
【题目】Deo sat staring straight ahead, so as to think about this. Then they were a bridge so high he felt he were in the airplanes again, and Muhammad said, “Manhattan,” and at a horizon of buildings impossibly tall, giant trees, like a sky of pillared (成柱状的) clouds at sunrise in the mountains. a time Deo began to notice vacant lots, and buildings with wood their windows. When Muhammad turned off a main avenue onto a side street, Deo wanted to ask, urgently, they were stopping here. A few yards away, a man stood urinating (撒尿) the wall of a building. The sidewalk was covered with empty cans and and all sorts of paper trash. Muhammad led the way a brick building with broken windows and letters scribbled(潦草地书写) here and there on the walls. High up on one wall there were three letters , as if each letter were swollen: P E N. He followed Muhammad , the air reeking of urine and excrement (排泄物), up a staircase with a busted railing (破碎的栏杆), finally into a room with a dirty wooden floor, a room with door and no furniture. At the end of a hallway, there was a toilet, completely stopped up.

Muhammad said he stayed here to money. He didn’t have to pay rent for this room. His whole reason for being in New York was to and save as much as he could. He would be for Senegal in a few weeks. Deo should do as he had—work here for a while and save, then start a new life. But he should do this back in Africa, not in New York. “Because it’s so hard here,” Muhammad said.

1A. delivering B. travelling C. building D. crossing

2A. only if B. as if C. even if D. if only

3A. stared B. glared C. pointed D. shot

4A. like B. in C. as D. from

5A. Before B. When C. While D. After

6A. rushing B. passing C. covering D. flowing

7A. finally B. hopefully C. thankfully D. fortunately

8A. why B. what C. how D. where

9A. through B. against C. from D. off

10A. flowers B. bottles C. windows D. tables

11A. from B. on C. in D. toward

12A. heard B. read C. seen D. painted

13A. inside B. outside C. sideways D. upward

14A. but B. and C. or D. for

15A. all B. some C. any D. no

16A. sunny B. light C. dark D. bright

17A. keep B. save C. raise D. lose

18A. obtain B. achieve C. earn D. reach

19A. leaving B. arriving C. searching D. staying

20A. anywhere B. everywhere C. somewhere D. nowhere























文章大意】本篇文章是记叙文。文章节选自Strength in What Remains《生命如歌》,文中讲述了Deo在刚刚到达美国之后的一些事情,作为一个非洲的移民他在美国的生活就是这样开始了。

1D。考查动词的用法。A. delivering 递送;B. travelling 旅行;C. building 建造;D. crossing穿越。这里是说他们正在穿过一座很高的桥,以至于他感到就好象又坐在飞机上一样,故答案选D。

2B。考查连词短语的用法。A. only if 只要;B. as if似乎,好象;C. even if即使;D. if only要是……就好了。由于桥很高,所以他觉得好象是又坐在了飞机上一样,故选B。

3C。考查动词的用法。A. stared盯着看;B. glared怒视C. pointed指向;D. shot射击。本空后面跟的是at a horizon of buildings impossibly tall说的是地平线上的不高的建筑物,应该是指向,所以选择C。

4A。考查介词的用法。A. like……;B. in在……里;C. as作为;D. from从……。这里根据下文的提示,应该是……”,意思是像大树,故选A。

5D。考查连词的用法。A. Before在……之前;B. When当……的时候;C. While当……的时候,趁着;D. After……之后。根据前文中的叙述,应该是在他们走了一段时间之后,故此空选D。

6C。考查动词的用法。A. rushing 急速行进;B. passing路过,传递;C. covering覆盖;D. flowing流淌。这里说的是那些建筑物都用木头把窗户盖上了,此处是with的复合结构,表示主动,故选C。

7A。考查副词词义辨析。A. finally最后,最终;B. hopefully有希望地;C. thankfully感谢地;D. fortunately幸运地。当Muhammad最后走下主路来到一条小巷的时候,强调最后所到的地方,故选A。

8A。考查疑问词词义辨析。A. why为什么;B. what什么;C. how如何;D. where在哪里。此处说Deo在随着Muhammad最后来到小巷的时候问他为什么要停在这里,故选A。

