
19.Recently,educators and parents become concerned about the poor performance of boys in school.The so-called"boy crisis"in education refers (61)to both their academic performance and their behavior.In both areas boys'results are much (62)worse(bad) than girls'.
USA data shows that the boys rank behind girls in almost all areas of schooling.They earn lower(63)grades(grade) overall in primary school and high school.They are behind girls in reading and writing,and 30percent of (64)them are in bottom quarter of standardized tests,(65)compared(compare) with 19percent of girls.
Although the causes of the"boy crisis"are not (66)fully(full) understood,some experts believed that the same-sex classrooms and schools may help solve the problem.The idea is (67)to remove(remove) some of the distractions(分心) caused by the opposite sex,in order to improve students'concentration and hopefully their grades.The first Chinese school to experiment with this idea (68)is(be) the Shanghai No.8Middle School,(69)which began"boys-only"classes in September,2012.Although it is too early to tell if the reform has made a difference,its supporters argue that the results are(70)promising( promise).

分析 本段文字讲述了教育中存在的一个现状----男生的表现无论在学习上还是在日常行为方面都不如女生,这个所谓的"男生危机"让教育者和家长都很担心.美国有数据

解答 61.to;考查固定搭配,在这里to 是介词,后面跟名词或名词性短语,refer to意为"参考,涉及,指的是".
66.fully;考查副词,这里需要修饰的是动词 understood,所以要用副词形式fully.
67.to remove;考查不定式,根据句意,空格处用不定式作表语表示目的.
68.is; 考查主谓一致,句子的主语是The first Chinese school,所以动词be要用单数形式.
69.which;考查关系代词,这里用关系代词which指代前面的 the Shanghai No.8Middle School.

点评 首先要通读全文,了解大意,抓住上下文语境所提供的信息,仔细分析带空格的句子,明确空格所要填的词义,词型和短语搭配给出所要填的正确形式,然后整体阅读短文,核对答案.

7.If you're thinking about reaching for another biscuit to get you through the working day,think again.Eating unhealthy snacks at your desk makes you pile on almost half a stone a year,a survey has revealed.The waistlines of women suffer the most,with the average female putting on 6lb 3oz-the equivalent of a whole dress size-while men see their weight increase by 5lb 2oz.
The report into our eating habits found that,on average,we eat at least two snacks a day,with 30 per cent of us tucking into three or more.Women admit eating more than men,with a further 13 per cent of ladies scoffing four or more snacks a day.The research,by The Village Bakery,found biscuits are the most common vice,with 42 per cent regularly opening a pack,closely followed by chocolate (38 per cent),crisps (32 per cent) and cakes (13 per cent).
And office workers are worse than most.Cakes and biscuits brought into work by colleagues are one of the main temptations office staff give in to.In addition,33 per cent admit reaching for nibbles to cope with stress and 22 per cent say they need a sugar rush to perk them up in the afternoon.
Simon Staddon,of The Village Bakery,said:"We were aware time-poor office workers can find it difficult to easily access a nutritional lunch.But we were really shocked by the extent to which‘quick fix'lunches are affecting weight gain and general wellbeing.Popular mid-afternoon pick-me-ups such biscuits,chocolate and cakes are high in calories,fat and full of sugar,all of which affect your blood sugar levels and ultimately lead to weight gain."
The survey of 2,000 British men and women suggests we are often ashamed of our unhealthy eating.Twenty-four per cent of Britons admit lying about how many snacks they eat with 33 per cent of women lying,compared to 20 per cent of men.Unfortunately,it's not as if we are likely to do anything positive to counteract the sweet treats.

