolute description of the threat hanging over the world's mammals,reptiles,amphibians and other life forms has been published by the well-known scientific journal,Nature.A special analysis carried out by the journal indicates that an astonishing 41% of all amphibians on the planet now face extinction while 26% of mammal species and 13% of birds are similarly threatened.

Many species are already critically endangered and close to extinction,including the Sumatran elephant,Amur leopard and mountain gorilla.But also in danger of vanishing(消失)for the wild,it now appears,are animals that are currently rated as merely being endangered.

In each case,the finger of blame points directly at human activities.The continuing spread of agriculture is destroying millions of hectares of wild habitats every year,leaving animals without homes,while the introduction of newly-come species,often helped by humans,is also damaging native populations.At the same time,pollution and overfishing are destroying ocean ecosystems.

"Habitat destruction,pollution or overfishing either kill off wild creatures and plants or leaves them badly weakened," said Derek Tittensor,an ocean ecologist at the World Conservation Monitoring Centre in Cambridge. "The trouble is that in coming decades,the additional threat of worsening climate change will become more and more common and could then kill off these survivors."

The problem,according to Nature,is worsened because of the huge gaps in scientists knowledge about the planet's biodiversity.Evaluations of the total number of species of animals and plants alive vary from 2 million to 50 million.In addition,evaluations of current rates of species' disappearances vary from 500 to 36,000 a year. "That is the real problem we face," added Tittensor. "The scale of uncertainty is huge."

In the end,however,the data indicate that the world is heading cruelly towards a mass extinction-which is defined as one involving a loss of 75% of species or more.This could arrive in less than a hundred years or could take a thousand,depending on extinction rates.

1.What's the main idea of the first two paragraphs?

A. Figures about some wild animals are astonishing.

B. Nature is the famous journal around the world.

C. Many endangered species are close to extinction.

D. Some rare species have appeared around the world.

2.From paragraph 4 we know that another future threat is .

A. destruction of habitats B. overfishing and pollution

C. the worsening climate change D. killing off wild creatures and plants

3.What is the real problem we are facing now according to paragraph 5?

A. The killing of wild creatures and cutting of trees.

B. The global warming caused by human beings.

C. The destruction of ocean ecosystem by pollution.

D. Evaluation of current rates of species' disappearances.

4.What does "This" in the last sentence refer to?

A. mass extinction. B. extinction rates.

C. extinction time. D. 75% of species or more.

People can be addicted to different things, e.g. alcohol, drugs, certain foods, or even television. People who have such an addiction are compulsive, i.e they have a very powerful psychological need that they feel they must satisfy. According to psychologists, many people are compulsive spenders; they feel that they must spend money. This compulsion, like most others, is irrational-impossible to explain reasonably. For compulsive spenders who buy on credit, charge accounts are even more exciting than money. In other words, compulsive spenders feel that with credit, they can do anything. Their pleasure in spending enormous amounts is actually greater than the pleasures that they get from the things they buy.

There is even a special psychology of bargain hunting. To save money, of course, most people look for sales, low prices, and discounts. Compulsive bargain hunters, however, often buy things that they don’t need just because they are cheap. They want to believe that they are helping their budgets, but they are really playing an exciting game: when they can buy something for less than other people, they feel that they are winning. Most people, experts claim, have two reasons for their behavior: a good reason for the things that they do and the real reason.

It is not only scientists, of course, who understand the psychology of spending habits, but also business people. Stores, companies and advertisers use psychology to increase business: they consider people’s need for love, power, or influence, their basic values, their beliefs and opinions, and so on in their advertising and sales methods.

Psychologists often use a method called “behavior therapy” to help individuals solve their personal problems. In the same was, they can help people who feel that they have problems with money.

1.According to psychologists, a compulsive spender is one who spends large amounts of money ________.

A. and takes great pleasure from what he or she buys

B. in order to satisfy his or her basic needs in life

C. just to meet his or her strong psychological need

D. entirely with an irrational eagerness

2.The passage is mainly concerned with ________.

A. the psychology of money - spending habits

B. the purchasing habits of compulsive spenders

C. a special psychology of bargain hunting

D. the use of the psychology of spending habits in business

3.Which of the following statements is true?

A. All people spend money for exactly the same reason they need to buy things.

B. Business people and advertisers can use the psychology of money to increase sales.

C. Business people understand the psychology of compulsive buying better than scientists do.

D. Compulsive bargain hunters do not have problems with money.

4.From the passage we may safely concluded that compulsive spenders or compulsive bargain hunters ________.

A. are really unreasonable

B. need special treatment

C. are really beyond treatment

D. can never get any help to solve their problems with money

Five people are talking about tipping in a restaurant.


A tip is a “thank you,” but in truth, a tip is payment for service. 20% is a standard tip. Servers deserve it for their hard work. Tips make up about 97% of a server’s total income. 1.So, before servers are paid to living wage, tip 20%.