9B。考查介词用法。A. through通过;B. against 对着;C. from来自;D. off离开。此句是说:在几码远之外,一个男人站在那里对着一座建筑物的墙撒尿,against这里的意思是对着,故选B。

10B。考查名词辨析。A. flowers 花;B. bottles瓶子;C. windows窗户;D. tables桌子。人行道上被空的罐头盒子,瓶子和各种纸垃圾覆盖着,这里A. flowers 花;C. windows窗户;D. tables桌子都和垃圾没有关系,故选B。

11D。考查介词辨析。A. from 来自;B. on在……上;C. in 在……里;D. toward朝,向。Muhammad领着通向砖制的有破损的窗户和墙上是乱写的字母的建筑物走去,这里是说领路朝什么方向走,故选D。

12D。考查动词词义辨析。A. heard听到;B. read读到C. seen看到;D. painted刷油漆。从后面的内容来看,字是肿胀的,所以应该是刷上油漆了,不可能是听到,读到或是看到,故选D。

13A。考查副词词义辨析。A. inside里面,内部B. outside外面C. sideways斜着,斜向一边D. upward向上地,上升地。本句是说Deo跟着Muhammad走了进去,故选A。

14B。考查并列连词辨析。A. but但是;B. and和,又,而且;C. or或者,否则的话;D. for因为。文中是说Deo跟着Muhammad穿过了充斥着尿与粪便气味的地方,上了一段栏杆已经破碎的楼梯,并且最后进入了一个很脏的木制地板的房间,所以选B。

15D。考查不定代词辨析。A. all所有的;B. some一些;C. any任何;D. no没有。这里要表示的是这个房间既没有门也没有家俱,根据后面的and no furniture可知此处应该填no,应该是一个平行结构,故选D。

16C。考查形容词辨析。A. sunny阳光明媚的;B. light轻的;C. dark黑暗的;D. bright明亮的。此句是:在一个黑暗的走廊的尽头,有一个马桶,完全停用了,说明此地脏乱差的程度。所以此处填dark,故选C。

17B。考查动词辨析。A. keep保留,保存;B. save节省,储蓄;C. raise举起,募集;D. lose失去,丢掉。Muhammad说他住在这里是为了省钱,他不必付房租,所以此处应填save,另外下一句中也用save作为提示,故选B。

18C。考查动词。A. obtain获得,得到B. achieve取得获得C. earn 挣钱;D. reach到达。Muhammad呆在纽约的全部理由就是尽可能地挣钱和省钱,所以此处和save相呼应,应该是挣钱,故选C。

19A。考查动词词义辨析。A. leaving离开;B. arriving到达;C. searching搜寻,寻找;D. staying呆在,停留。本句是过几周以后他要离开这儿去塞内加尔离开某地去某地要用leave for,故选A。

20C。考查副词辨析。A. anywhere 任何地方;B. everywhere 到处;C. somewhere某个地方,某处;D. nowhere任何地方都不,无处。这里Muhammad给Deo的建议就是他应该做他已经开始做的,在这个地方工作一段时间攒钱,然后开始一个新生活,但是他应该做这一切是回到非洲的某个地方,而不是在纽约,故选C。



It’s the dieting fad that is sweeping the world , and encourages fasting for two days of the week . But does it work ?

People are starving themselves to lose weight , with a dieting trend known as the “fast diet” growing in popularity .

The method is also known as the 5:2 diet , and consists of eating normally for five days of a week and cutting calories to about 25 percent of normal intake during other two days . Men consume just 600 calories on the two fast days , while women are limited to 500 calories.

Notably, the two fasting days should not be hack-to-back. The dieter should have at least one normal eating day in between.

In the best-selling book The Fast Diet: Lose Weight, Stay Healthy, and Live Longer with the Simple Secret of Intermittent Fasting by Dr. Michael Mosley and Mimi Spencer, the two authors claim that the 5:2 diet not only promotes weight loss, but also benefits health, offering protection from disease, improved cognitive function and increased lifespan.

