

Born in 1930, Yuan Longping graduated1Southeast Agricultural College in 1953. Since then, finding ways to grow more rice2(be) his life goal. As a young man, he saw the great3for increasing the rice output. At that time, hunger was a4(disturb) problem in many parts of the countryside. Yuan Longping grows5is called super hybrid rice, making6possible to increase rice harvest without7(expand) the area of the field. Yuan Longping has been considered the first agricultural pioneer in the world8(grow) rice that has a high output.9to his research, the UN has more tools in the battle to rid the world10hunger.



2has been






8to grow

9Thanks /Due / Owing




2has been考查动词时态。根据时间状语Since then可知是从那时起到现在,用has been






8to grow考查动词。The first to do sth第一个做某事的人,用to grow

9Thanks /Due / Owing考查动词。多亏了他的研究,用Thanks /Due / Owing

10of考查介词。rid... of 消除....解决了世界饥荒的问题,用of


【题目】根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。If you do not use your arms or your legs for some time, they become weak; when you start using them again, they slowly become strong again. Everybody knows this, and nobody would think of questioning this fact. 1When someone says that he has a good memory, he really means that he keeps his memory in practice by exercising it regularly, either consciously or unconsciously. When someone else says that his memory is poor, he really means that he does not give it enough opportunity to become strong. 2One of them exercises his arms and legs by playing tennis, while the other sits in a chair or a motor car all day.If a friend complains that his arms are weak, we know that it is his own fault. But if he tells us that he has a poor memory, many of us think that his parents are to blame, or that he is just unlucky, and few of us realize that it is just as much his own fault as if it was his arms or legs that were weak.3But all of us can, if we have ordinary bodies and brains, improve our strength and our memory by the same means— practice.Have you ever noticed that people who cannot read or write usually have better memories than those who can? 4It’s because those who cannot read or write have to remember things. They cannot write them down in a little notebook and they have to remember dates, time and prices, names, songs and stories, so their memory is being exercised the whole time 5.

A. What do you think of it?

B. Yet many people do not seem to know that the memory works in the same way.

C. Not all of us can become extremely strong or extremely clever.

D. So if you want a good memory, practice remembering.

E. Someone else says that he is poor in health.

F. Why is this?

G. The position is exactly the same as that of two people.


You have been given the task of organizing a conference,which includes a must-done list about a mile long. There is the conference site,the guest list,the materials,the technology and even the refreshments to think about and plan. If you are beginning to feel the stress,slow down and take a breath. 【1】 .

Write down your goals. You will need to clearly define what you hope to accomplish with this conference because this will shape the rest of your decisions 2 .

Develop your budget. 3 Then break that budget down into different parts such as conference site,materials and speakers' fees. Stick to your budget,and make sure your assistants are keeping their monetary limits as well.

4 . When searching for locations,keep in mind the number of participants,the convenience of the location,parking and closeness to public transportation,airports and hotels.Your goal in finding a place to hold the conference should be making it as easy as possible for participants to attend.

Seek the help from the staff of the conference site. If you have chosen a site that is known for holding confer-ences,you can seek help from the staff there as organizing meetings is what they do every day. 5 They should be able to answer any questions or concern and provide advice when needed.

Of course,full preparations also include a walk-through.Go to the site and meet with the staff the day before to be certain that everything is in place and to take care of any small details.

A. Choose your conferene site

B .Decide on a schedule for the meeting

C .Make full use of this important resource

D. Read the following skills to figure out how to organize a conference

E. Knowing what you want to achieve eases the stress of moving forward

F. Seek help from your colleagues to support every aspect of the meeting

G. You can do nothing without knowing how much money you have to spend


【1】Certain drugs which are safe when taken separately are lethal (致命的) in c_________ (混合)

【2】The Nobel Prize winner owed his success to his parents’ e_________ (鼓励).

【3】I have a big family to support, so I need a p_________ (长久的) job.

【4】The man was in a hurry; unfortunately, he was caught in a t_________ (交通) jam.

【5】As a proverb goes, there is no rule without e_________ (例外).

【6】The students have been active p_________ (参与者) in the discussion in their classes.

【7】It is o_________ (显而易见的) that students in Shenzhen Senior High School are making

great progress in their academic achievements.

【8】We have to be r_________ (现实主义的) about our chances of winning.

【9】The heavyweight champion is fighting an unknown c_________ (对手).

【10】The history teacher gave us a lecture on a_________ (古代) Greece.

【11】Tom p_________ (假装) to be asleep when his mother called him.

【12】Can you name all the seven c_________ (洲) in the world?

【13】The Chinese government spares no effort to get rid of p_________ (贫穷) throughout the country.

【14】An unhappy home e_________ (环境) can affect a child’s behaviour.

【15】The book gives s_________ (具体的) instructions on how to start a business on the Internet.

【16】This bus is c________ (连接) to electric wires.

【17】I’ll be very glad to accept i_________ (邀请) to your party.

【18】A well-balanced student should like both intellectual things and a_________ (田径运动).

【19】Nowadays more and more college graduates go to work in m_________ (多山的) areas.

【20】May I have your attention please? I have an a_________ (声明) to make.

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