61.According to the passage,women usually put weight on firstD
A.on the face       
B.on the legs         
C.on the feet     
D.in the middle
62.What's the main reason of eating snacks in office?C
A.Colleagues eat them to save money.
B.Staff use them to cope with their lunch.
C.Colleagues often bring them to office.
D.Bosses invite staff to eat them.
63.Why do office workers eat a"quick fix"lunch?D
A.Because it has much of nutrition.
B.Because it has little effect on weight gain.
C.Because it has little effect on general wellbeing.
D.Because they have short time to have their lunches.
64.It can be inferred that British women areB.
A.less likely to lie on snacks than men       
B.more likely to lie on snacks than men
C.more ashamed of eating snacks than men      
D.less ashamed of eating snacks than men
65.What does the underlined word possibly mean?A
A.act against       
B.appeal to           
C.cope with       
D.get in.
14.Last week the American Medical Association voted,for the first time,to declare obesity(肥胖) a disease.How should the rest of us respond?When we meet obese people,should we cast them a knowing glance of concern and ask how they are doing?Should we send flowers and"get well soon"cards to obese family members and friends?
Should the U.S.declare war on obesity,as we once did on cancer?
If obesity truly is a disease,then over 78 million adults and 12 million children in America just got classified as sick.Yet many sensible people know that declaring obesity a disease is a mistake.Simply put,obesity is not a disease.To be sure,it is a risk factor for some diseases.
Yet everyone who is obese does not get sick,and many normal-weight people do not stay healthy.I have known slim people who took good care of themselves throughout their lives yet fell ill and died young.Others who exhibited no particular interest in their health and did not watch their weight lived to an old age.In most cases,we simply cannot tell from a person's weight what lies ahead for them in life.Consider Winston Churchill.Though average in height,Churchill weighed up to 250 pounds.He smoked cigars and drank relatively heavily.He did not work out.Yet he became perhaps the most important statesmen of the 20th century and one of the greatest politicians in history.He lived to age 90.
Is obesity bad for people?For some,especially patients who are extremely overweight,the answer is almost certainly yes.Would many overweight people benefit from exercising more and eating less?Again,the answer is likely yes.But this does not make obesity a disease.Many people are not harmed by carrying extra pounds,some may actually benefit from it.For these reasons,we should be careful before labeling obese people diseased.
25.What can we learn from the third paragraph?A
A.Over 90 million Americans are more or less overweight.
B.People with good sense would agree with the declaration.
C.More Americans suffer from obesity than any other diseases.
D.Obesity is the leading cause of most deadly diseases.
26.By mentioning Winston Churchill,the author wants toC.
A.tell us slim people are more likely to die young
B.show how successful an overweight person can be
C.prove overweight people are not necessarily unhealthy
D.encourage people not to care much about their way of living
27.What is the author's attitude towards the American Medical Association's    declaration on obesity?C
A.Favorable            B.Uncaring    C.Disapproving     D.Friendly
28.Where can we probably find the text?B
A.A government report             
B.A popular science magazine  
C.A website about losing weight       
D.A book about famous people.
2.A new study surprised researchers,finding that for adolescent girls,romantic relationship problems can have serious,negative impacts on their mental health.
"I found that girls'risk of severe depression,thoughts of killing themselves,and self-killing attempt increase,the more their relationships diverge (偏离) from what they imagined,"said the study's author Brian Soller,Ph.D.,an assistant professor of sociology at the University of New Mexico.
Soller used data from more than 5,300high school students from the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health.From this data he examined the mental health consequences of mismatches between adolescents'ideal and actual relationships.
Soller measured relationship inauthenticity by comparing how adolescents described their ideal relationship in an initial interview with how their first relationship after the interview actually played out.
"In the initial interview,researchers provided adolescents with a number of cards describing events that often occur within relationships,including everything from hand-holding and kissing to sex,"Soller said.
Respondents kept cards describing events they would engage in within an ideal relationship,and then indicated the order in which the events would occur.
Roughly a year later,the respondents repeated the exercise,only this time they indicated which events took place within their relationship,and then provided the order in which the events happened.
During both interviews,researchers asked participants about their mental health.
As for why relationship inauthenticity increased the risk of mental health problems for girls,but not for boys,Soller said,"Romantic relationships are particularly important components of girls'identities and are,therefore,strongly related to how they feel about themselves-good or bad.
"As a result,relationships that diverge from what girls imagine for themselves are especially damaging to their emotional well-being."
On the other hand,Soller said relationships are not as important to boys'identities.
"Boys may be more likely to build their identities around sports or other after-class activities,so this could be why they are not affected by relationship inauthenticity,"he said.
In terms of the study's policy implications,Soller said parents,educators,and policymakers should think about how to help girls construct identities that are less closely tied to romantic involvement.
"Helping girls build their identities around things other than romantic relationships may  mitigate the effects of relationship inauthenticity on their mental health,"he said.

59.From the text,we can know thatC.
A.the mental health results of teens'ideal relationship matches actual relationship
B.in the first interview,teens are asked to state their actual relationship
C.thousands of senior school students serve as subjects
D.half a year later,the subjects are required to describe their mental problem again
60.Soller may agree thatC.
A.romantic relationship plays as important a part in girls'life as in boys'life
B.romantic relationship prevents girls from participating in various activities
C.romantic relationship problems can damage teen girls'mental health
D.romantic relationship is strongly related to how boys feel about themselves
61.The underlined word"mitigate"can be replaced byA.
A.ease                          B.increase
C.protect                        D.prohibit
62.What is the author's purpose in writing this text?B
A.To persuade.B.To inform.
C.To entertain.D.To educate.

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