The diet originated in the United Kingdom and became popular in the United States. Now, it is gaining popularity among the Chinese middle class.

Zhong Minghui, who is 178cm tall and used to weigh 100 kilograms, finds fasting effective in weight control. He works in the sales department of' a trade company and used to drink and eat a lot after work. After sticking to the fasting diet for five months, he managed to lose about 20 kilograms.

" Actually I did not exactly rely on the 5 :2 diet to lose weight. My fasting was more extreme. I almost completely cut off my supper every day and only ate some fruit. I also used an app to calculate the calories in the food I eat and was cautious of not eating any high-calorie food. I did about an hour's aerobic exercise every day. Fasting is definitely effective, but I think sports also help ,” he says.

"I do not really believe that fasting is the magical cure-all, but my high blood sugar has improved," he adds.

The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics says that although there is evidence that intermittent fasting diets may help prevent chronic disease, more research is needed.

Han Ting, a clinic nutritionist of Shanghai Tenth People's Hospital, says that people who suffer diabetes or eating disorders, pregnant women, kids, teens and frail seniors should not try fasting. She recommends a regular low-calorie diet, which is safer and less risky for health.

When on a fasting diet, on the weekly fasting days, Han recommends low-fat, low-sugar, low-protein food, such as vegetables, yogurt, non-fat milk, shellfish and fruit with high dietary fiber.

【1】According to the passage the practice of 5 :2 diet first begins in _________.

A. China B. the United States

C. the United Kingdom D. the United Union

【2】What should be paid attention to when one goes on the 5:2 diet?

A. The two fasting days should be arranged one after another.

B. The two fasting days should not be arranged continuously.

C. You should consume as many calories as possible during the five normally eating days.

D. Women must take in more calories than men during the two fasting days.

【3】 According to the passage, Zhong Minghui _________.

A. managed to lose about 20 kilograms by taking exercises

B. thought little of the 5:2 diet

C. owed his high blood sugar to the fasting diet

D. found it effective to lose weight via fast diet

【4】 What does the underlined word "intermittent" mean ?

A. Happening occasionally.

B. Motivating continuously

C. Increasing dramatically.

D. Changing sharply.

【题目】When I was in the third grade, I was picked to be the princess(公主)in the school play. For weeks my mother had helped me practice my lines. But once on stage, every word disappeared from my head. Then my teacher told me she had written a narrator’s(解说者的)part for the play, and asked me to change roles. Though I didn’t tell my mother what had happened that day, she sensed my unhappiness and asked if I wanted to take a walk in the yard.

It was a lovely spring day. We could see dandelions(蒲公英)popping(突然出现) through the grass in bunches, as if a painter had touched our landscape with bits of gold. I watched my mother carelessly bend down by one of the bunches. “I think I am going to dig up all these weeds,” she said. “From now on, we’ll have only roses in this garden.”

“But I like dandelions,” I protested. “All flowers are beautiful-even dandelions!”

My mother looked at me seriously. “Yes, every flower gives pleasure in its own way, doesn’t it?” She asked thoughtfully. I nodded. “And that is true of people, too,” she added.

When I realized that she had guessed my pain, I started to cry and told her the truth.

“But you will be a beautiful narrator,” she said, reminding me of how much I loved to read stories aloud to her.

Over the next few weeks, with her continuous encouragement, I learned to take pride in the role. The big day finally came. A few minutes before the play, my teacher came over to me. “Your mother asked me to give this to you,” she said, handing me a dandelion. After the play, I took home the flower, laughing that I was perhaps the only person who would keep such a weed(野草).

【1】he girl did not play the role of the princess mainly because .

A. she felt nervous on the stage

B. she lost her interest in that role

C. she preferred the role of the narrator

D. she had difficulty memorizing her words

【2】Why did the mother suggest a walk in the garden?

A. To remove the dandelions.

B. To enjoy the garden scene.

C. To have a talk with her daughter.

D. To help her daughter recite the words.

【3】. What is the main idea of the story?

A. Everybody can find his or her own way to success.

B. Everybody has his or her own value in the world.

C. Everybody should learn to play different roles.

D. Everybody has some unforgettable memory.

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