Why should I pay the difference between what the restaurant is willing to pay the employee and what an acceptable wage is? I do pay 20%, but I hate it. How about miners, construction workers, resident doctors, etc? 2.


I’ve always viewed tipping as a way of saying “thank you” to the one who serves me. I tip according to the quality of service. The better the service, the higher the tip. 3.Much like the harder teachers in school, I never give an easy “A”.


18-20%for good service is today’s standard. The restaurant and its employees are too polite to tell you this or to put it on their menus, but that is their expectation and you need to understand that. 4.To do otherwise is to be openly rude.


Tipping has gotten out of control. I always had thought it was 15%, and now suddenly servers have made it 20%. I tip 15%, and that’s it. Interesting to be told, “If you can’t afford to tip 20%, then you should eat at home.” 5.

A. Do they get tipped?

B. Those tips are needed for survival

C. I believe it is good manners to respect this

D. If you disagree, why not eat elsewhere?

E. Unless the service is perfect, I never tip more than 10% of the bill

F. Restaurants will never pay more unless they are forced to do so by new laws.

G. If all those people stayed away, the restaurant would not even be in business.

One in 20 people have been reprimanded (训斥) at work for sending an ill-advised email, according to a survey.

Inappropriate jokes, angry messages sent in the heat of the moment, and scathing email replies forwarded to the wrong people are among some of the email gaffes that have landed office workers in hot water with their employers or clients.

One in five of those questioned said they had sent an inappropriate email in the heat of the moment, while almost a third said they had accidentally hit “reply all” instead of “reply”.

More than one in 10 of the 2,000 people surveyed admitted they had mistakenly sent an email criticizing a colleague to the person they were insulting.

According to the research, carried out to mark the DVD release of Going Postal, the television adaptation of Terry Pratchett’s novel, men were more likely to make an email gaffe than women, with 28 per cent admitting to sending an ill-judged message, compared to 17 per cent of women.

There have been a number of well-documented email gaffes. Last year, a worker at Deloitte had to resign after emailing colleagues asking them to name the best-looking man in the office, while in 2000, nine members of the Financial Services Authority were suspended after forwarding copies of explicit emails.

1.Which takes up the highest percentage of the mistaken-sending?

A. Sending an unwise email.

B. Sending to a wrong person.

C. Sending an unsuitable email.

D. Sending to all instead of a particular one.

2.Compared with women, men, in dealing with emails, are .

A. more careless B. more conscious

C. more unreasonable D. more critical

3.The underlined word “well-documented” in the last paragraph probably means “ ”.

A. causing preventable problems

B. being copied without exception

C. having been frequently recorded

D. existing unexpectedly in people’s daily life

4.What may be the best title for the text?

A. Think before you send

B. Reduce email mistakes

C. Be aware of the result of a survey

D. Make good use of modern technology

Our family once got into a difficult situation. My father’s ______ came to a stop after a serious crisis (危机). All that my father was ______ with was some experience. At the same time, he had to be _______for a family of four.

My father was a very hard-working person and he did not lose ______ even when he was facing difficulties. ______ he was the only person that earned money in our family, he had ______in deciding what to do at first. He didn’t know _____ it was better to find a job or to start a new business, but he chose the ______ in the end. This was because he thought he had many____and had nothing to fear, as he had nothing to lose. He was a person _____ to follow his dreams and was not ______ of the challenges and troubles he faced. He kept approaching (接洽) different companies and ______ the business was successful.

He used to tell me when you stop _____ it is then that you fail. From him I learnt that if you believe in yourself and _____ moving towards your goals, then there is nothing you cannot ____ .

Today, our business is going well. This has had a(n) _____ effect on me. I feel that by following my father’s qualities I have become a ______ person. I see myself ready to ______him on the journey to success. It is from him that I have learnt that when we are facing a ______, or are not able to realize our dreams, we don’t always have to do anything ______ —we just need to try harder.

1.A. situation B. business C. job D. car

2.A. left B. forgotten C. offered D. given

3.A. famous B. concerned C. necessary D. responsible

4.A. interest B. face C. heart D. weight

5.A. Though B. While C. As D. If

6.A. chance B. difficulty C. danger D. surprise

7.A. when B. what C. whether D. how

8.A. first B. best C. former D. latter

9.A. possibilities B. plans C. abilities D. wonders

10.A. eager B. worried C. unable D. ready

11.A. tired B. proud C. afraid D. unfair

12.A. quickly B. entirely C. usually D. finally

13.A. talking B. considering C. trying D. thinking

14.A. put on B. come on C. hold on D. keep on

15.A. enjoy B. settle C. receive D. achieve

16.A. strange B. similar C. important D. immediate

17.A. quieter B. better C. busier D. richer

18.A. follow B. miss C. discover D. protect

19.A. matter B. problem C. duty D. doubt

20.A. normal B. special C. strict D. familiar

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