
When looking at Western Europe, we don’t usually think about poverty—but in fact, some people in modern-day Britain are so hard up that they can’t afford to buy food.

Back in 2008, the financial crisis caused a lot of unemployment. Then there were the cuts to the welfare system in 2013 which added to the problem—and many British people fell into debt. It’s estimated that 500,000 people in the UK have turned to food banks, just to get by.

Steph Hagen, who works in a Nottingham food bank, says:“People do not go to a food bank because it's an open door. It’s a case where they go to it because they need to. With our food bank—we are an independent one, and we have limited stocks—everyone who comes through our door has no income.”

There are checks to make sure nobody is abusing the system. If a doctor or a social worker thinks someone needs to use a food bank—even for a short time—they can give them vouchers(凭证). Then the people in need take them along to the food bank and they get handouts for three days.

Churches and individual donors provide most of the food in the banks. But some businesses might help out too.

And what sort of food is offered in food banks? Hagen says:“Basically, we’ve got porridge. We do occasionally get fresh produce but it’s very rare, especially in the winter months. It’s like tinned fruit, tinned ready meals. We have to give out‘no-cooking’food parcels because people can’t afford the gas and electricity”.

Community spirit has a lot to do with food banks. Volunteers say they are a great meeting place for people who are lonely and depressed. And when facing a crisis, some beneficiaries might need to feed not only their belly—but also their soul.

1.According to the text, the food bank is a place ________.

A.which is funded by the government

B.where people can get food randomly

C.which helps poor people live through crisis

D.where there is enough food supplies

2.What does the underlined word“them”in Paragraph 4 refer to?

A.Systems. B.Doctors.

C.Social workers. D.Vouchers.

3.Why do food banks mainly offer“no-cooking”food?

A.Poor people have no money for gas and electricity.

B.The volunteers hate to supply cooked food.

C.Food banks can’t afford cooked food.

D.This kind of food is easy to store.

4.What can we learn from the last paragraph?

A.Community spirit can cure those who are depressed.

B.Food banks benefit poor people mind and body.

C.People can have great fun in food banks.

D.Volunteers tend to feel lonely and depressed in food banks.



In 1930, a young African American, Vivien T. Thomas, a professional carpenter, was hired as a lab assistant by a famous white doctor named Dr. Alfred Blalock. Although he _________went to college, he had an enormous _________to learn and explore the power of knowledge. Whenever Dr. Blalock left his office, young Thomas used to _________ study the medical books on the shelves of the office.

Thomas _________ a great interest in learning more and more about _________ when he started to assist Blalock during his practice of surgeries on dogs. _________ Dr. Blalock understood Thomas’s ability to help him perform a complicated surgery; he still did not _________ Thomas as a smart person because of the social _________ of prejudice towards African Americans.

Dr. Blalock wanted to _________ to believe that Thomas was just a (n) _________ by profession and a lab assistant. Employees, white or black, at the hospital could not _________ that an African American, Thomas, could run the lab. He was the _________ and thus a history maker.

In those days, the society expected that black people were _________to be janitors (管理员). Despite this reality, Thomas’ cleverness, perseverance, and passion had _________ a need in Dr. Blalock’s mind. Thomas ran John Hopkins Hospital’s surgical (外科的) lab _________ Dr. Blalock. At the time, all other _________ employees in the hospital were janitors. Dr. Blalock and Thomas became a _________ and conducted a joint research that _________ the first heart surgery performed at John Hopkins University Hospital in 1941.

Many years later, Thomas’s contribution was _________ and he was eventually awarded an honorary doctorate, for his creative work in the _________ procedures of modern cardiac(心脏病的) surgery. As he became Dr. Thomas, he also inspired and lifted the confidence of the future generation. He used his knowledge for the betterment of humankind.

1.A. alwaysB. oftenC. occasionallyD. never

2.A. chanceB. desireC. incomeD. success

3.A. secretlyB. publiclyC. nervouslyD. proudly

4.A. discoveredB. avoidedC. developedD. protected

5.A. literatureB. medicineC. politicsD. history

6.A. WhileB. WhenC. AsD. Because

7.A. praiseB. rewardC. criticizeD. accept

8.A. benefitB. positionC. pressureD. revolution

9.A. agreeB. continueC. regretD. remember

10.A. carpenterB. professorC. engineerD. scientist

11.A. promiseB. argueC. explainD. understand

12.A. nextB. lastC. firstD. same

13.A. hardlyB. merelyC. luckilyD. mostly

14.A. createdB. searchedC. builtD. missed

15.A. overB. aboveC. withoutD. under

16.A. commonB. nobleC. blackD. poor

17.A. unitB. teamC. familyD. system

18.A. led toB. resulted from

C. accounted forD. gave up

19.A. changedB. followedC. exhibitedD. recognized

20.A. pioneeringB. surprisingC. interestingD. worrying


Albert Einstein was a German-born theoretical physicist. It's universally known that he was the ______ of the Nobel Prize in Physics. He is best known for his ______ 0f relativity, which holds that measurements of space and time ______ according to conditions such as the state of motion of the observer.

When he was a(n) ______, Einstein was fat and his head was so big that his mother ______ it was damaged. And he was ______ in learning how to speak. So his parents led him to ______ a doctor.

He had contempt(轻视) toward authority, which led one ______ to say that he would never amount to much. But when asked about this later, the headmaster denied that he had ever said so. But this qualities helped to make him a(n) ______. His contempt for authority led him to ______ conventional wisdom. His slow ______ development made him curious about ordinary things, such as ______ and time which most adults took for granted. And he ______ to think in pictures rather than words which gave him great help to his achievements.

In 1905, Einstein ______ and got his college certificate, but didn't get an academic job. Therefore, he was ______ very hard six days a week as a third-class examiner in the Swiss patent (专利) office. During his free time, he produced four papers that upended ______. The first showed that light could be ______ as waves, just as what our textbooks tell us today called optical wave. The second proved the ______ 0f atoms and molecules. As we all know now, all the substance is made up of them. The third, the special theory of relativity, said that there was no such things as time or space. And the fourth noted equivalence (等值) between energy and mass. That is to say, there is a ______ between energy and mass.

Genius are ______, but not born. If one wants to amount to much, hardworking is the basis.

1.A. holder B. creator C. winner D. maker

2.A. idea B. improvement C. experiment D. theory

3.A. vary B. un-change C. move D. speed

4.A. adult B. child C. baby D. elder

5.A. feared B. hoped C. thought D. realized

6.A. fast B. slow C. clever D. normal

7.A. consult B. examine C. see D. watch

8.A. authority B. mother C. scientist D. headmaster

9.A. official B. headmaster C. genius D. astronomer

10.A. agree B. question C. criticize D. praise

11.A. behavioral B. verbal C. mental D. physical

12.A. speed B. space C. energy D. effect

13.A. wanted B. stopped C. began D. tended

14.A. accessed B. decided C. graduated D. progressed

15.A. working B. studying C. researching D. living

16.A. Chemistry B. Physics C. Biology D. Geography

17.A. made B. monitored C. gathered D. imagined

18.A. existence B. movement C. formation D. variety

19.A. change B. balance C. loss D. increase

20.A. produced B. created C. encouraged D. made

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